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New report on climate change released today

The planet has enough resources to last for centuries, by which time alternatives will be discovered or extraterrestrial mining will become possible. Science does not stand still, but is an ever evolving venture that will have all the answers some day in the not too distant future.

There are already some alternatives today, but atm the cost is prohibitive.

Assuming there are tons of resources doesn't make it so.

There is an estimated another 1000 years of known coal reserves throughout the planet using it at the present rate of consumption. Also Uranium reserves which is a clean power source are also almost an infinite supply.

You said "resources", you're listing a couple that we have enough of as proof.

I do agree we have enough coal (although the environmental cost of using it all would be bad!) and uranium. That doesn't mean there are enough of all resources.
So perhaps I should've said enough resources of fossil fuels to last well into the coming centuries, by which time, providing we don't self destruct beforehand, remember that extinction is a rule of nature not an exception. Homo Sapiens has got one advantage no other extinct species had though. And that advantage is his seemingly almost god like intelligence that may save her.

But despite the alarmists activists and quackery of GW/CC, it won't be the cause of her demise so much as some other catastrophe like a new ice age, a direct hit from a 20 mile wide asteroid, loony islamists getting nukes or whatever, or perhaps even the sun suddenly becoming unstable and frying us all. But one thing is sure, it won't be because of some clowns on tax payer salaries in organisations like the UN run IPCC predictions. That is simply not happening.
So perhaps I should've said enough resources of fossil fuels to last well into the coming centuries, by which time, providing we don't self destruct beforehand, remember that extinction is a rule of nature not an exception. Homo Sapiens has got one advantage no other extinct species had though. And that advantage is his seemingly almost god like intelligence that may save her.

But despite the alarmists activists and quackery of GW/CC, it won't be the cause of her demise so much as some other catastrophe like a new ice age, a direct hit from a 20 mile wide asteroid, loony islamists getting nukes or whatever, or perhaps even the sun suddenly becoming unstable and frying us all. But one thing is sure, it won't be because of some clowns on tax payer salaries in organisations like the UN run IPCC predictions. That is simply not happening.

Sticking your head in the sand won't make the problem go away.
There is no problem, never has been a problem, never will be a problem. Not a human caused climate catastrophe problem at least. The climate keeps changing as it's always done since the Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

The human cause is the biggest hoax of all time. Much bigger than the 1999 hoax of the world shutting down because of total computer shutdowns at midnight on 31st of December 1999!

There is no problem, never has been a problem, never will be a problem. Not a human caused climate catastrophe problem at least. The climate keeps changing as it's always done since the Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

The human cause is the biggest hoax of all time. Much bigger than the 1999 hoax of the world shutting down because of total computer shutdowns at midnight on 31st of December 1999!


Sticking your head in the sand won't make the problem go away.

As for Y2K--it never would have been the catastrophe that many reporters made it out to be (always figure the reporters are more sensationalistic than the truth) but it had the potential to be quite a mess. The reason it wasn't is an awful lot of us programmers spent an awful lot of time fixing the code before things fell over too badly. (And, yes, there were things far worse than auto registrations for horseless carriages. Things that had to deal with future dates caused some doozies in the late 90's.)
There is no problem, never has been a problem, never will be a problem. Not a human caused climate catastrophe problem at least. The climate keeps changing as it's always done since the Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

The human cause is the biggest hoax of all time. Much bigger than the 1999 hoax of the world shutting down because of total computer shutdowns at midnight on 31st of December 1999!


Sticking your head in the sand won't make the problem go away.

As for Y2K--it never would have been the catastrophe that many reporters made it out to be (always figure the reporters are more sensationalistic than the truth) but it had the potential to be quite a mess. The reason it wasn't is an awful lot of us programmers spent an awful lot of time fixing the code before things fell over too badly. (And, yes, there were things far worse than auto registrations for horseless carriages. Things that had to deal with future dates caused some doozies in the late 90's.)

Well it's the firefighting scam that's the absolute worst. These guys get paid to laze around the firehouse all day, with TV and gym equipment provided, and a nice red truck to hoon around in. They don't even have to obey speed limits or traffic lights.

And they do nothing. I am absolutely certain that I would have woken up on my own, and the fire would probably have gone out eventually anyway. I have never met a single person that they have supposedly 'saved' who actually burned to death. The only dead people are the ones they 'couldn't save', so they must be scamming us.
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.
The other difference is that the rate of change is VASTLY greater than at any time since before humans evolved. That's not a trivial matter, because adapting to gradual change is a very different thing from adapting to rapid change.
If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

But almost perfectly encapsulates the conservative mindset - "If something was a feature of our past, then it is a thing that we should welcome and continue today".

It's the 'My father used to beat me daily, and I turned out just fine' form of argument. No, you turned out to be a psychopathic areshole who rationalises assaulting his children. That's not 'just fine'.
...the rate of change is VASTLY greater than at any time since before humans evolved.

Or any prior time for which there is evidence. The "climate change is normal" argument is crap, right on the face of it. So are illness and death, but very few climate change denying morons refrain from trying to mitigate illness or postpone death.
...the rate of change is VASTLY greater than at any time since before humans evolved.

Or any prior time for which there is evidence. The "climate change is normal" argument is crap, right on the face of it. So are illness and death, but very few climate change denying morons refrain from trying to mitigate illness or postpone death.

Yeah, anyone who says 'Temperature has always changed' seriously needs to take a look at this:

Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

That’s your logic and it is just plain imbecilic.

Catastrophic climate change really is a Rapture like cult. The alarmists want it to be real.
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

That’s your logic and it is just plain imbecilic.

Catastrophic climate change really is a Rapture like cult. The alarmists want it to be real.

Are you aware that even if what you are saying here were true, it would tell you nothing about whether catastrophic climate change is or is not a real threat?
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

That’s your logic and it is just plain imbecilic.

Catastrophic climate change really is a Rapture like cult. The alarmists want it to be real.

Not hardly Swizz, though I wish you were right. I appreciate the cogent response.
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

Am I really? Aren't I just being realistic? Besides, not one of you alarmists have posted one single piece of evidence proving your claim of human caused GW/CC, or one piece of evidence that a single event predicted by the activists has come to pass. In the New Testament words were put into the mouth of a disciple of Geesus asking him. Master, how will we know a false prophet? Jesus replied: "by his deeds you shall know him, by his failed prophecies also" [ or words to that effect] So far, all prophetic claims of doom by the false prophets have failed to eventuate.
That's all before the vast cost of these false prophets are taken into account.

...the rate of change is VASTLY greater than at any time since before humans evolved.

Or any prior time for which there is evidence. The "climate change is normal" argument is crap, right on the face of it. So are illness and death, but very few climate change denying morons refrain from trying to mitigate illness or postpone death.

Yeah, anyone who says 'Temperature has always changed' seriously needs to take a look at this:


Even if that graph is real/correct, where's the evidence that it's not a natural phenomena? Where's the hard evidence that it's not a natural interglacial period of Earth's history? In fact your graph plainly shows the slowly rising temperature of an interglacial period between ice ages.
Angelo is right that climate/environmental change has been the norm for billions of years. The difference is that today there are billions of people requiring enormous food and resources to survive.

If you talk about how wasteful war is some people get indignant because they have heroes in those wars or feel those wars were justly undertaken, and many were. But those conflicts happened because we didn't prevent them from happening, which would have been the better outcome. Only a complete imbecile would argue that wars are good things and normal simply because humans have been at war with each other forever.

So angelo's logic is just plain imbecilic.

Am I really? Aren't I just being realistic? Besides, not one of you alarmists have posted one single piece of evidence proving your claim of human caused GW/CC, or one piece of evidence that a single event predicted by the activists has come to pass. In the New Testament words were put into the mouth of a disciple of Geesus asking him. Master, how will we know a false prophet? Jesus replied: "by his deeds you shall know him, by his failed prophecies also" [ or words to that effect] So far, all prophetic claims of doom by the false prophets have failed to eventuate.
That's all before the vast cost of these false prophets are taken into account.


If you talk to flat earthers they say the same thing as you, that there has never been a single piece of evidence to prove that the earth is a sphere in space. You guys are an interesting bunch.
Charlatan Al Gore, out preaching the gospel;

Al Gore continued an environmental justice tour with a visit to poor areas of Alabama – and warned that already dire conditions are set to worsen because of climate change.

Teh Gruaniad

Al Gore admits US poverty 'shocking' – but warns climate crisis will make things worse

"Environmental justice tour" ?!! Yup, that's a religion.
Charlatan Al Gore, out preaching the gospel;

Al Gore continued an environmental justice tour with a visit to poor areas of Alabama – and warned that already dire conditions are set to worsen because of climate change.

Teh Gruaniad

Al Gore admits US poverty 'shocking' – but warns climate crisis will make things worse

"Environmental justice tour" ?!! Yup, that's a religion.

Glad to see that you continue to ignore the actual science on the issue.
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