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New report on climate change released today

Sorry, but we can't grow anything anywhere. Haven't you heard? There's not anywhere near enough CO2 in the atmosphere to have an effect on the planet. It's just a negligible trace gas. Therefore plants don't exist.

You can't argue with that kind of reasoning.
That's true both sarcastically and literally.
Here’s a better graph of CO2 and temperature for the last 600 million years! As noted, CO2 levels have historically been quite a bit higher than current levels Joe!
You might note that at 4400 ppm, the earths temperature was roughly the same as it is today! AND an ice age occurred while CO2 was over 4,000 ppm!

You have ignored the fact that I have repeatedly pointed out: When the sun wasn't as hot it took more CO2 to produce the same temperature.

Note that we do not have actual CO2 measurements back beyond the ice core data, the data you are looking at is a calculation based on current scientific theories.

Thus your argument, expressed in logical terms is A proves not-A. Why does your head not explode?

In the same vein of thought then. Why is the sun completely ignored as the main cause of any GW/CC/CD today? Again. Why is a harmless trace gas of one molecule per 100 demonised while the sun is treated as it's not even there?

We can measure the solar output. It's not responsible for what we see happening here. The increase is very slow until almost all the hydrogen in the core is gone. It's responsible for major changes over the millions and billions of years, it's not responsible for things on a human scale.

And I note no reply to my post showing trees on a local ridge line. If CO2 settles out what is it doing up there over 10,000'?
From the Friends of Science Society:

Friends of science says that the sun is the main driver of climate change. Maybe they can point out the data showing the changes in incoming solar radiation in the last 100 or so years. Maybe they can show too the balance of radiation at the top and bottom of the atmosphere.

Friends of Science smells like astroturf.

I'm the first to argue that you cannot blame any one weather event on climate change. But, you can look at the frequency of occurrence of certain types of weather events and see how those average out. That is an indicator of climate change.

There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.

Here are some more "friend of science" types.


Over 500 doctoral scientists have now signed a statement publicly expressing their skepticism about the contemporary theory of Darwinian evolution.
The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism statement reads: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
The list of 514 signatories includes member scientists from the prestigious US and Russian National Academy of Sciences. Signers include 154 biologists, the largest single scientific discipline represented on the list, as well as 76 chemists and 63 physicists. Signers hold doctorates in biological sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, computer science, and related disciplines. Many are professors or researchers at major universities and research institutions such as MIT, The Smithsonian, Cambridge University, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, the Ohio State University, the University of Georgia, and the University of Washington...

Abstract. ... In addition, this paper proves that the changes in
the low cloud cover fraction practically control the global temperature.

It turns out that the changes in the relative humidity and in the low cloud
cover depend on each other [4].

Their use of relative humidity here is on par with creationists insisting that evolution violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Relative humidity is dependent on temperature. You want to look at moisture in the atmosphere you look at dewpoint or total precipitable water in the air column, not just surface relative humidity.
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There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.


Wasn't it the Church that supported geocentricity? Even to the extent of torturing people when the belief came to be questioned....
There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.


Wasn't it the Church that supported geocentricity? Even to the extent of torturing people when the belief came to be questioned....

Galileo was placed under house arrest for daring to say the Earth moved around the sun. I read somewhere that under his breath when arrested, someone heard Galileo mutter: " and yet the Earth moves!" Or something similar.
There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.


Wasn't it the Church that supported geocentricity? Even to the extent of torturing people when the belief came to be questioned....

No as drastic today, but any scientist today who dares question human caused GW/CC/CD is labeled among the Holocaust deniers and almost impossible for him/her to get a uni post. Lomborg immediately comes to mind.
Truth is the First Casualty of Global Warming
Dec 18, 2018 BJØRN LOMBORG
The truth about climate change is nuanced: it is real, and in the long term it will be a problem, but its impact is less than we might believe. And yet we are too eager to believe the problem is far worse than science shows, and – conversely – that our solutions are far easier than reality dictates.

BRUSSELS – The latest global climate summit in Poland has generated familiar predictions of doom and disaster from environmental activists. Climate change seems to freeze our capacity for critical thinking: we are too eager to believe the problem is far worse than science shows, and – conversely – that our solutions are far easier than reality dictates.

Consider weather events: it is second nature now to link these to climate change. Whenever a flood hits, the media blames global warming and warns that floods are increasing. But the most authoritative conclusion by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that it is not even clear whether floods have increased or decreased globally over the past century.
Truth is the First Casualty of Global Warming
Dec 18, 2018 BJØRN LOMBORG
The truth about climate change is nuanced: it is real, and in the long term it will be a problem, but its impact is less than we might believe. And yet we are too eager to believe the problem is far worse than science shows, and – conversely – that our solutions are far easier than reality dictates.

BRUSSELS – The latest global climate summit in Poland has generated familiar predictions of doom and disaster from environmental activists. Climate change seems to freeze our capacity for critical thinking: we are too eager to believe the problem is far worse than science shows, and – conversely – that our solutions are far easier than reality dictates.

Consider weather events: it is second nature now to link these to climate change. Whenever a flood hits, the media blames global warming and warns that floods are increasing. But the most authoritative conclusion by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that it is not even clear whether floods have increased or decreased globally over the past century.
Bjorn Lomborg said:
Global warming is real – it is man-made and it is an important problem.
nteresting too, I googled the author's names and sputnik news was the second hit after forums.sherdog (whatever that is). Other hits on the first page of results are politicalhotwire, reddit-climateskeptics page, wattsup, ussanews... All hits are posts less than 24-hours old. Man, when the propagandist want to push something out... Shit, zerohedge is a top hit.

Sputnik news and zerohedge. That's some fine company. Maybe we can get RT and NaturalNews to join in with an GMO-Vaccine angle.

Amazing how fast this stuff spreads on the social media that is censored by the New World Order Bilderbergers Derp State Clinton Soros reptilians.

Another thing to note on how this paper spread and who picked it up and ran with it. This paper showed a strong warming trend but attributed it to "relative humidity". I noticed Anthony Watts of Wattsupwiththat spreading it. His big claim to fame in the "climate skepticism" game was that he stated that warming was fake. He claimed that bad surface stations with a warm bias were the primary cause of measured increases in average temperature. He held that warming had not and was not occurring but that stations that were biased by being too close to tarmac or HVAC units or by being in urban heat islands were being deliberately included without correction by the great global warming hoaxers. But then he waves this paper around too...
There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.


Wasn't it the Church that supported geocentricity? Even to the extent of torturing people when the belief came to be questioned....

Galileo was placed under house arrest for daring to say the Earth moved around the sun. I read somewhere that under his breath when arrested, someone heard Galileo mutter: " and yet the Earth moves!" Or something similar.

Galileo wasn't arguing against the prevailing scientific consensus of his day. He is generally acknowledged to be the father of the scientific method, he was literally the sum of the scientific consensus of the day.

He was arguing against accepting the Bible as the authority for the arrangement of the solar system, which by that time could be observed. He believed what you clearly don't believe, that we have to believe the evidence gained by observation and that we should base our actions on the evidence. Science doesn't produce truth, it presents facts based on the evidence discovered by hard work, work that the climate change skeptics are unwilling or unable to do.

The closest examples that we have today to what Galileo faced are the almost 175 year battle against evolution as an explanation for the large diversity of life that we see in the world and the explanation of the origins of the universe, the big bang. Both of these battles pit science against religion.

The climate change skeptics are less about religion than they seem to be pushback to a problem so large that only concerted efforts by governments can fix it. But these all have a common thread. Religion and the idea that anarchism, in the form of "the nine scariest words" or we don't need the government, are the providence of the social and political conservatives. Those who believe in preserving the status quo and believe that we should be mainly guided by traditional values, even the ones that violate evidence and logic.

These are among the rather impressive list of reasons why we must return to the days of ignoring conservatives as we did after the Great Depression, caused by laissez faire capitalism run amuck in the financial sector of our modern industrial economy, and World War II when we had to fight the ultimate expression of radical conservatism, fascism, which wanted to organize society along racial, militaristic and rabidly nationalistic lines.
There once existed a scientific consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it! Today 31.000 scientists world wide have signed a petition calling human caused GW/CC/CD a political rather than science based cult.

I have posted this link before, but please be my guest and have another look. There are some very notable people on that list.


Wasn't it the Church that supported geocentricity? Even to the extent of torturing people when the belief came to be questioned....

No as drastic today, but any scientist today who dares question human caused GW/CC/CD is labeled among the Holocaust deniers and almost impossible for him/her to get a uni post. Lomborg immediately comes to mind.

No, any scientist today who doubts the science without any evidence supporting the doubts is going to have trouble getting a university position. But they aren't going to have a problem landing a job in a conservative think tank.
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