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New report on climate change released today

It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.
They are actually evidence FOR global warming.
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.

Ignoring evidence should sadden everyone.
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.

Ignoring evidence should sadden everyone.

Agreed. You are saying this without a lack of irony, however. That's depressing.
The anointed one has arrived in New York and has spoken. She wants concrete plans dammit !!!11!!!

Unprecedented pressure exerted by young activists will push world leaders to address the unfolding climate crisis, even with a recalcitrant US under Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg has told the Guardian. She said: “It’s insane that a 16-year-old has to cross the Atlantic in order to take a stand, but that’s how it is. It feels like we are at a breaking point. Leaders know that more eyes on them, much more pressure is on them, that they have to do something, they have to come up with some sort of solution. I want a concrete plan, not just nice words.

Teh Grauniad

What's insane is the attention this goofy kid gets and that some world leaders actually give her the time of day. And at the same time it is hilarious this goofy looking kid with Asperger demands a "concrete plan, not just nice words.". Or else what Greta ? Hold your breath until you turn red and faint ? Scream and scream and scream until you make yourself sick ? Refuse to tidy your room ? Typical of Teh Grauniad, they never ask the hard questions.

Supporters chanted “welcome Greta” as the Swedish teenager stepped off the yacht, shook some outstretched hands and said that it felt like the ground was shaking beneath her feet.

It's a religion.
What's insane is the attention this goofy kid gets and that some world leaders actually give her the time of day. And at the same time it is hilarious this goofy looking kid with Asperger demands a "concrete plan, not just nice words.". Or else what Greta ? Hold your breath until you turn red and faint ? Scream and scream and scream until you make yourself sick ? Refuse to tidy your room ? Typical of Teh Grauniad, they never ask the hard questions.

Given the choice

1. to leave the world a better place when you die because you weren't a wholly selfish ass,


2. to leave the world a better place when you die because you died,

why are you electing Option 2?

It's a religion.
If that were true, if you have managed to identify a true religion, a life-enhancing one rather than a life-destroying one, then what'd be wrong about believing it?
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.

Ignoring evidence should sadden everyone.

Says the expert in ignoring evidence.
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.

Ignoring evidence should sadden everyone.

Says the expert in ignoring evidence.

Someone posted about record heatwave somewhere. I posted evidence in black and white about a record cold wave. Why should evidence that you agree with be allowed to stand while the record cold spell that fly's in the face of the warming cultist be ignored? I don't expect a straight honest reply!
It saddens me that angelo received such a poor education, that he doesn't realize that records that are recorded over a period of a month or a year are more substantial than single day events. That said, record low temps aren't evidence against global warming.

You're way behind the line ball. The moniker global warming has been superseded by new monikers like climate change and climate disruption as the GW just wasn't gabbing the attention, and many people completely ignore it because there's been no real warming. Bedsides. CC/CD can be used for just about every single weather and other events like cows farting etc. That way CO2 is the demon while water vapor, the main element to have any effect on climate, and the element mankind can do FA about is completely ignored.
Says the expert in ignoring evidence.

Someone posted about record heatwave somewhere. I posted evidence in black and white about a record cold wave. Why should evidence that you agree with be allowed to stand while the record cold spell that fly's in the face of the warming cultist be ignored? I don't expect a straight honest reply!
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.
Says the expert in ignoring evidence.

Someone posted about record heatwave somewhere. I posted evidence in black and white about a record cold wave. Why should evidence that you agree with be allowed to stand while the record cold spell that fly's in the face of the warming cultist be ignored? I don't expect a straight honest reply!
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

Well, I wish this warming would hurry up and get here in sunny Perth, as I'm f....g freezing on this second last day of Winter. Here's a poser of a question. If CO2 was the all consuming devil incarnate of climate, why can the temperature reach 28C maximum during the day, yet drop to a freezing 4C minimum during the night. What, CO2 can switch itself on and off? In more simpler words. If CO2 is the controlling element that traps the heat from the sun, where's this heat vanish too during the night!
Says the expert in ignoring evidence.

Someone posted about record heatwave somewhere. I posted evidence in black and white about a record cold wave. Why should evidence that you agree with be allowed to stand while the record cold spell that fly's in the face of the warming cultist be ignored? I don't expect a straight honest reply!
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

So's the hot air coming out you mouth!
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

Well, I wish this warming would hurry up and get here in sunny Perth, as I'm f....g freezing on this second last day of Winter. Here's a poser of a question. If CO2 was the all consuming devil incarnate of climate, why can the temperature reach 28C maximum during the day, yet drop to a freezing 4C minimum during the night. What, CO2 can switch itself on and off? In more simpler words. If CO2 is the controlling element that traps the heat from the sun, where's this heat vanish too during the night!
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

Well, I wish this warming would hurry up and get here in sunny Perth, as I'm f....g freezing on this second last day of Winter. Here's a poser of a question. If CO2 was the all consuming devil incarnate of climate, why can the temperature reach 28C maximum during the day, yet drop to a freezing 4C minimum during the night. What, CO2 can switch itself on and off? In more simpler words. If CO2 is the controlling element that traps the heat from the sun, where's this heat vanish too during the night!
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.

And - AGAIN - daily weather is not climate
Oh noes, Hajj is threatened by climate change !! Time for a eco-jihad !!

According to research published last week by US scientists, hajj is set to become a danger zone. As soon as next year, they say, summer days in Mecca could exceed the “extreme danger” heat-stress threshold. The environmental threat to the holy pilgrimage is a panic button for British Muslims like me, signaling that the climate crisis is endangering an age-old sacred rite.
Environmental stewardship may well be advocated by my faith – the Quran states that humans are appointed as “caretakers of the Earth” and the prophet Muhammad organised the planting of trees and created conservation areas called hima – but it hasn’t mobilised Muslims on a mass scale for what the world needs now: a global eco-jihad. Fazlun Khalid, founder of Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences and author of Signs on the Earth: Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis, has been on a green mission for over 35 years, but his biggest challenge has been to motivate Muslims.

The Grauniad

It's a bit silly when you consider how many muslims are crushed to death at this event than die of "climate change". And how do they get to Mecca from the UK ? Not by camel I wager.
Says the expert in ignoring evidence.

Someone posted about record heatwave somewhere. I posted evidence in black and white about a record cold wave. Why should evidence that you agree with be allowed to stand while the record cold spell that fly's in the face of the warming cultist be ignored? I don't expect a straight honest reply!

Individually, hottest days and coldest days records are irrelevant--the data is too noisy to mean anything in either direction. (Which is why that Alaska data is irrelevant.)

What is important is the ratio of hottest day records to coldest day records. That is telling.
The Next Great Extinction Event Will Not Be Global Warming – It Will Be Global Cooling

This is the limiting case of denying AGW. Not only is the catastrophe not about warming it is about cooling. Yes, the sky is falling, you just have its temperature wrong.

Forget all those falsehoods about scary global warming, deceptions contrived by wolves to stampede the sheep. The next great extinction event will not be global warming, it will be global cooling. Future extinction events are preponderantly cold: a glacial period, medium-size asteroid strike or supervolcano. Humanity barely survived the last glacial period that ended only 11,500 years ago, the blink-of–an-eye in geologic time.

Cold, not heat, is by far the greater killer of humanity. Today, cool and cold weather kills about 20 times as many people as warm and hot weather. Excess Winter Deaths, defined as more deaths in the four winter months than equivalent non-winter months, total over two million souls per year, in both cold and warm climates. Earth is colder-than-optimum for humanity, and currently-observed moderate global warming increases life spans.
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