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New report on climate change released today

The Next Great Extinction Event Will Not Be Global Warming – It Will Be Global Cooling

This is the limiting case of denying AGW. Not only is the catastrophe not about warming it is about cooling. Yes, the sky is falling, you just have its temperature wrong.

Forget all those falsehoods about scary global warming, deceptions contrived by wolves to stampede the sheep. The next great extinction event will not be global warming, it will be global cooling. Future extinction events are preponderantly cold: a glacial period, medium-size asteroid strike or supervolcano. Humanity barely survived the last glacial period that ended only 11,500 years ago, the blink-of–an-eye in geologic time.

Cold, not heat, is by far the greater killer of humanity. Today, cool and cold weather kills about 20 times as many people as warm and hot weather. Excess Winter Deaths, defined as more deaths in the four winter months than equivalent non-winter months, total over two million souls per year, in both cold and warm climates. Earth is colder-than-optimum for humanity, and currently-observed moderate global warming increases life spans.
That's retarded. Dying from cold is not extinction. Extinction is relatively slow decline of population due to the change in the environment.
Yes, next Ice age is unavoidable at present level of human ability to control the climate, but it's thousands of years away. Global warming is happening right now.
The Next Great Extinction Event Will Not Be Global Warming – It Will Be Global Cooling

This is the limiting case of denying AGW. Not only is the catastrophe not about warming it is about cooling. Yes, the sky is falling, you just have its temperature wrong.

Forget all those falsehoods about scary global warming, deceptions contrived by wolves to stampede the sheep. The next great extinction event will not be global warming, it will be global cooling. Future extinction events are preponderantly cold: a glacial period, medium-size asteroid strike or supervolcano. Humanity barely survived the last glacial period that ended only 11,500 years ago, the blink-of–an-eye in geologic time.

Cold, not heat, is by far the greater killer of humanity. Today, cool and cold weather kills about 20 times as many people as warm and hot weather. Excess Winter Deaths, defined as more deaths in the four winter months than equivalent non-winter months, total over two million souls per year, in both cold and warm climates. Earth is colder-than-optimum for humanity, and currently-observed moderate global warming increases life spans.
That's retarded. Dying from cold is not extinction. Extinction is relatively slow decline of population due to the change in the environment.
Yes, next Ice age is unavoidable at present level of human ability to control the climate, but it's thousands of years away. Global warming is happening right now.

Everything on wattsupwiththat.com is retarded bullshit. People might as well link to Answers in Genesis, Jihad Watch, or Natural News - if these sites say something true, it's a rare error on their part.

The only thing wattsupwithtthat.com is good for is as a meams for the utterly clueless to identify themselves as incompetent to assess the (lack of) value of the shit they stumble across online.

That argument is exactly as smart, perceptive, and compelling as the argument that brake failure is a good thing because it means you will get home earlier.
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.

And - AGAIN - daily weather is not climate

I know that, perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.

And - AGAIN - daily weather is not climate

I know that, perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!

I hope you have your ticket to the Bahamas. The people on Abaco Island (if there are any left) will be really excited to learn how normal their weather has been.
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.

And - AGAIN - daily weather is not climate

I know that, perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!

You obviously don’t understand that because of your incredibly misinformed posts.
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

Well, I wish this warming would hurry up and get here in sunny Perth, as I'm f....g freezing on this second last day of Winter. Here's a poser of a question. If CO2 was the all consuming devil incarnate of climate, why can the temperature reach 28C maximum during the day, yet drop to a freezing 4C minimum during the night. What, CO2 can switch itself on and off? In more simpler words. If CO2 is the controlling element that traps the heat from the sun, where's this heat vanish too during the night!

I don't remember Perth, I have only been there once decades ago to attend a wedding, but almost anywhere I have been except for above the Arctic Circle in the summer, the sun sets at night and doesn't heat the atmosphere. Are you saying that the sun doesn't set on Perth or are you saying that you didn't know that the sun doesn't heat the atmosphere at night?
I know that, perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!

I hope you have your ticket to the Bahamas. The people on Abaco Island (if there are any left) will be really excited to learn how normal their weather has been.
If you look at Cat 5 history, there are instances of clumps of them, this isn’t unprecedented.
I know that, perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!

I hope you have your ticket to the Bahamas. The people on Abaco Island (if there are any left) will be really excited to learn how normal their weather has been.

All those low lying atolls were supposed to have been inundated by rising seawater over a decade ago, when in fact some of them have actually increased in size!
Both are evidence of global warming. This is a straight and honest reply.

Well, I wish this warming would hurry up and get here in sunny Perth, as I'm f....g freezing on this second last day of Winter. Here's a poser of a question. If CO2 was the all consuming devil incarnate of climate, why can the temperature reach 28C maximum during the day, yet drop to a freezing 4C minimum during the night. What, CO2 can switch itself on and off? In more simpler words. If CO2 is the controlling element that traps the heat from the sun, where's this heat vanish too during the night!

I don't remember Perth, I have only been there once decades ago to attend a wedding, but almost anywhere I have been except for above the Arctic Circle in the summer, the sun sets at night and doesn't heat the atmosphere. Are you saying that the sun doesn't set on Perth or are you saying that you didn't know that the sun doesn't heat the atmosphere at night?

CO2 is supposed to trap the sun's heat, day or night shouldn't make a day reach say, 30C max and during the night get to a freezing -2C as is predicted to do tonight in low laying areas of Perth and surrounds. Unless someone switches off the CO2 button allowing heat to escape during these cold late Winter nights.
You and your stupid Perth again. CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas too and what you described is usual situation in arid places like deserts. And trust me, desert climate is preferable to humid one, for humans that is.

And - AGAIN - daily weather is not climate

I know that perhaps you know that too. [ although I doubt it] So tell that to the alarmists who blame every single unusual but perfectly normal weather event on GW/CC/CD!

Yes, there are people who overstate the problems from climate change or global warming. It is not a threat to the planet. The planet will easily adapt to it, as it has many times before. The problem is that the inhabitants of the planet are not very adaptable, including humans.

Climate change is not responsible for specific weather events. It is nothing but an increase in the amount of solar energy trapped in the atmosphere. It will increase the number of hurricanes for example, but only because more tropical storms will use the extra energy to upgrade to hurricane status. More tropical depressions will become tropical storms. The storms that are formed will be stronger. But the number of tropical depressions will be the same.

The extra energy will heat the oceans and increase the amount of moisture in the air. This is why the small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has such an outsized impact on the amount of the sun's energy absorbed into the atmosphere. Water vapor is also a greenhouse gas. The extra CO2 increases the amount of water vapor that increases the amount of energy trapped that in turn increases the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. It cascades, the process is open-ended on the time scale that we live in. It is only on the long-term, geological scale that the planet compensates and restores a balance, by trapping the CO2 in sedimentary rock on the bottom of the ocean.

There is a more serious problem we have to face in the CO2-water vapor heat cascading cycle. There is much more methane trapped on the ocean floor and the permafrost than in all of the oil and natural gas shales in our wells. The methane is trapped frozen by a combination of low temperature and high pressure or by very low temperature alone in methane hydrate nodules. As the atmosphere and the oceans heat up the methane will be released also. Methane is also a greenhouse gas, but on steroids, it traps 21 times more energy than a like amount of CO2. This is also why our appetite for beef also accelerates global warming. Cattle farts contain a lot of methane.

Climate change and the extra energy and moisture in the atmosphere is why the ice is melting in the arctic and in the antarctic. It is also the reason that snowfalls have increased. This explains the seeming contradiction that the snowfall in Antarctica has increased but it is still losing ice to melting, because of much of the ice, especially in the west, in the Thwaite glacier, is melting from below where the land has subsided under the weight of the ice to where it's below the sea level. The warm water melts the ice faster than the increased snowfall can build it up. This is also why around the world some glaciers are still growing while the vast majority of glaciers are shrinking.

The Thwaite Glacier alone contains enough water to raise the sea levels by 4m if it all melts. It is certain that this will happen if we keep burning hydrocarbons. But how long it takes to melt it is unknown because there is the chance the land will rebound to above the sea level as the ice melts and the weight is removed off of the land, dramatically lowering the rate of the melting. This is just one example of why it is so hard to make definitive predictions about the timing of the effects due to climate change.
I don't remember Perth, I have only been there once decades ago to attend a wedding, but almost anywhere I have been except for above the Arctic Circle in the summer, the sun sets at night and doesn't heat the atmosphere. Are you saying that the sun doesn't set on Perth or are you saying that you didn't know that the sun doesn't heat the atmosphere at night?

CO2 is supposed to trap the sun's heat, day or night shouldn't make a day reach say, 30C max and during the night get to a freezing -2C as is predicted to do tonight in low laying areas of Perth and surrounds. Unless someone switches off the CO2 button allowing heat to escape during these cold late Winter nights.

You have answered my question.

No, the sun goes down at night and can't heat the atmosphere. It is why no one sunbaths at night, the sun by definition isn't out.

I was possibly too subtle in my post.
Actually, the night time temperature averages are getting hotter faster than daytime temperatures.

Since carbon duoxide is an insulator than makes sense.

If it was from solar output then it be hotter (above historical average) in the day than the night since heat would be bleeding out easily.
How can this guy be right if global warming is happening? Using the heuristic measure of degree-days he shows a cooling trend. He is a big fan of sun cycles. (We may have just seen the last sunspot of cycle 24 today.) Cycle 25 (coming soon to a sun near you) is predicted to be even cooler at its peak than 24. Time will tell, of course, if CO2 can override the natural cooling enough to lead to long-term warming.
How can this guy be right if global warming is happening? Using the heuristic measure of degree-days he shows a cooling trend. He is a big fan of sun cycles. (We may have just seen the last sunspot of cycle 24 today.) Cycle 25 (coming soon to a sun near you) is predicted to be even cooler at its peak than 24. Time will tell, of course, if CO2 can override the natural cooling enough to lead to long-term warming.

He isn't right.

He makes the tired old error of believing that "the USA" and "the world" are synonymous.

Global warming is a global phenomenon. The clue is in the name.

And solar cycles are well understood, have been examined in detail for their effects on global temperatures, and shown not to account for the observed variation unless and until you add a very large correction to account for the effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.

YouTube is an utterly shit source of information on any topic; It's popularity, like that of religion, stems from its ability to support any argument, no matter how stupid, inaccurate, or immoral.

The only value YouTube has is as an indicator of who is utterly mired in confirmation bias - people who are interested in reality don't use YouTube (or the Bible, or Quran) as supporting evidence for their arguments.
Global warming is a lie. The sun cycle is lower than normal which why the average global temp is increasing.

CO2 is supposed to trap the sun's heat, day or night shouldn't make a day reach say, 30C max and during the night get to a freezing -2C as is predicted to do tonight in low laying areas of Perth and surrounds. Unless someone switches off the CO2 button allowing heat to escape during these cold late Winter nights.

Once again you show your utter ignorance of what's going on.

The CO2 blocks infrared in both directions. The problem is that it's sunlight coming down, infrared going back up.
This has been discussed and ignored before.

But human caused GW/CC/CD could possibly be insignificant as compared to volcanic, both erupting and non erupting volcanoes according to this research. Link.............https://climatechangedispatch.com/massive-volcano-emissions-warming/

Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory
Recent research shows that the volume of volcanic CO2 currently being emitted into Earth’s atmosphere is far greater than previously calculated, challenging the validity of the man-made global warming theory.
This has been discussed and ignored before.

But human caused GW/CC/CD could possibly be insignificant as compared to volcanic, both erupting and non erupting volcanoes according to this research. Link.............https://climatechangedispatch.com/massive-volcano-emissions-warming/

Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory
Recent research shows that the volume of volcanic CO2 currently being emitted into Earth’s atmosphere is far greater than previously calculated, challenging the validity of the man-made global warming theory.

Your link is utter drivel. It says several times that the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by volcanoes is unknown, and makes a broad "argument from ignorance" fallacy claim that it therefore might be more significant than human emissions.

But as the best estimates say humans emit between thirty and a hundred times as much carbon dioxide as volcanoes, this is utterly nuts.

It's like saying that because my car's speedometer is broken, it's possible that it has exceeded the speed of sound. Well, no, it fucking isn't.

This kind of laughable shit is the reason why, when you want to "discuss" this horseshit, it gets ignored - nobody who isn't a moron finds it even raises to the level of being an interesting notion, much less a serious discussion point.

Seriously, leave the science to the people who have worked out that crayons aren't for human consumption.
Amazing. I click on reference after reference and find I get data until I click on crucial evidence to argument and get "hey nobody lives here"

To wit:
This major problem with the AGW principle has been rationalized away by consensus climate scientists who insist, based supposedly reliable research, that volcanic emissions are minuscule in comparison to human-induced CO2 emissions (Gerlach 1991).

Thanks bilby.
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