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New report on climate change released today

I don't have time to look this up now, but the Arctic (nearly the entire region) has at times in past few years been well above (i mean at least 5-10 Celsius) average.

Scary stuff. If the soil carbon gets released...
[According to] Antonio Gasparrini of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

The study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold, while 311,000 were related to heat.

Because the study included countries under different socio-economic backgrounds and with varying climates, it was representative of temperature-related deaths worldwide, the study said. The sharp distinction between heat- and cold-related deaths is because low temperatures cause more problems for the body's cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it added.

Warming would not be catastrophic even if it were occurring.

The biggest threat of warming is to food production.

Food production and crops have never been higher as today! In fact it's a well known fact that any warming actually increases crop yields.
There's not a shred of evidence, not one anywhere on the planet that GW/CC/CD is causing a decline in life expectancy, or is it ever likely to!

But you simply asserted a higher life expectancy, you didn't put any conditions on it.

Life expectancy has increased due to science and modern agriculture and use of safe pesticides that yield record crops. But none of that helps someone who is determined to take her/his own life.
I think that I found a climate change disinformation youtube channel* that makes the same "the climate is always changing" argument that we have had made here. It is by a man named Bill Whittle.

* probably not a Russian disinformation video, although it is hard to tell which disinformation videos are planted by the Russians and the normal conspiracy ones made by patriotic American conservatives!

His arguments and more are answered here.

If you want to see why so many people can be manipulated into believing such counter-intuitive things as these we have been presented within this thread try this TED talk which came up second in my search for answering Bill Whittle!

The biggest threat of warming is to food production.

Food production and crops have never been higher as today! In fact it's a well known fact that any warming actually increases crop yields.

Depends on the crop.

However, there's also the problem that it moves crops from areas with good farmland to areas with bad farmland--and farmland is not something that comes out of a factory.

While we have kept ahead of demand so far that doesn't mean we will continue to do so.
The biggest threat of warming is to food production.

Food production and crops have never been higher as today! In fact it's a well known fact that any warming actually increases crop yields.

Depends on the crop.

However, there's also the problem that it moves crops from areas with good farmland to areas with bad farmland--and farmland is not something that comes out of a factory.

While we have kept ahead of demand so far that doesn't mean we will continue to do so.

It's a well known fact that nine out of ten 'well known facts' are in fact myths. (If you want to know which is the tenth, please re-read this post).
This is the Motte and Bailey fallacy.

You made a claim. When challenged on its accuracy, you retreated to a different (defensible) claim, rather than admit defeat.

The claim you made was:

... and the appropriate response from an honest person when shown that this is false would be to admit that you were wrong.

Instead you shifted to the different (and less easily disproven) claim that there's no evidence that the decline in life expectancy has climate change as a cause.

That might impress the foolish partisan mouth-breathers on denialist websites, but around here it just makes you look shifty, unreliable and untrustworthy. If you refuse to acknowledge, admit, and (most importantly) discard those claims that are demonstrated to be false, then why would anyone take seriously any future claims you make?

... philosopher Nicholas Shackel coined the term “motte-and-bailey” to describe the rhetorical strategy in which a debater retreats to an uncontroversial claim when challenged on a controversial one. The structure goes something like this:

First, someone makes a controversial statement from what blogger Ash Navabi calls the “courtyard of ideas.” Then when that statement, the bailey, is attacked, the speaker retreats to the motte, the place of “strict terms and/or rigorous reasoning”—falsely claiming that she was just making an obvious, uncontroversial point, one that could not possibly be challenged by any right-minded individual. Finally, when the argument has ended, she will go back to making those same controversial statements—the argumentative bailey, having successfully fended off all attackers. The point is to defend a controversial idea by systematically conflating it with a less easily-assailable one.


Bullshit and you know it! The claim that life expectancy [ in the West anyway] is in decline is pure unadulterated bunkum! Remove the drug related deaths and suicides which in some places is at record levels and any decline is immediately explained. And it's not, oe ever likely to be GW/CC/CD!

Of course life expectancy is not declining if you don't count the dead people!

That's a new one! So besides blaming every single event happening on planet Earth on GW/CC/CD, including cows farting, now it's blamed for less nutritious rice? What's next, more men becoming impotent? :rolleyes:

It's basic agronomy. You insist that more C02 automatically increases crop production. But there's a but. Plants don't all have the same physiology. Some plants can take the extra CO2 and make more mass. But that mass is likely to be more carbon and not more other nutrients if you put in extra CO2 without a concomitant increase in other nutrients. The rice gets more starchy, probably potatoes too.

There's another but. Some plants are already running at capacity with regard to ability to use available CO2. Adding CO2 does nothing for them and puts them at a competitive disadvantage to plants, often weeds, that have a capacity to assimilate more CO2.

We see a similar situation with cattails versus sawgrass with respect to available nitrogen. Sawgrass is adapted to oligotrophic wetlands and is very good at scavenging scarce nitrogen. But sawgrass has an upper limit to how much nitrogen it can use. Cattails just grow faster and faster the more nitrogen is available. You add a bunch of nitrogen to the wetland from urban and suburban stormwater carrying excess fertilizer, or waste water discharges, etc... a sawgrass marsh into a cattail monoculture in very short order.

That's a new one! So besides blaming every single event happening on planet Earth on GW/CC/CD, including cows farting, now it's blamed for less nutritious rice? What's next, more men becoming impotent? :rolleyes:

It's basic agronomy. You insist that more C02 automatically increases crop production. But there's a but. Plants don't all have the same physiology. Some plants can take the extra CO2 and make more mass. But that mass is likely to be more carbon and not more other nutrients if you put in extra CO2 without a concomitant increase in other nutrients. The rice gets more starchy, probably potatoes too.

There's another but. Some plants are already running at capacity with regard to ability to use available CO2. Adding CO2 does nothing for them and puts them at a competitive disadvantage to plants, often weeds, that have a capacity to assimilate more CO2.

We see a similar situation with cattails versus sawgrass with respect to available nitrogen. Sawgrass is adapted to oligotrophic wetlands and is very good at scavenging scarce nitrogen. But sawgrass has an upper limit to how much nitrogen it can use. Cattails just grow faster and faster the more nitrogen is available. You add a bunch of nitrogen to the wetland from urban and suburban stormwater carrying excess fertilizer, or waste water discharges, etc... a sawgrass marsh into a cattail monoculture in very short order.

Thank you scombrid - that is a great synopsis of the issue. Perhaps it will make some noise before it whizzes past Angelo.
It's basic agronomy. You insist that more C02 automatically increases crop production. But there's a but. Plants don't all have the same physiology. Some plants can take the extra CO2 and make more mass. But that mass is likely to be more carbon and not more other nutrients if you put in extra CO2 without a concomitant increase in other nutrients. The rice gets more starchy, probably potatoes too.

There's another but. Some plants are already running at capacity with regard to ability to use available CO2. Adding CO2 does nothing for them and puts them at a competitive disadvantage to plants, often weeds, that have a capacity to assimilate more CO2.

We see a similar situation with cattails versus sawgrass with respect to available nitrogen. Sawgrass is adapted to oligotrophic wetlands and is very good at scavenging scarce nitrogen. But sawgrass has an upper limit to how much nitrogen it can use. Cattails just grow faster and faster the more nitrogen is available. You add a bunch of nitrogen to the wetland from urban and suburban stormwater carrying excess fertilizer, or waste water discharges, etc... a sawgrass marsh into a cattail monoculture in very short order.

Thank you scombrid - that is a great synopsis of the issue. Perhaps it will make some noise before it whizzes past Angelo.

The fact remains that crop yields throughout the planet have never been higher than today. Jordan Peterson makes a compelling argument here, which of course will be attacked by the alarmists on this thread.

It's basic agronomy. You insist that more C02 automatically increases crop production. But there's a but. Plants don't all have the same physiology. Some plants can take the extra CO2 and make more mass. But that mass is likely to be more carbon and not more other nutrients if you put in extra CO2 without a concomitant increase in other nutrients. The rice gets more starchy, probably potatoes too.

There's another but. Some plants are already running at capacity with regard to ability to use available CO2. Adding CO2 does nothing for them and puts them at a competitive disadvantage to plants, often weeds, that have a capacity to assimilate more CO2.

We see a similar situation with cattails versus sawgrass with respect to available nitrogen. Sawgrass is adapted to oligotrophic wetlands and is very good at scavenging scarce nitrogen. But sawgrass has an upper limit to how much nitrogen it can use. Cattails just grow faster and faster the more nitrogen is available. You add a bunch of nitrogen to the wetland from urban and suburban stormwater carrying excess fertilizer, or waste water discharges, etc... a sawgrass marsh into a cattail monoculture in very short order.

Thank you scombrid - that is a great synopsis of the issue. Perhaps it will make some noise before it whizzes past Angelo.

The fact remains that crop yields throughout the planet have never been higher than today. Jordan Peterson makes a compelling argument here, which of course will be attacked by the alarmists scientists and the posters who understand and believe in science on this thread.

Fixed it for you.
The fact remains that crop yields throughout the planet have never been higher than today. Jordan Peterson makes a compelling argument here, which of course will be attacked by the alarmists scientists and the posters who understand and believe in science on this thread.

Fixed it for you.
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The fact remains that crop yields throughout the planet have never been higher than today. Jordan Peterson makes a compelling argument here, which of course will be attacked by the alarmists scientists and the posters who understand and believe in science on this thread.

Fixed it for you.

Goddammit. How many times do you have to be told not to post blind links?
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After the hottest,driest summer on record here,we had a thunder storm,And the first funnel ever seen here.I been here 40 plus years. Southeast Ak is a lot Scandinavia
Next year I may put in a real garden.
As Iv'e said on numerous occasions here. Records are made to be broken. For example...............................................

Temperatures broke records, with the coldest temperature ever recorded at −30 °F (−34 °C) on January 31, 2019. Wind chills got dangerously low as −58 °F (−50 °C) on January 30, 2019.
Formed: January 24, 2019
Type: Cold wave
Areas affected: Eastern Canada; Central United ...
January–February 2019 North American cold wave - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › January–February_2019_North_American_...
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