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New report on climate change released today

You answer repoman’s question first. The way you responded, i.e., with another question, is a telltale sign of deception or at least your inability to answer the question. Hence my comment.

The only deception today is the alarmists and non " real" scientists following a cult of global doomsday with not a shred of evidence except computer modeling of what may happen by entering false data. I see that beach and river side properties are still fetching record prices, and appear to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

Sticking your head in a manure pile isn't a rebuttal.

There's a simple reason they fetch high prices--the problems are far enough in the future that they are being discounted considerably. And they think there's always another sucker.
You answer repoman’s question first. The way you responded, i.e., with another question, is a telltale sign of deception or at least your inability to answer the question. Hence my comment.

The only deception today is the alarmists and non " real" scientists following a cult of global doomsday with not a shred of evidence except computer modeling of what may happen by entering false data. I see that beach and river side properties are still fetching record prices, and appear to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

Sticking your head in a manure pile isn't a rebuttal.

There's a simple reason they fetch high prices--the problems are far enough in the future that they are being discounted considerably. And they think there's always another sucker.

You're forgetting, or more likely ignoring the dire warnings by the " warmists/alarmists that most coastal areas of the planet were predicted to be undersea over a decade ago with millions of GW/CC/CD refugees.
I see that beach and river side properties are still fetching record prices, and appear to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

I grew up in Northeast North Carolina. I have family that has lived and worked on the northern Outer Banks for a couple of generations. I've watched a lot of houses fall in the ocean. The next row back becomes ocean front and starts fetching ocean front prices. The risk of the property falling in doesn't factor into the equation it doesn't seem. The view, beach access, and short term rental income potential counts more for sale price. People are pretty short sighted. You also have to factor in market distorting federal insurance programs on the ability to get mortgages and insurance on such properties.
Poor Greta has epic tantrum. Stamps her little feet and almost bursts into tears;


Apparently she is upset about having her dreams and childhood stolen. What a sorry spectacle this was, I couldn't watch much of it. This poor child, her parents ought to be arrested.

She is one weird looking kid.
Conservative boomers: millennials are all obsessed with material things and don't do anything other than stare at their screens

Greta: you are ruining the planet and I'm angry that you don't seem to care about that

Conservative boomers: why is she being so uppity and throwing a tantrum???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Sticking your head in a manure pile isn't a rebuttal.

There's a simple reason they fetch high prices--the problems are far enough in the future that they are being discounted considerably. And they think there's always another sucker.

You're forgetting, or more likely ignoring the dire warnings by the " warmists/alarmists that most coastal areas of the planet were predicted to be undersea over a decade ago with millions of GW/CC/CD refugees.

You have been repeatedly asked for scientific predictions, not popular-press alarmist predictions. You have never provided any.

And, to clarify, the manure I was referring to is from male bovines.
Hilarious, Greta gives Trump the "stink eye" when they cross paths. :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

A Rapture like cult.



Quick, everyone do everything she says! Or we're all dead in a trillion years!
Hold up. Now that I think about this more...

I am actually okay with Republicans thinking that Children of the Corn will come after them if they don't shape up. If there's one thing we've learned about conservatives, it's that they don't behave without the threat of something over their heads. That's why when they talk about atheism, they can't imagine their own lives being morally grounded without an imaginary person above them watching their every move. So, YEAH, Children of the Corn, it is!
Dinesh D'Souza on Twitter: "Children—notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks—were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique! Looks like today’s progressive Left is still learning its game from an earlier Left in the 1930s https://t.co/E4q2KZ526s" / Twitter

Conservative Christian Activist D’Souza Compares Greta Thunberg To A Nazi | Michael Stone - has lots of reactions to it.

Fox News apologizes for guest calling Greta Thunberg 'mentally ill'

Trump’s tweet about Greta Thunberg is one of his ugliest yet - Vox
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! https://t.co/1tQG6QcVKO" / Twitter
WIRED on Twitter: "”People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.” Watch Greta Thunberg speak at the UN Monday morning. [url]https://t.co/Akkxm9sXdr https://t.co/ahHKlhbYaE" / Twitter[/url]

Laura Ingraham compares Greta Thunberg to 'Children of the Corn'
Laura Ingraham had a warning in the Monday edition of Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" – the latest wave of climate activism spurred by advocates like Greta Thunberg was "globalist" and "socialism in a new mask."

"Cede control of our economy, our way of life, our way of transport, how many children you want to have, and if we don't go along, we will be punished by our own children," Ingraham said of Thunberg's speech at the United Nations.

"Does anyone else find that chilling?" Ingraham asked of the sixteen-year-old Swedish activist's speech.

Ingraham then juxtaposed Thunberg's speech with a segment from the 1984 movie "Children of the Corn," in which children are enticed to murder the adult residents of a Nebraskan town.

"I can't wait for Stephen King's sequel, 'Children of the Climate,'" Ingraham said.

Ingraham argued that climate trends showed that the global climate was in a "natural" cycle and said earlier in her segment that "The adults who brainwashed these kids should be brought up on charges of child abuse."
Her brother's response:
Curtis Ingraham on Twitter: "Clearly my sister’s paycheck is more important than the world her three adopted kids will inherit. I can no longer apologize for a sibling who I no longer recognize. I can and will continue to call out the monstrous behavior and the bully commentary born out of anger. https://t.co/afrSuraQqt" / Twitter

I think that she deserves to be chased by the alien pizza bats of ST:TOS "Operation: Annihilate!"
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