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New report on climate change released today

Oh we are the Democrats and we got a carbon tax comin' for you! Tax tax tax the people into oblivion to keep the government in charge of our lives!

Democrats suck on the government teet and want the government to play mommy and daddy.

Republicans want the government off our backs so we can all be independent people.

I never understood why the Dems want the government in control of everything while simultaneously saying the government is good for nothing.
I never understood why the Dems want the government in control of everything while simultaneously saying the government is good for nothing.
So, i saw that some wit on the forum said that tge Democrats can never unite.
But here, Halfie has demonstrably proven that anything any one democrat says, or that any Repub SAYS a democrat says, is equally applicable to each and every other democrat, a united front of groupspeak. We all say the same thing, and all the things.

Pick a story and stick to it, yabbo.
Oh we are the Democrats and we got a carbon tax comin' for you! Tax tax tax the people into oblivion to keep the government in charge of our lives!

Democrats suck on the government teet and want the government to play mommy and daddy.

Republicans want the government off our backs so we can all be independent people.

I never understood why the Dems want the government in control of everything while simultaneously saying the government is good for nothing.

A carbon tax could perfectly well be made revenue neutral.
Apart from raising perhaps trillions more revenue for big socialist government agendas, how exactly will that reduce carbon emissions? Remember, that human caused CO2 is around 0.03% of the total planet's carbon emissions!
Oh we are the Democrats and we got a carbon tax comin' for you! Tax tax tax the people into oblivion to keep the government in charge of our lives!

Democrats suck on the government teet and want the government to play mommy and daddy.

Republicans want the government off our backs so we can all be independent people.

I never understood why the Dems want the government in control of everything while simultaneously saying the government is good for nothing.

Oh we are the Democrats and we got a carbon tax comin' for you! Tax tax tax the people into oblivion to keep the government in charge of our lives!

Democrats suck on the government teet and want the government to play mommy and daddy.

Republicans want the government off our backs so we can all be independent people.

I never understood why the Dems want the government in control of everything while simultaneously saying the government is good for nothing.

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Right wingers are so susceptible ... any two-bit conman can rile them up enough to get them to strip for a fight, then run off with their clothes.
And they wonder why they stand naked, defending the likes of the baboon in the Whitehouse...
Good grief;

Because what really terrifies me is what we are seeing at our borders in Europe and North America and Australia – I don’t think it’s coincidental that the settler colonial states and the countries that are the engines of that colonialism are at the forefront of this. We are seeing the beginnings of the era of climate barbarism.

Teh Gruaniad

"Climate justice" wasn't frightening enough.

A Rapture like cult.
Apart from raising perhaps trillions more revenue for big socialist government agendas, how exactly will that reduce carbon emissions? Remember, that human caused CO2 is around 0.03% of the total planet's carbon emissions!


During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today. If the human population was only around 250.000, it is hardly likely human produced CO2 was the reason for the 4-6C warmer climate but rather from natural causes as it is today. It's not CO2 that causes warming but the opposite. Warming causes rises in CO2. It's always been that way ever since planet Earth acquired an atmosphere. Proof is CO2 levels up to six times higher than what they are today after the end of an ice age. Not that long ago in recent history, Vikings cultivated crops in Greenland and seas were anything up to 20 feet higher than what they are today. The truth is were are still coming out of the last ice age and have a long way to go before land ice such as what is on Greenland melts.
Apart from raising perhaps trillions more revenue for big socialist government agendas, how exactly will that reduce carbon emissions? Remember, that human caused CO2 is around 0.03% of the total planet's carbon emissions!


During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today.

Who the fuck told you that steaming pile of crap?

During the Roman Republican era, global temperatures were close to idenical to today's. During the Roman Imperial era, global temperatures were about 0.1°C colder than today's.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Your claim is false, your conclusions are baseless, and you should be deeply embarrassed by your gullibility in unquestioningly believing such unsupported nonsense.
During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today.

Who the fuck told you that steaming pile of crap?

During the Roman Republican era, global temperatures were close to idenical to today's. During the Roman Imperial era, global temperatures were about 0.1°C colder than today's.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Your claim is false, your conclusions are baseless, and you should be deeply embarrassed by your gullibility in unquestioningly believing such unsupported nonsense.

Even if I'm way out wrong and you're correct. HTF do you explain temperatures perhaps 0.1C cooler than today long before, or when the industrial revolution was a distant future dream! And that's completely ignoring the fact that Hannibal crossed the ice free alps with elephants.
During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today.

Who the fuck told you that steaming pile of crap?

During the Roman Republican era, global temperatures were close to idenical to today's. During the Roman Imperial era, global temperatures were about 0.1°C colder than today's.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Your claim is false, your conclusions are baseless, and you should be deeply embarrassed by your gullibility in unquestioningly believing such unsupported nonsense.

Even if I'm way out wrong and you're correct. HTF do you explain temperatures perhaps 0.1C cooler than today long before, or when the industrial revolution was a distant future dream!
Small variations in temperature over long periods are the norm. Large variations over short periods are not.

0.1°C over several centuries is a commonplace and explicable via any number of natural cycles of Sun and Earth. 1.0°C over less than a century, now that requires some kind of explanation. And there's only one that fits the bill.
And that's completely ignoring the fact that Hannibal crossed the ice free alps with elephants.
Both Polybius and Livy talk of the problems Hannibal had in descending the Italian side of the Alps, due to the snow and ice.

So the question is, why the fuck do you imagine that the Alps were "ice free" at the time?
Apart from raising perhaps trillions more revenue for big socialist government agendas, how exactly will that reduce carbon emissions? Remember, that human caused CO2 is around 0.03% of the total planet's carbon emissions!

Reality check: You're listening to a diet of pure bullshit.

The vast majority of CO2 emissions are from the natural cycle of life. Note: Cycle. It's mostly CO2 that was absorbed earlier in the year to grow a plant. It's meaningless in the big picture because it goes round and round, unlike the human emissions that aren't part of a short-term cycle and thus cause a lasting increase.

Consider a large swimming pool. Throw a garden hose in it. The swimming pool pumps move vastly more water than a garden hose can deliver, yet no matter how long they run they don't raise the water level. The wimpy little garden hose certainly does raise the water level, though.
Apart from raising perhaps trillions more revenue for big socialist government agendas, how exactly will that reduce carbon emissions? Remember, that human caused CO2 is around 0.03% of the total planet's carbon emissions!


During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today. If the human population was only around 250.000, it is hardly likely human produced CO2 was the reason for the 4-6C warmer climate but rather from natural causes as it is today. It's not CO2 that causes warming but the opposite. Warming causes rises in CO2. It's always been that way ever since planet Earth acquired an atmosphere. Proof is CO2 levels up to six times higher than what they are today after the end of an ice age. Not that long ago in recent history, Vikings cultivated crops in Greenland and seas were anything up to 20 feet higher than what they are today. The truth is were are still coming out of the last ice age and have a long way to go before land ice such as what is on Greenland melts.

He asked for a link, not an outlandish claim. 4-6C higher would have left a major mark on the world in the form of melted ice. Ice which is melting now wouldn't have ice cores going back more than 2000 years if you were right.
During the Roman era, temperatures were anything up to 4-6C higher than today.

Who the fuck told you that steaming pile of crap?

During the Roman Republican era, global temperatures were close to idenical to today's. During the Roman Imperial era, global temperatures were about 0.1°C colder than today's.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Your claim is false, your conclusions are baseless, and you should be deeply embarrassed by your gullibility in unquestioningly believing such unsupported nonsense.

Even if I'm way out wrong and you're correct. HTF do you explain temperatures perhaps 0.1C cooler than today long before, or when the industrial revolution was a distant future dream! And that's completely ignoring the fact that Hannibal crossed the ice free alps with elephants.

I've heard more intelligent responses from fence posts.

The end of London fashion week was somewhat sombre on Tuesday evening. It culminated in Extinction Rebellion’s funeral march calling for the event to end in its current form, with the group criticising the clothing industry as a major offender in the climate crisis. Extinction Rebellion kept to the drama of which fashion is so fond. Starting at Trafalgar Square, a group of about 200 people – some in funereal outfits complete with black veils – gathered around two black coffins. “RIP LFW 1983-2019” read one, while the other simply said “Our Future”. They were accompanied by a live band as they made their way up to 180 The Strand, a venue that hosted fashion week shows. Here they laid the coffin down, with participants throwing flowers on it.

Teh Gruaniad

A Rapture like cult.

The end of London fashion week was somewhat sombre on Tuesday evening. It culminated in Extinction Rebellion’s funeral march calling for the event to end in its current form, with the group criticising the clothing industry as a major offender in the climate crisis. Extinction Rebellion kept to the drama of which fashion is so fond. Starting at Trafalgar Square, a group of about 200 people – some in funereal outfits complete with black veils – gathered around two black coffins. “RIP LFW 1983-2019” read one, while the other simply said “Our Future”. They were accompanied by a live band as they made their way up to 180 The Strand, a venue that hosted fashion week shows. Here they laid the coffin down, with participants throwing flowers on it.

Teh Gruaniad

A Rapture like cult.

Since the science is squarely on the side AGW, it's you that is in the cult.
The scientific method is never on the side of anything but is an ongoing cycle of experimentation and observation. For many years there was a consensus that stress caused stomach ulcers until a couple of Australian scientists discovered it was caused by bacteria and the consensus collapsed like a stack of cards.

But when it comes to GW/CC/CD, the scientific method is completely thrown out by the wayside, just like members of a cult will ignore all proof placed in front of their own eyes that their beliefs are nonsense. There are thousands of real scientists, not alarmists who call out GW/CC/CD for the giant hoax that it is.
Good grief, what a farce;

Climate campaigner Greta Thunberg has bluntly told members of Congress to heed scientists’ warnings over global heating on a day when the existential anguish of young activists was given a voice at the heart of Washington DC power. “I don’t want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists,” Thunberg told the US lawmakers. “I want you to unite behind the science and I want you to take real action.”

Teh Gruaniad

I feel quite sorry for poor little Greta. She is being manipulated.

Anyway, later in the article;

angstriddenteen said:
Members of Congress heard from other young climate activists who explained the trauma of growing up in a world primed for greater floods, storms, heatwaves and unrest because of rising global temperatures. “This should fill you with shame. Youth climate activism should not exist,” said Jamie Margolin, a 17-year-old said her fellow students suffer anxiety and a “weird form of nihilism” where they wonder if it’s worthwhile making future plans. “There’s depression and fear,” she said. “It’s devastating and scary

FFS someone introduce these moribund twats to The Smiths.
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