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New report on climate change released today

Hilarious, Greta gives Trump the "stink eye" when they cross paths. :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

A Rapture like cult.



Quick, everyone do everything she says! Or we're all dead in a trillion years!

Adding to this post...................................https://cms.frontpagemag.com/point/...ows-tantrums-un-some-reason-daniel-greenfield

What we have here is a brat extraordinaire.
Humanity is in trouble for not "understanding" exponential growth. Despite coming off as an unlikable goofball that I would not want to be around, Greta's facts are correct. However, if you think her facts are wrong and she is a prop (because mostly of the media bubble you are in) then attacking her standing would be the correct thing to do. Why do we need to have poster figures for these topics? Shitty non evolved monkey brains?

Also, a whole lot of Angelo's posting in response to the Wired tweet.
Humanity is in trouble for not "understanding" exponential growth. Despite coming off as an unlikable goofball that I would not want to be around, Greta's facts are correct. However, if you think her facts are wrong and she is a prop (because mostly of the media bubble you are in) then attacking her standing would be the correct thing to do. Why do we need to have poster figures for these topics? Shitty non evolved monkey brains?

Also, a whole lot of Angelo's posting in response to the Wired tweet.

And Here I was thinking that the deliberate brainwashing of children was illegal!
Humanity is in trouble for not "understanding" exponential growth. Despite coming off as an unlikable goofball that I would not want to be around, Greta's facts are correct. However, if you think her facts are wrong and she is a prop (because mostly of the media bubble you are in) then attacking her standing would be the correct thing to do. Why do we need to have poster figures for these topics? Shitty non evolved monkey brains?

Also, a whole lot of Angelo's posting in response to the Wired tweet.

And Here I was thinking that the deliberate brainwashing of children was illegal!

Agreed. You should report who's ever doing it to you.
When you run the numberd dispassionately there is only one natural conclusion and it does not look good.

I like this website, (BUT!!!!) it was better before Trump was elected. Trump reallly has fuck all to do with the coming collapse and is a symptom and distraction.
No wonder "climate activism" is gaining popularity, it sure beats getting a job;

Teenage activist Greta Thunberg has won a £83,000 'Alternative Nobel Prize' for her crusade to stop climate change. The 16-year-old is among four people named today as the winners of a Right Livelihood Award, also known as the 'Alternative Nobel.' Thunberg is being recognized 'for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts,' the Swedish prize foundation said.


A Rapture like cult with a goofy kid as the leader. Laura Ingraham didn't get it quite right, it's more "Village of The Damned" than "Children of the Corn".

... A Rapture like cult with a goofy kid as the leader. ...

Alright, this is the second time you are making fun of her, the first being here:
... She is one weird looking kid.

I would like to make you aware that she has Asperger's before you go on to say more things about her personally, rather than discuss her arguments. I don't know that that will create any positive difference in how you are treating her or if it will have the opposite effect, but I am giving you a chance.
Why do we need to have poster figures for these topics? Shitty non evolved monkey brains?

Shitty monkey brains.

There's a Birther in the white house you know.

The anti-vaccine campaign is at an all time high.

Look at how many people are flat-earthers.

Half of all people are below median intelligence. Median intelligence is really fucking stupid. It's only the top 1 or 2 percent of intellect that ever contribute any meaningful innovations. Think about it. You got good grades, scored 97th or 98th percentile on standardized tests. You might have an advanced degree and a couple of first author papers to your name. There are hundreds or thousands just like you. Have you ever done anything that's really worth a shit? I haven't. I'm a state biologist wasting my fucking time and the tax payers money. It's just one or two people per generation that do anything meaningful. Everybody else just exists.

A couple of percentage points below that can properly wrap their heads around probability. Look at the average person's risk assessment ability; they freak the fuck out over flying and then casually drive on I-4 to get to MCO while texting in a car with bad brakes.

Start putting simple stuff like frequency distributions or time series data in front of people and they default to "you can say anything with statistics".

The rest are capable cheering for their favorite sports team and drinking beer, maybe going "mudding" or being a blogging mommy on social media... For fucks sake, look how many fundamentalist Christians and Muslims there are. People are hopelessly stupid and can't function without a trusted source of authority. People like their groups and their tribes. It was a survival advantage. A big group of average brains is better at making more average brains than one really smart brain. A big group of average brains with a couple of big brained innovators is probably going to be really successful in olden times. We are still wired for that.
I would like to make you aware that she has Asperger's before you go on to say more things about her personally,
They don't care. It is their frat boy style. Just like when Mark Morano goes on TV to debate a scientist and then just goads the scientist until the scientist lashes out and calls Morano an asshole. Morano then marches off declaring victory over the mean old arrogant scientist without ever having to address actual data.
Teh Gruaniad keep peddling the same alarmist nonsense;

By the end of this century, society as we understand it will be unrecognisable. Either we will live in a decaying, overheated, brown wasteland like the one the current government is taking us into, or in a world with shorter working hours, cheap public transport, verdant forests and good jobs.


The IPCC doesn't come close to predicting these apocalyptic climate porn fantasies. "Climate change" really has taken the place of religion for the middle classes. You are either going to hell for your climate sins or you shape up and go to heaven if you pay the carbon tax.

A Rapture like cult.
Teh Gruaniad keep peddling the same alarmist nonsense;

By the end of this century, society as we understand it will be unrecognisable. Either we will live in a decaying, overheated, brown wasteland like the one the current government is taking us into, or in a world with shorter working hours, cheap public transport, verdant forests and good jobs.


The IPCC doesn't come close to predicting these apocalyptic climate porn fantasies. "Climate change" really has taken the place of religion for the middle classes. You are either going to hell for your climate sins or you shape up and go to heaven if you pay the carbon tax.

A Rapture like cult.

Just a question: if the Rapture or something akin to it were in danger of happening, what would you say the correct response would be as a society
Just a question: if the Rapture or something akin to it were in danger of happening, what would you say the correct response would be as a society
1) Everyone who is sure they'll be Raptured to put LOTS of fun shit on their credit cards.
2) Everyone who is pretty sure a) they'll be here after the Rapture and b) most Christains are deluding themselves as to their holiness, loan lots of money at 75% interest.
3) Ground any plane without a certified Muslim, Atheist or Shinto pilot aboard
Humans are tribal animals. They want leaders to follow - and they attack the leaderships of other tribes.

Ad hominem arguments against Ms Thunberg are therefore to be expected; As is a large following for her despite her relative lack of qualifications.

She's visible and outspoken, and she has therefore been selected as tribal leader by those who share many of her positions, and is reviled as an enemy by those who disagree with her.

That she isn't the most qualified, nor an originator of research, on her chosen subject, is largely irrelevant - only people who are concerned with facts, and who recognise the scientific method as the only successful epistemology, would care about such things - and they are so few in number as to be almost entirely irrelevant.

She's more right than she is wrong (despite an obvious ideological blind-spot about nuclear power, which she shares with almost every human alive); So it's wiser to support her than to denigrate her.

But the Führerprinzip, despite its massive ongoing popularity amongst pretty much everybody, is a dangerous way of thinking.

Reality doesn't give a crap what Greta Thunberg, or Al Gore, or Donald Trump think or say - it will either be addressed by humanity, or it will squish us like a bug.

Sadly we seem (on the topic of climate change) to be split into two large tribes, with a number of much smaller ones with no appreciable voice.

The dominant tribes are the Denialists and the Greens. The former don't believe there's a problem at all; And the latter accept the existence of a problem, but reject the only workable solution in favour of a bunch of feel-good crap that at its core is deeply antithetical to technology.

That the great success of humanity in lifting itself out of the nasty, mean, brutish and short lives to which it was doomed until the last century or so, is down to the embrace of both factual reality, and the use of technology to bend it to our needs, is lost on both major tribes.

We can only hope that sufficient defectors arise, as it becomes clearer that an effective response is our only option for continuing comfort and success.

Meanwhile, the monkeys will continue hurling faeces at each other's tribal leaders.
As I've stated before, I don't argue about climate change because it's not helpful. I do like to add new reports and information when I see it. if someone else has already mentioned this new report, I apologize.


WASHINGTON — Earth’s oceans are under severe strain from climate change, a major new United Nations report warns, which threatens everything from the ability to harvest seafood to the well-being of hundreds of millions of people living along the coasts.

Rising temperatures are contributing to a drop in fish populations in many regions, and oxygen levels in the ocean are declining while acidity levels are on the rise, posing risks to important marine ecosystems, according to the report issued Wednesday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists convened by the United Nations to guide world leaders in policymaking.

In addition, warmer ocean waters, when combined with rising sea levels, threaten to fuel ever more powerful tropical cyclones and floods, the report said, further imperiling coastal regions and worsening a phenomenon that is already contributing to storms like Hurricane Harvey, which devastated Houston two years ago.

“The oceans are sending us so many warning signals that we need to get emissions under control,” said Hans-Otto Pörtner, a marine biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany and a lead author of the report. “Ecosystems are changing, food webs are changing, fish stocks are changing, and this turmoil is affecting humans.”
What on Earth Is Going On?

If humans keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at an increasing rate, the risks to human food security and coastal communities will increase sharply, particularly since marine ecosystems are already facing threats from plastic pollution, unsustainable fishing practices and other man-made stresses.

“We are an ocean world, run and regulated by a single ocean, and we are pushing that life support system to its very limits through heating, deoxygenation and acidification,” said Dan Laffoley of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a leading environmental group that tracks the status of plant and animal species, in response to the report.

The report, which was written by more than 100 international experts and is based on more than 7,000 studies, represents the most extensive look to date at the effects of climate change on oceans, ice sheets, mountain snowpack and permafrost.

I believe actual scientists over politicians and people on an internet discussion board. Do the deniers even know that the first hints of climate change were noticed around 1850, by a scientist who studied the impact of the increased carbon output generated around the onset of the industrial revolution? In the 1950s and 60s, this wasn't a partisan issue in the US. It was accepted by both parties. It's sad that it became a partisan issue, when. the science is quite clear that the climate is changing rapidly, as the result of human activity.

Of course, if India and China don't do something, anything the US does to try and slow things down is probably useless. If any of you are fans of Jared Diamond, you probably read his book, "Collapse". Humans have a very long history of destroying their own habitat. Perhaps we are unable to change what we are.
More climate porn;

some non scientist said:
The world’s vast oceans, glacial ice sheets and northern permafrost are poised to unleash disaster, including drought, floods, hunger and destruction, unless dramatic action is taken against human-caused carbon pollution and climate change, warns a leaked draft of a major U.N. report. The Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) sounds alarm bells over declines in fish stocks, plus “a hundred-fold or more increase in the damages caused by superstorms, and hundreds of millions of people displaced by rising seas,”

Climate change is a gradual event. At no point will anything be "unleashed".
More climate porn;

some non scientist said:
The world’s vast oceans, glacial ice sheets and northern permafrost are poised to unleash disaster, including drought, floods, hunger and destruction, unless dramatic action is taken against human-caused carbon pollution and climate change, warns a leaked draft of a major U.N. report. The Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) sounds alarm bells over declines in fish stocks, plus “a hundred-fold or more increase in the damages caused by superstorms, and hundreds of millions of people displaced by rising seas,”

Climate change is a gradual event. At no point will anything be "unleashed".

Ah yes, the old frog in the pot problem. There is man caused climate change happening now. If not dealt with, there will be a tipping point. It may not be sharp and well defined, but that will happen if we do not act.
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