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New report on climate change released today

Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?
The scientific method is never on the side of anything but is an ongoing cycle of experimentation and observation. For many years there was a consensus that stress caused stomach ulcers until a couple of Australian scientists discovered it was caused by bacteria and the consensus collapsed like a stack of cards.

But when it comes to GW/CC/CD, the scientific method is completely thrown out by the wayside, just like members of a cult will ignore all proof placed in front of their own eyes that their beliefs are nonsense. There are thousands of real scientists, not alarmists who call out GW/CC/CD for the giant hoax that it is.

It's the deniers that throw the scientific method in the trash. Virtually 100% of their "science" is deceptive stuff directed at non-scientists. Much of it has serious flaws that can be spotted by anyone with a scientific background.
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

Their marching instructions don't cover how to address reality.
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today. The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm — about 18 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
Here's a better graph of CO2 and temperature for the last 600 ...

https://medium.com › heres-a-better-graph-of-co2-and-temperature-for-the-l...
Ok, then any talk about humans putting out a "tiny amount of CO2 compared to nature" should not appear in any more of your posts or you will be a manipulative LIAR via irrelevant distraction over an already conceded point.
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

Is this an admission that you can’t answer the question?

Klobuchar: have you ever blacked out?
Kavanaugh: have you?
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

Is this an admission that you can’t answer the question?

Klobuchar: have you ever blacked out?
Kavanaugh: have you?

There is little point in holding angelo's feet to the fire. We already know he has no defense against facts, so all it does is create a noxious smell of burning feet.
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A Rapture like cult.

Since the science is squarely on the side AGW, it's you that is in the cult.

You are in the "settled science" cult lead by the reverend Al Gore.

But anyway, another member of the Climate Rapture cult is writing climate catastrophe porn for Time Magazine;

CultMemberBillMcKibben said:
This hotter world produced an ongoing spate of emergencies: “forest-fire season” was now essentially year-round, and the warmer ocean kept hurricanes and typhoons boiling months past the old norms. And sometimes the damage was novel: ancient carcasses kept emerging from the melting permafrost of the north, and with them germs from illnesses long thought extinct. But the greatest crises were the slower, more inexorable ones: the ongoing drought and desertification was forcing huge numbers of Africans, Asians and Central Americans to move; in many places, the heat waves had literally become unbearable, with nighttime temperatures staying above 100°F and outdoor work all but impossible for weeks and months at a time. On low-lying ground like the Mekong Delta, the rising ocean salted fields essential to supplying the world with rice. The U.N. had long ago estimated the century could see a billion climate refugees, and it was beginning to appear it was unnervingly correct.

Hello From the Year 2050. We Avoided the Worst of Climate Change — But Everything Is Different

I bet Bill gasped out his own name when pressing the enter key when sending this to Time.
You are in the "settled science" cult lead by the reverend Al Gore.

But anyway, another member of the Climate Rapture cult is writing climate catastrophe porn for Time Magazine;

CultMemberBillMcKibben said:
This hotter world produced an ongoing spate of emergencies: “forest-fire season” was now essentially year-round, and the warmer ocean kept hurricanes and typhoons boiling months past the old norms. And sometimes the damage was novel: ancient carcasses kept emerging from the melting permafrost of the north, and with them germs from illnesses long thought extinct. But the greatest crises were the slower, more inexorable ones: the ongoing drought and desertification was forcing huge numbers of Africans, Asians and Central Americans to move; in many places, the heat waves had literally become unbearable, with nighttime temperatures staying above 100°F and outdoor work all but impossible for weeks and months at a time. On low-lying ground like the Mekong Delta, the rising ocean salted fields essential to supplying the world with rice. The U.N. had long ago estimated the century could see a billion climate refugees, and it was beginning to appear it was unnervingly correct.

Hello From the Year 2050. We Avoided the Worst of Climate Change — But Everything Is Different

I bet Bill gasped out his own name when pressing the enter key when sending this to Time.

I notice no actual rebuttal there.
After reigning in the auto industry as the powertrain of choice for a century, the internal combustion engine is finally dying.

Now even Daimler says that it is stopping development of new internal combustion engines to focus on electric cars.
The German automaker whose namesake, Gottlieb Daimler, is credited for having invented the prototype of the modern gasoline engine recently released its latest generation internal combustion engine and it might be its last.

According to German magazine Auto Motor und Sport, Daimler development chief Markus Schaefer said that they currently have no plans to develop a next-generation combustion engine and they are focusing on new electric powertrains.

Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today. The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm — about 18 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
Here's a better graph of CO2 and temperature for the last 600 ...

https://medium.com › heres-a-better-graph-of-co2-and-temperature-for-the-l...

How many times does it need to be pointed out to you that back then the sun wasn't putting out as much energy?

You're just regurgitating what the deniers have told you to and paying no attention to what they omit from their deceptions.
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

Is this an admission that you can’t answer the question?

Klobuchar: have you ever blacked out?
Kavanaugh: have you?

Perhaps you can explain how CO2 reached 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens burned a single lump of coal or cows farted the enormous amount of carbon emissions as compared to the around 400 ppm today?
Angelo, what is your answer to post #1354?

If I were moderator you would have to fully answer it or you be not allowed to post anymore in this thread.

And this is not some topic like white privilege that can be danced around. This is impartial nuts and bolts physics.

If the pump analogy is wrong prove it. How did CO2 get to 408 ppm?

How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today. The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm — about 18 times higher than today.Jun 7, 2017
Here's a better graph of CO2 and temperature for the last 600 ...

https://medium.com › heres-a-better-graph-of-co2-and-temperature-for-the-l...

How many times does it need to be pointed out to you that back then the sun wasn't putting out as much energy?

You're just regurgitating what the deniers have told you to and paying no attention to what they omit from their deceptions.

According to the alarmists, Sol has no effect on Earth's climate! It either does and is doing so today, or it doesn't. You can't have it both ways. And if you're correct, a less brighter sun had no effect at all on CO2 emissions.
How did CO2 get to 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens started burning fossil fuels?

What was going on geologically and botanically back then compared to today? Your answer lies there.

Was the world favorable for hairy warm blooded mammals at the time? Doesn't seem to have been.
According to the alarmists, Sol has no effect on Earth's climate!

Climate scientists say it has a huge effect on climate.

Climate scientists also say that there is no contemporary change in insolation that accounts for modern temperature trends.

You could at least try to address the actual science and actual hypotheses rather than making things up.
Perhaps you can explain how CO2 reached 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens burned a single lump of coal or cows farted the enormous amount of carbon emissions as compared to the around 400 ppm today?

Geology and plants. Way different back then.

Maybe you can explain why the planet was so much hotter way back then when the sun was dimmer?
Is this an admission that you can’t answer the question?

Klobuchar: have you ever blacked out?
Kavanaugh: have you?

Perhaps you can explain how CO2 reached 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens burned a single lump of coal or cows farted the enormous amount of carbon emissions as compared to the around 400 ppm today?

You answer repoman’s question first. The way you responded, i.e., with another question, is a telltale sign of deception or at least your inability to answer the question. Hence my comment.
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How many times does it need to be pointed out to you that back then the sun wasn't putting out as much energy?

You're just regurgitating what the deniers have told you to and paying no attention to what they omit from their deceptions.

According to the alarmists, Sol has no effect on Earth's climate! It either does and is doing so today, or it doesn't. You can't have it both ways. And if you're correct, a less brighter sun had no effect at all on CO2 emissions.

And we have been down this road before.

Nobody has said the sun has no effect. What we have said is that the long term increase in solar radiation is a very slow process. On the short run it goes up and down and thus does not cause the pattern we see.

Why do you continue to blindly parrot the propaganda from the deniers when it has been repeatedly addressed?
Is this an admission that you can’t answer the question?

Klobuchar: have you ever blacked out?
Kavanaugh: have you?

Perhaps you can explain how CO2 reached 1200 ppm long before homo sapiens burned a single lump of coal or cows farted the enormous amount of carbon emissions as compared to the around 400 ppm today?

You answer repoman’s question first. The way you responded, i.e., with another question, is a telltale sign of deception or at least your inability to answer the question. Hence my comment.

The only deception today is the alarmists and non " real" scientists following a cult of global doomsday with not a shred of evidence except computer modeling of what may happen by entering false data. I see that beach and river side properties are still fetching record prices, and appear to be doing so for the foreseeable future.
You answer repoman’s question first. The way you responded, i.e., with another question, is a telltale sign of deception or at least your inability to answer the question. Hence my comment.

The only deception today is the alarmists and non " real" scientists following a cult of global doomsday with not a shred of evidence except computer modeling of what may happen by entering false data. I see that beach and river side properties are still fetching record prices, and appear to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

Ok. So that is a no, you can’t answer the question. Got it.
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