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New report on climate change released today

I would like to make you aware that she has Asperger's before you go on to say more things about her personally,
They don't care. It is their frat boy style. Just like when Mark Morano goes on TV to debate a scientist and then just goads the scientist until the scientist lashes out and calls Morano an asshole. Morano then marches off declaring victory over the mean old arrogant scientist without ever having to address actual data.

It's all part of the Reality America Show and the perfect ending of extractive eurocentric colonialism.
Autism informs and empowers Greta Thunberg’s climate activism - Vox - her autism is high-functioning autism, also called Asperger's syndrome. She's an Aspie.
Thunberg also wields her considerable moral authority at home. Her mother, Malena Ernman, a celebrated opera singer, has opted to travel by train and bicycle instead of flying to her performances, and Thunberg has persuaded her parents to eat mostly vegan. How did she do it? “I made them feel guilty,” she told an interviewer. That’s her way: no nonsense, no vacuous chitchat before getting to the point — there is no more time for hand-waving, dithering, and compromise on climate.
Bluntness is typical of Aspies, and both her and her sister Beata have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD.
A visceral feeling of repulsion toward deceit and hypocrisy is also common among people on the spectrum. As Thunberg told the BBC, “I don’t fall for lies as easily as regular people, I can see through things.” She has a particular contempt for the professional propagandists and apologists who prop up the fossil fuel industry and discourage the development of renewable energy resources, dismissing UK claims about reductions in carbon emissions as the result of “very creative accounting.”

”You don’t listen to the science,” she went on, “because you are only interested in the answers that will allow you to carry on as if nothing has happened.”
Another climate activist, Dara McAnulty of Northern Ireland, is also an Aspie.
hough it’s rarely discussed in the clinical literature, the fact that some people on the spectrum feel an intense connection to the natural world has been known for a long time. My history of autism, NeuroTribes, explores how autistic scientist Temple Grandin’s love for animals inspired her to become a designer of more humane technology for the livestock industry (though I doubt vegan Thunberg would approve). In one of the first case reports of Asperger’s syndrome from 1954 — long before there was a name for it — a boy teaches himself the names of the plants that flourished around the residential facility where he was forced to live, while offering lectures on nuclear fission and corporate finance to his peers.
Autism informs and empowers Greta Thunberg’s climate activism - Vox - her autism is high-functioning autism, also called Asperger's syndrome. She's an Aspie.

Bluntness is typical of Aspies, and both her and her sister Beata have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

Another climate activist, Dara McAnulty of Northern Ireland, is also an Aspie.
hough it’s rarely discussed in the clinical literature, the fact that some people on the spectrum feel an intense connection to the natural world has been known for a long time. My history of autism, NeuroTribes, explores how autistic scientist Temple Grandin’s love for animals inspired her to become a designer of more humane technology for the livestock industry (though I doubt vegan Thunberg would approve). In one of the first case reports of Asperger’s syndrome from 1954 — long before there was a name for it — a boy teaches himself the names of the plants that flourished around the residential facility where he was forced to live, while offering lectures on nuclear fission and corporate finance to his peers.

Out of the mouths of babes. Her address/dress down at/of the UN and world "leadership" was the truth the "adults" wish to hide from.
Greta Thunberg: why the right’s usual attacks don’t work on her - Vox - She keeps the focus on science, and they hate it.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! https://t.co/1tQG6QcVKO" / Twitter
WIRED on Twitter: "”People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.” Watch Greta Thunberg speak at the UN Monday morning. [url]https://t.co/Akkxm9sXdr https://t.co/ahHKlhbYaE" / Twitter[/url]

“She’s ignorant, maniacal and is being mercilessly manipulated by adult climate bedwetters funded by Putin,” ranted C-list climate denier Steve Milloy, somehow fitting all the mutually contradictory stereotypes about powerful women into his pea brain at once.
John Ocasio-Nolte on Twitter: "I can’t tell if Greta needs a spanking or a psychological intervention...
Probably both. https://t.co/zyJ8WntCGk" / Twitter

Not a certain other Ocasio :D

Some more right-wing attacks, then

Greta Thunberg on Twitter: "I honestly don’t understand why adults would choose to spend their time mocking and threatening teenagers and children for promoting science, when they could do something good instead. I guess they must simply feel so threatened by us. ->" / Twitter

Greta avoids the trap of recommending specific policies
And so for the most part, opponents of action — generally far-right coalitions fueled by a mix of fossil-fuel cronyism and populist ethnonationalism — don’t assail it. They do everything they can to distract from it.

That almost always involves attacking the messengers (“Al Gore has a big house”) and their proposed solutions (“the Green New Deal will take away your hamburgers”). The scientists are after grant money; the activists are undercover socialists; the leaders are hypocrites; the marchers litter. Casting doubt on the motives and authenticity of people fighting for progressive causes is the right’s primary political tool, with efforts now led out of the White House.

For climate scientists and advocates, it’s a familiar trap. Any political program sufficient to address climate change at scale is, almost by definition, going to be radical, which allows the right to dismiss it as “far left.” The go-to attack on the climate movement is that it’s a “watermelon,” green on the outside and socialist red on the inside — that climate change is just a cover story for the political program.
GT avoids that problem by avoiding specific solutions. I'd say in a similar situation: "We have the tools. Now let's use them."

Attempts to personally smear Greta have backfired
Witness Thunberg’s utterly indifferent reaction to the plaudits lavished on her by congressional Democrats. “Please save your praise,” she said. “We don’t want it. Don’t invite us here to tell us how inspiring we are without doing anything about it. It doesn’t lead to anything.”

She’s not intimidated or dazzled by social hierarchy. She just drags the focus, again and again, back to her fixation, what the grown-ups don’t want to talk about: the need for immediate action and their long-standing failure to take any.
When Greta disregards social cues, it sends a social cue
But, in part through their indifference to social cues, people with autism have a unique capacity to face the facts clearly. And the facts about climate change are fucking terrifying.

This, I think, helps explain why Thunberg has inspired so many people, especially so many young people: There’s a kind of courage in ignoring the pervasive social pressure to calm down about climate change. She takes the facts seriously, even when very few adults are modeling how to do so, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient for those around her. She’s vegan, she won’t fly, and she’s devoting her young life to prodding adults into action; the default right-wing accusations of hypocrisy and duplicity simply don’t stick.
Greta’s power will be in making more Gretas
Inspiring more activists. Something that we're seeing.
I would like to make you aware that she has Asperger's before you go on to say more things about her personally,
They don't care. It is their frat boy style. Just like when Mark Morano goes on TV to debate a scientist and then just goads the scientist until the scientist lashes out and calls Morano an asshole. Morano then marches off declaring victory over the mean old arrogant scientist without ever having to address actual data.

It's all part of the Reality America Show and the perfect ending of extractive eurocentric colonialism.

I listened to a "Hidden Brain" story in NPR last night when I was driving home from a meeting. It was on "Terror Management Theory". It is interesting how social scientists come up with empirical studies on how certain things enhance our tribal instincts with then intent that we learn ways to temper the negative effects of subconcious behaviors that can be collectively destructive. But those data are always weaponized by bad actors with their dog whistles.
Autism informs and empowers Greta Thunberg’s climate activism - Vox - her autism is high-functioning autism, also called Asperger's syndrome. She's an Aspie.

Bluntness is typical of Aspies, and both her and her sister Beata have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

Another climate activist, Dara McAnulty of Northern Ireland, is also an Aspie.
hough it’s rarely discussed in the clinical literature, the fact that some people on the spectrum feel an intense connection to the natural world has been known for a long time. My history of autism, NeuroTribes, explores how autistic scientist Temple Grandin’s love for animals inspired her to become a designer of more humane technology for the livestock industry (though I doubt vegan Thunberg would approve). In one of the first case reports of Asperger’s syndrome from 1954 — long before there was a name for it — a boy teaches himself the names of the plants that flourished around the residential facility where he was forced to live, while offering lectures on nuclear fission and corporate finance to his peers.

The term Asperger's syndrome is no longer used. Now it's just on the spectrum.
In the same way as for David Hogg, accounts that take the piss of Greta Thunberg are going to be mass banned.

But honestly, this massive society built on massive growth is dumb as fuck and in the back of our minds WE ALL KNOW IT, probably even cornucopian Bilby.

So with that and again with me believing that climate chage from carbon dioxide is real:

She should change her first name to Cassandra.
In the same way as for David Hogg, accounts that take the piss of Greta Thunberg are going to be mass banned.

But honestly, this massive society built on massive growth is dumb as fuck and in the back of our minds WE ALL KNOW IT, probably even cornucopian Bilby.

So with that and again with me believing that climate chage from carbon dioxide is real:

She should change her first name to Cassandra.

A mass consumption extractive society that attacks it's children and truth tellers, not a very evolutionarily stable strategy.
Autism informs and empowers Greta Thunberg’s climate activism - Vox - her autism is high-functioning autism, also called Asperger's syndrome. She's an Aspie.

Bluntness is typical of Aspies, and both her and her sister Beata have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

Another climate activist, Dara McAnulty of Northern Ireland, is also an Aspie.
hough it’s rarely discussed in the clinical literature, the fact that some people on the spectrum feel an intense connection to the natural world has been known for a long time. My history of autism, NeuroTribes, explores how autistic scientist Temple Grandin’s love for animals inspired her to become a designer of more humane technology for the livestock industry (though I doubt vegan Thunberg would approve). In one of the first case reports of Asperger’s syndrome from 1954 — long before there was a name for it — a boy teaches himself the names of the plants that flourished around the residential facility where he was forced to live, while offering lectures on nuclear fission and corporate finance to his peers.

The term Asperger's syndrome is no longer used. Now it's just on the spectrum.
Autism? Does that mean vaccines cause both Autism and awareness of climate change?
The term Asperger's syndrome is no longer used. Now it's just on the spectrum.
Autism? Does that mean vaccines cause both Autism and awareness of climate change?

What extractive predatory capitalism requires is that people feel disconnected from the real world, from the natural world and each other, from responsibility, from stewardship. That's why we have guilt, sin and blame, to replace a sense of connectedness. Enter the male dominator god, disconnect from what you see and pray to Him.
This is hilarious. So Justin "blackface" Trudeau is granted a private audience with the patron Saint of Climate Crisis, Greta Whatserface;

The 16-year-old Swede met privately with the Canadian prime minister but later told a news conference with local indigenous leaders that he was “not doing enough” to curb greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.

Teh Gruaniad

To see the hilarious bit, just look at the picture where blackface Trudeau is sitting in awe of Saint Greta. And then she scolds him in front of the world press :hysterical:

Trudeau, a leader ? Yer having a laugh !!

It really is a Rapture like cult.
Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes 'nonsense' of 'global warming crisis'
A highly qualified and experienced climate modeler with impeccable credentials has rejected the unscientific bases of the doom-mongering over a purported climate crisis. His work has not yet been picked up in this country, but that is about to change. Writing at the Australian site Quadrant, Tony Thomas introduces the English-speaking world to the truth-telling of Dr. Mototaka Nakamura (hat tip: Andrew Bolt, John McMahon).

There's a top-level oceanographer and meteorologist who is prepared to cry "Nonsense!"on the "global warming crisis" evident to climate modellers but not in the real world. He's as well or better qualified than the modellers he criticises — the ones whose Year 2100 forebodings of 4degC warming have set the world to spending $US1.5 trillion a year to combat CO2 emissions.

The iconoclast is Dr. Mototaka Nakamura. In June he put out a small book in Japanese on "the sorry state of climate science". It's titled Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis, and he is very much qualified to take a stand. From 1990 to 2014 he worked on cloud dynamics and forces mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology), Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Centre, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. He's published about 20 climate papers on fluid dynamics.

Today's vast panoply of "global warming science" is like an upside down pyramid built on the work of a few score of serious climate modellers. They claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recent global warming and project that warming forward. Every orthodox climate researcher takes such output from the modellers' black boxes as a given.

Dr. Nakamura has just made his work available to the English-speaking world [on Kindle]


What is he thinking?!?!

article said:
Solar input, absurdly, is modelled as a "never changing quantity". He says, "It has only been several decades since we acquired an ability to accurately monitor the incoming solar energy. In these several decades only, it has varied by one to two watts per square metre. Is it reasonable to assume that it will not vary any more than that in the next hundred years or longer for forecasting purposes? I would say, No."

How can you model it as changing when there's no data to base such a model on?!?!
This climate actress Greta is a perfect example of what happens when leftist propaganda indoctrinates children. They are scaring kids to death when they should be having fun. These are supposed to be their carefree years and they got them clinging to a death cult. It is bordering dangerously close to child abuse.

If you believe a 16 year old girl can somehow book a trip to congress all by herself with no connections, you fell for the propaganda, too. She didn't get there on her own, that's for sure. She has help from the propagandists.

If climate change is real, we would see scientists leading the protests worldwide. We'd see China's scientists marching to end it. We'd see scientists in every country marching. Instead we get some actress screaming "How dare you!" at Congress. Instead, scientists don't say anything. They stay silent. They don't seem to give 2 craps.
Scientists are supposed to do impartial science. If they were protesting then you would also complaining about them being biased. That is probably a bad faith complaint from you. A logical fallacy that I can't categorize right now (anyone help me to?)

But yes there are some scientists who protest about this issue.

And Chinese scientists?!? You think they have a wish to be sent to a Chinese style gulag (or organ hsrvesting?) like where Tank Man was sent to?

Are you Jimmy Higgins having a go?
The term Asperger's syndrome is no longer used. Now it's just on the spectrum.
Autism? Does that mean vaccines cause both Autism and awareness of climate change?

Those with high functioning autism are quite disproportionately represented in the STEM fields.

Thus the actual reality is that autism causes vaccines!
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