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New report on climate change released today

I do believe that the alarmists on both sides of the question are driven by the same exact realization, that AGW is such a large problem that it requires the government to solve it and this leaves the right with no choice but to deny it rather than to have to admit the obvious, that we do need a functioning government. Many on the left embrace a certain hysterical excess about the problem just so that the right has to boldly and loudly deny science for some other reason than keeping the creationists in movement conservatism's fold. As a result, both are needlessly scaring the children.

Present company excepted, of course.
Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 16 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!
Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 16 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

No, there are people other than pigtail girl and AOC arguing this. And they heave for decades. WE FUCKING SAW SNOW AT THREDBOW AT CHRISTMASTIME! Last time I checked, that wasn't fucking normal. As I like my K2 Apaches and I wondered if I made a mistake for my holidays a few years back. You think this is normal? All I have to say is ... fuck you! Now I am a snow boarder.
. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

Actually, it doesn't here we go:

Now I am assuming you are promoting Steven Crowder's bullshit claim that global worming is a myth becase a very specific sheet of Antarctic ice is growing You need to fast foward to 7:38 where your bullshit claim of "Antarctic Ice Sheets Are Growing" crap, but I'm pretty certain you don't have the chuztpah to refute any factual argument proving that you, once again, you are wrong. But go Ahead.

Watch the video and change my mind, fucko.
I do believe that the alarmists on both sides of the question are driven by the same exact realization, that AGW is such a large problem that it requires the government to solve it and this leaves the right with no choice but to deny it rather than to have to admit the obvious, that we do need a functioning government. Many on the left embrace a certain hysterical excess about the problem just so that the right has to boldly and loudly deny science for some other reason than keeping the creationists in movement conservatism's fold. As a result, both are needlessly scaring the children.

Present company excepted, of course.

Capital and the substantial people will tell us all what's best.
. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

Actually, it doesn't here we go:

Now I am assuming you are promoting Steven Crowder's bullshit claim that global worming is a myth becase a very specific sheet of Antarctic ice is growing You need to fast foward to 7:38 where your bullshit claim of "Antarctic Ice Sheets Are Growing" crap, but I'm pretty certain you don't have the chuztpah to refute any factual argument proving that you, once again, you are wrong. But go Ahead.

Watch the video and change my mind, fucko.

Well, he does like Joe Bastardi. Joe said that the alleged "greenhouse effect" is a hoax because it violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Yes folks Joe said that it violates the laws of physics for a greenhouse gas to affect the temperature of the atmosphere.

“[Saying that CO2 could affect the climate] contradicts what we call the first law of thermodynamics: energy can never be created nor destroyed,” Bastardi said. “So, to look for an input of energy into the atmosphere you have to come from a foreign source.”

Try to keep that in mind when you are shopping for winter clothes. Clothes can't warm you unless they heat themselves according to Joe.
Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 1, 6 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

..., , but how can one argue with a 1, 6 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

Who has accused you of that? I certainly don't see it.
. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

Actually, it doesn't here we go:

Now I am assuming you are promoting Steven Crowder's bullshit claim that global worming is a myth becase a very specific sheet of Antarctic ice is growing You need to fast foward to 7:38 where your bullshit claim of "Antarctic Ice Sheets Are Growing" crap, but I'm pretty certain you don't have the chuztpah to refute any factual argument proving that you, once again, you are wrong. But go Ahead.

Watch the video and change my mind, fucko.

In true leftist style, when you have no argument " attack the messenger!"
The religious cult "Extinction Rebellion" has had 270+ members arrested for fucking up ordinary people's day;

More than 270 people had been arrested by late afternoon on the first day of Extinction Rebellion’s planned two-week shutdown of central London in protest against the lack of action to tackle the climate crisis.
Teh Gruaniad

Sarah Lasenby, an 81-year-old Quaker and retired social worker from Oxford, was detained outside the Ministry of Defence. Lasenby said: “The whole thing is so urgent that it is imperative the government should take serious actions and put pressure on other states and global powers to radically reduce the use of fossil fuels even if this means we need to reduce our comfort at home and so much flying.”

These are the cranks that the religion of catastrophic climate change attracts. One foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin. What's this "we" business she speaks of ? Teh Gruaniad has been pumping out Extinction Rebellion propaganda and climate apocalypse prophesies (that fail to materialize) for years, it's about time they were held accountable.

A Rapture like cult.
Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 16 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

Your being hysterical again. All over a teenager. You just don't like the message and it angers your denialism, so you attack the messenger. How pathetic.
Well if want to see genuine hysteria get a load of this mental case who breaks down in tears because he is so frightened of weather;

An Extinction Rebellion demonstrator breaks down as he says he is frightened for his two children's futures, during chaotic protests in London today. The man - whose children are four and 10 months old - was laying in the street as part of demonstrations. When asked what his name was the man responded: 'I'm just a father-of-two children that's very frightened of their future'. The protester also reaches into his pocket while still laying on the road to show a sweet photograph of his two children. The man is then overcome by emotion and bursts into tears while his hand shakes. The crying continues as he clutches the picture and another demonstrator attempts to comfort him.



A Rapture like cult.
Well if want to see genuine hysteria get a load of this mental case who breaks down in tears because he is so frightened of weather;

An Extinction Rebellion demonstrator breaks down as he says he is frightened for his two children's futures, during chaotic protests in London today. The man - whose children are four and 10 months old - was laying in the street as part of demonstrations. When asked what his name was the man responded: 'I'm just a father-of-two children that's very frightened of their future'. The protester also reaches into his pocket while still laying on the road to show a sweet photograph of his two children. The man is then overcome by emotion and bursts into tears while his hand shakes. The crying continues as he clutches the picture and another demonstrator attempts to comfort him.



A Rapture like cult.

Yes hysteria on both sides.
Well, he does like Joe Bastardi. Joe said that the alleged "greenhouse effect" is a hoax because it violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Yes folks Joe said that it violates the laws of physics for a greenhouse gas to affect the temperature of the atmosphere.

“[Saying that CO2 could affect the climate] contradicts what we call the first law of thermodynamics: energy can never be created nor destroyed,” Bastardi said. “So, to look for an input of energy into the atmosphere you have to come from a foreign source.”

Try to keep that in mind when you are shopping for winter clothes. Clothes can't warm you unless they heat themselves according to Joe.
You can't argue with his logic. Earth is clearly a closed system and is entirely unaffected by anything outside of its atmosphere.

Is there a single denialism out there (other than existence of perpetual machines) that references Thermodynamics correctly?
Well if want to see genuine hysteria get a load of this mental case who breaks down in tears because he is so frightened of weather;

An Extinction Rebellion demonstrator breaks down as he says he is frightened for his two children's futures, during chaotic protests in London today. The man - whose children are four and 10 months old - was laying in the street as part of demonstrations. When asked what his name was the man responded: 'I'm just a father-of-two children that's very frightened of their future'. The protester also reaches into his pocket while still laying on the road to show a sweet photograph of his two children. The man is then overcome by emotion and bursts into tears while his hand shakes. The crying continues as he clutches the picture and another demonstrator attempts to comfort him.



A Rapture like cult.

There was someone recently who seemed like that who turned out to be a troll. "Eat The Babies" Viral Video At AOC Town Hall Was Staged By LaRouche, A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Group

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently held a town-hall meeting where a woman expressed her concerns about climate-change disaster and ranted about how we must eat our babies. AOC kept a level head and calmly assured Ms. Eat Babies that we have ways out of our mess. She said later that she did not contradict Ms. Eat Babies out of her concern that Ms. Eat Babies might be mentally disturbed.

Then some followers of Lyndon LaRouche claimed credit for sending Ms. Eat Babies to troll AOC.
There was someone recently who seemed like that who turned out to be a troll.

Extinction Rebellion are trolling ? Thurnberg is trolling ?

A Rapture like cult.

Holy shit, keep up.

Anyway, LarouchePac is totally bonkers and they love Gauss but hate Euler????!!!???

Lyndon was just smart enough to be dangerous, but not helpful.
Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 16 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

Your being hysterical again. All over a teenager. You just don't like the message and it angers your denialism, so you attack the messenger. How pathetic.

The messenger in this case is a pawn of the activists and charlatans. I hear the 16 year old brat going to be nominated for an Academy Award. :realitycheck:
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