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New report on climate change released today

I am all for doing enough to stop GW but Gretta is just scary, "she can start a religion" level scary. Also I wonder how she travels while in North America, I know she sailed to NY which was kinda ridiculous considering that boat crew flew back on a plane and yacht itself was somehow transported back too.
I am all for doing enough to stop GW but Gretta is just scary, "she can start a religion" level scary. Also I wonder how she travels while in North America, I know she sailed to NY which was kinda ridiculous considering that boat crew flew back on a plane and yacht itself was somehow transported back too.

Chalk it up to monkey brain humans needing a leader, even if it a creepy teenager. Better than a senile idiot maybe?
I am all for doing enough to stop GW but Gretta is just scary, "she can start a religion" level scary. Also I wonder how she travels while in North America, I know she sailed to NY which was kinda ridiculous considering that boat crew flew back on a plane and yacht itself was somehow transported back too.

I read that Arnold Schwarzenegger is letting her use his electric car while she's here.
I am all for doing enough to stop GW but Gretta is just scary, "she can start a religion" level scary. Also I wonder how she travels while in North America, I know she sailed to NY which was kinda ridiculous considering that boat crew flew back on a plane and yacht itself was somehow transported back too.

Yeah, paying attention to the science is "a religion" now that threatens predatory extractive capitalism.
Scientists are supposed to do impartial science. If they were protesting then you would also complaining about them being biased. That is probably a bad faith complaint from you. A logical fallacy that I can't categorize right now (anyone help me to?)

But yes there are some scientists who protest about this issue.

And Chinese scientists?!? You think they have a wish to be sent to a Chinese style gulag (or organ hsrvesting?) like where Tank Man was sent to?

Are you Jimmy Higgins having a go?

So we've established that China ain't gonna do jack about global warming. India ain't gonna do jack. But, the U.S. has to do something? Nobody else believes in it enough to actually do anything. So, why should the U.S.? China throws their old computers in forests and leave them to rot and the U.S. laughs about that.

It is very sad to me that the left is using a mentally ill autistic teenage girl to get their point across. Before you say, "How dare you call her mentally ill!," keep in mind her parents and Greta herself have called her mentally ill as well. Autism is a mental problem. It's not meant to be exploited for gain.
This climate actress Greta is a perfect example of what happens when leftist propaganda indoctrinates children. They are scaring kids to death when they should be having fun. These are supposed to be their carefree years and they got them clinging to a death cult. It is bordering dangerously close to child abuse.

The parents should be protecting them but they aren't.

If you believe a 16 year old girl can somehow book a trip to congress all by herself with no connections, you fell for the propaganda, too. She didn't get there on her own, that's for sure. She has help from the propagandists.

And why do you think she couldn't? At 16 with modern tech the only issues would be money and permission. By my 16th birthday I had been in 20+ countries and was used to border crossings--and not just the handwave you usually get in first world to first world. By my 17th birthday that was up to almost 40 countries and I handled the majority of the paperwork. (And this was back when it was paper.) I had traveled across the country alone by then and had been traveling around town on my own for almost 10 years by then.

If climate change is real, we would see scientists leading the protests worldwide. We'd see China's scientists marching to end it. We'd see scientists in every country marching. Instead we get some actress screaming "How dare you!" at Congress. Instead, scientists don't say anything. They stay silent. They don't seem to give 2 craps.

Scientists rarely protest--they are far more concerned with presenting data than emotional arguments.
So we've established that China ain't gonna do jack about global warming. India ain't gonna do jack. But, the U.S. has to do something? Nobody else believes in it enough to actually do anything. So, why should the U.S.? China throws their old computers in forests and leave them to rot and the U.S. laughs about that.

The problem is leaders generally only look to what will happen while they are in power. Doing something unpopular during their term is far worse than catastrophe down the road.

If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.
It is very sad to me that the left is using a mentally ill autistic teenage girl to get their point across. Before you say, "How dare you call her mentally ill!," keep in mind her parents and Greta herself have called her mentally ill as well. Autism is a mental problem. It's not meant to be exploited for gain.

Tries to point out that Thunberg has little credibility because she is autistic.
Then proceeds to demonize the left for using autism to make a political point without any self awareness or sense of irony. Can't say I'm surprised.
It is very sad to me that the left is using a mentally ill autistic teenage girl to get their point across. Before you say, "How dare you call her mentally ill!," keep in mind her parents and Greta herself have called her mentally ill as well. Autism is a mental problem. It's not meant to be exploited for gain.

Tries to point out that Thunberg has little credibility because she is autistic.
Then proceeds to demonize the left for using autism to make a political point without any self awareness or sense of irony. Can't say I'm surprised.

It's not because she's autistic that she has no credibility. It's that she doesn't know what she's talking about, autistic or not. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing. She is being used as a pawn in the left's twisted games. That's it. I feel sorry for her, like any child who gets exploited, especially one with mental illness. It's genuinely a disturbing thing to do and only a sick mind could think of doing it.
So we've established that China ain't gonna do jack about global warming. India ain't gonna do jack. ...
I am more optimistic about India than about China. That is because India is a much more open society than China, much more like the Western nations. This is evident from the Sept 20 - 27 climate-activism demonstrations. There were such demonstrations in many nations in the world -- lots of them in India, and hardly any in China.

If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.
Why is that?
If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.

So the solution is to allow China to do nothing while we get yelled at by a climate actress?

No, clearly the solution is to attack our youth while we do nothing, I mean really, if it isn't effecting me yet, fuck the planet and others who are already effected, I don't care, my religion is profit margin growth for the substantial people to infinity. Perhaps our "leaders" should face what you suggest China's would.
It is very sad to me that the left is using a mentally ill autistic teenage girl to get their point across. Before you say, "How dare you call her mentally ill!," keep in mind her parents and Greta herself have called her mentally ill as well. Autism is a mental problem. It's not meant to be exploited for gain.

Tries to point out that Thunberg has little credibility because she is autistic.
Then proceeds to demonize the left for using autism to make a political point without any self awareness or sense of irony. Can't say I'm surprised.

It's not because she's autistic that she has no credibility. It's that she doesn't know what she's talking about, autistic or not. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing. She is being used as a pawn in the left's twisted games. That's it. I feel sorry for her, like any child who gets exploited, especially one with mental illness. It's genuinely a disturbing thing to do and only a sick mind could think of doing it.

The sick attack their own future.

Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

What do the satellite images show?
It's not because she's autistic that she has no credibility. It's that she doesn't know what she's talking about, autistic or not. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing. She is being used as a pawn in the left's twisted games. That's it. I feel sorry for her, like any child who gets exploited, especially one with mental illness. It's genuinely a disturbing thing to do and only a sick mind could think of doing it.

The sick attack their own future.

Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

What do the satellite images show?

Don't sweat it. Half-Life loves to use the phrase "science shows ...", when what he means is "I believe, and you should trust me that ...".

He's never given any reason to suggest that he has clue one what science even is, much less what it shows.

There's some evidence that the extent of sea ice around Antarctica has increased; This is seized upon by the ignorati as evidence that there's no problem with loss of ice from the Antarctic continent, and it never occurs to them to wonder if that's what we would expect to see if, say, the rate of flow of glaciers bringing ice off the Antarctic landmass were increasing. Nor do they consider the possibility that melting sea ice might spread out, and cover a larger surface area with thinner ice, so a volumetric decline might lead to an increase in area covered. Nor do they even care to look to see whether that datum was part of a trend, or a single, once only observation.

Sea ice area may have increased. Therefore there cannot be a problem.

That's the limit of their argument, and they don't care that they are on very thin ice indeed.
It's not because she's autistic that she has no credibility. It's that she doesn't know what she's talking about, autistic or not. Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing. She is being used as a pawn in the left's twisted games. That's it. I feel sorry for her, like any child who gets exploited, especially one with mental illness. It's genuinely a disturbing thing to do and only a sick mind could think of doing it.

The sick attack their own future.

Science shows the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.

What do the satellite images show?

Don't sweat it. Half-Life loves to use the phrase "science shows ...", when what he means is "I believe, and you should trust me that ...".

He's never given any reason to suggest that he has clue one what science even is, much less what it shows.

There's some evidence that the extent of sea ice around Antarctica has increased; This is seized upon by the ignorati as evidence that there's no problem with loss of ice from the Antarctic continent, and it never occurs to them to wonder if that's what we would expect to see if, say, the rate of flow of glaciers bringing ice off the Antarctic landmass were increasing. Nor do they consider the possibility that melting sea ice might spread out, and cover a larger surface area with thinner ice, so a volumetric decline might lead to an increase in area covered. Nor do they even care to look to see whether that datum was part of a trend, or a single, once only observation.

Sea ice area may have increased. Therefore there cannot be a problem.

That's the limit of their argument, and they don't care that they are on very thin ice indeed.

Oh I'm quite aware, he believes, relieves him of thinking, that's quite ubiquitous in america. Oh, did I mention "lefties!" or "fascists!" yet?
If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.

So the solution is to allow China to do nothing while we get yelled at by a climate actress?

Pay attention to context!!

You said that if climate change was going to be a problem that the Chinese government would be doing something about it rather than continuing to increase coal use. I'm pointing out that climate change is a long term problem, a billion people with pitchforks is a much more immediate problem.
If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.

So the solution is to allow China to do nothing while we get yelled at by a climate actress?

Pay attention to context!!

You said that if climate change was going to be a problem that the Chinese government would be doing something about it rather than continuing to increase coal use. I'm pointing out that climate change is a long term problem, a billion people with pitchforks is a much more immediate problem.

Apparently we now recognize China as the world's leader, not US.
So we've established that China ain't gonna do jack about global warming. India ain't gonna do jack. ...
I am more optimistic about India than about China. That is because India is a much more open society than China, much more like the Western nations. This is evident from the Sept 20 - 27 climate-activism demonstrations. There were such demonstrations in many nations in the world -- lots of them in India, and hardly any in China.

If China tries to deal with global warming they're going to be facing a revolt--one the leaders would be unlikely to survive.
Why is that?

They're having trouble keeping the lights on in midsummer as it is.
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