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New report on climate change released today

Teh Gruaniad for a start, Extinction Rebellion, the weird Swedish kid, AOC and load of others.

What evidence is there that actual man made climate change is/has actually occurred ?

Climate change is a Rapture like cult.

Ice cores that have atmospheric data for a 40, 000 year time frame for one.

40.000 years is less than the blink of an eye on the timescale of mother Earth! Besides, if one talks about such a timescale, that pesky Medieval Warming period from around 1000-1400 has to be explained away, and not hidden as Mann did!
The issue is not that climate change happens due to natural processes and events, which of course it does, but how much we are adding to the mix with our activity.
Teh Gruaniad for a start, Extinction Rebellion, the weird Swedish kid, AOC and load of others.

What evidence is there that actual man made climate change is/has actually occurred ?

Climate change is a Rapture like cult.

Ice cores that have atmospheric data for a 40, 000 year time frame for one.

40.000 years is less than the blink of an eye on the timescale of mother Earth! Besides, if one talks about such a timescale, that pesky Medieval Warming period from around 1000-1400 has to be explained away, and not hidden as Mann did!

Well if you understand the science - which you say you do and then when it slaps your denialism in your face you don't - the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The earth wobbles on its axis and its rotation around the sun changes from oval to circluar to more oval - these factors among others indeed do change the climate. However, the science - if you bother to look at it says these factors are not what is causing what is happening today.

40,000 years is significantly before the industrial revolution. The ice cores show very clearly the influence of humans. How do I know? I have actually seen the ice cores. The demarcation is very apparent. But oh - that doesn't support your denialism so you can't possible look at any of this evidence - because you know science - you can't possibly believe in that unless it supports your position. Stick your head farther in the sand and continue to let your butt burn in the ever increasing temperatures of down under. Maybe some day that burn will reach your brain.
Teh Gruaniad for a start, Extinction Rebellion, the weird Swedish kid, AOC and load of others.

What evidence is there that actual man made climate change is/has actually occurred ?

Climate change is a Rapture like cult.

Ice cores that have atmospheric data for a 40, 000 year time frame for one.

40.000 years is less than the blink of an eye on the timescale of mother Earth! Besides, if one talks about such a timescale, that pesky Medieval Warming period from around 1000-1400 has to be explained away, and not hidden as Mann did!

Except it basically doesn't show in the ice cores. It wasn't a worldwide thing like you take on faith.
The issue is not that climate change happens due to natural processes and events, which of course it does, but how much we are adding to the mix with our activity.

Easily fixed! Every human in existence is to go back to living as hunter gatherers. Not even a gathering around a log fire to keep warm or cook on it is to be allowed!

I wonder if the warmists and alarmists will ever learn the truth that it's not man that influences climate, but vice versa. It's climate that has influenced mankind's evolution and adaption to the conditions ever since homo sapiens first appeared!
The issue is not that climate change happens due to natural processes and events, which of course it does, but how much we are adding to the mix with our activity.
Easily fixed! Every human in existence is to go back to living as hunter gatherers. Not even a gathering around a log fire to keep warm or cook on it is to be allowed!
You know, by installing insulation and replacing my furnace, I reduced the natural gas usage in my house by 75 to 80%. I support CAFE standards that continue to help reduce emissions. There are ways to contribute to reducing the footprint without needing to resort to childish hyperbole.

I wonder if the warmists and alarmists will ever learn the truth that it's not man that influences climate, but vice versa. It's climate that has influenced mankind's evolution and adaption to the conditions ever since homo sapiens first appeared!
The exclamation point helps to sell that Dianetics level AGW Conspiracy fiction.
You know, by installing insulation and replacing my furnace, I reduced the natural gas usage in my house by 75 to 80%. I support CAFE standards that continue to help reduce emissions. There are ways to contribute to reducing the footprint without needing to resort to childish hyperbole.
New air conditioner. Cut cooling electricity use in our house by 60% without moving the thermostat. New roof is going to cut it another 20-30%. I don't think there's a light in our house that draws more than 6 watts. Just imagine if I put solar up on the roof to power the house and charge my commuter car. I bet my personal carbon would come down to a point that could be assimilated by plants out there in the world.

But no, the propagandists from the Heartland Institute, API, etc... say that it is "become cavemen" or keep being super wasteful with no in-between.
40.000 years is less than the blink of an eye on the timescale of mother Earth! Besides, if one talks about such a timescale, that pesky Medieval Warming period from around 1000-1400 has to be explained away, and not hidden as Mann did!

Except it basically doesn't show in the ice cores. It wasn't a worldwide thing like you take on faith.

The Medieval Warm Period appears to have been a purely Western European phenomenon - not global warming, but just local warming in the region whose inhabitants went on to think themselves and their history uniquely important.

The best hypothesis I have seen for its proximate cause is an increase in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, bringing more warm Caribbean water to Europe via the Gulf Stream. This increased circulation may have been due to a cooling of the North West Atlantic, reducing freshwater run-off from Greenland and Eastern Canada; The net global temperature may not have changed at all, or more plausibly, may have actually been lower.

Indeed in today's warmer conditions, we observe that the North West Atlantic is one of the few areas that is cooler than it was in recent pre-industrial history, suggesting that the opposite effect could occur over the next few centuries - in a warmer world, Europe could easily experience a dramatic cooling. Bear in mind that the city of Glasgow, in Scotland, is almost 56° North of the equator; Far further North than any Canadian or North American city of any size, other than Anchorage, Alaska.
New air conditioner. Cut cooling electricity use in our house by 60% without moving the thermostat. New roof is going to cut it another 20-30%. I don't think there's a light in our house that draws more than 6 watts. Just imagine if I put solar up on the roof to power the house and charge my commuter car. I bet my personal carbon would come down to a point that could be assimilated by plants out there in the world.

This irrational obsession with carbon really needs to stop.

But no, the propagandists from the Heartland Institute, API, etc... say that it is "become cavemen" or keep being super wasteful with no in-between.

That's a load of male bovine excrement right there in regards to the upgrades mentioned.
I for one welcome global warming. I am buying beachfront property on Hudson's Bay and installing volleyball courts and a waterski jumping course. I am going to make millions.
There are a lot of clips of lone people or groups assaulting or pushing blockaders out of the way regarding Extinction Rebellion protestors.

Not surprising.

AGW is serious as a heart attack and will last at least 10,000 years leading to drought and deluge as well as meters of sea level rise at maximum. When the arctic tundra pours out its carbon it is lights out for global agriculture. Fields will be baked and the stronger torrential rains will not make up for it

But anyway, these protestors are still kind of lame.
The issue is not that climate change happens due to natural processes and events, which of course it does, but how much we are adding to the mix with our activity.

Easily fixed! Every human in existence is to go back to living as hunter gatherers. Not even a gathering around a log fire to keep warm or cook on it is to be allowed!

I wonder if the warmists and alarmists will ever learn the truth that it's not man that influences climate, but vice versa. It's climate that has influenced mankind's evolution and adaption to the conditions ever since homo sapiens first appeared!

A flippant response that misses the point that climate science seeks to understand how and to what extent human activity is effecting climate change.
New air conditioner. Cut cooling electricity use in our house by 60% without moving the thermostat. New roof is going to cut it another 20-30%. I don't think there's a light in our house that draws more than 6 watts. Just imagine if I put solar up on the roof to power the house and charge my commuter car. I bet my personal carbon would come down to a point that could be assimilated by plants out there in the world.

This irrational obsession with carbon really needs to stop.

Need to quit worrying about sulfur, nitrogen, and mercury too. Need to dig and burn more coal. No need for expensive low sulfur diesel or catalytic converters either. Smog and acid rain and mercury bioaccumulation in fish are liberal NWO myths propagated by people that want to destroy capitalism. Such has been the argument since 1972.

That's a load of male bovine excrement right there in regards to the upgrades mentioned.
You questioning the effectiveness of going from a 15 year old 4 ton two way heat pump to a 21 SEER straight cool? Oh and why did I go straight cool? 19 out of the last 20 winters here in central Brevard have been more like the winters the were typical in West Palm Beach in the precious century. So I am changes my landscape plants and hvac accordingly.

Dont try to deny the caveman hyperbole. Angelo just posted it. It is right there for all to see. I bet I can turn on Limbaugh, the mouthpiece of The Heartland Institute, this week and here it. Heard it from him about sulfur, cfcs, NOx, etc... Going back to the 80s.
Need to quit worrying about sulfur, nitro{snip}

That’s quite a leap you made there.

You questioning the effectiveness of going from a 15 year old 4 ton two way heat pump to a 21 SEER straight cool?
I’m questioning your assertion that anyone would discourage the modifications you made, I certainly don’t. I have done similar to my own home.
Need to quit worrying about sulfur, nitro{snip}

That’s quite a leap you made there.
Not really. I have been listening to the Heartland Institute propaganda on the EIB network since about 1992. Sulfur regs were a communist plot by enviro nazis. Mt. Pinatubo produced more sulfur in one eruption than man in all of history therefore mans sulfur emmissions couldnt be pollution. Not a stretxh what I wrote. It has been the official right wing position for quite some time.
You questioning the effectiveness of going from a 15 year old 4 ton two way heat pump to a 21 SEER straight cool?
I’m questioning your assertion that anyone would discourage the modifications you made, I certainly don’t. I have done similar to my own home.

Angelos hyperbole matches what you might read in National Review. I see it go uncontested by you people here. Oh and Sarah Palin and Donald Trump with their fucking incandescent bulbs.
Not really.
Yes, really because I said no such thing.

]Angelos hyperbole matches what you might read in National Review. I see it go uncontested by you people here.
Compared to the hyperbole about the coming Rapture due to climate collapse etc ? Pffft. no, you won’t see Angelo’s hyperbole contested by me because he’s one of the many on ignore.
scombrid;728450 said:
Oh and Sarah Palin and Donald Trump with their fucking incandescent bulbs.

Sarah Palin ?! Are you havin A laff?!!

Is she/he havin a laff ?!

Rapture like cult. People have lost their minds.
The climate debate has lost the flavor of a debate. In a debate there is a clear proposition being debated.
The skeptic in me says that dogma is not a Good Thing. Religious dogma is dangerous; it allows people to do evil thinking it is good. Political dogma is dangerous; communism in USSR, socialism in Venezuela, [crony] capitalism in USA. Scientific dogma is just as dangerous.
There is a huge spectrum of belief regarding climate. The two extremes, the advocates of CAGW and the ice-age-by-2030 crowd, are both extraordinary claims. Both unlikely. To be doubted until the evidence is compelling.
The claim of some here is that there can be no doubt. It is the consensus. Just like modern evolutionary theory, no sensible person doubts it. To express doubt out loud is insanity. Evolution is real. Catastrophic Humanity-Caused Global Warming is real. We must do something about it. It is too dangerous to ignore.
The claim of others is that it is political dogmatic hogwash. The data has been manipulated. Follow the money; there are careers at stake. No science is ever settled. Consilience, not consensus is science; when the experiments from disjoint fields all agree, the probability goes up. Models, from mathematical 'models' (F=ma) to scale models (wind tunnel), to computer models (simulated wind tunnel) are all artificial simplifications which must be verified by experiment. For a predictive model to be judged accurate it must have a history of repeated success at prediction. One month Atlantic storm predictions have a larger error bar than one week storm predictions; one day predictions are quite accurate. The error bars on newspaper-reported consensus catastrophe prediction science (The Ice Age Cometh, the Arctic will be ice-free by 19xx) have been huge.
My opinion is that we should be skeptical.

There is a solution regardless of your fandom. If you are on team CO2-is-gonna-kill-us or on team Ice-Age or even on no team at all we can just Nuke the problem. Turn our smartest with the white lab coats loose on that problem instead of studying weather.
The climate debate has lost the flavor of a debate. In a debate there is a clear proposition being debated.
The skeptic in me says that dogma is not a Good Thing. Religious dogma is dangerous; it allows people to do evil thinking it is good. Political dogma is dangerous; communism in USSR, socialism in Venezuela, [crony] capitalism in USA. Scientific dogma is just as dangerous.
There is a huge spectrum of belief regarding climate. The two extremes, the advocates of CAGW and the ice-age-by-2030 crowd, are both extraordinary claims. Both unlikely. To be doubted until the evidence is compelling.
The claim of some here is that there can be no doubt. It is the consensus. Just like modern evolutionary theory, no sensible person doubts it. To express doubt out loud is insanity. Evolution is real. Catastrophic Humanity-Caused Global Warming is real. We must do something about it. It is too dangerous to ignore.
The claim of others is that it is political dogmatic hogwash. The data has been manipulated. Follow the money; there are careers at stake. No science is ever settled. Consilience, not consensus is science; when the experiments from disjoint fields all agree, the probability goes up. Models, from mathematical 'models' (F=ma) to scale models (wind tunnel), to computer models (simulated wind tunnel) are all artificial simplifications which must be verified by experiment. For a predictive model to be judged accurate it must have a history of repeated success at prediction. One month Atlantic storm predictions have a larger error bar than one week storm predictions; one day predictions are quite accurate. The error bars on newspaper-reported consensus catastrophe prediction science (The Ice Age Cometh, the Arctic will be ice-free by 19xx) have been huge.
My opinion is that we should be skeptical.

There is a solution regardless of your fandom. If you are on team CO2-is-gonna-kill-us or on team Ice-Age or even on no team at all we can just Nuke the problem. Turn our smartest with the white lab coats loose on that problem instead of studying weather.
Reason would indicate that improving weather and climate change phenomena should be a major impetus.
The issue is not that climate change happens due to natural processes and events, which of course it does, but how much we are adding to the mix with our activity.

Easily fixed! Every human in existence is to go back to living as hunter gatherers. Not even a gathering around a log fire to keep warm or cook on it is to be allowed!

I wonder if the warmists and alarmists will ever learn the truth that it's not man that influences climate, but vice versa. It's climate that has influenced mankind's evolution and adaption to the conditions ever since homo sapiens first appeared!

A flippant response that misses the point that climate science seeks to understand how and to what extent human activity is effecting climate change.

If at all, around perhaps 0.3% at most. Nothing to get one's knickers in a knot about. Climate always has and always will change despite what mere mortals do. A species [any] either adapts or it becomes extinct.
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