• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

New report on climate change released today

Many of the world's children now hate us baby boomers as we're responsible for a massive rise in sea levels and extermination a multitude of species, but also because of our insatiable pursuit of wealth, have caused a rise in the frequency of earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions due to increased CO2 levels. Trying to inject some sanity and factual data, like the fact that Tasmania and The British Isles once being joined to the mainland but now separated by around 20 odd meters of water, all this sea level rise occurring long before any man made CO2 was around, but how can one argue with a 16 year old brat and the likes of an AOC and the rest of the alarmists who mainly hail from the left side of politics and the rest of the wackos!

Your being hysterical again. All over a teenager. You just don't like the message and it angers your denialism, so you attack the messenger. How pathetic.

The messenger in this case is a pawn of the activists and charlatans. I hear the 16 year old brat going to be nominated for an Academy Award. :realitycheck:

Have you met this teenager? How do you know she is a “brat”? You make crazy assumptions because you are angry that it offends your denialism. And it’s not an Academy Award that’s for movies- it’s a Nobel Peace Prize.

Why is it so hard for you to listen to another point of view?
The messenger in this case is a pawn of the activists and charlatans. I hear the 16 year old brat going to be nominated for an Academy Award. :realitycheck:

Have you met this teenager? How do you know she is a “brat”? You make crazy assumptions because you are angry that it offends your denialism. And it’s not an Academy Award that’s for movies- it’s a Nobel Peace Prize.

Why is it so hard for you to listen to another point of view?
"Brat" because he at least has enough decency not to call her a "bitch"... but wants to.
And it’s not an Academy Award that’s for movies- it’s a Nobel Peace Prize.
There's a documentary that includes her.
So she has a listing on IMDB.
That means, to some, THAT SHE'S PROVEN TO BE AN ACTRESS! Therefore, she's acting...
Surely she at least deserves a Tony?
AOC recently Instagrammed about her arrival in Copenhagen DK for a climate-change conference. She went by airplane, because a sailboat would have taken far too long. The sound didn't work, but it did work in Facebook's mirror of it. In Copenhagen, she found a sign announcing a plan to make the airport emission-free by 2030, by making all ground transport emission-free by then. I think that she's right that it's a matter of political will. We have the tools, so let's use them. She concluded with how Copenhagen built a new metrorail line around the city in 10 years.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Federal govs are failing to act on the climate crisis.
We can’t wait for others to lead.
That’s why I’m in Copenhagen w/ C40 mayors, trade unions, youth climate strikers, business & citizen reps from around the world to rally for a Global #GreenNewDeal. https://t.co/uJjcrkjbTH" / Twitter

C40 - Mayors Announce Support For Global Green New Deal; Recognize Global Climate Emergency
C40 - Mayors Announce Support For Global Green New Deal; Recognize Global Climate Emergency
The broad coalition - including youth climate activists, and representatives from labour, business and civil society - announced their support for the Global Green New Deal vision as mayors of the world’s largest cities warned that the planet is in a state of climate emergency. The message was issued by city leaders attending the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen. Their call came in response to intergovernmental action being blocked by a minority of very powerful, science-denying governments, representing the interests of the fossil-fuel industry.

Through the Global Green New Deal, cities have reaffirmed their commitment to protecting our environment, strengthening our economy, and building a more equitable future by cutting emissions from the sectors most responsible for the climate crisis -- transportation, buildings, industry, and waste -- to keep global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.
So if regional and national politicians won't do anything, they are going to do something.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Representative for New York's 14th Congressional District, said “I am inspired by this coalition and the commitments made for a global Green New Deal. If we work to join forces globally, we will be able to defeat our greatest threat and realize our greatest opportunity.”
Something that I'm sure will help her sleep better at night.

C40 - Cities lists them and what initiatives they have done:
  • Energy & Buildings
  • Transportation & Urban Planning
  • Food, Waste & Water
  • Air Quality
  • Adaptation Implementation
94 cities, 25% of global GDP, 1 in 12 people worldwide, 10,000 actions to fight global climate change
The cities:
  • Africa -- Abidjan CI, Accra GH, Addis Ababa ET, Cape Town ZA, Dakar SN, Dar es Salaam TZ, Durban (eThekwini) ZA, Johannesburg ZA, Lagos NG, Nairobi KE, Tshwane ZA
  • Central East Asia -- Beijing CN, Chengdu CN, Fuzhou CN, Guangzhou CN, Hangzhou CN, Hong Kong CN, Nanjing CN, Qingdao CN, Shanghai CN, Shenzhen CN, Wuhan CN, Zhenjiang CN
  • East, Southeast Asia & Oceania -- Auckland NZ, Hanoi VN, Ho Chi Minh City VN, Jakarta ID, Kuala Lumpur ML, Melbourne AU, Quezon City PH, Seoul KR, Singapore SG, Sydney AU, Tokyo JP, Yokohama JP
  • Europe -- Amsterdam NL, Athens GR, Barcelona ES, Berlin DE, Copenhagen DK, Heidelberg DE, Istanbul TR, Lisbon PT, London UK, Madrid ES, Milan IT, Oslo NO, Paris FR, Rome IT, Rotterdam NL, Stockholm SE, Tel Aviv Yafo IL, Venice IT, Warsaw PL
  • Latin America -- Bogotá CO, Buenos Aires AR, Curitiba BR, Guadalajara MX, Lima PE, Medellín CO, Mexico City MX, Quito EC, Rio de Janeiro BR, Salvador BR, Santiago CL, Sao Paulo BR
  • North America -- Austin US, Boston US, Chicago US, Houston US, Los Angeles US, Montréal CA, New Orleans US, New York US, Philadelphia US, Portland US, San Francisco US, Seattle US, Toronto CA, Vancouver CA, Washington DC US
  • South and West Asia -- Amman JO, Bengaluru IN, Chennai IN, Delhi NCT IN, Dhaka BD, Dubai AE, Karachi PK, Kolkata IN
  • Temporarily Inactive -- Bangkok TH, Caracas VE, Dalian CN, Jaipur IN, Moscow RU
I'm pleasantly surprised to see China represented here. That was from China not having big demonstrations of climate activists. India is also represented, along with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

So this gives me even more hope of action.
Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement

Nearly a billion dollars a year is flowing into the organized climate change counter-movement

Actually, it's not “for some reason” that people are confused. There's a very obvious reason. There is a very well-funded, well-orchestrated climate change-denial movement, one funded by powerful people with very deep pockets. In a new and incredibly thorough study, Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle took a deep dive into the financial structure of the climate deniers, to see who is holding the purse strings.

According to Brulle's research, the 91 think tanks and advocacy organizations and trade associations that make up the American climate denial industry pull down just shy of a billion dollars each year, money used to lobby or sway public opinion on climate change and other issues.

“The anti-climate effort has been largely underwritten by conservative billionaires,” says the Guardian, “often working through secretive funding networks. They have displaced corporations as the prime supporters of 91 think tanks, advocacy groups and industry associations which have worked to block action on climate change.”

‘Inspirational': Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez applauds mayors’ Global Green New Deal | Cities | The Guardian - "Mayors of more than 90 of the world’s biggest cities voice support for bold proposal to fight climate change as they lambast ‘failed’ UN climate summit"

AOC is now in Copenhagen, and she Instagrammed on what she found there. Lots and lots of bikes. Much more than she has ever seen in NYC. Plenty of trains and buses, and many taxis are electric. She went to a shopping district where it's mostly people on the streets - two-lane streets, it seems.

Back to the article. Eric Garcetti, LA Mayor and current head of C40:
“This will be my priority as the new chair, to deliver a Green New Deal in the face of the climate emergency and to make the 2020s the decade of human action,” he said.

“This will be the defining decade not only of our lives, but of life itself for human beings on this planet. I have no doubt that we can and will get it right, because human beings have this stubborn desire to survive.”
Jamie Margolin, founder of climate-activist group Zero Hour:
“The Green New Deal is not just about a specific piece of legislation or about a promise a politician makes. It’s about finally ending the fairy tale. With the Green New Deal we are calling to an end the sacrificing of everything to protect that fairytale of eternal economic growth.”
Referring to last month's UN Climate Action Summit,
“World leaders met in New York just last month and once again failed to agree anything close to the level of action necessary to stop the climate crisis,” the group’s chair, Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, said in a statement.

“Their ineptitude directly threatens all people around the globe as time keeps running against us.”

Mark Watts, the C40 executive director, told the Guardian that the leaders of the US, Brazil, Australia, Russia and Turkey were now “essentially representatives of the fossil fuel industry”, so it was important for “the next most powerful group of politicians”, the mayors of the biggest cities, to step up.
C40 - Networks
Working across multiple sectors and issues, C40 convenes networks that provide a range of services in support of cities’ climate change efforts. C40 currently has 16 networks that cover the mitigation, adaptation and sustainability topics of highest priority to C40 cities and with the potential for the greatest climate impact. C40 networks help cities replicate, improve and accelerate climate action.

Through C40 networks, city practitioners from around the world advise and learn from one another about the successes and challenges of implementing climate action. Network interactions and C40 communications provide a platform for cities to showcase their climate action solutions and inspire their city peers. C40 networks also help cities engage with technical experts and undertake collective actions that demonstrate the power of cities working together.
  • Adaptation Implementation
    • Connecting Delta Cities
    • Cool Cities
    • Urban Flooding
  • Air Quality
    • Air Quality
  • Energy & Buildings
    • Clean Energy
    • Municipal Building Efficiency
    • New Building Efficiency
    • Private Building Efficiency
  • Food, Waste & Water
    • Food Systems
    • Sustainable Waste Systems
    • Waste to Resources
  • Transportation & Urban Planning
    • Land Use Planning
    • Mass Transit
    • Mobility Management
    • Walking & Cycling
    • Zero Emission Vehicles
The messenger in this case is a pawn of the activists and charlatans. I hear the 16 year old brat going to be nominated for an Academy Award. :realitycheck:

Have you met this teenager? How do you know she is a “brat”? You make crazy assumptions because you are angry that it offends your denialism. And it’s not an Academy Award that’s for movies- it’s a Nobel Peace Prize.

Why is it so hard for you to listen to another point of view?

Were she to win the Nobel, it surely must be the last nail in coffin of this dubious prize. If any more nails were needed!
Nearly a billion dollars a year is flowing into the organized climate change counter-movement

Actually, it's not “for some reason” that people are confused. There's a very obvious reason. There is a very well-funded, well-orchestrated climate change-denial movement, one funded by powerful people with very deep pockets. In a new and incredibly thorough study, Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle took a deep dive into the financial structure of the climate deniers, to see who is holding the purse strings.

According to Brulle's research, the 91 think tanks and advocacy organizations and trade associations that make up the American climate denial industry pull down just shy of a billion dollars each year, money used to lobby or sway public opinion on climate change and other issues.

“The anti-climate effort has been largely underwritten by conservative billionaires,” says the Guardian, “often working through secretive funding networks. They have displaced corporations as the prime supporters of 91 think tanks, advocacy groups and industry associations which have worked to block action on climate change.”

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Yea, one can plainly see the where the funding for the cult of GW/CG/CD is coming from!
The messenger in this case is a pawn of the activists and charlatans. I hear the 16 year old brat going to be nominated for an Academy Award. :realitycheck:

Have you met this teenager? How do you know she is a “brat”? You make crazy assumptions because you are angry that it offends your denialism. And it’s not an Academy Award that’s for movies- it’s a Nobel Peace Prize.

Why is it so hard for you to listen to another point of view?

Were she to win the Nobel, it surely must be the last nail in coffin of this dubious prize. If any more nails were needed!

Jealous much?
There are a thousands of people world wide who would surely be far, far more deserving than this brainwashed 16 year old brat.
"Politically Incorrect" - that's a red flag.

C40CitiesLive - YouTube - several speeches at the C40 conference: AOC, Al Gore, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, fmr NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Danish PM Mette Frederiksen, UN Sec'y Gnl António Guterres, and others.

I like the Al Gore one - he mentioned a lot of solutions. AOC seemed more pessimistic. She was careful not to name names at the conference itself, but at a rally of activists that she spoke to later, she did so: Trump and Bolsonaro.

Al Gore was also sensible about economic inequality. He seemed to think that there is some good intermediate between too equal and too unequal -- Aristotle's Golden Mean.
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