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NRA to America - 'Fuck you! This shooting is your fault!'

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
So anyway, after the NRA went the... "Naw, it ain't too early to whine about gun rights after an elementary school was shot up" direction, they have decided to modify their PR image and have turned the dial to Complete Douche Bag.

Firstly, when massacres occur, blame the left and "elites"... because... blame the left and "elites". Whatever the fuck an "elite" is.
article said:
Elites want to “eliminate our firearms freedoms and eradicate all the individual freedoms”, he said. “They hate the NRA, they hate the second amendment, they hate individual freedom.”

Blame the system... of which they have had almost complete control in establishing.
article said:
“They fantasize about more laws stopping what other laws have failed to stop,” the National Rifle Association executive vice-president said. “So many existing laws were ignored.”
I'm curious, which laws he is talking about. The teen broke none until he shot up a school.

Then the media.
article said:
LaPierre also hit out at the “breathless national media” which he said was “eager to smear the NRA in the midst of genuine grief”.

Many in the media “love mass shootings,” he said, adding: “Crying white mothers are ratings gold.”

And oddly enough, the lobby that works to help sell guns has a solution to the problem at hand. Yes, I realize this is damn cliche now.
LaPierre said:
Schools must be the most hardened targets in this country, and evil must be confronted with all necessary force to protect our kids.
Yup, more guns.

There is more... he blames socialists too. They have so much power in this country you know.
article said:
He added: “If these so-called European socialists take over the House and the Senate and god forbid they win the White House again our American freedoms will be lost forever, and the first to go will be the second amendment to the US constitution.”
So-called European socialists? You are the one calling them that.
The important thing to remember amidst all the screaming is that the crazy people with the hordes of high powered weapons are the real victims here.
Here are your school shooting options

After Wednesday’s school massacre in Florida, I see that we’re being presented with our usual options:

  • We can ban certain kinds of weapons that have no real use except as mass-killing machines.
  • Or we can turn our schools into armed camps.
Unfortunately, one of these is fascism.
I had another fantastic money-saving idea last night. Why build two sets of heavily fortified compounds? Lets just cram a few more prisoners into one section of every prison, and use the vacated portions for schools. Problem solved!
See how easy that was??

How did Jimmy Higgins know that Angry Floof was going to post that? :eek:

I was wondering that too. :D
Here are your school shooting options

After Wednesday’s school massacre in Florida, I see that we’re being presented with our usual options:

  • We can ban certain kinds of weapons that have no real use except as mass-killing machines.
  • Or we can turn our schools into armed camps.
Unfortunately, one of these is fascism.
I don't think people have thought this through. Trump's plan has a potentially problematic issue. Biology teachers could all of a sudden be able to teach evolution at gun point.

This may be a good sign in a way. When fascists realize they have lost, they always blame the victims, the people, even their own supporters. The most famous example of this is probably Hitler blaming the German people, those who supported him and fought for him for years, for losing the war. He said they deserved to lose.
The NRA hasn't lost yet. Not even after Sandy Hook. It is too easy to replace a state representative with another willing shill.
This may be a good sign in a way. When fascists realize they have lost, they always blame the victims, the people, even their own supporters. The most famous example of this is probably Hitler blaming the German people, those who supported him and fought for him for years, for losing the war. He said they deserved to lose.
I don't think people have thought this through. Trump's plan has a potentially problematic issue. Biology teachers could all of a sudden be able to teach evolution at gun point.

This may be a good sign in a way. When fascists realize they have lost, they always blame the victims, the people, even their own supporters. The most famous example of this is probably Hitler blaming the German people, those who supported him and fought for him for years, for losing the war. He said they deserved to lose.
The NRA hasn't lost yet. Not even after Sandy Hook. It is too easy to replace a state representative with another willing shill.

True, but they're being held to the fire right now after decades of enjoying a free ride with little opposition.
Why don't we hear more people in the US outright opposing the second amendment? It is an archaic one out there for reasons that are no longer applicable. You are not going to take on military tanks or swat teams as one freedom fighter with a handgun.
Why don't we hear more people in the US outright opposing the second amendment? It is an archaic one out there for reasons that are no longer applicable. You are not going to take on military tanks or swat teams as one freedom fighter with a handgun.

You can't go amending the US Constitution; it's a perfect and immutable document that must be respected, revered, and interpreted in such a way as to suit the NRA.

The very idea of repealing a constitutional amendment is unthinkable, which is why (despite the obvious harm and increase in violent crime and firearms offences that result from it), the eighteenth amendment must be defended at all costs.

Oh, sorry, I mean 'second'. I get my constitutional causes of violent crime confused sometimes.
I think it is despicable to manipulate these traumatized children into protesting gun laws. How often do you see kids so vehement about gun reform after one of the nation's weekly school shootings? Someone is putting things in their heads, fooling them into thinking they are important. They're being used as a megaphone and it makes them look stupid.

They should shut up and give thanks to God that they aren't dead. If they're such big radicals... they should be protesting school itself, but (because of school) they're too stupid to do that. Good thing nobody actually cares about them. If someone actually cared, there would have been a rent-a-cop or two present when the scary pycho (who will always have a big gun no matter what law is changed) walked through the unlocked door and caused 17 inactive facebook accounts, using what could have been any weapon to do so.
I really believe the biggest problem with right wing authoritarian mental disease is the utter lack of empathy.

Are right wingers so disingenuous in their own thinking that they can't recognize a genuine response in others?

Are they so callous that they can't recognize anything heartfelt?

Is right wing thinking so bereft of humanity that they do not have the capacity to recognize the humanity of others? OF CHILDREN WHO HAVE LOST FRIENDS AND LITERALLY WATCHED OTHER KIDS GET RIPPED APART BY RIGHT WING TOYS?

Go fuck yourself, right wing fucking cretins, every last one of your dumb, inhumane asses. You're too fucking stunted to add anything positive to the world.

I think it is despicable to manipulate these traumatized children into protesting gun laws. How often do you see kids so vehement about gun reform after one of the nation's weekly school shootings? Someone is putting things in their heads, fooling them into thinking they are important. They're being used as a megaphone and it makes them look stupid.

They should shut up and give thanks to God that they aren't dead. If they're such big radicals... they should be protesting school itself, but (because of school) they're too stupid to do that. Good thing nobody actually cares about them. If someone actually cared, there would have been a rent-a-cop or two present when the scary pycho (who will always have a big gun no matter what law is changed) walked through the unlocked door and caused 17 inactive facebook accounts, using what could have been any weapon to do so.

Would you be able to see anything else here besides this stunted little cartoon? Any other possibilities at all? Is it possible they are thinking, aware humans capable of responding to their own experiences honestly? How would you recognize that?
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I think it is despicable to manipulate these traumatized children into protesting gun laws. How often do you see kids so vehement about gun reform after one of the nation's weekly school shootings? Someone is putting things in their heads, fooling them into thinking they are important. They're being used as a megaphone and it makes them look stupid.

They should shut up and give thanks to God that they aren't dead. If they're such big radicals... they should be protesting school itself, but (because of school) they're too stupid to do that. Good thing nobody actually cares about them. If someone actually cared, there would have been a rent-a-cop or two present when the scary pycho (who will always have a big gun no matter what law is changed) walked through the unlocked door and caused 17 inactive facebook accounts, using what could have been any weapon to do so.

Is this sarcasm?
Regardless, how do you amend second amendment out? Can people vote on it directly or it has to be through congress? I am asking for a friend
The second amendment was fine prior to the tortured reinterpretation by Scalia in the Heller case. Prior to that, the second applied only to members of the militia. There were numerous gun control regulations tested by the supreme court prior to Heller and all were acceptable because they were applied to the general public, not the militia. Scalia screwed the pooch and turned us into what we are today.
The second amendment was fine prior to the tortured reinterpretation by Scalia in the Heller case. Prior to that, the second applied only to members of the militia. There were numerous gun control regulations tested by the supreme court prior to Heller and all were acceptable because they were applied to the general public, not the militia. Scalia screwed the pooch and turned us into what we are today.
Not quite. The NRA has been screwing with the legal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment since they became a political / lobbying entity in the 70s. Reagan was shot and the NRA was up in arms about the Brady Bill. It took how long for that to pass?!
The second amendment was fine prior to the tortured reinterpretation by Scalia in the Heller case. Prior to that, the second applied only to members of the militia. There were numerous gun control regulations tested by the supreme court prior to Heller and all were acceptable because they were applied to the general public, not the militia. Scalia screwed the pooch and turned us into what we are today.
Not quite. The NRA has been screwing with the legal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment since they became a political / lobbying entity in the 70s. Reagan was shot and the NRA was up in arms about the Brady Bill. It took how long for that to pass?!

Agreed, but it wasn't until Scalia's Heller decision that it was tested and agreed to at the Supreme Court level. The NRA worked long and hard to make this change occur.
The second amendment was fine prior to the tortured reinterpretation by Scalia in the Heller case. Prior to that, the second applied only to members of the militia. There were numerous gun control regulations tested by the supreme court prior to Heller and all were acceptable because they were applied to the general public, not the militia. Scalia screwed the pooch and turned us into what we are today.
My question was about how do you amend the constitution?
Here is the answer
I really believe the biggest problem with right wing authoritarian mental disease is the utter lack of empathy.

I disagree. They have empathy, and possibly just as much or even more than liberals do. It is simply more focused on their in-group. Empathy is seeing yourself in others and feeling for them (perhaps literally as mirror neuron studies have shown us). The mindset of the right binds their in-group closer together and creates MORE empathy within that group, along with the flipside of it, dislike for the out-group. They think more in black and white whereas the mindset of the left thinks more in grey. The way to win isn't to further push the idea of how different these right wing people are than the rest of us. It is to emphasize how much we are the same.
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