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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

Every dead infidel crusader will be cheered by a worrisome number of muslims. You know it so you can stop you're grandstanding, I'm not impressed.

Who cares if you're impressed or not? You're the one making claims and then not backing them up.

Show us some solid, credible evidence of these countless Muslims cheering on ISIS, or scurry off back to JihadWatch where your fearmongering bullshit belongs.
Obviously there are more muslims that quietly agree with this sort of thing than you would like.

No, it's not "obvious" until you get off your ass and start producing some evidence, using real sources.

Except that part's too hard for you. You much prefer to make one-line drive by posts and never bother backing up any of your claims.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge that the majority of the world's Muslims are normal human beings who don't support this sort of thing says really all that needs to be said about you and your agenda on this forum.

The majority of the world's Muslims acquiesce to laws discriminatory to non-Muslims and women. No non-Muslim may practice his faith in Saudi Arabia; Coptic Christians may not build or repair a church without state permission; and Malaysian Christians cannot even use the word "Allah" for God. Imagine if you're an atheist or agnostic? If you are a woman in any of these countries, good luck. And if you're gay? Hence, the majority of the world's Muslims are the problem. ISIS and Islamic terrorism may be an extreme variant of the religion, but it's the same religion. So long as the majority of the world's Muslims accept these oppressive practices, they are responsible for the consequences which flow from them.
No, it's not "obvious" until you get off your ass and start producing some evidence, using real sources.

Except that part's too hard for you. You much prefer to make one-line drive by posts and never bother backing up any of your claims.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge that the majority of the world's Muslims are normal human beings who don't support this sort of thing says really all that needs to be said about you and your agenda on this forum.

The majority of the world's Muslims acquiesce to laws discriminatory to non-Muslims and women. No non-Muslim may practice his faith in Saudi Arabia; Coptic Christians may not build or repair a church without state permission; and Malaysian Christians cannot even use the word "Allah" for God. Imagine if you're an atheist or agnostic? If you are a woman in any of these countries, good luck. And if you're gay? Hence, the majority of the world's Muslims are the problem. ISIS and Islamic terrorism may be an extreme variant of the religion, but it's the same religion. So long as the majority of the world's Muslims accept these oppressive practices, they are responsible from the consequences which flow from them.

And US actions over the last 80 years have done nothing but increase these problems.

It's support of the Saudi dictatorship. The Saudi mafia run nation.

It's removal of the democratic leader of Iran. The destruction of Iran's democracy.

The diplomatic cover for decades of Israeli crimes including kidnapping torture and murder from any consequences in the UN.

The support of Saddam Hussein in his terrorist attack of the Iranians.

The terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and the destruction of Iraqi society plunging the country into the hands of religious fanatics.

The list is far longer but this is far more than sufficient.
Every dead infidel crusader will be cheered by a worrisome number of muslims. You know it so you can stop you're grandstanding, I'm not impressed.

Who cares if you're impressed or not? You're the one making claims and then not backing them up.

Show us some solid, credible evidence of these countless Muslims cheering on ISIS, or scurry off back to JihadWatch where your fearmongering bullshit belongs.

More bluster and hand waving. It pains you to concede there are plenty muslims down with Isis and their operations. I expect more such attacks on the infidels and an uptick in the number of muslims making their way to the caliphate.
I hate to burst your ideology, but having lots of oil is not all that great today. There is an abundance of oil on the market today. Most oil producing nations are in severe economic trouble unless they are diversified.

I hate to burst your ideology.

US so-called leaders are seeking ways to gain some control over other people's oil everyday.

They think beyond "today".

And of course in a fascist state government control means corporate control and corporate control means government control. There is no difference. They are working hand in hand.

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It is textbook terrorism.

The illegitimate use of force to effect political change.

Quit buying your textbooks in Moscow.

Terrorism is the use of force on civilians to effect political change by frightening them into doing what you want.

Overthrowing a government, whether justified or not, is not terrorism.

How about rounding up innocent civilians and torturing them?

Is that terrorism?

I think Loren is just trying to get your goat. He must know that ISIS engages in terrorism in its entire field of operation. It has killed journalists (civilians) to force some point on the political world. ISIS would be considered an aberration in any society. Despite its horrors, sending more weapons into the middle east is about the worst thing we could be doing. They are what they are today because of weapons influx in their area of operation. These societies need to start rebuilding after being torn apart by all our bombs and guns. At some point we will be dealing with ISIS. All conflicts end with political solutions. When you remove threats you remove the impetus behind the challenges of groups like ISIS. It is a long process to get rid of things like ISIS. About the only example we have of this sort of violence reaching some sort of resolution is Rwanda where there was massive killings and the people had to find a way to come to terms with that. What makes the ISIS potential for extreme violence so much worse is arms being funneled to them and money. We need to free ourselves of the notion that we can somehow stop this madness with air power or more guns. We need to find ways to get ISIS fighters to abandon ISIS. They are only there because they believe they have to be there. They need to find a way to restore civil desires and expectations. As things are, there is little hope for that happening.
I think Loren is just trying to get your goat. He must know that ISIS engages in terrorism in its entire field of operation. It has killed journalists (civilians) to force some point on the political world. ISIS would be considered an aberration in any society. Despite its horrors, sending more weapons into the middle east is about the worst thing we could be doing. They are what they are today because of weapons influx in their area of operation. These societies need to start rebuilding after being torn apart by all our bombs and guns. At some point we will be dealing with ISIS. All conflicts end with political solutions. When you remove threats you remove the impetus behind the challenges of groups like ISIS. It is a long process to get rid of things like ISIS. About the only example we have of this sort of violence reaching some sort of resolution is Rwanda where there was massive killings and the people had to find a way to come to terms with that. What makes the ISIS potential for extreme violence so much worse is arms being funneled to them and money. We need to free ourselves of the notion that we can somehow stop this madness with air power or more guns. We need to find ways to get ISIS fighters to abandon ISIS. They are only there because they believe they have to be there. They need to find a way to restore civil desires and expectations. As things are, there is little hope for that happening.

He may be trying something but he is making me laugh out loud.

I can understand not agreeing with a definition but, "Moscow"?

It's so batshit crazy you can't help but laugh.
The majority of the world's Muslims acquiesce to laws discriminatory to non-Muslims and women. No non-Muslim may practice his faith in Saudi Arabia; Coptic Christians may not build or repair a church without state permission; and Malaysian Christians cannot even use the word "Allah" for God. Imagine if you're an atheist or agnostic? If you are a woman in any of these countries, good luck. And if you're gay? Hence, the majority of the world's Muslims are the problem. ISIS and Islamic terrorism may be an extreme variant of the religion, but it's the same religion. So long as the majority of the world's Muslims accept these oppressive practices, they are responsible from the consequences which flow from them.

And US actions over the last 80 years have done nothing but increase these problems.

It's support of the Saudi dictatorship. The Saudi mafia run nation.

It's removal of the democratic leader of Iran. The destruction of Iran's democracy.

The diplomatic cover for decades of Israeli crimes including kidnapping torture and murder from any consequences in the UN.

The support of Saddam Hussein in his terrorist attack of the Iranians.

The terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and the destruction of Iraqi society plunging the country into the hands of religious fanatics.

The list is far longer but this is far more than sufficient.

The US, the US, the US. Come on Untermensche. Are you telling me that the people in the Middle East lack any independent agency or motive? That but for the US it'd be all smiles and roses? You're aware there's history of the Middle East before the US involvement? You're aware there's a history of the Middle East before the US even existed? It's like you're implying Muslims should be held to a lower standard. I mean, Vietnam endured two decades of war with foreign powers yet somehow, somehow, somehow, it didn't engage in a policy of terrorism.

Man, you have extremely low expectations of Muslims.
Every dead infidel crusader will be cheered by a worrisome number of muslims. You know it so you can stop you're grandstanding, I'm not impressed.

Who cares if you're impressed or not? You're the one making claims and then not backing them up.

Show us some solid, credible evidence of these countless Muslims cheering on ISIS, or scurry off back to JihadWatch where your fearmongering bullshit belongs.

Dude: ISIS probably dosn't represent even a majority of Sunni Muslims. However, you have to concede that ISIS controls currently controls approximately 40% of the ME. It's being reported that ISIS sanctioned these attacks.
And US actions over the last 80 years have done nothing but increase these problems.

It's support of the Saudi dictatorship. The Saudi mafia run nation.

It's removal of the democratic leader of Iran. The destruction of Iran's democracy.

The diplomatic cover for decades of Israeli crimes including kidnapping torture and murder from any consequences in the UN.

The support of Saddam Hussein in his terrorist attack of the Iranians.

The terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and the destruction of Iraqi society plunging the country into the hands of religious fanatics.

The list is far longer but this is far more than sufficient.

The US, the US, the US. Come on Untermensche. Are you telling me that the people in the Middle East lack any independent agency or motive? That but for the US it'd be all smiles and roses? You're aware there's history of the Middle East before the US involvement? You're aware there's a history of the Middle East before the US even existed? It's like you're implying Muslims should be held to a lower standard. I mean, Vietnam endured two decades of war with foreign powers yet somehow, somehow, somehow, it didn't engage in a policy of terrorism.

Man, you have extremely low expectations of Muslims.

I see not one bit of the real history I provided was addressed.

They are major actions that led to huge increases in religious fanaticism.

As I said Iran was a democracy before the US fucked with it. Iraq was a contained dictatorship that hadn't had sectarian violence (violence between differing sects of the same religion, for those who don't know what that is) in 200 years until the US fucked with it.
CNN is reporting French airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.

Like I said before, I'd hate to be targeted by pissed off Frenchies. The body odor alone could be devastating. :tomato:
CNN is reporting French airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.

Like I said before, I'd hate to be targeted by pissed off Frenchies. The body odor alone could be devastating. :tomato:

Will we learn the names of the innocent the French hit with their bombs?

Will people wail and gnash their teeth over them?
Yes, because all the world's Muslims gave the green light for this before it went ahead.

Now let's watch the parade of fearmongering and collective blame from people who purport to be protecting "Western" values.

Sadly there are many dedicated, pious muslims celebrating this successful mission.
Just like the Palestinians dancing and celebrating in the streets of Gaza after 9/11. And the London bombings.
Caught the visual but not the location on TV Sunday. If that was in a Western nation, those celebrating should be rounded up and deported immediately!
CNN is reporting French airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.

Like I said before, I'd hate to be targeted by pissed off Frenchies. The body odor alone could be devastating. :tomato:

Will we learn the names of the innocent the French hit with their bombs?

Will people wail and gnash their teeth over them?


You did mean this as a rhetorical question, right?
CNN is reporting French airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.

Like I said before, I'd hate to be targeted by pissed off Frenchies. The body odor alone could be devastating. :tomato:

Will we learn the names of the innocent the French hit with their bombs?

Will people wail and gnash their teeth over them?
We can add them to the long list of innocents who are dead because of ISIS.

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Sadly there are many dedicated, pious muslims celebrating this successful mission.
Just like the Palestinians dancing and celebrating in the streets of Gaza after 9/11. And the London bombings.
Caught the visual but not the location on TV Sunday. If that was in a Western nation, those celebrating should be rounded up and deported immediately!
Actually, no. In western countries we have something called freedom of speech. That includes celebrating stuff others might find appalling.
Will we learn the names of the innocent the French hit with their bombs?

Will people wail and gnash their teeth over them?
We can add them to the long list of innocents who are dead because of ISIS.

If we are insane we can.

If they are killed by French bombs they are the responsibility of the French.

The question is, will we learn their names and see the pictures of them alive?
You disagree that quite a lot of muslims will be cheering from the sidelines ?

It may come as a surprise to you but Muslims are human beings, many of which can empathize with innocent who are attacked for no reason they can comprehend. This attack was truly a senseless attack even to the average Muslim opponent of the West in the ME. Beheaders and violent torturers and murderers are an aberration in their culture too. You don't seem to understand that.
I don't see "moderate" moslems rioting in the cities protesting this or past atrocity like they did after the Danish cartoons saga, or that video showing the truth about the paedophile.
When that happens, you can say the moslems are also outraged. Until then, we assume that a very large percentage of them are ISIS sympathizers.
Will we learn the names of the innocent the French hit with their bombs?

Will people wail and gnash their teeth over them?


You did mean this as a rhetorical question, right?


It is meant to show the double standard we have towards terrorism and innocent victims of it.

The modern state is such a beast it brags about it's terrorism and gives people medals who carry out the orders.
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