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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Finally, an article that brings some definition to the impeachment process. Too bad it’s only 538. Hopefully the mainstream media will pick up some snippets and put some useful information out.


What I wonder about is the privileges of the office of the president. If the privileges belong to the office and the occupant’s fitness to hold that office is being called into question, it seems to me the House would be within its rights to deny Trump those privileges so they cannot be used as obstructions.
A top diplomat appointed by President Trump revised his testimony to lawmakers in the House's impeachment inquiry, saying in the latest version that the president’s dealings with Ukraine amounted to a clear quid pro quo.
U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland said Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in an effort to secure investigations into the 2016 election and the president’s political adversaries, according to a transcript released Tuesday by Democrats conducting the impeachment investigation.


Finally, the truth comes out from Sondland. Blunt and naked.
Sondland testimony said:
Q: Getting back to Taylor's concerns on the 9th, which you know, he references in the interview. Do you know what interview he was referencing?

A: I think this was the press statement had now morphed into some kind of an interview that President Zelensky would give to a TV station.

Q: Okay.

A: And that would replace the press statement.

Q: Okay. And do you know where that interview would have occurred?

A: I don't.

Q: Or on what network?

A: I don't now, but something Trump would obviously see.

Q: Okay.

A: FOX. On Tucker.
This is pretty harsh stuff, and it really flies in the face of the BS denials about what the "favor" Trump alludes to in the phone call was supposed to be about.
A top diplomat appointed by President Trump revised his testimony to lawmakers in the House's impeachment inquiry, saying in the latest version that the president’s dealings with Ukraine amounted to a clear quid pro quo.
U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland said Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in an effort to secure investigations into the 2016 election and the president’s political adversaries, according to a transcript released Tuesday by Democrats conducting the impeachment investigation.


Finally, the truth comes out from Sondland. Blunt and naked.
This means nothing because we don't know the identity of the whistleblower.... for some reason that has yet to be explained by conservatives and the GOP.

Meanwhile, we are awaiting Trump's reaction on Twitter, most specifically, what he thinks of Sondland (a big contributor) now.
This means nothing because we don't know the identity of the whistleblower.... for some reason that has yet to be explained by conservatives and the GOP.
Because they want to get in on some of that law breaking action as well.
Former San Francisco Dem mayor Willie Brown makes a lot of sense in this article.


Very,very few people believe that Trump will be kicked out. This impeachment process isn't about that. As I have mentioned before. This is about giving Republicans enough rope to hang this over them for a very long time, if you excuse the mixed metaphor. And it appears to be working. Fast forward to the 5:10 mark of this video:

The only way this blows up in the Democrats face is if Trump stops creating scandals, his associates stop pleading guilty to criminal offences and he stops using the office of President to line his own pockets. That's about as likely as me waking up tomorrow and discovering I have a seventh nipple.
Former San Francisco Dem mayor Willie Brown makes a lot of sense in this article.


Very,very few people believe that Trump will be kicked out. This impeachment process isn't about that. As I have mentioned before. This is about giving Republicans enough rope to hang this over them for a very long time, if you excuse the mixed metaphor. And it appears to be working. Fast forward to the 5:10 mark of this video:

The only way this blows up in the Democrats face is if Trump stops creating scandals, his associates stop pleading guilty to criminal offences and he stops using the office of President to line his own pockets. That's about as likely as me waking up tomorrow and discovering I have a seventh nipple.

It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely. Remember, Americans in general are scared shitless of the extreme left.

I'm so proud of the executive branch for these past two presidencies. So much history being made; first a black president and now possibly the first president to actually be impeached by the senate & physically removed from office.
Just trying to imagine the outrage that would have been expressed if, during any of the (10? 12? 143?) investigations into Benhghazi, Obama had ordered Hillary not to respond to a subpoena to testify, claiming that the investigation was political grandstanding and a big game of pin-the-blame.
It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely. Remember, Americans in general are scared shitless of the extreme left.


Considering you define the "extreme left" as anyone who disagrees with you, that a pretty fucking large demographic. Fewer people view Michelle Geller and Frontpagemag as legitimate sources than you might think. In fact, the argument could be made that you are on the extreme ideological spectrum, not the rest of us.
It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely.
Well the EU ambassador had a bout of amnesia cured by threats of perjury, and remembers telling Ukraine it was a quid pro quo. Right now the GOP defense is in no way dissimilar to the Dead Parrot sketch.

SNL Sketch

Rep Jordan: We need to see this alleged duck!
*duck is brought in, placed on table*
Rep Jordan: What I see here is an animal that could be anything. I don't see it laying an egg, I don't see it flying. Ducks are not the only animal with webbed feet.
*duck lays an egg*
Rep Jordan: This is inconclusive evidence. Ducks aren't the only animal that lays eggs.
It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely. Remember, Americans in general are scared shitless of the extreme left.


Considering you define the "extreme left" as anyone who disagrees with you, that a pretty fucking large demographic. Fewer people view Michelle Geller and Frontpagemag as legitimate sources than you might think. In fact, the argument could be made that you are on the extreme ideological spectrum, not the rest of us.
Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, Marxism–Leninism, Trotskyism and Maoism.   Describes AOC, Warren, Sanders etc to a T.
It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely. Remember, Americans in general are scared shitless of the extreme left.


Considering you define the "extreme left" as anyone who disagrees with you, that a pretty fucking large demographic. Fewer people view Michelle Geller and Frontpagemag as legitimate sources than you might think. In fact, the argument could be made that you are on the extreme ideological spectrum, not the rest of us.
Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, Marxism–Leninism, Trotskyism and Maoism.   Describes AOC, Warren, Sanders etc to a T.[/QUOTE] Thanks for proving my point.
It could backfire badly for the Dems as well and see them get decimated in 2020, as it looks likely. Remember, Americans in general are scared shitless of the extreme left.


Considering you define the "extreme left" as anyone who disagrees with you, that a pretty fucking large demographic. Fewer people view Michelle Geller and Frontpagemag as legitimate sources than you might think. In fact, the argument could be made that you are on the extreme ideological spectrum, not the rest of us.
Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, Marxism–Leninism, Trotskyism and Maoism.   Describes AOC, Warren, Sanders etc to a T.[/QUOTE] Why do right wingers always make centrist social democrats (or in Warren's case, centrist neolibs) sound so much cooler than they actually are?
Meanwhile in, Twitter is garbage...

A lawyer for the whistleblower apparently loves to use twitter and some of those Tweets are going to make the impeachment process a bit harder because the GOP are being a bunch of dicks about the first hand truth being out, but they still want to demonize the Whistleblower. The Tweets were rather political and in your face regarding impeachment and dating back to 2017. Trump broke the law... again... and the process to deal with it might have been compromised by this lawyer.

Yes. A centrist is someone who tries to accommodate the status quo while introducing reforms to fix some of its problems. This certainly describes Warren, and arguably Sanders/AOC as well. If they were far-leftists according to the Wiki definition, they would be calling for a revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist class, not saying we should expand Medicare to cover more people. If they were anarchists, they wouldn't be running for government office, period.
You are wasting your bits here. This guy thinks Clinton was a liberal.
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