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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Trump impeachment: There isn't much hope Republicans will do right
Congressman Justin Amash, who left the GOP this year, reminded his colleagues that Trump will only be in power for a short time, “but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name.” He appealed to Republicans to step out of their media bubbles. “History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man.”

When it came time to vote, not one Republican followed his advice.

Republicans have already abandoned the notion that character matters, jettisoned fiscal conservativism and free markets, and accepted lying as simply the price of doing business with this president. They have watched as constitutional norms have been battered and the rule of law bent to partisan advantage.

How centrist Dems learned to stop worrying and love impeachment | TheHill
But they argue that public sentiment in even the most competitive battleground districts has moved in their favor in recent months. At the same time, there’s a sense among Democrats that the narrative that has emerged from the early stages of the impeachment inquiry — that Trump sought to withhold military aid from Ukraine as part of an effort to pressure Kiev to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son — has left them with little choice than to get on board.

“The two things that we really ran on in 2018 were protecting health care and holding Trump accountable, and this is 100 percent in line with holding the president accountable for when he’s doing something that’s a risk to the country,” one Democratic campaign aide familiar with the strategy said.
Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Oaky. Maybe personally profiting from your high office or paying off strippers to keep their mouth shut prior to an election is a bar too low. But withholding congressionally approved foreign aid unless that government smears your political opponent. That's not good enough for you? What's a guy gotta do, get a knobber in the Oval Office?

You mean a blowjob and a cigar inserted into an interns vagina in the Oval office aren't grounds for impeachment?
Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Oaky. Maybe personally profiting from your high office or paying off strippers to keep their mouth shut prior to an election is a bar too low. But withholding congressionally approved foreign aid unless that government smears your political opponent. That's not good enough for you? What's a guy gotta do, get a knobber in the Oval Office?

You mean a blowjob and a cigar inserted into an interns vagina in the Oval office aren't grounds for impeachment?

Impeachable offenses obviously are offenses that endanger the country. Do blowjobs and kinky sex endanger the country?
Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Oaky. Maybe personally profiting from your high office or paying off strippers to keep their mouth shut prior to an election is a bar too low. But withholding congressionally approved foreign aid unless that government smears your political opponent. That's not good enough for you? What's a guy gotta do, get a knobber in the Oval Office?

You mean a blowjob and a cigar inserted into an interns vagina in the Oval office aren't grounds for impeachment?

No, I don't mean that. But the pointy part of my comment is at the other end, the profiting, the paying off strippers, the withholding foreign aid to smear a political opponent. What do you say to that? Is it deserving of inquiry?
While I think the House should have great latitude on what they consider impeachable so as to cover the inconceivable to protect the republic, something(?) should be done to firewall the blind partisanship and placing job security over the needs of the nation because right now what we have is a House full of Republicans and a couple scared Democrats in violation of their oath of office for stating this is not even deserving of an inquiry.
Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Oaky. Maybe personally profiting from your high office or paying off strippers to keep their mouth shut prior to an election is a bar too low. But withholding congressionally approved foreign aid unless that government smears your political opponent. That's not good enough for you? What's a guy gotta do, get a knobber in the Oval Office?

You mean a blowjob and a cigar inserted into an interns vagina in the Oval office aren't grounds for impeachment?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson should have been impeached then, by your standards.
Impeachable offenses obviously are offenses that endanger the country. Do blowjobs and kinky sex endanger the country?
well, no, anything thst renders the person unfit to hold the office. Doesn't have to actually be a ddrime, or a danger to anyone. If it reflects poorly on the office, they can decide to oust him.

But if you're going to impeach for extramarital sex as reflecting poorly, then you MUST admit that lies, lies, lies, threats, temper tantrums, lies, cheating on every wife the man ever had, lies, feuds with men HE appointed, lies, and at least one government shutdown just to be an ass reflect far more poorly on the office.
Oh. And a few felonies. And lying about them.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.

Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Ya mean like ... BLOWJOBS? THAT low?
Oh me oh my (clutches pearls).

Don't worry Trausti - As long as it's okay for a president to betray our allies, extort foreign powers for personal political gain and attack our intelligence and national security apparatus, everything will be fine.
As long as there are no BLOWJOBS, right?!
Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Ya mean like ... BLOWJOBS? THAT low?
Oh me oh my (clutches pearls).

Don't worry Trausti - As long as it's okay for a president to betray our allies, extort foreign powers for personal political gain and attack our intelligence and national security apparatus, everything will be fine.
As long as there are no BLOWJOBS, right?!
That just isn’t true. Pres Clinton committed perjury in his Grand Jury testimony regarding consensual sexual relations with Lewinsky in an investigation that started a few years over a real estate deal in Arkansas. The relationship of Lewinsky was adequately Kevin Bacon enough to be a legitimate angle of inquiry and was in no way an endless ‘witch hunt’ that could,
in part, cause harm to the US (9/11 see Commission Report).

All the Dems have on Trump is an edited transcript of him trying to pressure the newly elected leader of Ukraine (our ally) to publicly embarrass Joe Biden for 2020 election purposes by threatening to withhold $400 million in military aid to Ukraine.
You mean a blowjob and a cigar inserted into an interns vagina in the Oval office aren't grounds for impeachment?

Impeachable offenses obviously are offenses that endanger the country. Do blowjobs and kinky sex endanger the country?

Exactly. His blow job didn't hurt anybody.
Well, it hurt Hillary.
Frankly, i'd have expected the right to give him a medal for that... no one embarrassed her on Natl. TV as badly, ever. Includingbthe 2016 election, she actually got more votes.
I’ve heard a few republicans argue that the quid pro quo isn’t so bad - like Mulvaney was offering on his first attempt.

Any country who wants a favour from the US can simply go along with whatever conspiracy the president is cooking up just to get something in return.

If that’s acceptable then the constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Barr is trying this out as we speak.
Could Pelosi theoretically be impeached instead?

Any government official can be impeached.

I would be an impasse as GOP and Dems only have the numbers in the senate and congress respectably.

Only if you look at the short term. Republicans are notorious for distancing themselves away from Republican Presidents once they outlive their usefulness. They did it to Bush Jnr in 2008 and 2012. They did it to McCain in 2012 and 2016. They did it to Romney in 2016. It's going to be very difficult for any GOP Congressperson or Senator to do the same for Trump if their voting record shows they defended the morally reprehensible cunt from impeachment. I mean, look at the plethora of former Trump staffers - the best job they can get nowadays is being a contestant in Dancing With the Stars.

I agree with what you are implying. Trump will not get thrown out of office via impeachment. What you're not seeing is how many prominent Republicans will have their reputation forever contaminated by supporting At-golf Twitler.
Could Pelosi theoretically be impeached instead?

Any government official can be impeached.

I would be an impasse as GOP and Dems only have the numbers in the senate and congress respectably.

That’d be the Senate and House, respectively, and Pelosi is Speaker of the House. It would take something extraordinary for her to get fired. Maybe something like splitting an infinitive.
That’d be the Senate and House, respectively, and Pelosi is Speaker of the House. It would take something extraordinary for her to get fired. Maybe something like splitting an infinitive.

Maybe paying for a haircut in her own district.
I’ve heard a few republicans argue that the quid pro quo isn’t so bad - like Mulvaney was offering on his first attempt.

Any country who wants a favour from the US can simply go along with whatever conspiracy the president is cooking up just to get something in return.

If that’s acceptable then the constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Barr is trying this out as we speak.

Of course they were going to say this. He did it but doing it isn’t so bad and your news feed will support our position. It will be the same for any blatant attacks on the election itself. It will be “ all is fair in love and war”. Dems could have done it too but they are wimps, will be the narrative.
If this presidential election is lost, the US Constitution will be just a relic of the past. I think Trump’s comment about shooting someone in Fifth Avenue will be a main teaching point of his foreknowledge of Putin’s plan all along. Trump may be ignorant in many subjects but he seems to have a natural ability at executing this criminal conspiracy. This idiot has cowed the entire Republican Party and forty percent of the voting public.
This next election is the tipping point. The Constitution cannot sustain four more years of this. If Trump is re-elected, we will see his administration ignoring the judiciary.
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