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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Trump's committed no crimes. One would think Zelensky would be screaming to the Heavens, "HE FROZE MY AID!!!! GET THIS MAN OUT OF OFFICE!!! HE THREATENED US!!!" Instead he said, "There was absolutely no problem."

Do you guys think Trump is paying him off with more money in order for him to stay quiet? You guys have to have another conspiracy for your explanation as to why Zelensky isn't singing like a canary, right????

Which would be a very good point, if it weren't for the fact that the Secretary of State and Trump have confirmed they did what the Articles of Impeachment allege they did and that "we do it all the time".
Trump's committed no crimes. One would think Zelensky would be screaming to the Heavens, "HE FROZE MY AID!!!! GET THIS MAN OUT OF OFFICE!!! HE THREATENED US!!!" Instead he said, "There was absolutely no problem."

Do you guys think Trump is paying him off with more money in order for him to stay quiet? You guys have to have another conspiracy for your explanation as to why Zelensky isn't singing like a canary, right????

The nature of extortion is the victim can't do that without terrible cost to himself and others.

Zelensky has to juggle both 1) showing his people he's a strong leader and 2) pleasing his ally who has become his extortionist (Trump) so he can get some help against an invading force. So he can't "sing like a canary".

I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.

Leftist excuses are getting worse and worse by the minute.
Trump's committed no crimes. One would think Zelensky would be screaming to the Heavens, "HE FROZE MY AID!!!! GET THIS MAN OUT OF OFFICE!!! HE THREATENED US!!!" Instead he said, "There was absolutely no problem."

Do you guys think Trump is paying him off with more money in order for him to stay quiet? You guys have to have another conspiracy for your explanation as to why Zelensky isn't singing like a canary, right????

The nature of extortion is the victim can't do that without terrible cost to himself and others.

Zelensky has to juggle both 1) showing his people he's a strong leader and 2) pleasing his ally who has become his extortionist (Trump) so he can get some help against an invading force. So he can't "sing like a canary".

I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.
um, if Zelensky is 'covering' for him, then both cases are true.
Why would they prefer the truth over the truth?
Trump's committed no crimes. One would think Zelensky would be screaming to the Heavens, "HE FROZE MY AID!!!! GET THIS MAN OUT OF OFFICE!!! HE THREATENED US!!!" Instead he said, "There was absolutely no problem."

Do you guys think Trump is paying him off with more money in order for him to stay quiet? You guys have to have another conspiracy for your explanation as to why Zelensky isn't singing like a canary, right????

The nature of extortion is the victim can't do that without terrible cost to himself and others.

Zelensky has to juggle both 1) showing his people he's a strong leader and 2) pleasing his ally who has become his extortionist (Trump) so he can get some help against an invading force. So he can't "sing like a canary".

I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.

Leftist excuses are getting worse and worse by the minute.

Umm....what does Turkey have to do with any of this?
I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.
um, if Zelensky is 'covering' for him, then both cases are true.
Why would they prefer the truth over the truth?

No, Keith.

if Zelensky is covering for Trump, then the people of Ukraine WOULDN'T KNOW about Trump's extortion.

If I were a citizen of Ukraine and I found out my President was covering for another nation's President, I'd become steaming mad.

Just imagine if Kim Jong was sending aid to the U.S. and tried to get Trump to do him a favor or else Kim Jong would freeze the aid. All of you leftists would be steaming mad if Trump covered for Kim Jong and said, "No he did not try to extort anything from me!"
Zelensky would have felt pressured in the phone call because he's on the phone with a lunatic who also wields a lot of power. But let's pretend for a minute that Zelensky did NOT feel pressure. It's a great hypothetical, but of course, pure fantasy. Let's pretend it anyway.

Okay, so after this happened, there was 90 minutes later a letter that went out with follow-up communications saying that the aid to Ukraine was frozen and it was "need to know." Communications eventually reached Ukrainian officials. And they had an understanding of what had to be done. Even if not, they would have felt pressure because something needed was removed by a lunatic with power. So while it could be unsuccessfully argued that Zelensky felt no pressure AT THE TIME OF THE CALL, it can be doubly unsuccessfully argued that he felt no pressure AFTER the call when it had been made clear what had to be done.
I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.
um, if Zelensky is 'covering' for him, then both cases are true.
Why would they prefer the truth over the truth?

No, Keith.

if Zelensky is covering for Trump, then the people of Ukraine WOULDN'T KNOW about Trump's extortion.
but you were just talking about what Turkey would rather hear, nit what they know.

If I were a citizen of Ukraine and I found out my President was covering for another nation's President, I'd become steaming mad.
doubt it. You're fine with Congress covering for our president....
Just imagine if Kim Jong was sending aid to the U.S. and tried to get Trump to do him a favor or else Kim Jong would freeze the aid. All of you leftists would be steaming mad if Trump covered for Kim Jong and said, "No he did not try to extort anything from me!"

How about if a country ( call it A) imposed tariffs on another country (call it B)?
And the leader of A stopped the tariffs long enough to register his or her private trademarks in B.
And once B gave them those trademarks, A's leader imposed the tariffs once more? A quick shake-down AND backstab.
Would that make you screaming mad?
Do you think it should?
I bet the people in Turkey would much rather hear that Trump did try to extort the country as opposed to Zelensky covering for him.

Leftist excuses are getting worse and worse by the minute.

Umm....what does Turkey have to do with any of this?

I meant Ukraine.

Maybe you need to collect your thoughts before you post, it's pretty hard to confuse the two. Unless of course your willing to admit Trump is so fucking corrupt, one scandal kinda blurs into another.
The republican tactic is to dodge facts. Their strategy is to scream witch hunt. That's it, not at all complicated, and it satisfies their base.

Pelosi is an intelligent person and recognizes that she has the facts on her side. She's thinking way ahead of what's going to happen in the Senate, she's thinking years down the road. There are probably a few Republicans that recognize what she's doing and it scares the shit out of them.

On the contrary. It's the Dems who are shitting themselves over the flimsy impeachment charges which are aimed purely at damaging the Trump and whom they know will utterly fail in the Senate.

During Barack Obama's tenure as President of the United States from 2009 to 2017, certain Republican members of Congress, as well as Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich,[1] stated that Obama had engaged in impeachable activity and that he might face attempts to remove him from office.[2] Rationales offered for possible impeachment included false claims[3] that Obama was born outside the United States, that he allegedly allowed people to use bathrooms based on their gender identity, an alleged White House cover-up after the 2012 Benghazi attack, and failure to enforce immigration laws. No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

 Efforts to impeach Barack Obama

Much more in the wiki link.

Had that been the Trump instead of Obuma , impeachment would have been certain! That's not to mention the shipment of billions of taxpayers dollars in cash to the terrorist regime in Iran also being a case for impeachment.
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McConnell is shifting a but on witnesses: As I said Pelosi really knows her stuff and is cerebral with Congressional processes and public opinion.

It's more likely she was bullied by the extremists on the far left of her party who threatened open warfare unless impeachment charges were enacted. That's not to mention she's seen the busload of clown wannabees who don't stand a chance of beating the Trump. So impeachment charges are the Dems only hope of winning in 2020.
During Barack Obama's tenure as President of the United States from 2009 to 2017, certain Republican members of Congress, as well as Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich,[1] stated that Obama had engaged in impeachable activity and that he might face attempts to remove him from office.[2] Rationales offered for possible impeachment included false claims[3] that Obama was born outside the United States, that he allegedly allowed people to use bathrooms based on their gender identity, an alleged White House cover-up after the 2012 Benghazi attack, and failure to enforce immigration laws. No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

 Efforts to impeach Barack Obama

Much more in the wiki link.

Had that been the Trump instead of Obuma , impeachment would have been certain! That's not to mention the shipment of billions of taxpayers dollars in cash to the terrorist regime in Iran also being a case for impeachment.

What are you talking about here? Obama didn't send any tax payer dollars to Iran!
Had that been the Trump instead of Obuma , impeachment would have been certain! That's not to mention the shipment of billions of taxpayers dollars in cash to the terrorist regime in Iran also being a case for impeachment.

What are you talking about here? Obama didn't send any tax payer dollars to Iran!

He's talking about the very discredited conspiracy theory his has tried to peddle before
Had that been the Trump instead of Obuma , impeachment would have been certain! That's not to mention the shipment of billions of taxpayers dollars in cash to the terrorist regime in Iran also being a case for impeachment.

What are you talking about here? Obama didn't send any tax payer dollars to Iran!

He's talking about the very discredited conspiracy theory his has tried to peddle before

Geez. I forgot about that, Thanks. Yea, just to repeat the obvious, returning Iranian money that we held back after we didn't make a final delivery of what they paid for is not stealing US tax payer dollars!
McConnell is shifting a but on witnesses: As I said Pelosi really knows her stuff and is cerebral with Congressional processes and public opinion.

It's more likely she was bullied by the extremists on the far left of her party who threatened open warfare unless impeachment charges were enacted. That's not to mention she's seen the busload of clown wannabees who don't stand a chance of beating the Trump. So impeachment charges are the Dems only hope of winning in 2020.

Yeah. Nancy Pelosi, on her seventeenth tour of duty in Congress is being pushed around by a few newbies. I guess the old girl just doesn't have the juice anymore.
Had that been the Trump instead of Obuma , impeachment would have been certain! That's not to mention the shipment of billions of taxpayers dollars in cash to the terrorist regime in Iran also being a case for impeachment.

What are you talking about here? Obama didn't send any tax payer dollars to Iran!

He's talking about the very discredited conspiracy theory his has tried to peddle before

Even as this site claims ' half true." Isn't that grounds for impeachment?

He's talking about the very discredited conspiracy theory his has tried to peddle before

Even as this site claims ' half true." Isn't that grounds for impeachment?


Do you mean that Trump should be impeached for making such a crazy statement? I mean did you read the article that you linked? Most of the money to Iran was their own money that was held back after the US decided to not deliver the jets. The rest was from commercial banking transactions from China and Europe that were owed to Iran! How can that be considered US tax dollars?
He's talking about the very discredited conspiracy theory his has tried to peddle before

Even as this site claims ' half true." Isn't that grounds for impeachment?


Do you mean that Trump should be impeached for making such a crazy statement? I mean did you read the article that you linked? Most of the money to Iran was their own money that was held back after the US decided to not deliver the jets. The rest was from commercial banking transactions from China and Europe that were owed to Iran! How can that be considered US tax dollars?

That money was withheld for good reason as there were sanctions on the rouge regime to behave. Since the lifting of those sanctions, has this changed anything? Plus Obama was anxious to conclude a disastrous deal knowing full well that that money would be used for terrorist activity. As this link makes perfectly clear. Obama lied to Congress as well as to Americans! Surely an impeachment offence!

Do you mean that Trump should be impeached for making such a crazy statement? I mean did you read the article that you linked? Most of the money to Iran was their own money that was held back after the US decided to not deliver the jets. The rest was from commercial banking transactions from China and Europe that were owed to Iran! How can that be considered US tax dollars?

That money was withheld for good reason as there were sanctions on the rouge regime to behave. Since the lifting of those sanctions, has this changed anything? Plus Obama was anxious to conclude a disastrous deal knowing full well that that money would be used for terrorist activity. As this link makes perfectly clear. Obama lied to Congress as well as to Americans! Surely an impeachment offence!


But it was not US tax payer dollars! Don't you realize how that is such a lie? This is just another reason why the US must stop being the world's police officer. If conservative Australians want to punish Iran for some reason, do it yourself.
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