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Pentagon UFO chief: we may not be alone.

barbos said:
As I said in my thread, this "thing" appears to be rigidly fixed in the aircraft camera reference frame. Why would aliens do that?

Isn't the camera designed to lock onto a target?
In this case it looks like UFO was designed to appear in the center of the frame :)
It does not move at all, it does not change its apparent size, which means UFO maintains the same distance between itself and camera.
It is called image stabilization, The pilot selects an object and as the jet maneuvers to follow the object it keeps the object centered within limits. Takes jitter out of the picture.
It is called image stabilization, The pilot selects an object and as the jet maneuvers to follow the object it keeps the object centered within limits. Takes jitter out of the picture.
I don't doubt that tracking can do that. It's just too perfect in that video. But I can accept perfect tracking. Camera tracking, be it mechanical or software can center it, OK. But this is not all what is happening here. Object is keeping perfectly same distance and orientation with respect to camera. And we know that jet is changing its direction because background moves. So it's not simple straight flight for UFO&Jet.

OK these videos have conspiracy theorists really talking. They apparently show alien craft that defy the known laws of aerodynamics. It seems to me though that they are not showing themselves obviously but aren't really camouflaging themselves adequately either. If they are really so advanced how do we catch them then? If they want to be known then why aren't they making themselves known.

And why haven't we detected where they are coming from?

Unfortunately most journalists aren't scientifically literate enough to ask good questions to this guy.


This is just the same argument from ignorance that all UFO nuts cling to.

"I don't know what that is, therefore I know what that is: that's definitely an alien space ship!"

As Neil deGrasse Tyson put it, such people forgot what the U in UFO stands for.
It is called image stabilization, The pilot selects an object and as the jet maneuvers to follow the object it keeps the object centered within limits. Takes jitter out of the picture.
I don't doubt that tracking can do that. It's just too perfect in that video. But I can accept perfect tracking. Camera tracking, be it mechanical or software can center it, OK. But this is not all what is happening here. Object is keeping perfectly same distance and orientation with respect to camera. And we know that jet is changing its direction because background moves. So it's not simple straight flight for UFO&Jet.

To me the video is suspect.

Back in the 8-s I was flying a small plane near Mt Monadnock in New Hampshire. I saw what looked like a bright object coming at me at high speed. I made a diving turn and it was gone. i circled back around and found it the sun reflecting off a ground object. I worked on video and optical systems, I can think of a number of anomlies.

We will never see the original reports. The problem is what is being said on these events is that there are corroborating visual and RADAR detection. The skeptic engineer I am in a situation like this unless I see all the data I won't make much of it. My skepticism comes from being burned trusting claims of data without seeing it.

When govt is involved as we have seen recently the first question is why now?

Could be political, or even budget issues. A group wants continued funding.
It is called image stabilization, The pilot selects an object and as the jet maneuvers to follow the object it keeps the object centered within limits. Takes jitter out of the picture.
I don't doubt that tracking can do that. It's just too perfect in that video. But I can accept perfect tracking. Camera tracking, be it mechanical or software can center it, OK. But this is not all what is happening here. Object is keeping perfectly same distance and orientation with respect to camera. And we know that jet is changing its direction because background moves. So it's not simple straight flight for UFO&Jet.

To me the video is suspect.

Back in the 8-s I was flying a small plane near Mt Monadnock in New Hampshire. I saw what looked like a bright object coming at me at high speed. I made a diving turn and it was gone. i circled back around and found it the sun reflecting off a ground object. I worked on video and optical systems, I can think of a number of anomlies.

We will never see the original reports. The problem is what is being said on these events is that there are corroborating visual and RADAR detection. The skeptic engineer I am in a situation like this unless I see all the data I won't make much of it. My skepticism comes from being burned trusting claims of data without seeing it.
Yeah, actual data is always underwhelming. I remember many years ago I was browsing through websites with UFO pictures. Most of them were just dots in the sky but one case stuck in my head, because it was fairly obvious (after a couple minutes watching the picture) that it was was a fuzzy picture of an airliner. So quality of UFO evidence is not that great.
When govt is involved as we have seen recently the first question is why now?

Could be political, or even budget issues. A group wants continued funding.
That's a good point.
I listened to a [ilot who says he saw it. As is being said, these are Navy pilots not given to whimsey.

If the sightings are real then the human possibilties are limited. Russia has a small economy with little culture for inovation. They can't male a decent production aircraft or car.

Eu ope maybe, but we would know or be in on it. That leaves the USA and China. China has the cash, intellectual horsepower, technology, and leadership to develop a small hyper-sonic RPV. It is no secret we have been working on it. China is obcessed with matcing our military technology. There have been reports they are working on fast agile antiship weapons that are hard to track.

Back in the 80s I worked with a guy who worked in the early post war aerospace. When there was talk of retiring the SR71 he said it would not be replaced unless there something to replace it.

My guess it is either theirs or ours or theirs.

Come in Airwolfe...we med you to check out some UFOs.
I listened to a [ilot who says he saw it. As is being said, these are Navy pilots not given to whimsey.

If the sightings are real then the human possibilties are limited. Russia has a small economy with little culture for inovation. They can't male a decent production aircraft or car.

Eu ope maybe, but we would know or be in on it. That leaves the USA and China. China has the cash, intellectual horsepower, technology, and leadership to develop a small hyper-sonic RPV. It is no secret we have been working on it. China is obcessed with matcing our military technology. There have been reports they are working on fast agile antiship weapons that are hard to track.

Back in the 80s I worked with a guy who worked in the early post war aerospace. When there was talk of retiring the SR71 he said it would not be replaced unless there something to replace it.

My guess it is either theirs or ours or theirs.

Come in Airwolfe...we med you to check out some UFOs.

Russia does make decent military planes. In fact they are close second to US in that department. China have made a lot of progress in copying russian jets and are staring to have their own designs but they are still have to buy original russian engines for them.
It is called image stabilization, The pilot selects an object and as the jet maneuvers to follow the object it keeps the object centered within limits. Takes jitter out of the picture.
I don't doubt that tracking can do that. It's just too perfect in that video. But I can accept perfect tracking. Camera tracking, be it mechanical or software can center it, OK. But this is not all what is happening here. Object is keeping perfectly same distance and orientation with respect to camera. And we know that jet is changing its direction because background moves. So it's not simple straight flight for UFO&Jet.

To me the video is suspect.

Back in the 8-s I was flying a small plane near Mt Monadnock in New Hampshire. I saw what looked like a bright object coming at me at high speed. I made a diving turn and it was gone. i circled back around and found it the sun reflecting off a ground object. I worked on video and optical systems, I can think of a number of anomlies.

We will never see the original reports. The problem is what is being said on these events is that there are corroborating visual and RADAR detection. The skeptic engineer I am in a situation like this unless I see all the data I won't make much of it. My skepticism comes from being burned trusting claims of data without seeing it.

When govt is involved as we have seen recently the first question is why now?

Could be political, or even budget issues. A group wants continued funding.

It's a kind of terror alert. Americans are so fucking paranoid.
Of course there is life in the universe.

But the physical laws in this universe make it EXTREMELY unlikely that biological beings will be doing interstellar travel... This includes aliens.

We will never even be able to communicate with life around other planets much less interact with them as in science-fiction
In the 80s on paper the Warsaw Pac had a lot of tanks, only a small percentage were fit for combat at any time.

For Russia Syria was a chance to field test there systems. Their cruise missiles had a high failure rate, a number crashed on route.

It is a consequence of the Soviet communist form of economics. No individual competition. Ideology that stifled innovation. In the 80s I did some work evaluating Soviet IR missiles. Inside they used tubes instead of transistors. The Soviet IR missile was a clone of an early version of our Sidewinder missile.

Starting with Stalinism the Russians became copiers. They had good theoretical science but no culture to do something with it. China on the other hand made a pragmatic change in ideology resulting in a modern industrious society.

Russia has the economy of a small European nation.
In the 80s on paper the Warsaw Pac had a lot of tanks, only a small percentage were fit for combat at any time.

For Russia Syria was a chance to field test there systems. Their cruise missiles had a high failure rate, a number crashed on route.
In case you did not get the memo It was a lie. they flew just fine.
Some say Yugoslavia was a test for NATO, and NATO for the most part failed. They were dropping bombs on tanks ans even roads which were painted.
It is a consequence of the Soviet communist form of economics. No individual competition. Ideology that stifled innovation. In the 80s I did some work evaluating Soviet IR missiles. Inside they used tubes instead of transistors. The Soviet IR missile was a clone of an early version of our Sidewinder missile.

Starting with Stalinism the Russians became copiers. They had good theoretical science but no culture to do something with it. China on the other hand made a pragmatic change in ideology resulting in a modern industrious society.

Russia has the economy of a small European nation.

Cool, why are we talking about it here.
Of course, NATO, the Soviets, and Russia today are morally equivalent. For a thread I'll start on politics.

It stated when I said if the sightings are real Russia is down on the probability list due to its continuation of Soviet economic corruption and its small economy. China on the other hand is even more obsessed than Putin in self image against the USA, and China has the money to support leading edge secret technology. Hyper sonic flight is not new. As I said, in the 90s there were indications on seismic sensors of hyper sonic flight over deserts in the USA.

Accenting there is correlation between visual and RADAR contact, then other than ET it is the western alliance, Russia, or China.
Of course, NATO, the Soviets, and Russia today are morally equivalent. For a thread I'll start on politics.

It stated when I said if the sightings are real Russia is down on the probability list due to its continuation of Soviet economic corruption and its small economy. China on the other hand is even more obsessed than Putin in self image against the USA, and China has the money to support leading edge secret technology. Hyper sonic flight is not new. As I said, in the 90s there were indications on seismic sensors of hyper sonic flight over deserts in the USA.

Accenting there is correlation between visual and RADAR contact, then other than ET it is the western alliance, Russia, or China.
That would be stupid for Russia/China to test their planes where american jets are flying.
If anything that would be american test planes which they forgot to warn themselves about. That smudge on the infrared camera does not do anything that ordinary plane can't do. Another video is 100% bullshit for reasons are I already gave.
And pilots are no better than ordinary people at judgment of anything remotely weird in the sky.
In any case, your lame and unnecessary attempt to trash Russia has been detected.
Small flying objects that are rarely seen creating RADAR targets...that sounds like an electronic countermeasure. It was used in WWII off of Ca;ais as part of the deption in the invasion of France. A small ship received and retransmitted an amplified RARR pulse to create the return of a large ship.
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