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Pete Buttigieg

Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

I have to admit he did well, and it really throws mud on Liz Warren's pledge to never appear on the network. Two candidates now have shown popular appeal there, and Warren just looks conflict-averse by comparison.
Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

Trump is even feeling a little bit jealous of the attention Fox News is giving to Dem candidates. One of his recent tweets chastized Fox News for dedicating ANY airtime to the Dems. Apparently Trump thinks FNC should be only Trump all the time. This the sort of insecurity in right wingers that inspired them to dub CNN the "Clinton News Network" back in the 90s.
What's idiotic is you saying that somebody should have to be a lawyer in order to be able to make and uphold laws.


i had a similar reaction reading some of the posts here.

It's because stupid, insecure people feel smarter and more secure with a fellow stupid, insecure leader.

What does having a JD degree or not have to with being a smart or stupid leader?
Mayor Pete is obviously smart and well educated. Does him not being a lawyer mean he is stupid, insecure or that he doesn't know how laws are made?

Way to completely miss the point.
Pete Buttigieg wants Thomas Jefferson items renamed
“Yeah, we’re doing that in Indiana. I think it’s the right thing to do,” ...

“There’s a lot, of course, to admire in his thinking and his philosophy,” ...

“But then again, if you plunge into his writings, especially the ‘Notes on the State of Virginia,’ you know that he knew slavery was wrong. And yet he did it,” he explained.
Not surprisingly, the right-wingers are having a cow about that.

You do not have to be a right-winger to think this is a dumb position. People from history cannot be judged by our standards, or nobody could measure up.
I think this was a misstep for Mayor Pete.
Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

But according to the likes of Elixir, Koy and Floof, he is not eumacated[sic] enough because he is not a lawyer. :rolleyes:
Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

But according to the likes of Elixir, Koy and Floof, he is not eumacated[sic] enough because he is not a lawyer. :rolleyes:

Grasping at straws to defend your stupid argument, eh.

No one has said that presidents need to be lawyers, especially anyone in the Democratic party. It's just that the people Democratic voters choose to be their candidates also happen to be lawyers.
Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

But according to the likes of Elixir, Koy and Floof, he is not eumacated[sic] enough because he is not a lawyer. :rolleyes:

Grasping at straws to defend your stupid argument, eh.

No one has said that presidents need to be lawyers, especially anyone in the Democratic party. It's just that the people Democratic voters choose to be their candidates also happen to be lawyers.

Democrats lean heavily on legislative solutions and the rule of law, so it makes sense. I think familiarity with the laws of the country is a good thing for a candidate to have, but a candidate who upholds United States law without questioning it is one I will not support.
Mayor Pete just rocked the townhall event in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News (Chris Wallace hosting). This guy is so good.

But according to the likes of Elixir, Koy and Floof, he is not eumacated[sic] enough because he is not a lawyer. :rolleyes:

Liar. I never said anything like that and you know it. Neg rep away, scumbag. (be sure to "neg rep" yourself too, for lack of logic)
And while you're at it, be sure to celebrate the one-note set of Rethuglican non-lawyer candidates whom you consider diverse for their uniform ignorance of the law.
Or else that it is mainly lawyers who run for office. Looking at  List of Presidents of the United States by previous experience, over half of the 44 US presidents had once been lawyers. Also, almost half of recent Congresspeople have law degrees (115th Congress: By the Numbers - DailyNewsGems, other sources).

I also fail to understand why lawyers are supposed to be so villainous.

Oh man, come on, I mean, lawyers, amirite? They're all just such lawyers with all the jokes and lightbulbs and book learnin. And they're jooos, too. And lizard people. Them lawyers are. With all their decades of study and intelligence and thinkin and they's eeleet! And the eeleet's are what git ya.
Oh man, come on, I mean, lawyers, amirite? They're all just such lawyers with all the jokes and lightbulbs and book learnin.
And no matter how often I show this to be a ridiculous fallacy, you (and a few others like Elixir) keep insisting on lawyer ≡ smart and educated, as if all other professions/degrees are just bumbling fools.
Neither did I say that no lawyers should ever be nominated, but that Democrats should nominate people of more diverse educational backgrounds.

And they're jooos, too.
Wrong. There haven't been any Jewish nominees, and the person who came closest (at least in recent history) is NOT a lawyer.

And lizard people. Them lawyers are. With all their decades of study and intelligence and thinkin and they's eeleet! And the eeleet's are what git ya.

Why do you think a JD requires that much intelligence compared to other advanced degrees like PhD or MD? This is a really silly line of argumentation. I never said Democrats should nominate people who are uneducated. I said they should nominate people with more diverse educational backgrounds. What the fuck is wrong with that?

And this is even sillier being in this particular thread. Pete Buttigieg, a Harvard and Oxford graduate and a Rhodes scholar, is certainly a smart and well-educated man. But he is not a lawyer. So by your silly brand of "logic", he is a dummy who lacks "book learnin[sic]" and "decades of study and intelligence". Give me a fucking break!
I also fail to understand why lawyers are supposed to be so villainous.
Villainy of lawyers may be a separate topic.

But for present discussion it is sufficient to say that lawyers being so over-represented among US politicians (especially Democrats and even more especially Democratic presidential nominees) has a danger of a group-think because of a lack of educational diversity. It can also lead to them passing laws overly favorable to the lawyerly profession. For example we have laws that make filing lawsuits extremely profitable for lawyers because of all the nonsense such as "punitive damages" and "strict liability" that most countries do not have (to their benefit).
Grasping at straws to defend your stupid argument, eh.
Wrong. First of all, my argument wasn't stupid. I pointed out that Democrats rely too much on lawyers as all but one of their presidential candidates in the last 40 years. That point still stands. More educational diversity would be good for the country and I think the Democratic Party as well.

No one has said that presidents need to be lawyers, especially anyone in the Democratic party.
Wrong. I was attacked for the suggestion that Democratic nominees need not necessarily be lawyers. Obviously those people think that Democratic nominees must be lawyers (or else they are uneducated rubes ignorant of the law as per Koy and his imitators)

It's just that the people Democratic voters choose to be their candidates also happen to be lawyers.

And why is that I wonder? Why is it nearly impossible for a non-lawyer to become a nominee? Is it really that rank-and-file primary voters clamor for lawyers or is it DNC rigging it that way?
Yes, I think it is. Democrats are obsessed with diversity of races and genders but only nominating people who went to law school in the last 4 decades means that there is zero diversity of educational backgrounds.
My guess is that is most people do not look at the profession of the nominee when voting in the primaries, so your observation is pretty much moot. You might as well ask "Democrats are obsessed with diversity but only nominate people who graduated college".
My guess is that is most people do not look at the profession of the nominee when voting in the primaries,
I agree. I think it is DNC than not the masses who push lawyers to the front. Like DNC rigging the nomination for Hillary.

so your observation is pretty much moot. You might as well ask "Democrats are obsessed with diversity but only nominate people who graduated college".

So is your argument that it is random chance? I very much doubt it.
Liar. I never said anything like that and you know it.
Yes, you did and you know it.

And while you're at it, be sure to celebrate the one-note set of Rethuglican non-lawyer candidates whom you consider diverse for their uniform ignorance of the law.
More logic fail.

Where is the statement that a non-lawyer cannot be sufficiently knowledgeable, Derec? Read for comprehension! Your consideration that a set of candidates that are non-lawyers is somehow more qualified than a set of lawyers, for a job involving laws... is mind-bogglingly silly on its face.
Keep neg-repping me if it makes you feel better, but dude - do some math...
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Derec said:
I agree. I think it is DNC than not the masses who push lawyers to the front. Like DNC rigging the nomination for Hillary.
Logic fail. The primary winner - who is chosen by the voters not the DNC - gets the nomination. The DNC does not choose the people who run in the primaries.

Derec said:
So is your argument that it is random chance? I very much doubt it.
All of the nominees were college graduates. All of the nominees had two ears. All of the nominees had a nose. I suspect I can find lots of characteristics for all of the nominees. There is no reason to focus on one of them to the exclusion of the others.
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