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Political correctness out of control

Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
He wasn't banned from attending college.

Just from this one private college.

Private collages make their own rules that students must follow.
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?

"a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness"

Oh now I know this will be an evenhanded article.:rolleyes:


The suspension seems to be about more than just one comment, but a series of comments that the admins at the school believe to be Pryor's and against school code. The school has policies against certain actions and when you agree to attend that school, you accept those policies.

AND NO, I do no think he should have been suspended for one comment, or even a series of comments, provided those comments were not threats of violence or otherwise illegal.
Except in the case of ethnic slurs, no. Consider, for example, "retarded". Giving them another name will simply cause that other name to acquire the same connotations, their brains won't work any better. The word isn't the problem.
It should be noted, by the way, that "retarded" is already a euphemism. Back when it was adopted in preference to words like "stupid" it carried the connotation that if we just give the people in question extra time they'll eventually be able to think as well as the rest of us.
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
That is an example of what appears, at the surface, to be a ridiculous judgment call by a school. How many colleges have suspended students for such offenses? Is the number small? Then this whole thing isn't "out of control".
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
I thought that of anyone posting on this board you would support the freedom of private enterprise to choose whom they do business with. I am quite surprised.

Just like "no shirt no shoes no service." It seems rational that a "no assholes" policy might also be a standard that a business may apply to the quality of it's clients. Don't you think?

But anyway, I agree. That is an overly extreme punnishment for the offense.
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
I thought that of anyone posting on this board you would support the freedom of private enterprise to choose whom they do business with. I am quite surprised.

Just like "no shirt no shoes no service." It seems rational that a "no assholes" policy might also be a standard that a business may apply to the quality of it's clients. Don't you think?

But anyway, I agree. That is an overly extreme punnishment for the offense.

It's CC's fault. Their admission policies permitted this scumbag into their fellowship. I fully expect admissions personnel and attitudes will hereafter be righteously adjusted. (failed admission at CC 56 years ago thankfully).
Except in the case of ethnic slurs, no. Consider, for example, "retarded". Giving them another name will simply cause that other name to acquire the same connotations, their brains won't work any better. The word isn't the problem.
It should be noted, by the way, that "retarded" is already a euphemism. Back when it was adopted in preference to words like "stupid" it carried the connotation that if we just give the people in question extra time they'll eventually be able to think as well as the rest of us.

Well that idea is pretty spastic. Which mong came up with that?
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?

What an idiot and the punishment was kind of stupid, too. They should have made him watch his sworn enemy go on a date with Halle Berry (while she was dressed up as Cat Woman) instead. Rawwr.
It should be noted, by the way, that "retarded" is already a euphemism. Back when it was adopted in preference to words like "stupid" it carried the connotation that if we just give the people in question extra time they'll eventually be able to think as well as the rest of us.

Well that idea is pretty spastic. Which mong came up with that?

He's not a mong; he's a very special boy. :cheeky: But Wikipedia's link doesn't say who came up with it; it just says

...the term mental deficiency was used until the early 1960s. As this term began to acquire negative connotations over time, there was a push among disability advocates to use the label mental retardation.​

I expect the idea that mentally deficient people were just slow was a polite fiction, not something the disability advocates really believed. But they still must have been feeble-minded, sorry, intellectually disabled, if they imagined that the name change wouldn't just immediately cause "retarded" to also acquire negative connotations.
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:

Administrators at Colorado College—a private school languishing under a veritable tyranny of political correctness—have banned a student from campus for two full years because he made a stupid comment about black women.

The joke, to be sure, was tasteless. Someone posted “#blackwomenmatter” on the anonymous commenting app, Yik Yak. In response, student Thaddeus Pryor posted, “they matter, they’re just not hot.” It was a troll-ish, mean-spirted thing to say, but not exactly a hate crime.


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
Schools don't usually reveal the full reasons why. I think there is more to his behavior that hasn't been revealed. Yes, it is a stupid, insensitive joke. No it is not suspension worthy.
Perfect example of political correctness out of control:


Two year suspension for that? Are you serious?
Schools don't usually reveal the full reasons why. I think there is more to his behavior that hasn't been revealed. Yes, it is a stupid, insensitive joke. No it is not suspension worthy.
Someone got sick at the office I work at. They have a cold. That disease is getting out of control!
I like how this thread titled:
Political correctness out of control

currently sits next to:
Trump: Ban ALL Muslims from entering US

on the feed.
I like how this thread titled:
Political correctness out of control

currently sits next to:
Trump: Ban ALL Muslims from entering US

on the feed.

As I said earlier in the thread, "In my assessment, While that sort of reaction usually won't shut up right-wing political activists - who have their own groups supporting them, and couldn't care less if left-wingers attack them, or even want that - in most cases (but in some cases, it might if their jobs are at risk), it may very well have that effect on many other people. "

In other words, Trump of course will not be silenced by the same sort of things many people who aren't right-wing activists (due to conviction, or just because it's convenient to them) will.

Here's an interesting article on the matter: http://stanfordpolitics.com/2015/02/political-correctness-doesnt-silence-conservatives/
I like how this thread titled:
Political correctness out of control

currently sits next to:
Trump: Ban ALL Muslims from entering US

on the feed.
Multiple idiocies out of control at the same time? What's up with that? It's almost as if idiots don't know they're supposed to take turns.
In this case, it seems the university supported her. But it wasn't enough.


In most places, when people are fired, this is what it looks like. I think she was fired, boot in ass.
I'm not sure.
Even assuming that getting fired would look that way (not sure it does: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25142/ , https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4vHP6e5yCwLakNmRW96eFlVOE0/view ), if she didn't get fired but resigned due to the bullying by many students, it would also look that way.
But regardless, if she and her husband were not only bullied but also fired, that only makes it worse.
In most places, when people are fired, this is what it looks like. I think she was fired, boot in ass.
I'm not sure.
Even assuming that getting fired would look that way (not sure it does: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25142/ , https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4vHP6e5yCwLakNmRW96eFlVOE0/view ), if she didn't get fired but resigned due to the bullying by many students, it would also look that way.
But regardless, if she and her husband were not only bullied but also fired, that only makes it worse.

It doesn't surprise me though. American Universities are private. So they're sensitive to public image. European universities are most often state owned and run, so they have a hell of a lot more freedom
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Political correctness cost this guy his position;

The president of Goldsmiths University’s Islamic Society (Muhammed Patel) has quit from his post after allegations he sent a series of homophobic messages from his Twitter account. One message from his account appears to say: “Homosexuality is a disease of the heart and mind #MuslimDragQueens,” while another reads: “Can you fag lovers get out of my mentions pls, thanks.”


In August, Mr Patel, 19, voiced his opinions on his Twitter account about the Channel 4 documentary Muslim Drag Queens which explored the life of Britain’s gay Muslim and drag queen community.

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