Oh no!
Do the mean liberals accuse you of racism just because you say racist things?
That's so unfair! Why are they so mean?
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
You are a special snowflake and you are superior because you are white.
There. Do you feel better now? Or are your feewings still hurt?