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Pope Francis: Have Children, Not Pets

My dog is blissfully happy chewing on a bone, as opposed to some goddamned Play Station. ...

When my dog was a puppy, he was blissfully happy chewing my goddamned Play Station. And anything else fragile and expensive. But he grew out of that stage after a few months - if you have kids, it is years before you can expect not to find peanut butter in your expensive electronic equipment.

What do you mean 'he grew out of that stage'? He still likes chewing on things.

Not like he did as a puppy. Seriously.

OH :eek:

Like this then huh?

My dog is blissfully happy chewing on a bone, as opposed to some goddamned Play Station. ...

When my dog was a puppy, he was blissfully happy chewing my goddamned Play Station. And anything else fragile and expensive. But he grew out of that stage after a few months - if you have kids, it is years before you can expect not to find peanut butter in your expensive electronic equipment.

What do you mean 'he grew out of that stage'? He still likes chewing on things.

Not like he did as a puppy. Seriously.

OH :eek:

Like this then huh?


During a Vatican mass yesterday, Pope Francis declared that people who have pets instead of children will end up bitter and lonely.
Hmmm. It is interesting that Jesus, the great Torah teacher, as a man, did not himself obey and keep that very first injunction given to mankind within the Bible; "Be fruitful, and multiply" (Gen 1:22) allegedly preferring to remain a bachelor.('Do as I say, not as I do' .....riiight)
I'll agree with the Poop, as no mate, no kids, and no pet, old Zombie Jezuz obviously was bitter and lonely.
Religious figures are ALWAYS about 'Do as I say, not as I do'. But since Bentadick is still alive, does that mean Señor Bergoglio has a pet pope?

Eldarion Lathria
What disgusts me about this is not the comparison to having pets, but the comparison to childlessness. To my knowledge, this is the first I have heard of an official (infallible?) Catholic decree that couples have a DUTY to make babies. I always thought it was encouraged, but not required. The list of things Catholics are supposed to feel guilty about keeps growing.

This isn't a "Catholic decree" as far as I can tell. It is merely the Pope giving a mass. What he says here hasn't become some part of Catholic religious doctrine.

When I was a Catholic, I remember being told that anything the Pope said in his capacity as Pope was literally infallible. I'm sure you're right that in practice they aren't adding planks to the official liturgy, but lots of people take his word as a direct line to God.
When I was a Catholic, I remember being told that anything the Pope said in his capacity as Pope was literally infallible. I'm sure you're right that in practice they aren't adding planks to the official liturgy, but lots of people take his word as a direct line to God.

Yes, this is hypocrisy, because when they get in apologetic mode, it's "the Pope is only infallible when proclaiming doctrines ex cathedra", when is like never. That way he's never wrong and always right, without a chance to be pinned down with an untruth because of this apologetic ruse.
When I was a Catholic, I remember being told that anything the Pope said in his capacity as Pope was literally infallible. I'm sure you're right that in practice they aren't adding planks to the official liturgy, but lots of people take his word as a direct line to God.

Yes, this is hypocrisy, because when they get in apologetic mode, it's "the Pope is only infallible when proclaiming doctrines ex cathedra", when is like never. That way he's never wrong and always right, without a chance to be pinned down with an untruth because of this apologetic ruse.

I always assumed that the "Talking out of his seat" thing was an in-joke, used because 'ex recto' would be too obvious.

It's sad how her life is so miserable and hopeless without a child to give it meaning that she feels the need to project her feelings of emptiness and anger over the course she's chosen onto a nice man like the Pope who's just trying to help. I'd like to tell her that Jesus loves her anyways, but he actually thinks she's a bitch and he's going to toss her ass into Hell for eternity for disobeying his dad's command about being fruitful and multiplying.

It's sad how her life is so miserable and hopeless without a child to give it meaning that she feels the need to project her feelings of emptiness and anger over the course she's chosen onto a nice man like the Pope who's just trying to help. I'd like to tell her that Jesus loves her anyways, but he actually thinks she's a bitch and he's going to toss her ass into Hell for eternity for disobeying his dad's command about being fruitful and multiplying.

Holy shit, have you read the comments on that article? My blood is fucking boiling
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.
Holy shit, have you read the comments on that article? My blood is fucking boiling
No, I did not read the comments. And now that you've mentioned your reaction to them, I'm glad and will keep my goddam nose away from reading them, for health's sake.
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.

Bronzeage, our animals are our FURkids. We may jokingly refer to them as our 'babies', but they are still animals. They have rules to follow, eat dog and cat food, and get taken to the vet, just like regular animals.

To say it is creepy? If they were to treat them as children and not as animals, then yes, that is too far. We do refer to ourselves as 'mum' and 'dad' simply because most animals know single syllable words as commands. So 'Go to dad', 'Mum will feed you' are easy for them to understand. Those that purchase human like beds and tuck them in etc, get them 'married' and so - that is going way too far.
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.

Bronzeage, our animals are our FURkids. We may jokingly refer to them as our 'babies', but they are still animals. They have rules to follow, eat dog and cat food, and get taken to the vet, just like regular animals.

To say it is creepy? If they were to treat them as children and not as animals, then yes, that is too far. We do refer to ourselves as 'mum' and 'dad' simply because most animals know single syllable words as commands. So 'Go to dad', 'Mum will feed you' are easy for them to understand. Those that purchase human like beds and tuck them in etc, get them 'married' and so - that is going way too far.

I understand that perfectly well. I have a cat who loves me. This is a strange thing to say about a cat, but this is a special cat. During the summer, we have a program named the Bungalow Kitty Bootcamp. We have a large cage in the store. Rescued feral kittens are brought to us by an elite corps of crazy cat ladies when they are about 4 weeks old. Our customers carry the kitten while they shop. The treatment a cat receives during the weeks between age 4 weeks and 12 weeks has a great effect on the personality of the adult cat it becomes. We have done this for about 5 years now. The origin of this is too long to go into right now. The little black cat named Ruby was different. She was found trapped in a wall and was brought to us. I spend the evenings in my office, doing things like posting on Freethought. When the kittens are about 6 weeks, we let them roam the store at night.. For some reason, Ruby would come to my office and paw at my shoes until I picked her up. She would them stretch out on my knee and go to sleep. When adoption time came, we kept Ruby and she is now the official shop cat. She still sleeps one my knee. My wife refers to me as Ruby's DaDa. I don't mind, but I don't have that kind of relationship with her.
I now have several cat and dogs on my facebook friends list. Sometimes Mommy forgets which account she is using and messages me. I have to ask, "Who is this?"
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.

Bronzeage, our animals are our FURkids. We may jokingly refer to them as our 'babies', but they are still animals. They have rules to follow, eat dog and cat food, and get taken to the vet, just like regular animals.

To say it is creepy? If they were to treat them as children and not as animals, then yes, that is too far. We do refer to ourselves as 'mum' and 'dad' simply because most animals know single syllable words as commands. So 'Go to dad', 'Mum will feed you' are easy for them to understand. Those that purchase human like beds and tuck them in etc, get them 'married' and so - that is going way too far.

I understand that perfectly well. I have a cat who loves me. This is a strange thing to say about a cat, but this is a special cat. During the summer, we have a program named the Bungalow Kitty Bootcamp. We have a large cage in the store. Rescued feral kittens are brought to us by an elite corps of crazy cat ladies when they are about 4 weeks old. Our customers carry the kitten while they shop. The treatment a cat receives during the weeks between age 4 weeks and 12 weeks has a great effect on the personality of the adult cat it becomes. We have done this for about 5 years now. The origin of this is too long to go into right now. The little black cat named Ruby was different. She was found trapped in a wall and was brought to us. I spend the evenings in my office, doing things like posting on Freethought. When the kittens are about 6 weeks, we let them roam the store at night.. For some reason, Ruby would come to my office and paw at my shoes until I picked her up. She would them stretch out on my knee and go to sleep. When adoption time came, we kept Ruby and she is now the official shop cat. She still sleeps one my knee. My wife refers to me as Ruby's DaDa. I don't mind, but I don't have that kind of relationship with her.
I now have several cat and dogs on my facebook friends list. Sometimes Mommy forgets which account she is using and messages me. I have to ask, "Who is this?"

Aww.. Do you mean to tell me you really are a big softie DaDa? :p

Speaking of alternate facebook accounts, for game purposes, I created a profile for Theodore Edward Bear (Ted E Bear). He was the new 'man' in my life after leaving my ex. I found a pink version of him, who promptly became his fiance, then wife, named Tina Bea Bear (lets see who gets the reference to that one). She also had a facebook account. Well, then I jokingly said to a guy if he wanted to date me, he had to add to my teddy bear family (no not Bilby), who bought me a white bear with purple love hearts on its feet. Well she became their daughter Edwina. As she wasn't of legal age, she never had a facebook account.
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.

Bronzeage, our animals are our FURkids. We may jokingly refer to them as our 'babies', but they are still animals. They have rules to follow, eat dog and cat food, and get taken to the vet, just like regular animals.

To say it is creepy? If they were to treat them as children and not as animals, then yes, that is too far. We do refer to ourselves as 'mum' and 'dad' simply because most animals know single syllable words as commands. So 'Go to dad', 'Mum will feed you' are easy for them to understand. Those that purchase human like beds and tuck them in etc, get them 'married' and so - that is going way too far.

I understand that perfectly well. I have a cat who loves me. This is a strange thing to say about a cat, but this is a special cat. During the summer, we have a program named the Bungalow Kitty Bootcamp. We have a large cage in the store. Rescued feral kittens are brought to us by an elite corps of crazy cat ladies when they are about 4 weeks old. Our customers carry the kitten while they shop. The treatment a cat receives during the weeks between age 4 weeks and 12 weeks has a great effect on the personality of the adult cat it becomes. We have done this for about 5 years now. The origin of this is too long to go into right now. The little black cat named Ruby was different. She was found trapped in a wall and was brought to us. I spend the evenings in my office, doing things like posting on Freethought. When the kittens are about 6 weeks, we let them roam the store at night.. For some reason, Ruby would come to my office and paw at my shoes until I picked her up. She would them stretch out on my knee and go to sleep. When adoption time came, we kept Ruby and she is now the official shop cat. She still sleeps one my knee. My wife refers to me as Ruby's DaDa. I don't mind, but I don't have that kind of relationship with her.
I now have several cat and dogs on my facebook friends list. Sometimes Mommy forgets which account she is using and messages me. I have to ask, "Who is this?"

Aww.. Do you mean to tell me you really are a big softie DaDa? :p

Speaking of alternate facebook accounts, for game purposes, I created a profile for Theodore Edward Bear (Ted E Bear). He was the new 'man' in my life after leaving my ex. I found a pink version of him, who promptly became his fiance, then wife, named Tina Bea Bear (lets see who gets the reference to that one). She also had a facebook account. Well, then I jokingly said to a guy if he wanted to date me, he had to add to my teddy bear family (no not Bilby), who bought me a white bear with purple love hearts on its feet. Well she became their daughter Edwina. As she wasn't of legal age, she never had a facebook account.

I like cats. I've always had a cat. My wife once said, "We could get a dog, if you liked dogs."
I said, I like dogs. Why do think I don't like dogs?
"Then why don't you want to get a dog?"
I'm a one dog man, and I've already had my dog."

It's kind of a strange thing to say to your third wife.
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of my friends talks about their dog or cat as if it were a human baby, I grind my teeth a little bit. It's just creepy.

Bronzeage, our animals are our FURkids. We may jokingly refer to them as our 'babies', but they are still animals. They have rules to follow, eat dog and cat food, and get taken to the vet, just like regular animals.

To say it is creepy? If they were to treat them as children and not as animals, then yes, that is too far. We do refer to ourselves as 'mum' and 'dad' simply because most animals know single syllable words as commands. So 'Go to dad', 'Mum will feed you' are easy for them to understand. Those that purchase human like beds and tuck them in etc, get them 'married' and so - that is going way too far.

I understand that perfectly well. I have a cat who loves me. This is a strange thing to say about a cat, but this is a special cat. During the summer, we have a program named the Bungalow Kitty Bootcamp. We have a large cage in the store. Rescued feral kittens are brought to us by an elite corps of crazy cat ladies when they are about 4 weeks old. Our customers carry the kitten while they shop. The treatment a cat receives during the weeks between age 4 weeks and 12 weeks has a great effect on the personality of the adult cat it becomes. We have done this for about 5 years now. The origin of this is too long to go into right now. The little black cat named Ruby was different. She was found trapped in a wall and was brought to us. I spend the evenings in my office, doing things like posting on Freethought. When the kittens are about 6 weeks, we let them roam the store at night.. For some reason, Ruby would come to my office and paw at my shoes until I picked her up. She would them stretch out on my knee and go to sleep. When adoption time came, we kept Ruby and she is now the official shop cat. She still sleeps one my knee. My wife refers to me as Ruby's DaDa. I don't mind, but I don't have that kind of relationship with her.
I now have several cat and dogs on my facebook friends list. Sometimes Mommy forgets which account she is using and messages me. I have to ask, "Who is this?"

Aww.. Do you mean to tell me you really are a big softie DaDa? :p

Speaking of alternate facebook accounts, for game purposes, I created a profile for Theodore Edward Bear (Ted E Bear). He was the new 'man' in my life after leaving my ex. I found a pink version of him, who promptly became his fiance, then wife, named Tina Bea Bear (lets see who gets the reference to that one). She also had a facebook account. Well, then I jokingly said to a guy if he wanted to date me, he had to add to my teddy bear family (no not Bilby), who bought me a white bear with purple love hearts on its feet. Well she became their daughter Edwina. As she wasn't of legal age, she never had a facebook account.

I like cats. I've always had a cat. My wife once said, "We could get a dog, if you liked dogs."
I said, I like dogs. Why do think I don't like dogs?
"Then why don't you want to get a dog?"
I'm a one dog man, and I've already had my dog."

It's kind of a strange thing to say to your third wife.

Yes, it is....

I miss my dogs. Unfortunately the ex got custody of the staffy-cross and bull arab that we had before the split. I got custody of the cats. Kyra (the staffy) used to be petrified of the cats. Fred (which is not what he actually responded to) was a big dopey dog, but loveable.

I got Bella, my german shepherd, just after I was robbed. So I can't say I am a one dog woman. Or a one cat woman for that matter. We currently have 2 cats, and three dogs when Bilby's two are added.

What was funny was taking them all down to the vet the other day. Yes, all at the same time. :D But that is another story.
I like cats. I've always had a cat. My wife once said, "We could get a dog, if you liked dogs."
I said, I like dogs. Why do think I don't like dogs?
"Then why don't you want to get a dog?"
I'm a one dog man, and I've already had my dog."

It's kind of a strange thing to say to your third wife.
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