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Quiverfull of Shit: a Guide to the Duggars' Scary Brand of Christianity


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs

Before this week, when reality star and conservative political activist Joshua Duggar admitted to molesting several underage girls, including his own sisters, what most people knew about the Duggar family could be counted on two fingers: They have 19—19!—kids, and they’re extremely religious Christians.

But the Duggars are different than your standard evangelical Christians—they’re followers of a particularly scary fundamentalist sect known as the Quiverfull movement, which adheres to a deeply patriarchal and highly authoritarian set of beliefs about gender and culture. What does that mean, exactly? Here’s your guide to the Quiverfull movement and some of its heavy hitters.
These cults are so dark and hurtful. :(
when mom is a tool to carry dad's babies why not his sisters?
when mom is a tool to carry dad's babies why not his sisters?

Because they're dad's. You don't beat off to dad's porn, you don't grope dad's pussies.
Not until he actually hands them over and you can put them in, or under, your bed.
If it's true that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely each succeeding son will be gay, then some of those little guys are probably going to have a very bad time later on in such a family.
If it's true that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely each succeeding son will be gay, then some of those little guys are probably going to have a very bad time later on in such a family.

And their parents are directly responsible for increasing the proportion of homosexuals in society - which is something that they probably consider to be a bad thing.
If it's true that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely each succeeding son will be gay, then some of those little guys are probably going to have a very bad time later on in such a family.

And their parents are directly responsible for increasing the proportion of homosexuals in society - which is something that they probably consider to be a bad thing.

But oh so deliciously ironic.
So they're like a combination of Westboro Baptist, the Fundamentalist LDS folks up in Colorado City, and these fine folks:

From The Duggars' 2011 Book

If it's true that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely each succeeding son will be gay, then some of those little guys are probably going to have a very bad time later on in such a family.

It's just a phase a boy goes through when he has to sleep in the same room with three older brothers.
You know, I didn't do the math until seeing that picture, Josh abused ALL of his sisters except (if I read correctly) the only one possibly old enough to complain. Every girl possibly available in the house. Makes it just even more egregious.

What is it with this weird sentiment that all men can't control themselves?

What is it with this weird sentiment that the people who can't control themselves should be in charge?

I mean if you can't resist your sister because she's wearing something that might show a little skin, are you really responsible enough to be the leader of the family?

"We're so easily tempted that our women can't wear a skirt which shows their knees" seems a lousy argument in favor of patriarchy.
^^ this is an excellent point.

Also read this today,

I’m Tired of Talking about Bill Gothard & the Duggars

I’m tired of hearing folks like Mike Huckabee taking to the microphones to say shit like:

“They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends.”​

Goddamn it, Mike Huckabee. Don’t bring God’s love into this. Not like that. Not now.

Because your words are fucking clanging cymbals. Your religious phrases are the brush-strokes whitewashing the tomb of a system rotten to its very core.

You want to talk about Jesus?

Let’s talk about how Jesus said, “If the root is evil, the fruit will be evil. Then there’s nothing to be done but to cut the whole tree down and cast it into the fire.”

Stop gathering around the rotted-out tree, gawking at the rotten fruit sagging from its branches and saying “How awful. How terrible. How could all this rotten fruit come from this wonderful tree?”

Please, just stop. Stop.

I’m so tired.

Somebody grab the matches and gasoline.

It’s time to burn this motherfucker down.

I think he'd be reassured to know how much sympathy there is for his viewpoint out there, once he gets away from teh Christians.
It really is impossible to comprehend what goes on in these people's head. They should get proper mental health care, not a TV show. I've never seen the show but I imagine it is just like the other car crash reality show about hoarders.

That Duggar woman has spent a lot of her life being pregnant, who the hell would want to live like that but somebody that is mental issues ? And as a husband, why would you want your wife to be permanently knocked up ? I expect he has a few skeletons in his closet.

Should I feel sorry for them or laugh at them ?
They are complaining that this is all bringing the survivors/victims into it against their will.

...says the mother of the girls whom she KNEW were victims and whose story she KNEW was already out there on the day she started her creepy show to expose her daughters to the world.

She knew why the Oprah show was cancelled, and she STILL went ahead with "19 Kids and Counseling" anyway.
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