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"Race doesn't exist," and the myth is drowning blacks

Prediction of Body Density from Skinfolds in Black and White Young Men

Drowned black guy that they fished out of haulover canal not terribly long ago was pretty chubby.

My body fat is probably in the single digits. I have veins visible on my torso.

published in Human Biology in 1988. The prediction is correct. The study found that young white men have an average body density 1.065 g/ml, and young black men have an average body density of 1.075 g/ml.

That's a more useful number.

If this seems like small difference, remember it is in the context of the baseline of water density being about 1 g/ml. That is the division between sinking while relaxed and floating while relaxed.

Both are more dense than fresh water and plenty of really lean white people are going to be denser than the averages that you report.

The 0.01 g/ml difference still looks insignificant to me.
Drowned black guy that they fished out of haulover canal not terribly long ago was pretty chubby.

My body fat is probably in the single digits. I have veins visible on my torso.

published in Human Biology in 1988. The prediction is correct. The study found that young white men have an average body density 1.065 g/ml, and young black men have an average body density of 1.075 g/ml.

That's a more useful number.

If this seems like small difference, remember it is in the context of the baseline of water density being about 1 g/ml. That is the division between sinking while relaxed and floating while relaxed.

Both are more dense than fresh water and plenty of really lean white people are going to be denser than the averages that you report.

The 0.01 g/ml difference still looks insignificant to me.
The 0.01 g/ml difference means a 13% difference from the baseline, which I count as a big difference. The average body densities of both whites and blacks would be enough to cause them to sink, and a key point would be that taking in a breath of air would cause a typical person to decrease his or her body density enough to float. But, both body densities and lung sizes of each race would follow normal distributions. When you change the average even just a small amount, it has a large relative effect on the magnitudes of the tail ends. Both greater body density of blacks and smaller lung size of blacks combined would mean the minority of blacks who can not float after taking in a normal breath of air would be much larger than the minority of whites who cannot float after taking in a normal breath of air. I don't know the standard deviations and I don't know how the typical breath size differs by race, so I can't conclusively prove the point yet, but I think it is enough to doubt the longstanding assumption.
So in summary, not only is ApostateAbe useless at analysing statistics, he also has never been swimming in his life.

Seriously, this thread reads like a parody of the other ApostateAbe racism threads; I had to double check to be sure it wasn't Tom Sawyer making an epic foray into satire.

Insofar as your previous racism threads were even vaguely convincing (which wasn't very far), this laughable piece of crap completely destroys any last shred of credibility that they might have had.

Blacks are drowning because people don't understand that they are (on average) everso slightly denser than whites? This isn't The Onion, you know.
Specifically, what do you find wrong with the argument, bilby? I already know you have strong disagreement with the conclusion.
Specifically, what do you find wrong with the argument, bilby? I already know you have strong disagreement with the conclusion.

Specifically, if you think that the variation in body density across any reasonably sized sample of any population is going to be detectable in the drowning rate - which is going to be far more closely correlated to the practically unrelated 'swimming ability' then you are spending far too much time looking at numbers, and far too little time looking at real people.

People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all. To suggest that it is significantly correlated to the genetic component of density - which itself is a tiny component of their final actual density - to the point where it could have any measurable effect on drowning rates is, frankly, insane.

It is like looking at cucumber consumption to assess a person's risk of being diagnosed with melanoma in a given year - There are so many bloody obvious confounding factors, that even if you could show some kind of link between some compound found in cucumbers and melanoma, the idea would still be batshit insane.

I know you are desperate to support your conclusion, but this stupid shit is not going to do it. Even if race did exist - even if your stupid idea was absolutely correct - we would still not expect to see this reflected in a disparity in drownings at a detectable level.

Hence my conviction that this must be a joke. Even the world's worst statistician couldn't make an error this big, surely?
Specifically, what do you find wrong with the argument, bilby? I already know you have strong disagreement with the conclusion.

Specifically, if you think that the variation in body density across any reasonably sized sample of any population is going to be detectable in the drowning rate - which is going to be far more closely correlated to the practically unrelated 'swimming ability' then you are spending far too much time looking at numbers, and far too little time looking at real people.

People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all. To suggest that it is significantly correlated to the genetic component of density - which itself is a tiny component of their final actual density - to the point where it could have any measurable effect on drowning rates is, frankly, insane.

It is like looking at cucumber consumption to assess a person's risk of being diagnosed with melanoma in a given year - There are so many bloody obvious confounding factors, that even if you could show some kind of link between some compound found in cucumbers and melanoma, the idea would still be batshit insane.

I know you are desperate to support your conclusion, but this stupid shit is not going to do it. Even if race did exist - even if your stupid idea was absolutely correct - we would still not expect to see this reflected in a disparity in drownings at a detectable level.

Hence my conviction that this must be a joke. Even the world's worst statistician couldn't make an error this big, surely?
You say, "People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all." The dependent variable is the drowning probability, not the ability to swim. I think of the psychological ability to swim (A) as an independent variable, the body density (Rho) as another independent variable, and the drowning probability (D) as the dependent variable. Increased body density Rho can plausibly decrease A among the races, but that is not my assumption. We can assume that A is roughly equal between whites and blacks. So, Rho - A = D. In this equation, D is a function of both A and Rho. if you decrease A, then you increase D. If you increase Rho, then you increase D.

So, ability to swim is one thing and drowning probability is another, but maybe you meant to say that body density has nothing to do with drowning probability. If you meant to say that, let me know. It seems absurd on the face to me, but I don't know exactly what you meant to say.
So, ability to swim is one thing and drowning probability is another, .

Yes. But there is a itsy bitsy teeny weeny correlation, isnt there? :)
A strong correlation, no doubt about it. It isn't a 100% correlation, and it would have to be 100% to push out body density. If psychological swimming ability was the only relevant variable, then we can ignore basic physics, but physics matters whether we like it or not.
it would have to be 100% to push out body density.
Au contraire. Since swimming ability has little correlation with density the correlation totally obliterates the effect.
The point that they are two independent variables would make a difference. Think of it this way. There are two four-year-old children, and these two children have an equal swimming ability (A), but they each have different body densities (Rho). They both accidentally fall in a swimming pool. Which child is more likely to drown? If they both have high swimming ability, then each of their odds of drowning are small, but the child with high Rho still has a much higher chance of drowning. And, suppose that each child has low A, then both children have high D, but the child with high Rho has a MUCH higher D, lacking the advantage in both A and Rho. A does not "overwhelm" Rho, even if A has a much higher coefficient than Rho. Rho makes a big difference, one way or the other.
"Race doesn't exist," and the myth is drowning blacks

Au contraire. Since swimming ability has little correlation with density the correlation totally obliterates the effect.
The point that they are two independent variables would make a difference. Think of it this way. There are two four-year-old children, and these two children have an equal swimming ability (A), but they each have different body densities (Rho). They both accidentally fall in a swimming pool. Which child is more likely to drown? If they both have high swimming ability, then each of their odds of drowning are small, but the child with high Rho still has a much higher chance of drowning. And, suppose that each child has low A, then both children have high D, but the child with high Rho has a MUCH higher D, lacking the advantage in both A and Rho. A does not "overwhelm" Rho, even if A is much higher than Rho. Rho makes a big difference, one way or the other.

If the children can swim then their risk of drowning depends on ABILITY TO SWIM, temperature, weather, amount of alcohol, etc and NOT AT ALL on density....
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Seriously, this thread reads like a parody of the other ApostateAbe racism threads; I had to double check to be sure it wasn't Tom Sawyer making an epic foray into satire.

Yep, I had to check too.
Specifically, if you think that the variation in body density across any reasonably sized sample of any population is going to be detectable in the drowning rate - which is going to be far more closely correlated to the practically unrelated 'swimming ability' then you are spending far too much time looking at numbers, and far too little time looking at real people.

People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all. To suggest that it is significantly correlated to the genetic component of density - which itself is a tiny component of their final actual density - to the point where it could have any measurable effect on drowning rates is, frankly, insane.

It is like looking at cucumber consumption to assess a person's risk of being diagnosed with melanoma in a given year - There are so many bloody obvious confounding factors, that even if you could show some kind of link between some compound found in cucumbers and melanoma, the idea would still be batshit insane.

I know you are desperate to support your conclusion, but this stupid shit is not going to do it. Even if race did exist - even if your stupid idea was absolutely correct - we would still not expect to see this reflected in a disparity in drownings at a detectable level.

Hence my conviction that this must be a joke. Even the world's worst statistician couldn't make an error this big, surely?
You say, "People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all." The dependent variable is the drowning probability, not the ability to swim. I think of the psychological ability to swim (A) as an independent variable, the body density (Rho) as another independent variable, and the drowning probability (D) as the dependent variable. Increased body density Rho can plausibly decrease A among the races, but that is not my assumption. We can assume that A is roughly equal between whites and blacks. So, Rho - A = D. In this equation, D is a function of both A and Rho. if you decrease A, then you increase D. If you increase Rho, then you increase D.

So, ability to swim is one thing and drowning probability is another, but maybe you meant to say that body density has nothing to do with drowning probability. If you meant to say that, let me know. It seems absurd on the face to me, but I don't know exactly what you meant to say.

OK, so you are going to double down on the absurdity by assuming no correlation between 'ability to swim' and 'drowning probability'. That's not going to convince anyone.

Perhaps if you throw in some Greek letters it will sound more 'sciencey'.


Your argument is bullshit upon bullshit. It is fucking laughable, and I have already given you far too much credit by addressing it as though it was worth the effort to debunk.

Go away, and take your pseudoscientific crap with you. Nobody's buying your snake oil.
The prediction is correct. The study found that young white men have an average body density 1.065 g/ml, and young black men have an average body density of 1.075 g/ml.

In retrospect.

This value is useless as you present it. Aside from the difference in average density being only 0.01 g/ml, there is no information about the distribution around the mean.

I have already anecdoted that people outside the mean seem to contradict your assertion that this difference in average density accounts for the difference in drowning rates between whites and blacks.

Mostly likely people to drown where I live are pasty white tourists from the midwest.
You say, "People's ability to swim is very, very loosely correlated to their density, if at all." The dependent variable is the drowning probability, not the ability to swim. I think of the psychological ability to swim (A) as an independent variable, the body density (Rho) as another independent variable, and the drowning probability (D) as the dependent variable. Increased body density Rho can plausibly decrease A among the races, but that is not my assumption. We can assume that A is roughly equal between whites and blacks. So, Rho - A = D. In this equation, D is a function of both A and Rho. if you decrease A, then you increase D. If you increase Rho, then you increase D.

So, ability to swim is one thing and drowning probability is another, but maybe you meant to say that body density has nothing to do with drowning probability. If you meant to say that, let me know. It seems absurd on the face to me, but I don't know exactly what you meant to say.

OK, so you are going to double down on the absurdity by assuming no correlation between 'ability to swim' and 'drowning probability'. That's not going to convince anyone.

Perhaps if you throw in some Greek letters it will sound more 'sciencey'.


Your argument is bullshit upon bullshit. It is fucking laughable, and I have already given you far too much credit by addressing it as though it was worth the effort to debunk.

Go away, and take your pseudoscientific crap with you. Nobody's buying your snake oil.

"OK, so you are going to double down on the absurdity by assuming no correlation between 'ability to swim' and 'drowning probability'. That's not going to convince anyone."

Nor should it, because it would be an absurdity that I have already clearly contradicted.
The prediction is correct. The study found that young white men have an average body density 1.065 g/ml, and young black men have an average body density of 1.075 g/ml.

In retrospect.

This value is useless as you present it. Aside from the difference in average density being only 0.01 g/ml, there is no information about the distribution around the mean.

I have already anecdoted that people outside the mean seem to contradict your assertion that this difference in average density accounts for the difference in drowning rates between whites and blacks.

Mostly likely people to drown where I live are pasty white tourists from the midwest.
I think that is a good point. I don't know the standard deviation, and if it is sufficiently large then it would disprove the case (though I would not depend on anecdotes as disproof).
The prediction is correct. The study found that young white men have an average body density 1.065 g/ml, and young black men have an average body density of 1.075 g/ml.

In retrospect.

This value is useless as you present it. Aside from the difference in average density being only 0.01 g/ml <snip>

You say that as though 0.01 is a small number. In the first place, that's 10 g/l, which is to say, 2 lbs per 200 lb man. Is anybody here willing to jump out of a boat in the middle of a lake and swim to shore, and then do it again with 2 lbs of metal in his pockets, and report to us that the extra weight didn't make it much harder?

And in the second place, a swimmer is buoyed up by the force of gravity on the mass of the displaced water, to the tune of 1 g/ml. So the ratio of the net downward forces the respective swimmers need to counteract by muscle power is not 1.065 / 1.075, i.e., the 1% difference it looks like. The ratio is 0.065 / 0.075, i.e., a 15% difference. That having to work 15% harder to stay afloat wouldn't significantly affect drowning rates is, how shall I put this, blindingly non-obvious.
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