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Racism And Kamala Harris

Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.
All you white boys need to keep the hard r out of your dumb mouths. Just let Bakari handle it.

If she brought to the table the ability to motivate people of color and women to show up and vote for the Democratic ticket
What bothers me is that the entire approach here is premised on the idea that black and hispanic people only give a shit about skin color, therefore they need to have a candidate with a similar melanin content or they won't vote for your party.

Similarly, there's the premise that female humans only give a fuck about sex, so if you don't pander to us with a female candidate we won't vote for your party.
Oh, THAT’S what you thought it was about?
No, you have that backwards. Entirely backwards. By and large, Black and Hispanic people appear to be rightly pissed, for generations, that they are blocked from being considered. And so the party that finally takes the foot off their neck - they notice and they give a shit.

Wouldn’t you?

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.

Obviously it is not a monolith, nor unanimous. But for most of us, yes, we do notice when one party has a shitload more sincerity than the other. It’s not that people are saying, “if you don’t pick one of us we won’t vote for you,” but rather the complete opposite - if you finallly stop excluding us, we’ll pay attention to you. (Cautiously).

It's the implicit assumption that dems cannot win voters on their policies and their position - they're only capable of winning because they can somehow con the otherwise ignorant minorities and woman into voting for them by showcasing a skin-deep similarity.

Don’t you realize that stopping the exclusion of people *IS* a policy position? And that some of us support that position?
They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.

I actully think he may have said college, but since he’s an asshole every day, I will just laugh and let him suffer from being taken out of context.
It looks like you believe racism is so over.
No, not over, not completely. But up until about the past twenty years, it had diminished massively, to a point where it was no longer a material driver of views. Within the last couple of decades, it's become a hyperfocus for progressives, who see race in everything and who insist that every single topic must be viewed through a racial lense. Progressives have reified race.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
Yes, that is your problem. The reality is there is a lot you don't see or even notice. You are more interested in protecting women from windmills than the real world.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.

I actully think he may have said college, but since he’s an asshole every day, I will just laugh and let him suffer from being taken out of context.

My wife was across the room when I played it and she heard colored too.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.
If she brought to the table the ability to motivate people of color and women to show up and vote for the Democratic ticket
What bothers me is that the entire approach here is premised on the idea that black and hispanic people only give a shit about skin color, therefore they need to have a candidate with a similar melanin content or they won't vote for your party.

Similarly, there's the premise that female humans only give a fuck about sex, so if you don't pander to us with a female candidate we won't vote for your party.
Oh, THAT’S what you thought it was about?
No, you have that backwards. Entirely backwards. By and large, Black and Hispanic people appear to be rightly pissed, for generations, that they are blocked from being considered. And so the party that finally takes the foot off their neck - they notice and they give a shit.

Wouldn’t you?

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.

Obviously it is not a monolith, nor unanimous. But for most of us, yes, we do notice when one party has a shitload more sincerity than the other. It’s not that people are saying, “if you don’t pick one of us we won’t vote for you,” but rather the complete opposite - if you finallly stop excluding us, we’ll pay attention to you. (Cautiously).

It's the implicit assumption that dems cannot win voters on their policies and their position - they're only capable of winning because they can somehow con the otherwise ignorant minorities and woman into voting for them by showcasing a skin-deep similarity.

Don’t you realize that stopping the exclusion of people *IS* a policy position? And that some of us support that position?
I suspect Emily gets most of her information from right wing social media. That's why she says she only sees x from Democrats/leftitists. I don't think she realizes that social media algorithms give her the things that reinforce her views and not the other sides views at all.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

I think it was response to just this:

“but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife”

But I agree it’s not really a goalpost issue. You just said you hadn’t seen it, and that’s because there isn’t much of it out there just now. But there is some.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Sorry, my bad. I was replying to your post as if it had come from Emily. My apologies.

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote
At the risk of digging up old material why do say Sarah Palin was only chosen by John McCain as a vote buyer/getter?
and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.
You then say that the other one (presumably the Democrats) chooses only qualified women (presumably you mean Clinton & Harris).
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote
At the risk of digging up old material why do say Sarah Palin was only chosen by John McCain as a vote buyer/getter?

and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.
You then say that the other one (presumably the Democrats) chooses only qualified women (presumably you mean Clinton & Harris).
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
Even her own staff thought she was a moron. Two of them wrote a book about the experience that became a movie.
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
In her first major television interview she got stumped by the question “what magazines do you read?”

And instead of being honest about herself she said she reads them all.

It was like watching Trump get asked about the Bible and his favorite verses.

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote
At the risk of digging up old material why do say Sarah Palin was only chosen by John McCain as a vote buyer/getter?
Last time I looked so were Harris and H Clinton. Yet you do not consider them as unqualified.
Of ourse I forgot. It seems to you that any woman the Republicans choose would be a) chosen because of their gender and/or b) unqualified
and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.
You then say that the other one (presumably the Democrats) chooses only qualified women (presumably you mean Clinton & Harris).
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
Even her own staff thought she was a moron. Two of them wrote a book about the experience that became a movie.
Found this K Harris and her people skills. I do hope she has improved for all of your sakes. (I no longer have a subscription to the WaPo)
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
In her first major television interview she got stumped by the question “what magazines do you read?”

And instead of being honest about herself she said she reads them all.

It was like watching Trump get asked about the Bible and his favorite verses.
Yes interviews/debates can really trip people up.

I have also watched some of Harris' press conferences. Does not inspire much confidence

They notice that one party picks Sarah fucking Palin to try to buy their vote
At the risk of digging up old material why do say Sarah Palin was only chosen by John McCain as a vote buyer/getter?
Last time I looked so were Harris and H Clinton. Yet you do not consider them as unqualified.
Of ourse I forgot. It seems to you that any woman the Republicans choose would be a) chosen because of their gender and/or b) unqualified
and the other one picks qualified woman after qualified woman after qualified woman for the spot.
You then say that the other one (presumably the Democrats) chooses only qualified women (presumably you mean Clinton & Harris).
Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
Even her own staff thought she was a moron. Two of them wrote a book about the experience that became a movie.
Found this K Harris and her people skills. I do hope she has improved for all of your sakes. (I no longer have a subscription to the WaPo)
Changing the subject because the answer to the question causes you discomfort?
It looks like you believe racism is so over.
No, not over, not completely. But up until about the past twenty years, it had diminished massively, to a point where it was no longer a material driver of views. Within the last couple of decades, it's become a hyperfocus for progressives, who see race in everything and who insist that every single topic must be viewed through a racial lense. Progressives have reified race.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
Yes, that is your problem. The reality is there is a lot you don't see or even notice. You are more interested in protecting women from windmills than the real world.
I think that you are perhaps a little hard on Emily here. I definitely understand and to a certain extent share her concerns about XX girls and women being pushed out of competitive sports by some trans girls and women. My head tells me that is not likely to be much of a problem but I remember how hard we fought to be able to play competitive sports I remember when we were not allowed to play competitive sports and when a friend, who was an extreme talented athlete and was a better athlete than almost all the boys in basketball and football—until the boys all got their growth and had the advantage of actually coaching was called a lesbian—as an insult, which it was in small town USA in the 70’s. I wasn’t entirely certain what a lesbian was but I knew for sure in those people’s mouths, it was a vile insult.

We aren’t going back or being pushed out again.

And I know and am certain that there is very little chance that anyone would McLain ti be trans in order to gain access to girls/women’s dormitories abd dressing rooms, etc. we actually know of some handful of instances where people were sexually assaulted by someone who claimed to be trans.
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