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Racism And Kamala Harris

The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing their hatred on their sleeves.
Seriously, are you feeling alright? While we don’t often agree, these bizarre generalizations seem out of character for you to me.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's.
...almost none of whom are alive today.

The number of Democrats still breathing who were members of the Democratic Party at the time of the 1964 election has to be close to zero; Anyone who was 18 or over in 1964 would be over 78 years old today. Joe Biden would be old enough, but he joined the party in 1969, and I suspect that most of the octogenarians and nonogenarians who were strongly Democrat affiliated before 1964 are now Republicans.

To ignore the Republican lock on racism and bigotry since 1964, in favour of looking at the Democratic record of equally poor behaviour prior to that date is absurd. Particularly if you have to go back to the 1860s rather than the 1960s.
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
Every human is related to every other human. :p
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
Every human is related to every other human. :p
So where is my Rockefeller inheritance?
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
Every human is related to every other human. :p
So where is my Rockefeller inheritance?
I’d mail you your share, but the postage would exceed the value.
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.
The democrats of the day. Remember Lincoln?
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
Every human is related to every other human. :p
Soon every human will be a direct descendent of not only Genghis Khan, but also Willie Nelson and Keith Richards.

Next you’ll tell me that our Poster Ford is unrelated to the automotive family. 😠He’s even at the forefront of cars!
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
Every human is related to every other human. :p
So where is my Rockefeller inheritance?
I’d mail you your share, but the postage would exceed the value.
Just my luck...
 Family of Kamala Harris
Harris's maternal ancestry comes from Tamil Nadu, India. Her paternal ancestry comes from Saint Ann, Jamaica. She is married to American entertainment attorney and law professor Douglas Emhoff.

Shyamala Gopalan was the mother of Kamala Harris. She was an Indian biologist and civil rights activist from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Shyamala was born on April 7, 1938, to P. V. Gopalan and his wife, Rajam. Gopalan's family belongs to the Brahmin caste. Gopalan was from Thulasenthirapuram and Rajam was from Painganadu – agrarian villages located very close to each other, near Mannargudi, in the erstwhile Tanjore District.

Donald J. Harris is the father of Kamala Harris. He is a Jamaican-American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, originally from Saint Ann's Bay, Jamaica. Of Afro-Jamaican descent, Harris was born on August 23, 1938, to Beryl Christie Harris (née Finegan)[23][24] and Oscar Joseph Harris. He grew up in the Orange Hill area of Saint Ann Parish, near Brown's Town.
Tamil Nadu is at the south end of India, with Sri Lanka next to it.
KH's mother:  Shyamala Gopalan
Her father:  P. V. Gopalan "was born in 1911 into a conservative Tamil Brahmin family, British India."

Genomic reconstruction of the history of extant populations of India reveals five distinct ancestral components and a complex structure | PNAS

ANI: Ancient North Indian, ASI: Ancient South Indian, AAA: Ancestral Austro-Asiatic, ATB: Ancestral Tibeto-Burman, A&N Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

The closest to KH's maternal ancestry of the populations sampled was the Iyer (IYR) people - in the south, traditionally upper-caste, and Dravidian-speaking (Tamil is a Dravidian language). Yet they are ANI people, meaning that they came from the north.

An Ancient Harappan Genome Lacks Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian Farmers: Cell and Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe - PMC -- and also India.

Novel 4,400-year-old ancestral component in a tribe speaking a Dravidian language | bioRxiv
Research has shown that the present-day population on the Indian subcontinent derives its ancestry from at least three components identified with pre-Indo-Iranian agriculturalists once inhabiting the Iranian plateau, pastoralists originating from the Pontic-Caspian steppe and ancient hunter-gatherer related to the Andamanese Islanders.

... In this study, we focus on Dravidian linguistic groups to propose a fourth putative source which may have branched out from the basal Middle Eastern component that gave rise to the Iranian plateau farmer related ancestry.

... We suggest that this source, which we shall call ‘Proto-Dravidian’ ancestry, emerged around the dawn of the Indus Valley civilisation. This ancestry is distinct from all other sources described so far, and its plausible origin not later than 4,400 years ago on the region between the Iranian plateau and the Indus valley supports a Dravidian heartland before the arrival of Indo-European languages on the Indian subcontinent. Admixture analysis shows that this Proto-Dravidian ancestry is still carried by most modern inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent other than the tribal populations.
The idea that there is a “left” mainstream media is yet another utter absurdity believed by Trumpkins.
Of course there is. CNN, MCNBC on cable TV. Newspapers like NY Times.
Just look at the kid glove treatment they have been giving Kamala Harris ever since Biden's announcement.
First black woman named to SCOTUS and people still get their panties in a bunch over it.
The problem is that Biden vowed to only consider black women for the position as part of his corrupt bargain with Clyburn, who delivered South Carolina to him in the primaries.
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I could be wrong, but I believe he did limit it to black women. And that was perfectly OK.
Why is it "perfectly ok" to exclude people based on race and gender? Especially since he had the same racist and sexist limitation on the SCOTUS justice he appointed.

Elizabeth Warren was on the short list to the very end.
No, she wasn't. I mean some people may have talked about her, but she never had any chance of getting picked even before the George Floyd insurrection and the desire by the Democratic Party to appease the insurrectionists. She was simply too old - there is no way a 77 year old presidential candidate would pick a 71 year old running mate.

Now women like Amy "Mad Hatter" Klobuchar or Gretchen "mir graut's vor Dir" Whitmer would have been on the short list before the race riots happened, but not afterwards.
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I'll reiterate a point I had made after Diane Feinstein's death and Laphonza Butler was temporarily appointed to substitute her.
And Goodhair only considered black women (it's a trend in the contemporary Democratic Party it seems) even though they comprise only ~2.7% of the population of the state.
The issue of qualifications only comes up when the person is a minority and then it's "they're not qualified!!!111!"
The issue of qualifications always comes up, for any appointment.
But when the appointing officer artificially restricts the consideration to a demographic group comprising only ~2.7% of the population, it is unlikely that anything close to the best candidate for the job is being picked. That's because more than 96% of potential candidates have been excluded based on nothing more than having the wrong skin color and wrong plumbing.
That supposed "liberals" are defending this bullshit just shows how far American liberalism has fallen.
Take a look at George W Bush and remember it was all about anti-intellectualism and how the right despised "intellectual elites" of which they portrayed Gore and W was the guy you'd like to drink a beer with and maybe snort some coke with off of a hooker's back.
The "have a beer with" is a shorthand for likability, not "anti-intellectualism". Although W was quite dumb, admittedly.
Biden and Obama are not "anti-intellectual" and yet they have that quality too.
So, yeah, of course, Kamala Harris was more qualified than J.D. Vance...just like QOP accusations are their confessions.
KH is running for president, JDV for vice president - why are you comparing them?
That said, both of their qualifications look good on paper, but are far less impressive "on tarmac".
For example, KH showed utter lack of judgment during her ill-fated 2020 campaign that fizzled out even before 2020 rolled around. And as Veep, she failed in the task she was given, that of the border czarina.
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KH's father:  Donald J. Harris Supposedly descended from  Hamilton Brown "(1776 – 18 September 1843) was an Ulster Scot plantation owner, slave owner and politician who resided in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, which he represented in the House of Assembly of Jamaica for 22 years. Brown founded the settlement of Hamilton Town in Saint Ann Parish, which was named after him."

Some right-wingers make a big issue about this purported ancestry, but many New World black people have lecherous masters in their ancestries.

Admixture and Population Stratification in African Caribbean Populations - Benn‐Torres - 2008 - Annals of Human Genetics - Wiley Online Library
Differences in global admixture were observed, with Barbados having the highest level of West African ancestry (89.6%± 2.0) and the lowest levels of European (10.2%± 2.2) and Native American ancestry (0.2%± 2.0), while Jamaica possessed the highest levels of European (12.4%± 3.5) and Native American ancestry (3.2%± 3.1). St. Thomas, USVI had ancestry levels quite similar to African Americans in continental U.S. (86.8%± 2.2 West African, 10.6%± 2.3 European, and 2.6%± 2.1 Native American). Significant substructure was observed in the islands of Jamaica and St. Thomas but not Barbados (K=1), indicating that differences in population substructure exist across these three Caribbean islands.

The West African Ethnicity of the Enslaved in Jamaica
The African ethnicity of New World slaves was highly significant for the transmission of African social, cultural and religious beliefs and practices. This study employs the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis of present-day Jamaicans in order to assess the ethnic origins of their enslaved female ancestors (males, including white overseers and masters, do not contribute to mtDNA). The evidence suggests that the Gold Coast was the largest single source of Jamaican slaves who arrived, remained and survived in Jamaica. While this finding fits with some historical evidence, it refines the data contained within the Voyages: Transatlantic Slave Trade Database, which indicates that the Bight of Biafra provided the most enslaved Africans to Jamaica.
 Gold Coast (British colony) - "On 6 March 1957, the Colony of Gold Coast gained independence as the state of Ghana."
And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.
I am with Kamala and not with Usha on that one for sure.
The idea that there is a “left” mainstream media is yet another utter absurdity believed by Trumpkins.
Of course there is. CNN, MCNBC on cable TV. Newspapers like NY Times.
Only to a right-winger.
Just look at the kid glove treatment they have been giving Kamala Harris ever since Biden's announcement.
What did you expect them to do?
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