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Racism And Kamala Harris

Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.
what will you do if Trump ends up winning? Are you going to be okay with it?
Are you suffering from some memory problem?
Fuck no!
What are you going to do?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but you seem to be all alone in being okay with a rapist conman felon fraudster being President.
I'm not okay with it. I've never suggested that I am. On the other hand, you seem quite happy to assume that if I don't spout hate-filled vitriol against the entire republican party and all general conservatives as well as independents, then I must love the guy. Don't blame me for your black-and-white tribalism.
I would point out that the "Party of Family Values" has had a thrice-married serial philander as their leader for 8 years after spending the previous decades insisting the marital infidelity automatically disqualifies someone for the presidency.
*Some* of the republican party platform family values, just as *some* of the democratic party platform the elimination of the police and open borders.

I have no doubt they can do the mental gymnastics to make Vance's wife acceptable.
Sure. Of course, there's also the inconvenient reality that a reasonable chunk of the republican party don't actually give a crap about skin color.
what will you do if Trump ends up winning? Are you going to be okay with it?
Are you suffering from some memory problem?
Fuck no! I can’t speak for anyone else, but you seem to be all alone in being okay with a rapist conman felon fraudster being President.
Yes. Emily is obviously a supporter but doesn't have the guts to come right out and say it. She worries about guys in women's spaces but supports a guy who entered a women's dressing room and raped a woman.
I know you're the forum owner and all, but I would expect that you are still bound by the same forum rules, and thus shouldn't be making up lies about members.
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.

Yes, except since then the Democratic Party and the Republican (MAGGOT) Party have basically flipped places. You must surely know this, don’t you? Do you think Abraham Lincoln would support Donald Trump, or even vaguely recognize the MAGGOT Party that his Republican Party has become?
The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing their hatred on their sleeves.

At least a good chunk of the Republicans don't *pretend* that they're all about being kind while actively shouting vitriol at the other side and everyone in the middle.
The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing their hatred on their sleeves.

At least a good chunk of the Republicans don't *pretend* that they're all about being kind while actively shouting vitriol at the other side and everyone in the middle.

Every accusation is a confession.
I would point out that the "Party of Family Values" has had a thrice-married serial philander as their leader for 8 years after spending the previous decades insisting the marital infidelity automatically disqualifies someone for the presidency.
*Some* of the republican party platform family values, just as *some* of the democratic party platform the elimination of the police and open borders.

Gosh, which part of the Democratic Party platform favors “elimination of the police” and “open borders?” That would be some feat, given that the Democratic convention has not happened yet, and so no platform has been ratified. Perhaps you are thinking of past platforms, “some” of which favored these things? Perhaps you could cite EVIDENCE of that? Hmmm?

I would point out that the "Party of Family Values" has had a thrice-married serial philander as their leader for 8 years after spending the previous decades insisting the marital infidelity automatically disqualifies someone for the presidency.
*Some* of the republican party platform family values, just as *some* of the democratic party platform the elimination of the police and open borders.

Is this a joke? Did you sleep through the 1990s? The entire Republican platform was designed and built to take on serial philanderer (though only once-married) Bill Clinton. When he was preparing to leave (after the failure to remove him for lying under oath about a blow job) the GOP suggested that the Oval Office be deep-cleaned to "remove the stain of infidelity."

Now you're trying to tell us "oh, the sex thing wasn't that big of a deal!"

Give me a break.
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.
We ALL know and I suspect a good number of us remember very well when the Dems and the GOP ended up switching traditional party values. It’s been decades…
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.
We ALL know and I suspect a good number of us remember very well when the Dems and the GOP ended up switching traditional party values. It’s been decades…

As I noted above. Today, the Democratic Party is heir to the Republican Party of Lincoln, whereas the MAGGOT Party is the heir to the party of the traitor Jeff Davis.
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been 100% on board with diversity and inclusion of other groups at any point in time where they weren't actively opposing them.
We ALL know and I suspect a good number of us remember very well when the Dems and the GOP ended up switching traditional party values. It’s been decades…
Just a minor quibble:

While it is true that SOUTHERN Democrats at one point were definitely the party of segregation and Jim Crow, the rest of the party was not. To wit, the Civil Rights Act (despite what Republicans may tell you) was introduced by a Democratic President (Kennedy), passed by a clear majority of Democrats in the Democratically-controlled Congress, and signed into law by Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.

Yes, the Republicans helped. Yes, SOUTHERN Democrats opposed it with all their might. But the latter were in the minority in their own party. Johnson famously said that he'd "lost the South" by signing the Act into law, and he was correct. Southern Democrats left to join the Republicans and steer them towards what they are now. Since then, the Democrats have leaned into being the party of racial diversity, sporting a Congressional Black Caucus, the first Black President, and now the first multi-racial female VP and presumptive Presidential nominee.

Republicans? Not so much. By the way, when was it that Trump apologized for that ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five:? When did he finally walk back his claims that Obama was born in Kenya? How much does his campaign do to make sure he's got a few African Americans standing behind him at select rallies with "Blacks for Trump" signs?
The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing their hatred on their sleeves.

At least a good chunk of the Republicans don't *pretend* that they're all about being kind while actively shouting vitriol at the other side and everyone in the middle.
Well sure they do. I wrote this as someone raised in a deep red part of the country, with most if not all family members of the generations before me being rabid Republicans. Of my generation: my siblings and I are definitely not Republicans —we are what the right wing likes to call lefties—but a good number of my former high school classmates are not just Republicans but MAGA all the way. And yet many of them are genuinely good people, who work hard, most are pretty honest, love their families and their country. Many see themselves as centrists. There isa lot of unconscious bigotry. It is not a surprise that none of our gay former classmates have made it back to our class reunions. On the high school reunion page a former student-not class-who was one of the very few Hispanic students was shouted down and thread deleted when he to point out it wasn’t all roses for the handful of not white students.

I am sincere when I say that any one of them would be happy to help you if you got lost or your car broke down.

So I refuse to demonize them, even though I absolutely abhor—and am not quiet about it-their political beliefs.

But note: the reason I refuse to demonize myMAGA relatives and former classmates is that I genuinely love family and like and am grateful to some of them and a number of my former classmates.

Plus: that will not change hearts and minds. We need to start seeing each other as fellow citizens and not craven lunatics.
The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing their hatred on their sleeves.

At least a good chunk of the Republicans don't *pretend* that they're all about being kind while actively shouting vitriol at the other side and everyone in the middle.
Sounds like you prefer honest racists to dishonest racist wannabes. It's one thing to admit that for whatever reason you have some racial bias and try to manage it. It's another thing to embrace it as does the republican party.
keeping Rockefeller probably would have helped Ford squeeze a victory over Carter.
Hard to imagine the corporate State we might have now, had two Titans of American Industry (well, their progeny) been elected then. Bu now we'd be the United States Of AmazonX.
Gerald Ford was not related to the Ford Motor Company family, if that's what you mean.
just as *some* of the democratic party platform the elimination of the police and open borders.
Wrong. That is not anywhere in the Democratic party platform. There are a few extremists that say that sort of stupid shit but NOT the Democratic party. I bet you got that idea from right wing social media.

The Republicans, however, do want to eliminate the FBI, the Justice Dept., and the ATF.
what will you do if Trump ends up winning? Are you going to be okay with it?
Are you suffering from some memory problem?
Fuck no! I can’t speak for anyone else, but you seem to be all alone in being okay with a rapist conman felon fraudster being President.
Yes. Emily is obviously a supporter but doesn't have the guts to come right out and say it. She worries about guys in women's spaces but supports a guy who entered a women's dressing room and raped a woman.
I know you're the forum owner and all, but I would expect that you are still bound by the same forum rules, and thus shouldn't be making up lies about members.
I am giving my opinion. That's not against the forum rules. Accusing someone of lying, however, is.

And I am far from the only person here who has that opinion.
My understanding of US history that after the Constitution was changed so tgat VP was not the booby prize, VP candidates typically were chosen to “balance “ the ticket in some fashion. IMO that made them DEI candidates. So all this caterwauling about Ms Harris was a DEI candidate as something new or out of the ordinary is just ignorance or hypocrisy or stupidity or racism.
Before the day of instant communication and jet travel, American politics was much more regional and somewhat provincial. A "balanced ticket" was a valid political strategy, mostly because the balancer knew the people who filled smoke filled rooms with smoke.

The last time this was an overt consideration was when Lyndon Johnson ran with John F Kennedy. A powerful Texas Senator brought the southern state's Democratic machines into the campaign and delivered the south to the Democratic Party. Of course, Kennedy and Johnson were responsible for the civil rights agenda which gave the south to the Republican Party.

As for multiple choice answer of "ignorance or hypocrisy or stupidity or racism", you left off "all of the above". The balance Vance was expected to bring to the ticket is to placate the white nationalists. They aren't a really large group, but they are a loud group. Vance's family values "women should be home having babies" shtick carries the subtext of increasing the white birth rate in order to fight white replacement. This was a perfectly valid tactic, but a poor strategy. For all of Vance's promise of being the Great White Hope, he has done fuck all to produce more white babies.
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