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Republicans Finally Admit Why They Really Hate Obamacare

Obama Care started as a slander, but just like Obama predicted, it will turn out to be a badge of pride for him.. at least when speaking with conservatives. Liberals will hold it against him eventually, once Americans wake up to the fact that it doesn't go anywhere near as far as it needs to for true universal health care. It basically forces money into the pockets of for profit insurance companies, doesn't it?
Obama Care started as a slander, but just like Obama predicted, it will turn out to be a badge of pride for him.. at least when speaking with conservatives. Liberals will hold it against him eventually, once Americans wake up to the fact that it doesn't go anywhere near as far as it needs to for true universal health care. It basically forces money into the pockets of for profit insurance companies, doesn't it?

It goes as far as he could get. That is a political reality. The realization that it doesn't go far enough is not going to stain Obama's legacy, anymore than the many later expansions of Social Security stain FDR.

And so conservative objections to Obamacare are finally turning from the practical to the philosophical. In response to reports that Obamacare insurance turns out to be affordable, Roy, who has spent months warning of rate shock, mocks that “other people’s money will pay for it.” Conservative columnist Byron York likewise argues “Obamacare’s ‘good news’ applies only to the poor.”

It is true that Obamacare is far more helpful to people lower down the income scale. The poorest people get Medicaid, which is free. Those higher up the income ladder get tax credits, which phase out at $45,000 a year for an individual, and $94,000 a year for a family of four. (I wouldn’t call people earning under those levels “poor.”) Of course, people who get employer-sponsored insurance also get their coverage paid for with “other peoples’ money.” The difference is that employer-sponsored insurance uses a tax deduction, which gives the largest benefits to those who earn the most money, as opposed to Obamacare’s sliding scale tax credit, which gives the most to those who earn the least.

But at least conservatives are now representing their true bedrock position on Obamacare. It is largely a transfer program benefitting people who either don’t have enough money, or pose too high a health risk, to bear the cost of their own medical care. Conservatives don’t like transfer programs because they require helping the less fortunate with other peoples’ money.

So it basically comes down to conservative pundits and politicians don't like the ACA because it helps poor people with money from wealthier people. And since money=good that means good people are being forced to help bad people.

No, no, no! The real reason we patriotic Real Americans(tm) oppose communistic health care is because it's too expensive! Right now, we have the cheapest and best quality health care system in the entire world, which is precisely why you socialists want to destroy what we have! Who is going to pay for all this super expensive commonistic health care, huh? Who? [/conservolibertarian]
I thought they always had philosophical objections to it. Mainly that it's supposedly "socialist", and they don't like socialism.
giving money to the poors=socialism

giving money to me=supply side economics

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Obama Care started as a slander, but just like Obama predicted, it will turn out to be a badge of pride for him.. at least when speaking with conservatives. Liberals will hold it against him eventually, once Americans wake up to the fact that it doesn't go anywhere near as far as it needs to for true universal health care. It basically forces money into the pockets of for profit insurance companies, doesn't it?

Liberals already know that, but won't fault Obama (too much) for it. Social Security and Medicare didn't start out as comprehensive as they are now. Obamacare is a step in the right direction, not the finish-line.
I thought they always had philosophical objections to it. Mainly that it's supposedly "socialist", and they don't like socialism.
Technically all these things are socialist: Roads, schools, police, firemen, water delivery, sewage removal, power transmission and in many cases distribution, parks and recreation, in fact it would be hard to imagine western civilization without public funding of all these things. "Socialism", is just a word, and its a word that conservatives have been using for 150 years in an effort to keep more of their money in their pockets. They use all these things, but they resent having to pay for others to use them as well.
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