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Republicans for Biden


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Or at least not for Trump.

Vote for Trump? These Republican Leaders Aren’t on the Bandwagon - The New York Times - "Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney won’t support Mr. Trump’s re-election. Colin Powell will vote for Joe Biden, and other G.O.P. officials may do the same."
Former Republican leaders like the former Speakers Paul D. Ryan and John A. Boehner won’t say how they will vote, and some Republicans who are already disinclined to support Mr. Trump are weighing whether to go beyond backing a third-party contender to openly endorse Mr. Biden. Retired military leaders, who have guarded their private political views, are increasingly voicing their unease about the president’s leadership but are unsure whether to embrace his opponent.

Mr. Biden himself, while eager to win support across party lines, intends to roll out his “Republicans for Biden” coalition later in the campaign, after fully consolidating his own party, according to Democrats familiar with the campaign’s planning.

Indeed, one Republican senator, who is publicly supporting the president, said in an interview that he might prefer a Biden victory if the G.O.P. managed to preserve its Senate majority. This lawmaker, like a number of Republicans, is uneasy with Mr. Trump’s behavior and weary from the near-weekly barrage of questions from reporters about the latest presidential eruption.

Among the anti-Trump Republicans now out of office, recent events have only vindicated their sense of alarm — and nudged them toward embracing Mr. Biden.

Some Republicans believe Mr. Mattis made their task easier.

“It laid the cornerstone of fighting back against Trump,” said former Senator John W. Warner of Virginia, who noted that as Navy secretary he once served as “boss” to Mr. Mattis, then a youthful Marine officer. “He said: ‘I can judge the man.’”
Or at least not for Trump.

Vote for Trump? These Republican Leaders Aren’t on the Bandwagon - The New York Times - "Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney won’t support Mr. Trump’s re-election. Colin Powell will vote for Joe Biden, and other G.O.P. officials may do the same."
Former Republican leaders like the former Speakers Paul D. Ryan and John A. Boehner won’t say how they will vote, and some Republicans who are already disinclined to support Mr. Trump are weighing whether to go beyond backing a third-party contender to openly endorse Mr. Biden. Retired military leaders, who have guarded their private political views, are increasingly voicing their unease about the president’s leadership but are unsure whether to embrace his opponent.

Mr. Biden himself, while eager to win support across party lines, intends to roll out his “Republicans for Biden” coalition later in the campaign, after fully consolidating his own party, according to Democrats familiar with the campaign’s planning.

Indeed, one Republican senator, who is publicly supporting the president, said in an interview that he might prefer a Biden victory if the G.O.P. managed to preserve its Senate majority. This lawmaker, like a number of Republicans, is uneasy with Mr. Trump’s behavior and weary from the near-weekly barrage of questions from reporters about the latest presidential eruption.

Among the anti-Trump Republicans now out of office, recent events have only vindicated their sense of alarm — and nudged them toward embracing Mr. Biden.

Some Republicans believe Mr. Mattis made their task easier.

“It laid the cornerstone of fighting back against Trump,” said former Senator John W. Warner of Virginia, who noted that as Navy secretary he once served as “boss” to Mr. Mattis, then a youthful Marine officer. “He said: ‘I can judge the man.’”

Mattis, Kelly et al may have made it easier to voice their .... uh .... disappointment with dear leader, but I think they'll not wax terribly prolix about it, lest the fascists end up in power after the post-electoral bloodletting. None of them wants to be on top of the hit list.
Well, George W. Bush has made it expressly known that he refuses to endorse Trump.

That statement will either do nothing or help Trump. Bush really was an awful president. Even people with advanced TDS will have a hard time making an argument that W is better than Trump.
Well, George W. Bush has made it expressly known that he refuses to endorse Trump.

That statement will either do nothing or help Trump. Bush really was an awful president. Even people with advanced TDS will have a hard time making an argument that W is better than Trump.

??? I wonder if you are being ironic? Trump is making Bush look so much better. I thought that Bush was an awful President, but Trump is much worse. The only possible place where I think that it could be argued that Trump is better is possibly in foreign policy. Bush's invasion of Iraq was one of the worst blunders in US history. However, I still think that Trump's foreign policy is far worse. At the end of the day, under Trump, we have far fewer allies, far more opponents compared to Bush's presidency. Under Trump, our foreign policy is absolute chaos: unpredictable, flaky, reckless, unnecessarily confrontational, and etc. I think that the US under Trump has had the greatest erosion of our soft power in our history.
Well, George W. Bush has made it expressly known that he refuses to endorse Trump.

That statement will either do nothing or help Trump. Bush really was an awful president. Even people with advanced TDS will have a hard time making an argument that W is better than Trump.

??? I wonder if you are being ironic?
I doubt it...

Trump is making Bush look so much better. I thought that Bush was an awful President, but Trump is much worse. The only possible place where I think that it could be argued that Trump is better is possibly in foreign policy. Bush's invasion of Iraq was one of the worst blunders in US history. However, I still think that Trump's foreign policy is far worse. At the end of the day, under Trump, we have far fewer allies, far more opponents compared to Bush's presidency. Under Trump, our foreign policy is absolute chaos: unpredictable, flaky, reckless, unnecessarily confrontational, and etc. I think that the US under Trump has had the greatest erosion of our soft power in our history.
^Ditto...minus maybe Clownstick's foreign policy being far worse. It is a tough comparison between the 2 very different fiasco's.
You really do believe in "post-electoral bloodletting"?

These politely objecting Republicans and Generals do, obviously. Of course Libbertardians have no cause for worry, as they are equally aligned with all factions, favoring only themselves. As such, they are fairly immune to repercussions. But for those of us who have been paying attention and have lived on this continent for most of a century, there is definite cause for that concern.
Libertarians have seen the fear risen every four years, that "what if he doesn't leave office." We've also been told every four years "you can't vote third party this is the most important election ever." Forgive me for being a bit blase about what has been predicted with massive doom and gloom every four years and hasn't happened every four years.

And yes, I do recall W being worse than Trump. Perhaps it is "current events" bias, but it amazes me that anyone who was an adult while W was president can say we've had worse since then.
Libertarians have seen the fear risen every four years, that "what if he doesn't leave office." We've also been told every four years "you can't vote third party this is the most important election ever." Forgive me for being a bit blase about what has been predicted with massive doom and gloom every four years and hasn't happened every four years.

And yes, I do recall W being worse than Trump. Perhaps it is "current events" bias, but it amazes me that anyone who was an adult while W was president can say we've had worse since then.

Yea, I'm 53 and I think that Trump is far worse. On what issue do you think that Trump is better than Bush? I can't think of any issue. I can really only think of one: Trump is better at motivating his base by ignoring the moderates in his party. But in my view, that makes him far worse. But I'll wait for your answer.
Just going by the count of dead Americans, Trump probably killed a lot more by bungling the coronavirus response than Bush killed by conquering Iraq. Those are both both small numbers compared to the number of Iraqis that Bush killed, but their deaths have to be weighed against the unknowable number of Iraqis that Saddam Hussein would have killed.
The War on Terror, the USAPATRIOT Act, and crashing the economy* is far better than being a boor.

*Although I blame Greenspan more for that one.

With respect, I just totally disagree! 1: The economy: the economy is tanking today due to Covid-ID. Not sure how much is to blame. However, I think that if you're going to blame Bush for the mortgage crisis, I think that you need to blame Trump for Covid. Covid should have been much more predictable than housing crash. Trump fired the department responsible for fighting diseases! He has greatly mismanaged the crisis. 2: War on Terror. Well, the Islamic terrorists have been mostly beaten by the time Trump got into office. This is like giving Truman all the credit for winning WW2! But I'd argue that screwing the Kurds was a great victory for the terrorists. Why would any future groups side with us against terrorists? It allowed the Russians to destroy southern Syria, creating a hotbed for future terrorists. He's launched far more raids into Mid-east areas. Launched far more missiles. Regardless, his overall poor foreign police has empowered our enemies and hurt our alliances. That will hurt us in the future against terrorists. 3: US Patriot Act: it's my understanding that Trump has renewed most of the act. Which has he declined?
Libertarians have seen the fear risen every four years, that "what if he doesn't leave office." We've also been told every four years "you can't vote third party this is the most important election ever." Forgive me for being a bit blase about what has been predicted with massive doom and gloom every four years and hasn't happened every four years.

And yes, I do recall W being worse than Trump. Perhaps it is "current events" bias, but it amazes me that anyone who was an adult while W was president can say we've had worse since then.

Honestly, I thought W was as low as we could go. Even at his worst, I think that W is/was a decent person in some ways, although I disagreed with him extremely sharply on many, many, many issues.

Trump proved me wrong. Trump gleefully cages children, is openly racist, openly brags about sexually assaulting women and is clearly, clearly experiencing a significant mental decline that exacerbates all of those things. Trump is an egomaniacal narcissist, even by presidential standards. He's much less well informed and much more ignorant. Bush's good ole boy from humble beginnings was a nauseating act that sickened me but not as much as the fact that so many were deluded by it. Trump is proud of his unwillingness to listen to experts. Bush had a particular view of America that I didn't agree with and one that I felt benefited people like him more than anyone else. Trump's only able to perceive or care about is what is good for Trump, personally. And; as far as we know, Bush is not a rapist or serial sexual assailant. Trump brags about his proclivities.
Libertarians have seen the fear risen every four years, that "what if he doesn't leave office." We've also been told every four years "you can't vote third party this is the most important election ever." Forgive me for being a bit blase about what has been predicted with massive doom and gloom every four years and hasn't happened every four years.

And yes, I do recall W being worse than Trump. Perhaps it is "current events" bias, but it amazes me that anyone who was an adult while W was president can say we've had worse since then.

Honestly, I thought W was as low as we could go. Even at his worst, I think that W is/was a decent person in some ways, although I disagreed with him extremely sharply on many, many, many issues.

Trump proved me wrong. Trump gleefully cages children, is openly racist, openly brags about sexually assaulting women and is clearly, clearly experiencing a significant mental decline that exacerbates all of those things. Trump is an egomaniacal narcissist, even by presidential standards. He's much less well informed and much more ignorant. Bush's good ole boy from humble beginnings was a nauseating act that sickened me but not as much as the fact that so many were deluded by it. Trump is proud of his unwillingness to listen to experts. Bush had a particular view of America that I didn't agree with and one that I felt benefited people like him more than anyone else. Trump's only able to perceive or care about is what is good for Trump, personally. And; as far as we know, Bush is not a rapist or serial sexual assailant. Trump brags about his proclivities.

Yup, all that. I really don't know why Jason is in love with Trump any more than I know why Trump is in love with Kim. I wish though, that my wife could overlook as many faults in me as Jason can overlook in Agent Orange.
Just going by the count of dead Americans, Trump probably killed a lot more by bungling the coronavirus response than Bush killed by conquering Iraq. Those are both both small numbers compared to the number of Iraqis that Bush killed, but their deaths have to be weighed against the unknowable number of Iraqis that Saddam Hussein would have killed.

You know, "At least he's not as bad as Hitler" is easier to type. And just as insightful an argument.
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And yes, I do recall W being worse than Trump.

What a weird world you live in. Did Bush trot out military force to vanquish imaginary caravans, steal from the military budget to erect a monument to his own stupidity on private land and sacred native american burial sites? Did he encourage police violence, abandon allies on the battlefield, praise dictators while attacking the leaders of our allies, or deploy unidentified thugs to gas peaceful protesters?
Did Bush fire people who were trying to investigate him?
Did he intimidate witnesses to his actions?
Did Bush ignore congressional subpoenas? Did he fire all oversight personnel?
Did he install "acting" toadies in every position of power so they didn't have to be qualified at all, and he could fire them at a whim?
Did he blatantly and constantly violate the emoluments clause?
Did he hold secret un-recorded meetings with foreign adversaries with whom he was trying to make personal financial deals? Did Bush hide his tax returns?
Did he get caught trying to blackmail a foreign leader into manufacturing specious dirt on a political opponent?

Most importantly Jason, was Bush kompromatted from day one because a foreign adversary knew he was lying to the American public?

IMHO you'd have to be blindly in love with Jabba the President to think he is better than Bush.
Colin Powell just announced he's voting for Biden.

That's not a surprise but what took him so long I guess I sort of get it after reading the article in the OP. Still, these men are cowards imo. They should have been more outspoken long before now. Mattis used the excuse that he didn't want to undermine the office of the presidency. Not his exact words but you get the point ) Sorry, but that doesn't cut it with me. Trump has already undermined the office of the presidency. I'm glad some of these cowards are finally opening up their mouths, but I'm disappointed that it took them so long.
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