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Republicans with COVID from Trump's Super Spreader Event

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
It's getting difficult to keep track of all the people who are testing positive from Trump's super spreader event. So, I decided to make a separate, focused thread for listing people who test positive.

FLOTUS Melania

Some others:
John Jenkins
Kellyanne Conway
Hope Hicks
Sen Thom Tillis
Sen Ron Johnson
Sen Mike Lee
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel
Bill Stepien
Chris Christie

There are plenty of threads on covid. So could we please keep this focused on hearing about anyone else who has gotten it (and possibly how they contracted it)?
It's getting difficult to keep track of all the people who are testing positive from Trump's super spreader event. So, I decided to make a separate, focused thread for listing people who test positive.

FLOTUS Melania

Some others:
John Jenkins
Kellyanne Conway
Hope Hicks
Sen Thom Tillis
Sen Ron Johnson
Sen Mike Lee
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel
Bill Stepien
Chris Christie

There are plenty of threads on covid. So could we please keep this focused on hearing about anyone else who has gotten it (and possibly how they contracted it)?

Hicks is more likely a cause than a result.
They say not all of that event is on tape. Too bad, it could have been extensively studied.
I am more and more convinced that most of the COVID-19 spread in the world is mostly series of super-spreader events.
If only everyone took very basic precautions we would not have been in this mess.
They say not all of that event is on tape. Too bad, it could have been extensively studied.
I am more and more convinced that most of the COVID-19 spread in the world is mostly series of super-spreader events.
If only everyone took very basic precautions we would not have been in this mess.

There's still a lot of scenarios like flying in airplanes where it's not exactly at super spreader levels, but even in densely populated areas where public transportation is king taking precautions by distancing and wearing masks can control the spread. See Japan https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...42e284-eea2-11ea-bd08-1b10132b458f_story.html

The state of affairs in the US is specifically because of the anti-intellectual Republican cult and the actions of Trump White House specifically.
As virus spreads across GOP ranks, some Republicans say party will pay price for ‘stupid’ approach - The Washington Post
After months in which Trump and others in his party questioned the danger of the virus and refused to take precautions such as wearing masks, the Republican Party is now coming face to face with the scientific realities of the pandemic.

The drip-drip-drip of positive tests, coupled with the specter of a president who as of Saturday was “not on a clear path to a full recovery,” as White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows put it, has prompted some Republicans to question whether the party is responsible for its own potential undoing.

And it has left them wondering how to wage a strong closing campaign when the judgment, actions and competence of its leaders were so squarely at issue just as voting is getting underway across the country.
I thought that they believed in personal responsibility, and not in having feelings of entitlement, like entitlement to their positions.

It's their mess, and I don't think that they deserve bailing out.
There hasn’t been a coherent strategy from the president” but Democratic leaders have “politicized it and used it as a wedge,” Gregg said, arguing that voters would ultimately see the pandemic as “something that was like a horrible hurricane, where you can’t lay the blame and have little control over it.”
Translation: "Waaahhh!!! No fair! No fair! No fair! The Democrats are using our failures against us!!!"
But Republicans’ ability to escape being seen by moderate and independent voters as a party that has adopted a politics-first, science-second attitude could be difficult following months of cheering Trump’s handling of a pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 Americans.

Polling across the political map over the past week has further darkened the outlook as incumbents flail in traditional GOP enclaves, particularly in the South, where Democrats are energizing the Black community and White suburban voters amid significant changes in several states’ populations.
They say not all of that event is on tape. Too bad, it could have been extensively studied.
I am more and more convinced that most of the COVID-19 spread in the world is mostly series of super-spreader events.
If only everyone took very basic precautions we would not have been in this mess.

There's still a lot of scenarios like flying in airplanes where it's not exactly at super spreader levels, but even in densely populated areas where public transportation is king taking precautions by distancing and wearing masks can control the spread. See Japan https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...42e284-eea2-11ea-bd08-1b10132b458f_story.html

The state of affairs in the US is specifically because of the anti-intellectual Republican cult and the actions of Trump White House specifically.
Planes ARE super-spreader events in my classification. All regular flights should have been quickly cancelled and kept cancelled.
Same with all gatherings, restaurants and other similar crap. Land borders are only open between countries which have similar level of spread, similar response and dynamics.
So far, Sen. Lindsey Graham R-SC has tested negative for the virus.

Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield | TheHill
The Democratic candidate said that “We shouldn’t blame anybody for the inception of this disease,” adding that “where blame should come is how we handle this disease, whether or not we take it seriously.”

“Tonight I am taking it seriously. That’s why I put this plexiglass up because it’s not just about me, it’s about the people in my life that I have to take care of as well, my two boys, my wife, my grandmother,” Harrison said.

“Let’s take this issue seriously and do all that we can to not only take care of ourselves, but each other,” Harrison added.

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Lindsey Graham during debate with Jaime Harrison: "President [Woodrow] Wilson got the virus and -- we live in such unusual times -- I doubt anyone attacked him." https://t.co/QdZDxQ5NfQ" / Twitter

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Jaime Harrison: "Where blame should come is how we handled this disease -- whether or not we take it seriously." https://t.co/fGilEdWhxT" / Twitter

Lindsey Graham during debate with Jaime Harrison: "President [Woodrow] Wilson got the virus and -- we live in such unusual times -- I doubt anyone attacked him."

Jaime Harrison: "Where blame should come is how we handled this disease -- whether or not we take it seriously."

Harrison: "Senator Graham said 'over our dead bodies would be allow a federal extension of the unemployment benefit.' Folks need that money and we need leadership to get those things that are necessary for our families to open back up."

Harrison on abortion rights: "What we need to do is look at health care. And particularly health care for women. Here in South Carolina we have some of the highest infant mortality rates in the country. Two years ago here in South Carolina 14 of our 46 counties had no, 0 OBGYNs"

Harrison on Graham supporting confirming ACB ASAP: "Your promise [in 2016] was no judicial nominees should be considered or approval or what have you in the last year of the election... Senator, how good is your word?"

Graham with a bit of a self-own: "Where the hell is all this money coming from? What is it about South Carolina that has attracted almost $100 million into Mr. Harrison's coffers? They hate me."

GRAHAM: "The people running the Democratic Party today are nuts"

HARRISON: "The first step in terms of working with the other side is not to call the other side nuts."

Not just Republican Senators. Also Reps.
Mike Siegel on Twitter: "This is my opponent in #TX10, Rep. McCaul.

Refusing to wear a mask on a commuter flight. Endangering passengers and staff alike.

This absolute disregard for human life is not unusual for him — it’s true to form.

We remove him on November 3. https://t.co/3LwTtStBt5" / Twitter
There hasn’t been a coherent strategy from the president” but Democratic leaders have “politicized it and used it as a wedge,” Gregg said, arguing that voters would ultimately see the pandemic as “something that was like a horrible hurricane, where you can’t lay the blame and have little control over it.”

Horrible hurricane coming

Dem Leaders: Gather supplies and find shelter, evacuate if you need to

Trumpsters: It's a mild wind. Great day to go to the beach and fly a kite!

210,000 people washed out to sea

Trumpsters: What? You can't blame us, nobody knew it was a hurricane. (tape shows trumpsters being told it was a massive hurricane months ago) The Dems are trying to politicize this!!
Meanwhile other countries are largely back to normal, having survived the hurricane, and are shaking their heads at the US.
Here's a nice tableau dashboard someone has set up to track this as well


This also has Journalist#3 in the list.

Who is that?

I vaguely recall talk of up to 3 journalists who had it but I haven't heard any names...

I haven't seen names either.

From here

One reporter, who was at the White House briefing on Sunday, received a preliminary positive test on Friday morning. Another who was part of the out-of-town travel pool last Saturday began experiencing symptoms on Thursday. And the third reporter was part of the in-town travel pool last weekend and began experiencing symptoms late Wednesday.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted today that she tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday morning.

She says she is experiencing no symptoms and had no knowledge of Hope Hick’s testing positive before her briefing last Thursday.

She said in a statement posted on her Twitter account that she will begin to quarantine.

McEnany is at least the 11th person close to President Trump to have recently tested positive for the virus.

Recklessness inside the WH. No internal communications. Little if any contact tracing.
Add press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to the list . With as many who are now infected at least someone is likely to have major long-term effects. This is a disaster by any rational measure.

I guess the only safe thing to do is to get rid of this entire diseased administration, right?
They need to leave the whole capitol building, whitehouse etc. vacant for about 2 weeks after the inauguration so they can clean, do some exorcism, burn some sage...
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