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“Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

I do not see any ecomic system presnted.

So far

1. Get rid of laws, for example traffic laws replace with guidelines.
2. Behavior modification, we will all learn to love each other based on the application of determinism.

Marx is considered the best social scientist of all tine, he accurately described the economic system of his day and social consequences.

He advocated violent overthrow of capitalism and thought there would be a spontaneous global revolution.

The problem with social thinkers and theorists like Marx is they never provide details of how a system will in practice work.

Hence in the name of Marx we had Chinese and Radian communism.

Our extreme anti capitalist progressives who want to make radical economic changes do not know what tey are tinkering with. It is all ideolgy to them.

Even in a communist system with no profit and currency and no private ownership of means of production there is still economics. A fact the Soviets and Maoists never grasped.

So, when I hear yet another claim of a profound revolutionary change or something to repplace the current western systems I ask how will it work, what are the details?

Ideologies do not bake bread and keep water and food supplies working. That fact that the communist missed.
I do not see any ecomic system presnted.

So far

1. Get rid of laws, for example traffic laws replace with guidelines.
2. Behavior modification, we will all learn to love each other based on the application of determinism.

Marx is considered the best social scientist of all tine, he accurately described the economic system of his day and social consequences.

He advocated violent overthrow of capitalism and thought there would be a spontaneous global revolution.

The problem with social thinkers and theorists like Marx is they never provide details of how a system will in practice work.

Hence in the name of Marx we had Chinese and Radian communism.

Our extreme anti capitalist progressives who want to make radical economic changes do not know what tey are tinkering with. It is all ideolgy to them.

Even in a communist system with no profit and currency and no private ownership of means of production there is still economics. A fact the Soviets and Maoists never grasped.

So, when I hear yet another claim of a profound revolutionary change or something to repplace the current western systems I ask how will it work, what are the details?

Ideologies do not bake bread and keep water and food supplies working. That fact that the communist missed.
The first thing you need to understand is that this new economic system can only work as a result of the new environment. That is why I keep mentioning the transition from a world of free will (i.e., a world of blame and punishment) to a world of no free will (i.e., a world of no blame and punishment) that will be taking place until everyone has become a citizen. Because there is a lot involved with how this economic system works including the financing of a guaranteed income and how taxes will be paid, I can only offer you excerpts. The economic system is a central element in the elimination of all first blows, for if people are hurt due to a lack of a sustainable income, this insecurity may drive them to steal or do any number of things considered wrong by society. People here don't like to read, so this may be a waste of time, but here goes.



And now my friends, you are about to behold an actual miracle as the knowledge that man’s will is not free and what this means not only puts a mathematical end to the possibility of war and crime, but completely changes the entire economic system to one of complete security. As you begin reading this chapter it is assumed that you thoroughly understand the two-sided equation; otherwise, the rest of the book will appear like a fairy tale. Remember, at one time landing men on the moon seemed like nothing more than science fiction until it was understood how this apparent miracle could be accomplished. From here on, each move I make is equivalent to the forced moves in a chess game; consequently, no attempt is necessary because checkmate cannot be avoided, nor can the Golden Age be stopped. In other words, it is mathematically impossible to stop the development of something everybody wants. If the rich and poor, the capitalistic and communistic countries, plus everybody else not mentioned, desire what I am about to show, is it possible for this Golden Age not to become a reality? How is it humanly possible to be dissatisfied with the solution, when it is impossible not to be satisfied? I am going to reduce the differences between people to a common denominator which satisfies the whole human race. God shows no partiality, and since I have been sent here on a mission by God Himself, everybody to me is equal regardless of his color, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or anything else you care to throw in. Consequently, the United States, though I live here, is no more a problem to me than Russia or China. Besides, nobody asked to be born, and once it is understood that man’s will is not free, and what this means, how is it possible to blame an individual for anything when both sides of this human equation understand the principles? This is a discovery that no one ever knew about, therefore the experts in every field are also inadequately prepared to judge its ability to accomplish what was never before possible, the prevention of war and crime. At this juncture my friend and I continued our dialogue.

“Something puzzles me very much because it seems under certain conditions this principle can have no effect. If man is compelled to move in the direction of greater satisfaction, and the conditions of the environment cause him as a solution to his particular problem to prefer the lesser of two evils, how is it possible to remove the evil when his choice, no matter what he selects is still evil? Self-preservation is the first law of nature and if he can’t satisfy his needs without hurting others, the knowledge that they will never blame him for this hurt to them can never prevent him from moving in this direction because he has no choice.”

“You are 100% correct because he is already being hurt by the environment and under such conditions he is justified to retaliate.”

“This is the only thing that had me puzzled; otherwise, your reasoning is flawless.”

It is important to understand that in order to solve a problem, even with our basic principle, we must know what we are faced with and in the economic world there are three aspects of hurt. The first is not being able to fulfill our basic needs. The second is the inability to maintain the standard of living that was developed. And the last is to be denied an opportunity, if desired, to improve one’s standard of living.

Before I demonstrate how this hurt in the economic world is removed, it is necessary to remind you of this key fact: Man’s will is not free because he never has a choice, as with aging, and then it is obvious that he is under the normal compulsion of living regardless of what his particular motion at any moment might be, or he has a choice and then is given two or more alternatives of which he is compelled, by his very nature, to prefer the one that gives him greater satisfaction whether it is the lesser of two evils, the greater of two goods, or a good over an evil. The natural law implicit in the two-sided equation cannot prevent man from finding greater satisfaction in hurting others when not to do this makes matters worse for himself as would be the case if he were forced, beyond his control, to lose his source of income and be placed in a position where he could not meet his living expenses or acquire the necessaries of life. Just the possibility that this could happen (this pervasive insecurity) activates and justifies the law of self-preservation to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill if there is no other way to get the money he needs or might need for survival. It is also important to realize that when man is compelled to give up his desire to hurt others because he knows there will be no blame, he is not choosing the greater of two goods or the lesser of two evils, but a good over an evil. But if by not hurting others he makes matters worse for himself, then he is compelled to prefer the lesser of two evils and this is what happens where the first two aspects of hurt are concerned. Consequently, if we find ourselves unable to get what we need then we are compelled to blame and even hurt those who have it. An example of this occurs when employees who find their income falling short of the mark because of rising prices, blame their employer for having too much money and strike to take some of it away. The employer, in turn, who has discovered that the strike has lowered his income; and the government, finding itself unable to meet its needs under the present tax structure, blame the people for having too much money and decide to take some of it away by increasing prices and taxes. The people, falling below their needs because of this increase, blame the government and anybody else they can cheat to get back what they lost. The manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers are compelled to lay off their surplus employees when consumption slows down and to prevent this, since there is no way the United States can consume all it produces (I am using the United States as an example since I live here, but this applies to any country that produces more than it consumes), the government is forced to do everything humanly possible to keep its foreign markets open and reduce unnecessary competition; otherwise, a recession and perhaps depression could result. It is true that war keeps millions of people employed, reduces the already overcrowded earth and the chances of a depression, so what is the better choice? Everywhere we look, man is compelled to prefer the lesser of two evils, and under these conditions our basic principle can have no effect. Therefore, to solve our problem since this is the kind of situation that exists in the economic world, it is necessary to remove the first blow. To clarify this, if A is compelled to hurt B because the alternative of not doing this is still worse, then A has no choice but to hurt B, as when the unions strike, when prices and taxes are increased, when lay-offs occur, when government prefers war, etc. But if there is no possibility for A to make matters worse for himself by not hurting B, then this aspect of justification has been removed and it then becomes possible to prevent man from desiring to hurt others when he knows there will be no blame which compels him, beyond his control, to choose a good (not to hurt anybody) over an evil (to do so). Now the question arises at this point: “How can we create an environment that would remove the conditions which make it necessary to select the lesser of two evils as a solution to our problems?”

Do you want me to continue?
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It's true. They won't read anything. They expect me to explain everything in my own words or they pooh pooh it.
You are just uneducable. Here and as at FF, there are tons of highly educated people with impressive careers who did not get that way by disliking reading. I tried to explain to you that when you present a new idea, be it in science or philosophy or anything else, an introduction outlining the premises and conclusions of the idea is standard. It’s called an abstract in academic papers. You can’t or won’t do that, so you will get the same outcome here as at every other forum you have tried.
Back to socialism vs communism.

There have been lengthy debates over capitalism, socialism, and communism.. They are contextual and men different things to different people.

The Soviets and Chinese collectivized agriculture and businesses. The state set production requirements and quotas, prices, and worker compensation. No private ownership of the means of production which is Marxism.

Modern economic socialism is a mix of free market capitalism and government controls. Chin calls itself socialist.

To our conservatives socialism means large scale social welfare and programs along with government overseeing business.

Communism no prvate ownership iof means of production, capitalism private ownership of means of production, socialism somewhere in between.

Post WWII France and England were socialist. Private ownership of means of production along with governed ownership of heavy industry like coal. In the Thatcher era Europeans divested of givernmt owned industry because it was infficent and buirdensome.

To some national health care is socialism.

Bernie Sanders is most defiantly a socialist Evertng is free from the state. The democrats are edging towards it, Cortez being a radical.
You cannot compare any of these economic systems with the one being presented due to the fact that, under the changed conditions, no one will be hurting others in an effort not to become a loser. This allows a change in how the economy is run that is superior to anything we have seen. As he wrote:

I hope I have made it clear that just as long as man is able to justify hurting others, he is not striking a first blow. Before I demonstrate how this justification is permanently removed by preventing the insecurities that have permeated our economic system and justify the act of self-preservation by whatever means necessary, I will allow you an opportunity to see exactly what happens in a human relation where this justification is already removed. In the next chapter, l shall reveal how all automobile accidents and carelessness must come to a permanent end. Before we move on, I must clarify a very important point. Christ and Spinoza turned the other cheek and paid the consequences because the justification to hurt them was never removed, but I am going to demonstrate how it is now possible to prevent the first cheek from being struck, which renders obsolete the need to turn the other cheek or retaliate. Although Gandhi won freedom for his people and Reverend King won certain civil rights, they accomplished this at great expense. However, all was necessary because we are moving in the direction of greater satisfaction, over which we have no control because this is God’s law or will. At this point I suggest that you study carefully, once again, Chapter Two, and then discuss it to make certain you understand that if you find any flaw, it exists only in your not understanding the principles, for they are undeniable.
Are you not even a tiny bit suspicious of a person who writes hundreds of words explaining why he still hasn't gotten to the fucking point?

Does he ever stop self-derailing with "before I demonstrate...", and actually get to a demonstration? Or are we supposed to remember the word "demonstrate", and forget that we never actually saw it happen?

If he does, ever, "demonstrate how this justification [for hurting others] is permanently removed"? If so, please could you quote for me JUST this demonstration, shorn of the clutter that makes it hard to spot? Thanks in advance.
Are you not even a tiny bit suspicious of a person who writes hundreds of words explaining why he still hasn't gotten to the fucking point?

Does he ever stop self-derailing with "before I demonstrate...", and actually get to a demonstration? Or are we supposed to remember the word "demonstrate", and forget that we never actually saw it happen?

If he does, ever, "demonstrate how this justification [for hurting others] is permanently removed"? If so, please could you quote for me JUST this demonstration, shorn of the clutter that makes it hard to spot? Thanks in advance.

Welcome to some 20 years of this very same question being asked of her by innumerable people.
Back to socialism vs communism.

There have been lengthy debates over capitalism, socialism, and communism.. They are contextual and men different things to different people.

The Soviets and Chinese collectivized agriculture and businesses. The state set production requirements and quotas, prices, and worker compensation. No private ownership of the means of production which is Marxism.

Modern economic socialism is a mix of free market capitalism and government controls. Chin calls itself socialist.

To our conservatives socialism means large scale social welfare and programs along with government overseeing business.

Communism no prvate ownership iof means of production, capitalism private ownership of means of production, socialism somewhere in between.

Post WWII France and England were socialist. Private ownership of means of production along with governed ownership of heavy industry like coal. In the Thatcher era Europeans divested of givernmt owned industry because it was infficent and buirdensome.

To some national health care is socialism.

Bernie Sanders is most defiantly a socialist Evertng is free from the state. The democrats are edging towards it, Cortez being a radical.
You cannot compare any of these economic systems with the one being presented due to the fact that, under the changed conditions, no one will be hurting others in an effort not to become a loser. This allows a change in how the economy is run that is superior to anything we have seen. As he wrote:

I hope I have made it clear that just as long as man is able to justify hurting others, he is not striking a first blow. Before I demonstrate how this justification is permanently removed by preventing the insecurities that have permeated our economic system and justify the act of self-preservation by whatever means necessary, I will allow you an opportunity to see exactly what happens in a human relation where this justification is already removed. In the next chapter, l shall reveal how all automobile accidents and carelessness must come to a permanent end. Before we move on, I must clarify a very important point. Christ and Spinoza turned the other cheek and paid the consequences because the justification to hurt them was never removed, but I am going to demonstrate how it is now possible to prevent the first cheek from being struck, which renders obsolete the need to turn the other cheek or retaliate. Although Gandhi won freedom for his people and Reverend King won certain civil rights, they accomplished this at great expense. However, all was necessary because we are moving in the direction of greater satisfaction, over which we have no control because this is God’s law or will. At this point I suggest that you study carefully, once again, Chapter Two, and then discuss it to make certain you understand that if you find any flaw, it exists only in your not understanding the principles, for they are undeniable.
Are you not even a tiny bit suspicious of a person who writes hundreds of words explaining why he still hasn't gotten to the fucking point?

Does he ever stop self-derailing with "before I demonstrate...", and actually get to a demonstration? Or are we supposed to remember the word "demonstrate", and forget that we never actually saw it happen?

If he does, ever, "demonstrate how this justification [for hurting others] is permanently removed"? If so, please could you quote for me JUST this demonstration, shorn of the clutter that makes it hard to spot? Thanks in advance.
I’m trying Bilby to show how all blame and hurt must be removed from the environment which gives justification to take chances regarding others. This is a major discovery which cannot be shown in a couple of sentences. You already understand some of it. I hope you’ll be patient. It’s for your benefit. I'm going to continue to post excerpts of this important chapter. If you are hellbent on not reading it, then that's your problem.
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Now the question arises at this point: “How can we create an environment that would remove the conditions which make it necessary to select the lesser of two evils as a solution to our problems?”

“I really don’t know, especially since you already said that the basic principle cannot be used here.”

“It can’t be used in a positive, but it can in a negative sense. Obviously, before the removal of all blame can prevent man from desiring to strike a first blow which is to gain (to improve his standard of living) at the expense of others, it is absolutely necessary to remove the possibility that an individual is necessarily hurting others in order to prevent himself from becoming a loser (from going below his standard of living), and there is only one way this can be accomplished. Let me explain what I mean.

If someone was hurt and yelling, ‘Help! Help! Help!’, and you were in a position to render assistance without hurting yourself while knowing that you would never be blamed if you didn’t, is it humanly possible for you to find satisfaction in ignoring this cry especially if you know absolutely and positively that all mankind, should you ever find yourself in a similar position, would never fail to help you?”

“Under such conditions I believe that my friend and I would desire to help this individual.”

“Well, believe it or not this is the key to the economic solution. Since we have already established the two conditions that strike the first blow of hurt, and since those who fall below their standard of living along with those who cannot acquire the necessaries of life are hurt (drowning so to speak) and yelling for help but will never blame us if we don’t, although they know we can if we want to (for over this I will demonstrate that we have mathematical control), we are given no choice but to unite in such a way without blaming anybody for anything (because everything developed out of mathematical necessity) that all mankind notwithstanding will be guaranteed against the possibility of this hurt. By allowing everybody complete freedom to improve their standard of living without the slightest fear of punishment or retaliation, they will be compelled of their own free will to prefer good, that is, not starting anything evil (striking a first blow), because no satisfaction can be gotten otherwise... under the changed conditions.”

“This sounds good if nothing else. And you seem to have all the answers, but how is it possible to meet the extra cost of raising all those who are not receiving the necessaries of life to this basic standard plus meeting the entire guarantee? If 50 billion dollars was needed for one week and all that could be raised without anybody going below his basic standard was 30 billion, you’re in trouble. And what about those who cannot understand what it means that man’s will is not free which knowledge is necessary to prevent a hurt when man is given his freedom? He must understand the principles in order to consider this hurt to others the worse possible choice. And even if he does understand but your guarantee fails to work because there is just not enough money-labor, he would be compelled as a motion in the direction of greater satisfaction to take advantage of not being blamed to select the lesser of two evils, that is, to take what he needs from others one way or another rather than go below his standard. Furthermore, to guarantee his standard of living is a negative benefit if he is not at all satisfied with it which means that he might prefer the insecurity of going below, as a gambler will do, to the security which could deny him the opportunity of improving. But even giving you the benefit of the doubt that the principles can be taught, the guarantee made to work, and the overall benefits will be positive as well as negative, how is it humanly possible to get such a world started when communism and capitalism have opposing ideologies? Last but far from least, what do you mean by a standard of living?”

All of your questions will be answered, but you must be patient as I cannot answer everything at once. It is extremely important to understand that there are three forms to this first blow, and we have been discussing the second form only which cannot be prevented until the first form, struck by the law of self-preservation, is permanently removed. Let me explain.

In Chapter Two I wrote, “As before you are trying to decide whether to hurt us in some way, but you have had everything removed from which you might have been able to justify your act. You simply see an opportunity to gain at our expense, but you will not be a loser if you decide against it. You are contemplating the first blow under changed conditions.” The demonstration that followed assumed that all justification had been removed before our basic principle could prevent the desire to strike a first blow, which means that this could be a second or retaliatory blow if not to strike it would make us a loser. Consequently, the first form of the first blow is the economic condition, beyond our personal control, that makes us a loser unless we do something to hurt others; but when this condition is permanently removed there can be no retaliation to it, which means that the same act to hurt them that before was struck to prevent ourselves from becoming a loser could only be done to gain at their expense, making it the second form of first blow, which can be prevented by our basic principle because not to strike it wouldn’t make us a loser. Please allow me to elaborate.

Before our basic principle can prevent businesspeople from desiring to raise prices, the unions from striking for higher wages, government from increasing taxes and going to war — all for the purpose of improving their standard of living, that is, of going over their 100%, we must prevent the possibility that they are doing these things to keep from going below their standard of living or 100%. When the unions discover that inflation has eaten or could eat into their salaries; when a businessman sees that his expenses have increased because of rising labor costs; when rising prices eat into the salaries of government workers, the choice is either to suffer this loss or do something about it. If a government must choose either depression or war, the latter may be judged the lesser of two evils. A salesman who needs a certain income to meet his expenses doesn’t hesitate to lie or cheat in order to make a sale because telling the truth might make him a loser. In reality, if this condition or form of first blow is not permanently removed, the basic principle would not only be unable to prevent this retaliation, but it would make it impossible to turn the other cheek for greater satisfaction. However, to accomplish the removal of this economic condition without hurting or blaming any country, individual or group for anything, which rules out all existing governments because they cannot even approach the problem without blame or hurt in some form, I am going to demonstrate how it is now possible to guarantee to all the people in the world who are doing, or able to do something to earn a living, whether legal or illegal and while decreasing taxes, ending inflation, war and crime (that is, without robbing Peter to pay Paul), that should they ever find themselves in a position of being laid off, displaced, unable to get a job/business or one that pays enough to sustain the standard of living attained at the start of the transition, but only after using up all their reserve cash towards this end; and if there are some people who are below a basic standard and cannot find a job doing something to earn the necessaries of life, we will give them the materials or money needed. Since this is an extremely crucial point I shall clarify it.
At this moment of time throughout the earth, everybody has attained a certain standard of living which can be measured in dollars and cents. It is the amount of money we consume from week to week on an average in order to maintain our particular way of life, but it does not include taxes, business or job expenses, insurance premiums, donations or any money invested for the purpose of improving our standard. The reason we do not include insurance premiums in estimating our guarantee is because these do not have anything to do with our standard of living. We hope we will never have to use this emergency coverage, but while we work, we can afford the premiums. When we lose our job or business and cannot sustain our standard of living, it is obvious that we must drop our policies. However, should an emergency arise during the time that we are receiving money to sustain our standard such as an accident, operation, fire, etc., we would be able to receive the additional money since we are guaranteed against going below our 100%. This means that if we were earning $300 a week, as an example, but were paying out $60 a week on taxes, $20 a week on job expenses, $35 a week on insurance premiums, $10 a week on donations, and $25 a week on investments, our standard of living would be $150 a week. We shall call this 100%. Now if we, due to circumstances beyond our control, are forced to go below this 100%, then we become a loser, and the law of self-preservation, the constant fear that this could happen, compels us to do any number of things to prevent or recoup our loss. But when it becomes impossible for us to be hurt by going below this 100%, which removes the first blow, then we cannot make matters worse for ourselves by not hurting others, which means that any hurt considered by us to them can be prevented by the basic principle because there is no way we can find greater satisfaction in gaining at their expense when we know they will never blame us.

This means that if any citizen ever found himself in a position where he could not find a job or one paying the amount needed and had absolutely no cash reserve or potential to help himself (this includes bonds, cash from his life insurance and anything that can be converted to cash but which does not play a role in his standard of living such as a car) then we, those of us in a position to help without hurting ourselves, that is, without going below our own guarantee, would desire to offer him this money by contributing an equal share to maintain his standard or raise him to the basic level so that he would never have to take away from others what he needs by resorting to strikes, price increases, war to control foreign markets, taxation, crime or anything else done to hurt others as the lesser of two evils. Then, when our basic principle is introduced as a permanent condition of the environment, it will be impossible for him to desire taking advantage of us in order to gain at our expense because the justification (the possibility he could go below his standard of living) has been removed, although he will be completely free to take certain risks that could hurt us, if he wants to, just as the truck driver was free to speed up if he wanted to, but under the changed conditions he didn’t want to. This does not mean he will be denied an opportunity to exert his initiative for the purpose of improving his standard of living (going over his 100%), but only that he will prefer finding ways and means of doing this without taking any risks that could hurt us because he knows we must turn the other cheek for our satisfaction. It also means that he will desire to do everything in his power to sustain his own standard without having to take from us, because the realization that we would never blame him for taking advantage to get money that otherwise we could use to improve our own standard denies his conscience the necessary satisfaction to consider this in any way. Now I am going to demonstrate (once again in an undeniable manner) that when man is guaranteed to be given the money needed should he be forced, BEYOND HIS CONTROL, to go below his standard or to be without the necessaries of life and then guaranteed never to be blamed no matter what he does — WAR, CRIME AND INFLATION will come to an end out of absolute necessity —TAXES AND PRICES will be forced to come down, and everyone’s standard of living will be improved beyond their wildest expectations. All these changes will take place without hurting one single individual, and of one’s own free will. You will understand this much better as we continue, so don’t get discouraged or assume this is impossible. Just bear in mind that I cannot put everything down at one time.
As soon as the United Nations are convinced that the blueprint of this solution is scientifically undeniable (we shall assume this for the moment in order to move along), they will set up IBM computer offices, or the equivalent, for the purpose of making this guarantee work. These offices will be connected to IBM centers, as cities to states, and these centers will be tied together with the International Bureau of Internal Revenue. When this has been completed, a written test will be constructed as an entrance examination on the principles involved, which must be passed by those interested in becoming citizens of this new world before receiving the guarantee. When this test has been passed and the person signs a statement that he will never again blame another citizen for anything, he himself becomes a citizen by receiving an identification number which is placed on a card to be worn on the outside and on tags for his car that tell the authorities he has taken the examination. The purpose of this identification is to separate citizens from noncitizens during the transition period. Actually, this test is very easy to understand, even by young children. The two-sided equation is explicitly revealed in Chapter Two; the first blow is anything to gain at the expense of others after the guarantee has been installed; the last form of first blow reveals who has the right-of-way when desires conflict, which will be explained in more detail shortly. If a person is incapable of passing the exam, someone would have to assume responsibility for him in order for this guarantee to be issued. There can be no punishment should the new citizen break this agreement and not turn the other cheek during this time of transition, but how is it possible for him to break this or any agreement when he knows there will be no blame for striking this first blow. This needs clarification.

When any agreement is made in the new world, the people who are a party to it are saying, “I am satisfied with this agreement and will never blame you should you violate it.” If you don’t want to become a citizen of this new world, don’t want to receive this guarantee, don’t want to agree never to blame, then you don’t have to sign this agreement and will continue living in your present environment. But should you sign this agreement, how is it possible for you to desire breaking it by not turning the other cheek when turning the other cheek offers greater satisfaction as this is the kind of punishment those who strike a first blow cannot tolerate. The truck driver wanted to be punished for doing what he knows was his responsibility because this would give him greater satisfaction. As was explained in Chapter Two, “The knowledge that there will be no consequences presents consequences that are still worse, making it impossible to consider this hurt as a preferable alternative.” However, in order for the new citizen not to be blamed by his government, and in order for his government not to be blamed by the governments of other nations, the political and military leaders of the world must become our first citizens. How is it possible for political leaders to stop blaming other political leaders and the people in their country unless the leaders have received the guarantee and signed the agreement? Therefore, the world leaders must take their examination first because it is only by the new citizen knowing he will never be blamed by the government or the laws of his country no matter what he does to hurt others that will prevent him from desiring to do that for which punishment came into existence, taking for granted, of course, that the other source of justification, being made to go below his standard of living, has already been removed. This will prevent the possibility of further wars because the very people who have the power to start one will be stopped by the guarantee which denies them any justification and by their realization that there will be no retaliation by those who must turn the other cheek for their satisfaction. When the time arrives for the leaders of the world to sign this agreement, which will be done simultaneously, they will be extremely happy and anxious for this new world to begin. But remember, ironically enough, under the changed conditions the leaders are prevented from hurting others not because there will be no retaliation, but primarily because they will get greater satisfaction in being a part of this fantastic new world.
Once the transition gets officially launched, that is, as soon as the leaders have become citizens by passing their examination it will be mathematically impossible for war to continue or begin again and the greatest transition in the history of mankind will be well on its way. Assuming that you fully understand what it means that man’s will is not free, the next step in our blueprint (our diagram of how it is now possible to remove all evil from our lives) is to remove from around the entire earth, regardless of who gets displaced, all those people who are in any way associated with blame including the leaders and their subordinates (remember, everything is exactly the same except for the written test and the IBM offices); politicians, governors, senators, all the way up to the President and his Cabinet. Everybody notwithstanding gets displaced if their manner of earning a living is the least bit redolent of blame. Is it humanly possible to believe that the solution to the problem of war and crime involves the end of all government or, to phrase it more appropriately since many aspects of government will continue to function, the end of all authority and control? If this is true (which is not yet proven), could the commander in chief find any satisfaction in being denied the privilege of making speeches as to what he is going to accomplish even though this denial results in the very thing all the speeches in the world could never bring about? Is it not true that if the President truly cares about ending all war, could he possibly desire to tell others what to do when it can be revealed in a mathematical manner that such authority would only result in the very war he is making efforts to prevent? If every member of the government who is engaged in telling others what is right and wrong should learn that the most harmonious relations imaginable will exist on earth the moment all government comes to an end, are these people given a choice if this is really what they want? Because this is a very crucial point it is imperative that you completely understand what is meant by the mathematical corollary, Thou Shall Not Blame, so I suggest that you reread the second chapter to fully understand why any person who judges what is right for another is absolutely wrong (as two plus two equals five is wrong) since it strikes the first blow and demonstrates how any judgment of another, before something is done, is an advance accusation which offers unconscious justification to do what is criticized by the standard imposed in the tacit blame. If you know that you can prevent the very thing you do not want by being a certain way, do you have a choice as to which direction you must go for greater satisfaction? The very first thing this book reveals in a mathematical manner is that no individual or group of individuals can ever again desire to govern another because it will be seen that not governing is truly better for themselves. For this reason, it is impossible for government to discover the solution when this entails the removal of all government. This does not mean that the politicians are responsible for what now exists, but their removal is necessary for the cure which will come about of their own free will. At that moment my friend interrupted...

“You can’t be serious. You don’t expect the government of the United States to discharge all her troops and leave the field to communism.”

“The sole purpose of disarming our defenses, as other countries can disarm theirs, is simply because, under the conditions just described, no country can find satisfaction in physically hurting those who refuse to hurt them in return for doing what must be considered a compulsion beyond control. But the people who are on the offensive know that this desire to hurt those who refuse to fight back is not beyond their control, and when they fully realize that their desire to strike a blow must be excused without the possibility of any justification, they are given no choice but to relinquish this desire to hurt others with the use of weapons.”

“Do you honestly believe that crime will cease when the police are removed? I think the crooks would have a ball.”

“You must bear in mind that you also thought removing blame and punishment would allow people to take advantage, but this is not true, so you must not jump to conclusions. We are working the problem backwards, and until other facts are revealed, certain things might appear ridiculous.

To render these evils impossibilities, it is first necessary (this is only the beginning of the solution) to remove the forces that try to prevent war and crime through threats of retaliation, because this kind of effort unconsciously motivates and justifies the very things these forces are trying to prevent. Now how was it possible for government to ever find the solution when the very first step required the dismissal of all forms of government?”

“Say, is this supposed to satisfy our politicians? Do you expect them to calmly sit back while you take away their jobs?”
“Well let me show you that every person who gets displaced, regardless of who he is or what is his income, will be completely satisfied. I shall ask all our politicians a very serious question. ‘Gentlemen, would you have any objection to my removing every possibility of war and crime, which would render your services absolutely useless, provided the income you are now receiving would never decrease or stop as long as you live, although it could be increased?’ Well, I kind of surprised you with that question, didn’t I?”

“You sure did. You mean that every person who gets displaced will never have his income stopped or decreased no matter how much he is earning?”

“That isn’t all. I mean that every person who is employed at the time the transition gets under way, this includes all those who will be displaced, will be guaranteed their accustomed income for the rest of their lives, less taxes, of course. This not only includes the largest, but also the smallest incomes, such as those from unemployment compensation, welfare, and relief.”

“Be honest with me? Does this scheme have anything to do with socialism or communism?”

“Of course not, first because competition will still exist, and second because it is impossible to dictate to another what to do without blaming him for not doing it, which would be required under communism or socialism.”

“But how is it possible to guarantee a businessman that his income will never decrease when competition can very easily do the job?”

“At the moment let’s not be concerned with how I’m going to accomplish this, but with everyone’s reaction to my doing it. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful feeling to know that your income is secure, that it will never be stopped or decreased, only increased?”

“I’m satisfied, but I can think of plenty of people who would not be, like the insurance companies who make their living on the insecurity that exists, and the taxpayers whose jobs are secure without this security, but who might feel they will be overburdened with increased taxation.”

“But supposing the insurance companies, instead of making less money, make more than they ever dreamed possible; and supposing the taxpayers, instead of paying more, end up paying less, what would you say then, my fine feathered friend?”

“By the way, does this hold true for all other countries? Will they also be guaranteed their income never to stop or decrease just as long as each individual shall live?”

“Naturally. Aren’t we all God’s children?”

In spite of the fact that many people will not be happy about losing their profession, they will be forced to look for something else because their services will no longer be needed. Soon to be displaced are judges, juries, lawyers, the entire penal system, crime investigators, intelligence agencies, liability insurance, every kind of license granting permission to do something, all printed forms to check on your honesty, credit cards (all but the IBM), travelers checks, money orders, the banks as a place to safeguard money, and all tax adjusters. The unions will be displaced not only because they blame employers for not paying enough wages, but also because they try to prevent abuses to employees using force. Also displaced are all collection and credit investigating agencies. The first blames someone for not paying his bills and the second checks him in advance to see if he will. When a creditor tries to get his money by sending collection notices, he blames his debtors and gives them unconscious justification to shirk this responsibility. The debtors will be permitted to hurt their creditor if they want to, but they won’t want to under the changed conditions. Knowing in advance that the creditor will never ask them again for what they owe him since they know he will consider their not paying him back a compulsion over which they have no control — even though they know it is not beyond their control — they will be compelled, of their own free will, to desire paying back every penny since it gives them no satisfaction to be excused when every bit of justification has been removed. Personnel departments and employment agencies are displaced because they are employed to screen an applicant for a job, which shows a distrust of the applicant’s honesty and blames him for being dishonest about his qualifications. A great many employers do not want to hire certain types such as Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, etc., and the agency screens this aspect also. Whatever the reason, since blame is present in some form, these agencies get displaced. It is obvious that an employer is anxious to get the best possible employees for the jobs that are available, which is the reason he screens his applicants. However, this screening is a definite form of tacit blame which justifies any efforts to lie in order to get the position. But when an applicant knows that he is not going to be questioned as to his qualifications; when he knows that he will never be blamed regardless of how many mistakes he makes; that he will never be criticized or punished by being fired, he is given no choice but to forgo any job for which there is the slightest doubt in his mind that he may not be able to handle. Therefore, by removing this tacit blame every individual who seeks employment is compelled to prefer developing a skill so that he can apply for a job with the confidence that he will never hurt anyone due to his lack of ability.
As for who becomes a citizen first, priority will be determined by those whose jobs, professions or businesses will be displaced immediately by the transition. This means that our next citizens will be the police who will be displaced in proportion as the noncitizens decrease. The second group consists of the armed forces of defense, which render useless the further need for weapons of offense. Before jumping to conclusions, let me explain. Since the armed forces of defense blame in advance the possibility of being attacked, they must be displaced, and because it is mathematically impossible for armies of offense to desire dropping bombs on those who refuse to retaliate, they too have no reason to remain in existence. How is it possible to spend on learning the art of war and self-defense when no one will ever again attack us? As was just demonstrated in the second and verified in the following chapters, when man judges in advance what is right for someone else and tacitly blames the desire to do what is considered wrong, he actually offers unconscious justification to do the very things not desired. Just as a girl can only offer her body without fear of being hurt when the boy knows that she will never hold him responsible in any way or blame him for having a good time and leaving, the same holds true for countries in extreme conflict. When everything is removed that justifies aggression — which includes the removal of all weapons — there will be nothing to fear because no country will get satisfaction from pouncing down on a defenseless nation that announces to the world it will not retaliate.

Therefore, the very first step toward permanent peace is for the knowledge that man’s will is not free to be translated into every language and disseminated throughout the earth. When this is accomplished, every bit of tacit blame must be removed so that any nation wishing to disarm can do so without fear of being attacked. The second step is the actual disarming of all weapons, including the weapons of mass destruction. This is the exact opposite of what is occurring today with the very real danger of a nuclear strike. There are countries in the process of developing sophisticated biological, chemical, and nuclear weaponry in order to outdo their adversaries. The knowledge in this book plainly instructs the people on this planet that any nation armed with defensive weapons is actually striking the first blow. Because this control of the desire to declare war is only effective when those considering an attack know positively that they will never be blamed or retaliated upon — and since every defensive weapon or means IS AN ACCUSATION that obviously blames in advance this possibility and unconsciously justifies and excuses the very things not desired — man is given no alternative, if the desire is to seriously prevent what has never been successfully accomplished, but to remove the various things that try to prevent him from hurting each other through threats of punishment and retaliation. This is extremely important because this principle will not work otherwise, therefore I will repeat — to render war impossible, it is first necessary to remove the forces that are trying in some way to prevent this aggression through blame, punishment, and threats of retaliation since this kind of effort unconsciously motivates and justifies the very things these forces are trying to prevent. [Reminder: I didn’t say that the removal of all defenses is a solution to the problem; I said it was only the beginning of the solution]. Regardless of what is now being done toward this end, it must be destroyed, removed, or converted so that this form of blame, which gives an additional motivation with justification, is no more an influencing factor. By completely disarming a nation says in effect: “If you wish to attack us, hurt us, rob us, murder us, please go right ahead without the slightest fear of retaliation because we know that you are only obeying God’s will over which you have no control, which compels us to excuse your actions no matter how much you hurt us.” In other words, when a country under attack announces that under no conditions will any retaliatory measures be taken, the aggressor cannot desire to strike knowing there will be no consequences for this unprovoked act. Remember, once a nation disarms the leaders will be sending a clear message to inform the world that regardless of the harm that could come to its citizens, it will not strike back. Under these conditions it becomes mathematically impossible for the nation on the offensive to strike knowing that there will be no blame or retaliation for this act of aggression. Let us observe, once again, how the two-sided equation puts an end to further war.
At this precise moment the leaders know that if they give the command to strike they will not be retaliated upon for this terrible hurt. They also know they don’t have to strike if they don’t want to for over this they have absolute control (you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink), and when it fully dawns on them that the country under attack will be compelled to turn the other cheek (regardless of what is done to hurt them) they will be prevented from moving in this direction because they will be unable to justify what they are about to do. Remember, it becomes mathematically impossible for a nation to strike when not to strike becomes the preferable choice. And how is it possible for them to desire striking when they know they would be killing innocent people for which there would be no blame or retaliation? It would be the worst possible choice under these conditions because there would be no way to justify this act of aggression, consequently, they would be compelled to move in a different direction for greater satisfaction.

At the present time the capitalist and communist countries diametrically opposed in their ideologies and in serious competition for foreign markets cannot afford the risk of disarmament because they are filled with distrust, and each nation fears a treacherous attack. If a leader feels there is an imminent threat, preemptive action may be taken. Any preemptive strike is an attempt to prevent, when all else has failed, a more serious threat later on. The law of self-preservation justifies this as long as there is a pervasive insecurity that there could be more devastation by not taking this action. This decision may be considered the lesser of two evils in an age of atomic energy where the stakes are extremely high and the potential cost to human life is incalculable. The only other option is to be a sitting duck at the mercy of an unstable region which, in the eyes of many world leaders, cannot be tolerated. Because a WMD attack would be so devastating, U.S. strategy places a higher priority on preventing a WMD attack than on reacting to one. In other words, being threatened with the possibility of a terrorist attack, the President must choose what he considers the best course of action under the circumstances which, in this case, is to take preemptive action rather than to sit on the sidelines subjecting his country to the whims of the enemy. In a June 2002 speech, President Bush spoke of the need to strike first against terrorist threat: “If we wait for threats to materialize, we will have waited too long… We must take the battle to the enemy, disrupt his plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge.” The National Strategy describes preemption as a supplement to deterrence...

Because deterrence may not succeed, and because of the potentially devastating consequences of WMD use against our forces and civilian population, U.S. military forces and appropriate civilian agencies must have the capability to defend against WMD-armed adversaries, including in appropriate cases through preemptive measures. This requires capabilities to detect and destroy an adversary’s WMD assets before these weapons are used.

Although preemptive measures may be necessary, according to the President and his advisors, it is a decision that will have lasting repercussions. We are all aware of the consequences of a military strike, which is more bloodshed and continued acts of violence as those who have been attacked will have further justification to seek retribution, perpetuating the cycle of hurt and retaliation. But what other choice does a leader have when the security of his nation is under constant threat? The clash between cultures and their respective governments has caused a serious gap in international understanding. No government has been able to bring about permanent peace by the use of force, yet military action has been used as a last resort when diplomacy has failed. This has caused a backlash of resentment and unrest, fueling the fire of hatred and adding new recruits to a growing terrorist network. Because new cells are constantly forming with the help of the internet and other forms of communication, and because groups such as Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad are elusive targets without a territorial base, we are far from winning this war. For every terrorist that is captured there are thousands more being trained to die for their cause. Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to protect a country from infiltration when there are so many points of entry. Loopholes in security are bound to exist regardless of the tax dollars spent to safeguard its borders. What is even more frightening is the technology to build nuclear bombs could get into the wrong hands, causing an untold loss of life. On an even larger scale, the possibility of an accidental detonation by a superpower could wreak havoc on the world’s population. All it would take is one misunderstanding on the part of either country and a retaliatory strike could lead to unparalleled suffering and destruction on a scale never witnessed. Not only would a major nuclear exchange have severe long-term effects, primarily from radiation release, but also from the production of high levels of atmospheric pollution leading to a ‘nuclear winter’ that could last for decades, centuries, or even millennia after the initial attack. In fact, there is a very real possibility that radioactive fallout would leave our world completely uninhabitable. Only one hundred megatons would be enough to set off conflagrations and firestorms, sending enough soot and debris into the atmosphere to block off the sun’s light leaving our planet dark, desolate, and incapable of supporting life. Political leaders around the world are doing everything possible to prevent a nuclear holocaust from threatening the survival of intelligent life on Earth, but they cannot give 100% guarantees. The importance of this discovery at this critical time in history cannot be ignored because the direction our world is headed is of a dire nature. This knowledge is no accident because it is the blueprint that is going to save man from himself in an atomic age where warfare is seen as the only viable alternative. Once all countries of the world are taught the truth — that man’s will is not free — they will have a third option. They will no longer have to choose war, as the lesser of two evils, because the moment this knowledge is understood there will be a better alternative for all sides of this fragile equation. This is a win-win situation for all nations of the world because there are no losers. Let us review, once again, how war can be prevented once the principles are thoroughly understood.

Applying our basic principle means that all countries can be mathematically prevented from hurting others by the advance knowledge that their actions will never be blamed, criticized, or punished. In other words, those considering an attack or contemplating a crime will be prevented from doing so by the full realization that they will never be retaliated upon since it is now known that they cannot help themselves, that they must take people’s lives and steal their property as a solution to their problems. They also know that they don’t have to do these terrible things if they don’t want to, for over this they have mathematical control, and when it fully dawns on them that no one will ever desire to hurt them in return for doing what must now be considered a compulsion beyond their control — WHEN THEY KNOW IT IS NOT BEYOND THEIR CONTROL (the two sided equation) —they are given no choice but to forgo the contemplation of a strike because it can give them no satisfaction under the changed conditions. Disarming actually prevents this possibility which is the very thing we have been unsuccessfully trying to achieve through the use of force since no one wants to hurt people who are not only defenseless but are not holding those about to wage war responsible for striking this first blow. This principle prevents having to choose between hurting others, as the lesser of two evils, or being left open to attack, and allows for the very first time the prospect of peaceful coexistence worldwide. This alternative was never before available in the history of the human race because we didn’t have the knowledge that man’s will is not free and what this means for all mankind.
When this natural law becomes a permanent condition of the environment, attempting to gain at the expense of an individual or of an entire nation could never be a source of greater satisfaction. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone — regardless of their political or religious affiliation — to receive satisfaction whatsoever from being excused for that of which the responsibility could never be denied or justified. Therefore, let me continue by asking the same question again: What value is having an army and police force when there is no possibility of war or crime? Can you think of anything more humorous or ironic? Now that we understand man’s will is not free, we know that nothing causes people to go to war unless they want to, and there is nothing that can make them want to once the tacit blame of armaments is removed. In the world of free will we were justified because our lack of understanding created an atmosphere in which being different than we were would only have made matters worse, therefore we had no choice, but with our understanding as to why man’s will is not free, mankind is able to veer in a different direction for satisfaction removing the causes for which blame, punishment, and retaliation were previously necessary.

Thus far we have arrived at the prerequisite steps that must be taken for there to be a permanent solution. Remember that we are working this problem backwards and until other facts are revealed we still have a distance to go, so please bear with me. There is one key point which needs clarification. Preventing war and crime by removing all advance blame does not necessarily remove the factors that made, in the world of free will, those evils the preferable alternative, so there are other factors to consider. In our present world innumerable wars, revolutions, and crimes were a reaction to various forms of hurt that did not allow any alternative but to retaliate as a reaction to injustices inflicted on them. In other words, when those about to fight back discover that they will no more be retaliated upon, it is also necessary for them to realize that the factors responsible for this consideration of war must also be removed; and are they given any choice but to remove these factors when they know that the people they have been hurting will never blame them for this? For example, if the United States was tacitly blaming another nation through some economic restriction, then disarming would be as effective as the announcement of a tyrant that he is not going to judge what is right for his people while starving them. Imposing economic restrictions by depriving a civilian population of objects indispensable to its very survival has only been partially effective in achieving the desired end. In terms of changing behavior, sanctions have a poor track record registering a modest success rate at best. Even if sanctions were believed to be the best course of action, an extremely hostile situation could ensue if a sanctioned country has been deprived of its basic needs. Not only could this make a volatile situation worse, it could also backfire by creating a direct or indirect retaliatory response. Under these conditions the principles in this book can have no effect. Let us continue our analysis.
Bernie Sanders is most defiantly a socialist Evertng is free from the state. The democrats are edging towards it, Cortez being a radical.
Sanders does not advocate this.
Sanders identifies himself as a socialist. College should be free. When progressives say free they should say paid for by tax payers.
The Peacegirl Manifesto, now we see it.

Communists had The Vanguard Theory. Society once taken over by communism by force if needed the vanguard a small group of dedicated communists would guide the society to a communist state generation by generation.

Even with ruthless oppressive force and indoctrination the Russian communists could not overcome human mature. The CCP keeps opposition in check but it is there.

Politics are not natural law, genetics and evolution are.

Manifestos like Peacegirl's have a history of becoming oppressive. No thanks.

I'll stick with western democracies warts and all. A saying goes capitalism is the worst possible system until something better comes along.

We have a need for competition. It is expressed in in sports and business. Russia stagnated without it.

Peacegirl needs to rerad the histry of human cvilization andpolical thought giing back to the Greeks

Our mdern econmiocs and polics traces back to the first civilizations and trade between nations.

I don't have to read your manifesto, I udetsnd hisry, peole, and I do not have to read yiour refences to kbniw what it it giouid to say. It just a rehash of the last 200 yeras.

I suggest you read Triotsky's History Of The Russian Revolution. Both the Russians and Chinese commuists haershely purged everythmg and everyone connectd to capitaalism. Both failed and both now have versions of free market capitalism.

If I looled into it I expect I would find Marxist roots in your author.
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When two nations are in extreme conflict and on the verge of a military strike, a careful analysis by political leaders is crucial in order to identify the nature of the problem and to negotiate a fair agreement. The nations in dispute must first come to a workable solution that is not just palliative but aims at rectifying the source of the conflict that has brought them to the brink of war. As soon as the leaders have come to an equitable resolution, its citizenry will then be controlled by the basic principle and the Great Transition will begin making its way toward a lasting peace. [Note: It is important to understand that in order for the basic principle to work, the first form of the first blow must be removed (the economic condition) that makes people losers unless they do something to hurt others. How this is accomplished is explained in the section on Taxes and Financing the Guarantee]. This last step is imperative since this control of the desire to declare war is only effective when those considering an attack know positively that they are striking the VERY FIRST BLOW. Therefore, in order to accomplish our goal the very conditions that made it necessary to retaliate must be eliminated before the basic principle can effectively operate. When this final justification is removed, war will no longer be a preferable alternative. This natural law will have the power to stop what no one wants, and the chain reaction of attack and counterattack will be broken. All war will come to an end because those on the offensive will be unable to derive any satisfaction fighting a country that refuses to fight back, consequently, they are given no choice but to relinquish their desire to strike when they can find no possible justification for these continued acts of aggression. For example, in the Middle East the Palestinians and the Israeli’s feel justified in defending their respective positions at all costs. Both sides have been fighting over land that they believe was given to them by God. This region of the world has had a tumultuous history which has lasted for over sixty years. Thousands upon thousands of lives have been decimated due to the ravages of war, yet all efforts at reconciliation have failed. In an effort to secure its borders, Israel has built a wall to keep the Palestinians at a safe distance. Called a “security fence” by the Israeli government and the “Apartheid Wall” by Palestinians (legal segregations — they are actually a series of razor wire, electrified fences, trenches, sensors, cameras, and watchtowers. The first phase of construction was launched in June 2002. Israel’s newest frontier wall will follow the one being erected along the 150-mile boundary between the Sinai and Negev deserts. That wall building project is due to be completed by the end of 2012. Once the Kfar Kila wall is finished, Israel will be almost completely enclosed by steel, barbed wire and concrete, leaving only the southern border with Jordan between the Dead and Red Seas without a physical barrier. Defense analyst Alex Fishman recently wrote: “We have become a nation that imprisons itself behind fences, which huddles terrified behind defensive shields.” It has become, he said, a “national mental illness.” The inescapable fact is that walls meant to provide lasting security never ultimately work. They are temporary fixes at best. Walls have a habit of cracking, falling, being breached, circumvented, written on, or even ignored altogether. And those desperate enough to build a wall are unlikely to be more desperate or creative than those striving to get in or across it. The Maginot Line and the Berlin Wall are now better remembered as monuments to failure than as monuments to lasting peace and security. In fact, walls and barriers have often been a major impetus for military invention and creativity. In this age of high technology and black-market arms trading, there is every reason to expect that Palestinian militants would continue to search for ways to undermine, circumvent or ignore the barrier altogether, with potentially devastating consequences for Israeli civilians.

In addition to walls and barriers, Israel has created buffer zones in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (occupied Palestinian territory) to protect her people from further devastation. These zones that refer to land, air, and sea blockages, allow adequate depth against Palestinian weaponry, from automatic rifle fire and mortars to Qassam-2 rockets, and place serious obstacles before suicide bombers who regularly attempt to infiltrate Israeli population centers. Unfortunately, these no go “access-restricted” free-fire areas, extending from Israel’s border fence well into a large percentage of the West Bank and Gaza’s most arable land, have led to devastating consequences. Palestinian children have been tragically killed in incidents involving Israeli settlers and excessive use of force by Israeli security forces. The collateral damage has become a familiar sight as young lives are snuffed out too soon. The young and old alike are at risk of being shot, killed, or injured if they inadvertently enter these forbidden zones. Moreover, IDF armored columns enter often to bulldoze homes and other structures. Demolitions and agricultural land razing happen regularly while Israeli soldiers patrol the area 24 hours a day. Up to 70% of households living near these buffer zones have been displaced at least once since 2000. In fact, in 2008-2009 Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ (Israel’s 22-day assault on Gaza as a result of a sharp increase in the number of rocket attacks into Israel) massacred over 1400 people, including 300 children, and destroyed tens of thousands of homes and factories. As a result, the Palestinians have used extreme measures to show their desperation and willingness to die rather than to live under a military regime. A report by Human Rights Watch in 2010, stated: ‘‘Palestinians face systematic discrimination merely because of their race, ethnicity, and national origin…While Israeli settlements flourish, Palestinians under Israeli control live in a time warp –– not just separate, not just unequal, but sometimes even pushed off their lands and out of their homes.” This has become a catch 22. The Palestinians have vowed to continue their attacks until Israel has withdrawn all of her troops, and Israel has refused to withdraw her troops until the Palestinians have stopped their attacks. This occupation has come at a high price, for even if a peace treaty was signed, and an equitable distribution of land was theoretically possible, deep wounds on both sides could sabotage the peacemaking effort. All it would take is one suicide bomber to destabilize the entire region, putting the peace process in jeopardy. As we have seen in recent years, the road map to peace that was once so promising has become another failed attempt and the never-ending cycle of attack and counterattack has begun once again.
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