Shadowy Man
Christian god is the same as “nature’s god”?In decades long since past, atheists giggled that "the universe is so huge, with billions of stars that no intelligent creator would have bothered to waste all that matter and energy just for us."
Fast forward to today and the Anthropic Principle, a statistical study of physical constants fine-tuned to an impossible degree.
What is the atheist response? Why there are an INFINITE NUMBER of universes and WE just HAPPEN to be in the *right* one, wink, nudge, giggle.
That and the Quantum Vacuum made everything. This is *science* atheist style.
No basis, no common sense, just semantics and snarks.
Roughly 75% of Nobel Laureates believe in Nature's God. So much for the atheist snark of Christianity and science being mutually exclusive.
And you know that Nobel Prizes are given to non-scientists, too, right?
Also, I have known and worked with scientists who are Christian.