• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


Will, you still haven't answered the question of how you're defining evidence. For example, what makes your youtube evidence but the contrary stories not evidence?
But you still think Cheato's conspiracy theories, based on absolutely nothing but the addled imaginings of a psychotic narcissist are "REAL". With no evidence. None at all. Zero, zip, nada.
I didn't say that.

Yes, you did - unwittingly perhaps. You tried to tar ALL American media with the broad brush that actually only applies to the Breitbarts and MSNBCs of the world. Straightforward trumpian deflection, and a lie - whether you know it or not.
You also failed to support your allegation that 17 different intelligence agencies came to a unanimous conclusion due to a vast conspiracy rather than because their conclusion happens to be be well-evidenced.
But go ahead - try to weasel out of it. That's what Cheato would do!
Well, it does appear he defines evidence as "anything that agrees with his bias."
How do you know he was joking? There is only one time Donald ever intentionally told a joke that I can think of and that was at that dinner event where it was expected of him.
Trump is stupid, but not that stupid to be seriously think this is a proper way to contact his russian overlords.
It was a stupid rhetorical suggestion designed to gain some political points.

Given that Trump's staff sometimes says something on a talkshow in order to get the message to him, it would not be out of character for him to think exactly that - contact via TeeVee intermediary is proper.
Trump is stupid, but not that stupid to be seriously think this is a proper way to contact his russian overlords.
It was a stupid rhetorical suggestion designed to gain some political points.

Given that Trump's staff sometimes says something on a talkshow in order to get the message to him, it would not be out of character for him to think exactly that - contact via TeeVee intermediary is proper.

This is a tangent, but, I was at my father's house last night and Fox News was on and one of the commercials was specifically addressing Trump. It served as good propoganda for Fox sheeple too, but the actual message was deliberately and specifically targeted to ONE person. Apparently Fox News ad slots (And probably Breitbart popups too) are the new way to do lobbying for the President of the US. Someone should jump on that and start influencing the president in beneficial ways.
Maybe you are blind instead of not understanding the word evidence because I DID that back in post #134 Go ahead and read it then give me your weird definition of "evidence."

None of that is evidence?

That's an awful lot of rebuttal considering your claim that there isn't even a slight hint. Were the tools used to hack the DNC also tools known to be used by Russian Hackers? Yes. Was the code used to infiltrate the DNC compiled during Moscow work hours? Yes. Was the user name used to encrypt some of the malware originally written in Cyrilic characters? Yes. Did the PDF document claiming responsibility for the attack throw error codes set to Russian language? Yes. Was the IP address that some of the malware pointed to located in Russia? Yes.

Are you serious?? Are you that gullible?

I did watch that video, I don't know why you posted it again. I even addressed that video in the same post that you partially quoted up above. But you neglected to respond to that part of the post. Why didn't you answer those questions I had regarding the video?

Also, how do you define "evidence" because you are still clearly using a definition I'm not familiar with or you just don't understand the word the way I do.
None of that is evidence?

That's an awful lot of rebuttal considering your claim that there isn't even a slight hint. Were the tools used to hack the DNC also tools known to be used by Russian Hackers? Yes. Was the code used to infiltrate the DNC compiled during Moscow work hours? Yes. Was the user name used to encrypt some of the malware originally written in Cyrilic characters? Yes. Did the PDF document claiming responsibility for the attack throw error codes set to Russian language? Yes. Was the IP address that some of the malware pointed to located in Russia? Yes.

Are you serious?? Are you that gullible?

I did watch that video, I don't know why you posted it again. I even addressed that video in the same post that you partially quoted up above. But you neglected to respond to that part of the post. Why didn't you answer those questions I had regarding the video?

Also, how do you define "evidence" because you are still clearly using a definition I'm not familiar with or you just don't understand the word the way I do.

Wait a minute. We're talking about McAfee? Substituting one crazy millionaire for a other one. Nice.
None of that is evidence?

That's an awful lot of rebuttal considering your claim that there isn't even a slight hint. Were the tools used to hack the DNC also tools known to be used by Russian Hackers? Yes. Was the code used to infiltrate the DNC compiled during Moscow work hours? Yes. Was the user name used to encrypt some of the malware originally written in Cyrilic characters? Yes. Did the PDF document claiming responsibility for the attack throw error codes set to Russian language? Yes. Was the IP address that some of the malware pointed to located in Russia? Yes.

Are you serious?? Are you that gullible?

I did watch that video, I don't know why you posted it again. I even addressed that video in the same post that you partially quoted up above. But you neglected to respond to that part of the post. Why didn't you answer those questions I had regarding the video?

Also, how do you define "evidence" because you are still clearly using a definition I'm not familiar with or you just don't understand the word the way I do.

Wait a minute. We're talking about McAfee? Substituting one crazy millionaire for a other one. Nice.

Yea, Mcafee is a real asshole. My company rented a condo in Belize pretty close to his house. Not only did he kill a guy. But he also terrorized the locals with these vicious guard dogs. He would let the dogs roam and attack the kids. Of course local law enforcement was terrified of him. Guy's a real thug.
Yea, Mcafee is a real asshole. My company rented a condo in Belize pretty close to his house. Not only did he kill a guy. But he also terrorized the locals with these vicious guard dogs. He would let the dogs roam and attack the kids. Of course local law enforcement was terrified of him. Guy's a real thug.

He founded the company that made his name popular in 1992 but then quit in 1994. And we're supposed to believe that he's still a cyber security expert. News Flash: Technology has changed in the last 23 years.
Trump is stupid, but not that stupid to be seriously think this is a proper way to contact his russian overlords.
It was a stupid rhetorical suggestion designed to gain some political points.

Given that Trump's staff sometimes says something on a talkshow in order to get the message to him, it would not be out of character for him to think exactly that - contact via TeeVee intermediary is proper.
Putin gave Trump specific instruction how to contact him, they said nothing about TV debates.
Yea, Mcafee is a real asshole. My company rented a condo in Belize pretty close to his house. Not only did he kill a guy. But he also terrorized the locals with these vicious guard dogs. He would let the dogs roam and attack the kids. Of course local law enforcement was terrified of him. Guy's a real thug.

He founded the company that made his name popular in 1992 but then quit in 1994. And we're supposed to believe that he's still a cyber security expert. News Flash: Technology has changed in the last 23 years.
didn't Steven Segal and Trump hook up? B-List all the way baby!
I travel to America every year. Americans are smart people. Why are the ones in this thread not smart?

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I didn't say that.

Yes, you did - unwittingly perhaps. You tried to tar ALL American media with the broad brush that actually only applies to the Breitbarts and MSNBCs of the world. Straightforward trumpian deflection, and a lie - whether you know it or not.
You also failed to support your allegation that 17 different intelligence agencies came to a unanimous conclusion due to a vast conspiracy rather than because their conclusion happens to be be well-evidenced.
But go ahead - try to weasel out of it. That's what Cheato would do!

Elixer if you want to quote me then lets have a look. Otherwise I have as much respect for what you say as you secretly do.
Yea, Mcafee is a real asshole. My company rented a condo in Belize pretty close to his house. Not only did he kill a guy. But he also terrorized the locals with these vicious guard dogs. He would let the dogs roam and attack the kids. Of course local law enforcement was terrified of him. Guy's a real thug.

He founded the company that made his name popular in 1992 but then quit in 1994. And we're supposed to believe that he's still a cyber security expert. News Flash: Technology has changed in the last 23 years.

Of course not. He must have lost interest in internet security. Are you all there??

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Yea, Mcafee is a real asshole. My company rented a condo in Belize pretty close to his house. Not only did he kill a guy. But he also terrorized the locals with these vicious guard dogs. He would let the dogs roam and attack the kids. Of course local law enforcement was terrified of him. Guy's a real thug.

He founded the company that made his name popular in 1992 but then quit in 1994. And we're supposed to believe that he's still a cyber security expert. News Flash: Technology has changed in the last 23 years.

Of course not. He must have lost interest in internet security. Are you all there??
I travel to America every year. Americans are smart people. Why are the ones in this thread not smart?

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Yes, you did - unwittingly perhaps. You tried to tar ALL American media with the broad brush that actually only applies to the Breitbarts and MSNBCs of the world. Straightforward trumpian deflection, and a lie - whether you know it or not.
You also failed to support your allegation that 17 different intelligence agencies came to a unanimous conclusion due to a vast conspiracy rather than because their conclusion happens to be be well-evidenced.
But go ahead - try to weasel out of it. That's what Cheato would do!

Elixer if you want to quote me then lets have a look. Otherwise I have as much respect for what you say as you secretly do.

I do so cherish your respect... :rolleyes:

You still can't come up with an instance of 17 different intelligence agencies coming to the same conclusion, besides the one where they all concluded that Russians hacked the DNC and tried to get lardass elected. So I am having a very hard time maintaining any respect at all for your explanation "intelligence agencies lie".

You know who lies? Internet trolls trying to prop up El Cheato and blame his faults on Obama and HRC.
What I find interesting is that allegedly a FISA warrant was sought three times, and was finally given on the third time. That means, a month before the election, the FBI was drawing in direct first source information. This fits with the timeline about the Obama Admin and the Intelligence groups finally understanding what was going on. We hopefully will get the truth, and not Comrade's view of it.
I travel to America every year. Americans are smart people. Why are the ones in this thread not smart?
*pouty lips* :(
He founded the company that made his name popular in 1992 but then quit in 1994. And we're supposed to believe that he's still a cyber security expert. News Flash: Technology has changed in the last 23 years.

Of course not. He must have lost interest in internet security. Are you all there??
Face it dude, when you are in your 60's living in an island paradise off the coast of Belieze with 7 teenage girlfriends fawning all over you day and night while also ingesting huge amounts of mind altering narcotics and while also preparing date-rape drugs to sexually assault your new business partner and while also nursing super paranoid delusions that your neighbor is poisioning your dogs, and the police are trying to murder you in your sleep... you may not be paying attention to the minute details of the business you were involved in for 2 years then abandoned a couple of decades previously.

What is your definition of evidence?
What is your definition of evidence?

How is this difficult to know? The dictionary definition of the words are quite clear and straightforward:

Evidence - Something that helps confirm or validate one of Putin's positions.
Unconfirmed hearsay that's probably deliberately been faked in order to further the cause of evil - Everything else.

Use those definitions and everything he says makes perfectly logical sense.
I travel to America every year. Americans are smart people. Why are the ones in this thread not smart?

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Yes, you did - unwittingly perhaps. You tried to tar ALL American media with the broad brush that actually only applies to the Breitbarts and MSNBCs of the world. Straightforward trumpian deflection, and a lie - whether you know it or not.
You also failed to support your allegation that 17 different intelligence agencies came to a unanimous conclusion due to a vast conspiracy rather than because their conclusion happens to be be well-evidenced.
But go ahead - try to weasel out of it. That's what Cheato would do!

Elixer if you want to quote me then lets have a look. Otherwise I have as much respect for what you say as you secretly do.

Essentially, Americans at this point have become so partisan, that if you don't actively engage in an anti-Trump circle jerk, or God-forbid *doubt the American intelligence community*, then you are an ardent, alt-right Trump supporter.

It has been building up to this point for a long time. The right has been there for at least the decade, and it was only a matter of time before the left caught-up.
I travel to America every year. Americans are smart people. Why are the ones in this thread not smart?

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Elixer if you want to quote me then lets have a look. Otherwise I have as much respect for what you say as you secretly do.

I do so cherish your respect... :rolleyes:

You still can't come up with an instance of 17 different intelligence agencies coming to the same conclusion, besides the one where they all concluded that Russians hacked the DNC and tried to get lardass elected. So I am having a very hard time maintaining any respect at all for your explanation "intelligence agencies lie".

You know who lies? Internet trolls trying to prop up El Cheato and blame his faults on Obama and HRC.
This is a bullshit argument. Seventeen intelligence agencies did not do 17 independent investigations and then they all came to the same conclusion. Only a couple would really even be equiped to make such a pronouncement. What has happened is that the CIA and NSA have made this conclusion, and another 15 agencies agree.

Are you really denying, though, that the CIA *does* lie, does make politically motivated leaks? Seriously? These are the supposed liberals?
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