• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


Republican Rep. Devin Nunes' comments led the committee's ranking Democrat, Adam Schiff, to renew his party's calls for an independent probe of Trump campaign links to Russia in addition to the GOP-led panel's investigation. Schiff also said he had seen "more than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia.

Given that Schiff was a successful US attorney, I'm thinking he uses legal terms carefully - "more than circumstantial evidence" means he's seen direct evidence of collusion.

To be honest, I just cannot comprehend innocent people acting as suspiciously as this entire administration has been acting. It's been like a five year old with their hand caught in the cookie jar. A dumb five year old.
Fuck it. Whatever. I still naively think the truth will win out.

In my view, there's already some truth out there--to include Trump publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary's emails, Roger Stone communicating with Guccifer 2.0 online and then rewarding his hacker rep by crediting him with the hack in a Breitbart article, Roger Stone calling Guccifer 2.0 a hero, and Trump staffers perjuring themselves over whether they met with the Russian ambassador or not.

Also, welcome to the discussion board.
When they use the word "generally" it becomes meaningless.

Great catch, Will. Here's the improved version:

*High confidence indicates judgments based on high-quality information, and/or the nature of the issue makes it possible to render a solid judgment. However, high confidence judgments still carry small-to-negligible risk of being wrong.

Much better. :)

I, for one, am highly amused watching you Trumpapologists having to come up with innocent explanation after innocent explanation for the virtual armory of smoking guns that this corrupt and incompetent cabal has left strewn about the political playing field. The usual tactic is in play - explain one at a time, each in its own context, then scream bloody murder when anyone points out that your myriad "explanations" are not only non-consilient, but are contradictory.
It's a hoot!

High confidence doesn't convict in a court of law. A virtual smoking gun is not a smoking gun of course. What we have so far is speculative. This may have been okay 200 years ago in the US to incite a lynch mob but all claims are must be evidence based (rather like atheist scientists do). :)
Fuck it. Whatever. I still naively think the truth will win out.

In my view, there's already some truth out there--to include Trump publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary's emails, Roger Stone communicating with Guccifer 2.0 online and then rewarding his hacker rep by crediting him with the hack in a Breitbart article, Roger Stone calling Guccifer 2.0 a hero, and Trump staffers perjuring themselves over whether they met with the Russian ambassador or not.

Also, welcome to the discussion board.

At the moment there is also equal evidence that the moon is made of cheese.
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes' comments led the committee's ranking Democrat, Adam Schiff, to renew his party's calls for an independent probe of Trump campaign links to Russia in addition to the GOP-led panel's investigation. Schiff also said he had seen "more than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia.

Given that Schiff was a successful US attorney, I'm thinking he uses legal terms carefully - "more than circumstantial evidence" means he's seen direct evidence of collusion.

To be honest, I just cannot comprehend innocent people acting as suspiciously as this entire administration has been acting. It's been like a five year old with their hand caught in the cookie jar. A dumb five year old.

At the moment there is no visible cookie jar, cookies and a hand inside. The stories are based on an ex-British agent paying drunks in bars for information. Amazingly some people say anything for a few dollars. What is the suspicious acting, looking shifty eyed and saying 'I know nuttin.'
In my view, there's already some truth out there--to include Trump publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary's emails, Roger Stone communicating with Guccifer 2.0 online and then rewarding his hacker rep by crediting him with the hack in a Breitbart article, Roger Stone calling Guccifer 2.0 a hero, and Trump staffers perjuring themselves over whether they met with the Russian ambassador or not.

Also, welcome to the discussion board.

At the moment there is also equal evidence that the moon is made of cheese.

Dude, Roger Stone ADMITTED he had communications with Guccifer 2.0. And Roger Stone's tweets and Guccifer 2.0's tweets are available. AND so is Roger Stone's article in Breitbart. All of these have been linked in this or that thread.

You clearly are having some kind of problem with falsely equating different levels of confidence and evidence, not unlike your comment that "probably is also probably not." When you are ready not to engage in emotional thinking, perhaps you could also admit that there actually is factual evidence of these thing?
About high confidence.
Crowdstrike’s latest report regarding Fancy Bear contains its most dramatic and controversial claim to date; that GRU-written mobile malware used by Ukrainian artillery soldiers contributed to massive artillery losses by the Ukrainian military. “It’s pretty high confidence that Fancy Bear had to be in touch with the Russian military,” Dmitri Alperovich told Forbes. “This is exactly what the mission is of the GRU.”
That's what Crowdstrike originally said. On a closer look this high confidence turns out was based on posts of pro-russian trolls on some crimean blog. That's a source of their high confidence now . They have not examined any supposedly hacked cellphones/tablets, they have not talked to the authors of that program, Ukrainian Army denies any claims of hacking or unusual losses of any artillery equipment. Bottom line, Source of US intelligence high confidence is probably some 14 year old who has nothing else to do but troll on the internet.
Given that Schiff was a successful US attorney, I'm thinking he uses legal terms carefully - "more than circumstantial evidence" means he's seen direct evidence of collusion.

To be honest, I just cannot comprehend innocent people acting as suspiciously as this entire administration has been acting. It's been like a five year old with their hand caught in the cookie jar. A dumb five year old.

At the moment there is no visible cookie jar, cookies and a hand inside. The stories are based on an ex-British agent paying drunks in bars for information. Amazingly some people say anything for a few dollars. What is the suspicious acting, looking shifty eyed and saying 'I know nuttin.'

Because there is CLEAR EVIDENCE of communications between the Trump campaign and the email hacker [see previous post], it DOES get suspicious when other members of the campaign start perjuring themselves over communications with Russia. Recusals, resignations, and forced retirements also seem like rats jumping a sinking ship.
About high confidence.
Crowdstrike’s latest report regarding Fancy Bear contains its most dramatic and controversial claim to date; that GRU-written mobile malware used by Ukrainian artillery soldiers contributed to massive artillery losses by the Ukrainian military. “It’s pretty high confidence that Fancy Bear had to be in touch with the Russian military,” Dmitri Alperovich told Forbes. “This is exactly what the mission is of the GRU.”
That's what Crowdstrike said. On a closer look this high confidence turns out was based on posts of pro-russian trolls on some crimean blog. That's a source of their high confidence now . They have not examined any supposedly hacked cellphones/tablets, they have not talked to the authors of that program, Ukrainian Army denies any claims of hacking or unusual losses of any artillery equipment. Bottom line, Source of US intelligence high confidence is probably some 14 year old who has nothing else to do but troll on the internet.

Please explain how this error (1) changes the overall conclusion of the Crowdstrike report, (2) makes Roger Stone not guilty of rewarding and praising Guccifer 2.0 for hacking DNC, (3) negates Trump publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary, (4) changes the overall conclusions of the intel report, (5) takes away reliable evidence of Russians being involved in pro-Trump propaganda, such as through RTNews, and (6) exonerates Flynn telling the Russians behind the scenes if Trump is elected, he will be easy on the Russians?
About high confidence.

That's what Crowdstrike said. On a closer look this high confidence turns out was based on posts of pro-russian trolls on some crimean blog. That's a source of their high confidence now . They have not examined any supposedly hacked cellphones/tablets, they have not talked to the authors of that program, Ukrainian Army denies any claims of hacking or unusual losses of any artillery equipment. Bottom line, Source of US intelligence high confidence is probably some 14 year old who has nothing else to do but troll on the internet.

Please explain how this error (1) changes the overall conclusion of the Crowdstrike report, (2) makes Roger Stone not guilty of rewarding and praising Guccifer 2.0 for hacking DNC, (3) exonerates Trump of publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary, and (4) changes the overall conclusions of the intel report?
That does not look like an error, it looks like complete fabrication. Crowdstrike report is most likely a complte and utter fabrication.
I don't care about Roger Stone. I merely illustrated that high confidence US intelligence have is not based on reality.
Please explain how this error (1) changes the overall conclusion of the Crowdstrike report, (2) makes Roger Stone not guilty of rewarding and praising Guccifer 2.0 for hacking DNC, (3) exonerates Trump of publicly asking the Russians to hack Hillary, and (4) changes the overall conclusions of the intel report?
That does not look like an error, it looks like complete fabrication. Crowdstrike report is most likely a complte and utter fabrication.
I don't care about Roger Stone. I merely illustrated that high confidence US intelligence have is not based on reality.

First, you did not answer how this makes you deduce the Crowdstrike report is an "utter fabrication" and second you refused to acknowledge the wrongs of the Trump campaign implicit in remaining questions. Next time you want to have an adult conversation try making adult arguments, whether you are challenged or not.
Fuck it. Whatever. I still naively think the truth will win out.
Me too, I think we will learn that Russia had no links to Trump.

If that's the case, then good. At least that's one nightmare Trump hasn't inflicted on the nation. Then we just have to worry about the environment, education, racism, our internet search history being sold to the highest bidder, and the slashing of consumer protections. Oh, and the godawful embarrassing tweets that humiliate the nation multiple times weekly. Oh, and the false accusations of criminal conduct leveled at people like former Presidents. Hell, this list could go on and on, which now makes the idea, "At least he's not in bed with the Russians" seem really inconsequential.
At the moment there is also equal evidence that the moon is made of cheese.

Dude, Roger Stone ADMITTED he had communications with Guccifer 2.0. And Roger Stone's tweets and Guccifer 2.0's tweets are available. AND so is Roger Stone's article in Breitbart. All of these have been linked in this or that thread.

You clearly are having some kind of problem with falsely equating different levels of confidence and evidence, not unlike your comment that "probably is also probably not." When you are ready not to engage in emotional thinking, perhaps you could also admit that there actually is factual evidence of these thing?

How many communications? When Even the NY Times didn't come up with anything.

Me too, I think we will learn that Russia had no links to Trump.

If that's the case, then good. At least that's one nightmare Trump hasn't inflicted on the nation. Then we just have to worry about the environment, education, racism, our internet search history being sold to the highest bidder, and the slashing of consumer protections. Oh, and the godawful embarrassing tweets that humiliate the nation multiple times weekly. Oh, and the false accusations of criminal conduct leveled at people like former Presidents. Hell, this list could go on and on, which now makes the idea, "At least he's not in bed with the Russians" seem really inconsequential.

What racisim. This is mantra of the femi-nazis and the left. What is racist about today's administration? Neither the Democrats or Republicans are 'racist.'
Dude, Roger Stone ADMITTED he had communications with Guccifer 2.0. And Roger Stone's tweets and Guccifer 2.0's tweets are available. AND so is Roger Stone's article in Breitbart. All of these have been linked in this or that thread.

You clearly are having some kind of problem with falsely equating different levels of confidence and evidence, not unlike your comment that "probably is also probably not." When you are ready not to engage in emotional thinking, perhaps you could also admit that there actually is factual evidence of these thing?

How many communications? When Even the NY Times didn't come up with anything.


The tweets were already posted to this thread in post#244. And Roger Stone is on record admitting the whole thing. So are you really calling him a liar? Are you failing to see direct concrete evidence when it is right in front of you?

Lastly, The New York Times in fact DID confirm there were such communications in the very article you linked:
Mr. Stone had exchanges about the direct messages with the website The Smoking Gun in mid-February; at the time, he said he did not recall the messages. On Friday, two days after the website published an article on the messages, Mr. Stone released screen grabs from his Twitter account to publications, including The Washington Times.
If that's the case, then good. At least that's one nightmare Trump hasn't inflicted on the nation. Then we just have to worry about the environment, education, racism, our internet search history being sold to the highest bidder, and the slashing of consumer protections. Oh, and the godawful embarrassing tweets that humiliate the nation multiple times weekly. Oh, and the false accusations of criminal conduct leveled at people like former Presidents. Hell, this list could go on and on, which now makes the idea, "At least he's not in bed with the Russians" seem really inconsequential.

What racisim. This is mantra of the femi-nazis and the left. What is racist about today's administration? Neither the Democrats or Republicans are 'racist.'

The re-tweeting of white supremacist shit? The fact that the white power dipshits along with rednecks have glommed onto Trump like their savior? The fact that Trump was sued for discriminating against black people? If nothing else, this is where the term "dog-whistle" gets its meaning from. Trump doesn't have to shout out explicit racist stuff, it's between the lines.

Oh, I left out "cunt grabbing, cheese-skinned, lying pervert."
What racisim. This is mantra of the femi-nazis and the left. What is racist about today's administration? Neither the Democrats or Republicans are 'racist.'

The re-tweeting of white supremacist shit? The fact that the white power dipshits along with rednecks have glommed onto Trump like their savior? The fact that Trump was sued for discriminating against black people? If nothing else, this is where the term "dog-whistle" gets its meaning from. Trump doesn't have to shout out explicit racist stuff, it's between the lines.

Oh, I left out "cunt grabbing, cheese-skinned, lying pervert."

The communists regard Sanders as their saviour doesn't make him a communist.It doesn't make them actual Democrats

Likewise when a few KKK idiots and other fanatics of their ilk support the Republicans it does not mean they are Republicans.

Both parties are against racial discrimination against any race.
So agreed, Trump said nothing racist. You are referring to a lawsuit by the Federal Government which came to nothing. This is indeed scraping the barrel.

Oh no not Pussygate again. How long ago did he say that? So what, just like we don't care where Bill did more than talk and put it some place in the Whitehouse. Double Standards, but certainly scraping the barrel.

Extremists are stirring up things on the left (7 out of 8 organisers for the Women's strike committee are Marxists per their own website and leftist media. 1 is in the process of being deported due to being convicted as a terrorist).
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That does not look like an error, it looks like complete fabrication. Crowdstrike report is most likely a complte and utter fabrication.
I don't care about Roger Stone. I merely illustrated that high confidence US intelligence have is not based on reality.

First, you did not answer how this makes you deduce the Crowdstrike report is an "utter fabrication" and second you refused to acknowledge the wrongs of the Trump campaign implicit in remaining questions. Next time you want to have an adult conversation try making adult arguments, whether you are challenged or not.
Crowdstrike were caught lying in one part of the report, that makes them and their reports not credible. And since when I have to acknowledge the wrongs of the Trump campaign? I am here to point out wrongs of anti-trump campaign which are extensive however less obvious than Trump campaign wrongs.
It's getting worse, The founder of Crowdstrike is a russian expatiate who does not hide being pro-clinton very well and has links to ukrainian oligarch (Pinchuk) and Eric Shmidt who is pro-clinton and just funded Crowdstrike $100mil by buying shares in the company.. It all looks like it looks, democrats wanted to win so much that they tried to throw whole country (Russia) under the bus for that. This should be the biggest scandal in US right now, but it won't.
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