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Then don't make fun of other people's grammar

There should be a period at the end of that sentence. Also, you shouldn't start a sentence with "then".

that grammatical error is called "a fragmented sentence".

In my trolling days on video gaming forums my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).
There should be a period at the end of that sentence. Also, you shouldn't start a sentence with "then".

that grammatical error is called "a fragmented sentence".

In my trolling days on video gaming forums my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).

In my trolling days on video gaming forums, my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).

Commas are important.
that grammatical error is called "a fragmented sentence".

In my trolling days on video gaming forums my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).

In my trolling days on video gaming forums, my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).

Commas are important.

.. but in that specific instance it was optional.

but, in that specific instance, it was optional.

The choice is a matter of cadence...
In my trolling days on video gaming forums, my username was GrammerPolice (spelling error intentional).

Commas are important.

.. but in that specific instance it was optional.

but, in that specific instance, it was optional.

The choice is a matter of cadence...
English grammar is like the NFL rulebook. Despite a lifetime of experience with it, I really only know the basics.
Unreliable? they provided a source which is reliable, it's just they lied about what that source said and had to backpedal and change their report once it became known. Now they have essentially no sources, and yet they have "high confidence" that Russia did it.
And since when I have to acknowledge the wrongs of the Trump campaign? I am here to point out wrongs of anti-trump campaign which are extensive however less obvious than Trump campaign wrongs.

Your silence on the matter is your concession on the other points. Good job.
What other points?
It is you who is silent about my points. Hillary hired a friend to make up report about russian hackers, this is what should be discussed here, not this orange idiot. There were no russians, report is a complete fabrication.

You are extremely confused. The crowdstrike report used a bad source, they didn't lie. Also they did not divide up levels of confidence. That was the intel report! Regarding Hillary, sounds like you are reading the National Enquirer, whereas I presented facts. Roger Stone even admitted it!

No, it's you who is confused, I am 100% unconfused.

If you're so unconfused, then you wouldn't keep saying Crowdstrike fabricated the report.

You are so confused that you can't even compose grammatically correct post.

Is English your first language?
Unreliable? they provided a source which is reliable, it's just they lied about what that source said and had to backpedal and change their report once it became known. Now they have essentially no sources, and yet they have "high confidence" that Russia did it.
And since when I have to acknowledge the wrongs of the Trump campaign? I am here to point out wrongs of anti-trump campaign which are extensive however less obvious than Trump campaign wrongs.

Your silence on the matter is your concession on the other points. Good job.
What other points?
It is you who is silent about my points. Hillary hired a friend to make up report about russian hackers, this is what should be discussed here, not this orange idiot. There were no russians, report is a complete fabrication.

You are extremely confused. The crowdstrike report used a bad source, they didn't lie. Also they did not divide up levels of confidence. That was the intel report! Regarding Hillary, sounds like you are reading the National Enquirer, whereas I presented facts. Roger Stone even admitted it!

No, it's you who is confused, I am 100% unconfused.

If you're so unconfused, then you wouldn't keep saying Crowdstrike fabricated the report.

You are so confused that you can't even compose grammatically correct post.

Is English your first language?

I think it's Russian. Which explains why he is always such a bully to the Americans :p

Stop picking on them Barbos! :D
The Russia Hacking Fiasco: No Evidence Required

“So far, no single piece of evidence has been made public proving that the Trump campaign joined with Russia to steal the US presidency – nothing….Stop to let that thought reverberate for a moment.”

— Paul Wood, BBC News, Washington, March 30, 2017

The Russia hacking fairytale is the biggest joke in history. I can’t believe we’re even wasting time on it. Unfortunately, gullible liberals have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. A recent CBS poll shows that 67% of Democrats think Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, while only 13% of Republicans believe the same. (CBS News)

What does it all mean? Are Democrats more prone to believe uncorroborated politically-motivated rubbish than Republicans or are they just so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they’ll accept any dirt the media dishes up?.
Russia definitely interfered with propaganda from RT etc, but since that's one of your news sources, you have a bias.
The Russia Hacking Fiasco: No Evidence Required

The Russia hacking fairytale is the biggest joke in history. I can’t believe we’re even wasting time on it. Unfortunately, gullible liberals have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. A recent CBS poll shows that 67% of Democrats think Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, while only 13% of Republicans believe the same. (CBS News)

What does it all mean? Are Democrats more prone to believe uncorroborated politically-motivated rubbish than Republicans or are they just so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they’ll accept any dirt the media dishes up?.

Even if no evidence has been presented yet, why wouldn't you be supportive of a full, independent investigation that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the current admin isn't treasonous? Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, this is a major national security issue for the U.S. that needs to be looked into as soon as possible.

If you're so sure that nothing wrong has been done, then there's no problem for you, just let the investigation run it's course. If you're sure, but don't support an independent investigation, then you're potentially supporting an admin that is undermining the democratic principles that the U.S. was founded on.
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