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This is another problem as of late; it appears that anyone who speaks to a Russian these days is un-American and making deals. I'm afraid to watch RT because I worry that sort of activity alerts intelligence agencies monitoring the internet.
Given the amount of Flynn apologia in your posts, it is reasonable to conclude that you are not afraid to watch RT, but bored to do so, since you apparently help write its contents.
Why would you watch the shows you apparently write for?
Flynn wasn't just anyone. He was a U.S. General in American intelligence circles. He had been fired, and he lied about his contact with Russians, and did not report his income from foreign governments (including Russians).
Yeah, so why did he do it then? Besides him being stupid, what's your theory on that?
To hide it

But that's stupid. So why did he do it?

To hide it. That is the proximal cause. If you want to know more, then consider, why did he feel he needed to hide it? Because he knew he did something illegal, to protect other persons, because there was an infrastructure in place to coordinate with the Russians and giving the FBI data let them into the network to see people's names and their illegal activities, including Manafort, Papadapolous, Papa's boss, Kushner, and others?

The fact that Flynn has flipped to name other persons and testify against them shows that the answer is not about him as an individual. The cost of FBI finding out would be high to the administration and so he tried to get away with not telling them anything.
Lets not forget that this lie was small potatoes compared to his extracurricular activities with Turkey. Flynn wasn't caught and plead guilty to what he was caught for, he plead guilty to the lowest hanging fruit there was against him. He had a bunch of important nondisclosures on federal forms indicating a clear conflict of interest as the NSA.
Lets not forget that this lie was small potatoes compared to his extracurricular activities with Turkey. Flynn wasn't caught and plead guilty to what he was caught for, he plead guilty to the lowest hanging fruit there was against him. He had a bunch of important nondisclosures on federal forms indicating a clear conflict of interest as the NSA.


Also, don't forget that Trump was actively trying to make questions go away.

I think if one looks at a cost-benefit analysis, Flynn's decision to withhold info made more sense than how people are making it.

I also think it's a bit of a red herring: Flynn was convicted and there is more to come. No need for blaming messenger, over-analysis, or whatever.
He thought he could get away with it.
Yes, I think so too. Now next question, why would he think he could get away with it?
Is this the "stupid answer/stupid question" thread?
Yes :)

Why wouldn't he think that? He knew his "boss" would lie cheat and steal to avoid culpability, and since all that culpability was shared... he trusted Trump to protect him.
It was stupid of him - or anyone else - to trust Cheato.
I've been through an investigation or two in the navy for missing stuff. No one ever required "precise recollections". Then again, I suppose it's a matter of what you're forgetting. For example, loosing a few details here and there is a world apart from forgetting you put a crate of grenades.

If the military stuff is missing you need to talk to the manufacturers about improving the seeker heads! :)
I've been through an investigation or two in the navy for missing stuff. No one ever required "precise recollections". Then again, I suppose it's a matter of what you're forgetting. For example, loosing a few details here and there is a world apart from forgetting you put a crate of grenades.

If the military stuff is missing you need to talk to the manufacturers about improving the seeker heads! :)

Grenades are dangerous. I'd suggest putting them on a high shelf in an area that people don't wander around in much, like right above the engines.
He admitted to lying to protect his son.


But nothing he did was illegal; except, perhaps, the Turkish stuff.

Tell it to the judge.

Mueller targeted Flynn's son - thought that was widely known.

Michael Flynn is reportedly worried his son could get wrapped up in the Russia investigation

And other than admitting to lying, nothing he did was illegal. Nothing. If he had, that would have been the plea. As it is now, Flynn is a worthless witness against anyone else because he's an admitted liar. If Mueller had gotten a plea for conspiracy, or attempted this or that, then there'd be something. But there's not.
No, he never admitted to lying to protect his son. That would have been nonsensical in regards to Kislyak. He did admit to pleading guilty "in the best interests of my family."

And you're only wishfully pretending you know everything he did for some weird Trumpsucking reason.

Tell it to the judge.

Mueller targeted Flynn's son - thought that was widely known.

Michael Flynn is reportedly worried his son could get wrapped up in the Russia investigation

And other than admitting to lying, nothing he did was illegal. Nothing.
Nothing? Does Mueller know you are talking about this case to the public? Because otherwise, how can you reach that conclusion?
If he had, that would have been the plea. As it is now, Flynn is a worthless witness against anyone else because he's an admitted liar.
You are such a good brownshirter. Even after Trump's resignation, you'll defend the man you never liked.
If Mueller had gotten a plea for conspiracy, or attempted this or that, then there'd be something. But there's not.
Or... as happens in the real world, you charge based on what you know you can get a conviction. And he could also have plenty of other things that are on the side that he'll ignore in lieu of the plea.

But kudos for trying to make people believe that Flynn lied to the FBI because of nothing at all.
No, he never admitted to lying to protect his son. That would have been nonsensical in regards to Kislyak. He did admit to pleading guilty "in the best interests of my family."

And you're only wishfully pretending you know everything he did for some weird Trumpsucking reason.

It's not nonsensical when it comes to Turkey.
Nothing? Does Mueller know you are talking about this case to the public? Because otherwise, how can you reach that conclusion?
If he had, that would have been the plea. As it is now, Flynn is a worthless witness against anyone else because he's an admitted liar.
You are such a good brownshirter. Even after Trump's resignation, you'll defend the man you never liked.
If Mueller had gotten a plea for conspiracy, or attempted this or that, then there'd be something. But there's not.
Or... as happens in the real world, you charge based on what you know you can get a conviction. And he could also have plenty of other things that are on the side that he'll ignore in lieu of the plea.

But kudos for trying to make people believe that Flynn lied to the FBI because of nothing at all.

It's easy to reach a conclusion that they've got nothing on Flynn; they made him a worthless witness with the perjury plea. How exactly is that supposed to tighten the vise on anyone else? Wasn't all this drama about Russia, Russia, Russia? Is that over now?
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