God is merciful and tolerant. However to be wholly tolerant of all things would be equivalent to Nt existing. I can tolerate a good bit of negativity, but witnessing harm to another turns me defensive pretty much without thought and instantly. If I defend another am I being amoral because I'm not tolerating cruelty. What is childish is saying that tolerance is equivalent to morality. If you can't see that then I'm not sure what to tell you other than to stop claiming a thing is childish as some failsafe defense from a good point such as tolerance and morality not being synonymous at all.So you're conflating intolerance of God with those knowingly responsible for the worst atrocities of mankind with amoral traits. Got it. Tolerance and morality are not synonymous.
Nor is nonbeliever and ignorant.
So according to your "logic" tolerance is morality? And this is another reason I'm not interested in speaking with people who can't even take things seriously.
Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Yes. Tolerance for differing thoughts and opinions is a component of Morality. Not harming a person (especially not 'eternally') is also a component of Morality.
The speaker in those statements is expressing an immoral sentiment.
to ask if they are saying that tolerance IS morality is a childish response... childish because it belays a simplistic view of complex social constructs.
One cannot escape the fact that all of the religious writings of that age is filled with unacceptably atrocious sentiments. Just because the context of the surrounding text might have been about some kind act, or some notion of positive morality, does not excuse the evil sentiment.
I can write a story about charity and kindness to a group of people, and then include a death threat to all other groups. Would you excuse the death threat because is was shroud in kindness to a handful of people? of course you wouldn't.. .unless you are a psychopath, of course.
Tolerance is kin to indifference which is very close to chaos. None of which are moral on any level.
Faith in selfless Unity for Good.