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Sean Spicer resigns

Scaramucci -- perfect name for a White House which is run along the lines of Corleone Olive Oil Importing Inc. Note how on his maiden appearance he twice says he loves this president. I which he had said "it's a blessing" so we could hear that line again.

I noticed that. Creepy.

"Regnum Donaldi Magnus"

Peanut butter and jelly.
A couple of places, the Trumpers are commenting on the story with anticipation of Scaramanga's tenure. The Main Stream Media is, apparently, about to 'get what's coming to them.'
Or finally have a reason for their butthurt.

Kinda strikes me as silly. The whole purpose of the WH communications cabal is to try to present the President's side of any story. But if the President's Side of any issue is a random number generator, they're going to be starting with a handicap, anyway. Unless the new regime has figured out a consistent way to deal with having the rug cut out from under them.

"Is the president going to fire Sessions?"
"As I see it, yes."
"A follow-up question, is Sessions' replacement going to fire Mueller?"
"Reply hazy try again."
"Is the president going to ask that Mueller be fired?"
" It is decidedly so."
"Sir, are you using a Magic 8 Ball to generate these answers?"
"Concentrate and ask again..."
One of the most ignorant assholes to ever live.

He treats the press like an insane dictator and tries to pass off clear lies as truth.

It was great that SNL ridiculed him. A thing worthy of ridicule.

Good fucking riddance.

Doing what the boss orders isn't being ignorant.

Less than a month into his new job, White House press secretary Sean Spicer needed to keep his food and drink cold. He wanted a mini-fridge.

He dispatched a top aide to a nearby executive office building where junior research employees are crammed into a room, surviving on Lean Cuisine frozen lunches. Mr. Spicer wants your icebox, the aide said, according to people familiar with the incident. They refused to give it up.

So Mr. Spicer waited until sundown—after his young staffers had left—to take matters into his own hands. He was spotted by a fellow White House official lugging the icebox down the White House driveway after 8 p.m.

So, you people can spend $800 billion on your military, but you don't have enough petty cash to get a second mini-fridge in the White House?
One of the most ignorant assholes to ever live.

He treats the press like an insane dictator and tries to pass off clear lies as truth.

It was great that SNL ridiculed him. A thing worthy of ridicule.

Good fucking riddance.

Doing what the boss orders isn't being ignorant.

Neither is getting rich.

Publishers are all drooling at this point.
So, you people can spend $800 billion on your military, but you don't have enough petty cash to get a second mini-fridge in the White House?
Oh, we do.
I just imagine that when he asked, 'Who do i talk to to get a minifridge?' they hadn't hired too many people who would know the answer.
Worse, no one below him knew, and no one who didn't answer to him liked him enough to help.

And 'take it from someone else' seems like a solution that would appeal to members of the kleptocracy...
Spicer resigning is just a drop in the bucket. Aside from him being the exact kind of stonewalling asshole Trump wanted...
This is entirely not true. Priebus wanted Spicer. And Spicer is part of the GOP machine. And despite Trump being anything but part of the GOP, Spicer tried to give it his all. He did remarkably well in the worst possible situation... and it speaks to the depth he was willing to sell his soul for the party.

And Trump still dumped him. Trump allegedly loves loyalty. That is a misconception. He loves people that make him look good despite the boiled and scab covered asshole he is.

Spicer's leaving is a bad sign for the GOP and the Trump Admin. It means that Trump has too much control. So much that even Bannon didn't like the communication guy brought into the White House. Yeah Priebus and Bannon on the same page. That should scare the hell out of people. Kuschner allegedly likes the new guy. Oh boy!

Amateur hour just opened the mics for the 8 year olds.
One of the most ignorant assholes to ever live.

He treats the press like an insane dictator and tries to pass off clear lies as truth.

It was great that SNL ridiculed him. A thing worthy of ridicule.

Good fucking riddance.

Doing what the boss orders isn't being ignorant.

If your boss orders you to defend his lies it is.
Scaramucci looks like a sleazy TV preacher. I hear he is a YEC.

He seems very pleased with himself, and confident that he can straddle the contradictions of being a Trump spokesman. Let's see what he retains that complacency after Trump leaves him hanging a few times.

In a matter of months he's going to look like one of those crystal meth before and after photo spreads.

Why anyone would attach themselves to Trump is beyond any rational explanation. I suppose lampreys sometimes attach themselves to very sick animals too from time to time.

Less than a month into his new job, White House press secretary Sean Spicer needed to keep his food and drink cold. He wanted a mini-fridge.

He dispatched a top aide to a nearby executive office building where junior research employees are crammed into a room, surviving on Lean Cuisine frozen lunches. Mr. Spicer wants your icebox, the aide said, according to people familiar with the incident. They refused to give it up.

So Mr. Spicer waited until sundown—after his young staffers had left—to take matters into his own hands. He was spotted by a fellow White House official lugging the icebox down the White House driveway after 8 p.m.
You can't make this shit up.
So, what are the chances that this new guy is a good material for comedy?

I would say that they are high. Knowing nothing about him beyond the fact that he's the type of person whom Trump would hire as a spokesmodel, he's probably going to have no end of hilarious things about him.
No. It's not being a good person but it's not being ignorant.

It is incredibly ignorant to claim some crowd that is clearly small is large.

About as ignorant as one can be.

It is the essence of tyranny. To replace fact with demand.

But that's not what ignorance is. Spicer knew that the crowd was small and he called it large. That's a case of him lying, not a case of him being ignorant.
It is incredibly ignorant to claim some crowd that is clearly small is large.

About as ignorant as one can be.

It is the essence of tyranny. To replace fact with demand.

But that's not what ignorance is. Spicer knew that the crowd was small and he called it large. That's a case of him lying, not a case of him being ignorant.

It is ignorant to demand clear falsehood is truth.

It accomplishes nothing except making one look stupid and tyrannical.
But that's not what ignorance is. Spicer knew that the crowd was small and he called it large. That's a case of him lying, not a case of him being ignorant.
But trying to sell that lie to the people who had the aerial photographs to reference, that could be ignorance.
But that's not what ignorance is. Spicer knew that the crowd was small and he called it large. That's a case of him lying, not a case of him being ignorant.
But trying to sell that lie to the people who had the aerial photographs to reference, that could be ignorance.
I think it is more like a case of incredibly stupid arrogance.

I have no sympathy for Sean Spicer. He took the job, and he loyally dished out the bullshit and lies with extra arrogance. At any time, he had the ability to tone down his arrogance, or refuse to dish out bullshit and lies, or step down. But he did not. And if he expected Trump to unconditionally support him, then he is not stupid but a monumental fucktard.
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