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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.
It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?
It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?

And her best friend, identified as an alleged witness, not only denied having knowledge of said party but went on to state that she never knew/met Kavanaugh? I mean, when your own witnesses say you're full of shit . . .
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It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?

And her best friend, identified as an alleged witness, not only denied having knowledge of said party but went on to state that she never knew/met Kavanaugh? I mean, when your own witnesses say you're full of shit . . .

Whoever told you that was a valid criticism is full of shit, Trausti.

Ford didn't say Leland Keyser was an eyewitness to the alleged sexual assault. She didn't say Keyser remembered that day. She said Keyser was in the house along with several other people.

Keyser didn't corroborate Ford's testimony, but she didn't refute it either. In fact, she said she believed Ford.

It's too bad Kavanaugh didn't get to have his best buddy in high school appear as a character witness. Maybe Mark Judge could have corroborated Kavanaugh's claims about what being a Renate Alumnus means, or the Devil's Triangle, or boofing, or how Kavanaugh always treated women with respect when he was 17 years old and drunk. Or maybe Judge was too much of a drunkard himself to remember anything except the barfing.
And her best friend, identified as an alleged witness, not only denied having knowledge of said party but went on to state that she never knew/met Kavanaugh? I mean, when your own witnesses say you're full of shit . . .

Whoever told you that was a valid criticism is full of shit, Trausti.

Ford didn't say Leland Keyser was an eyewitness to the alleged sexual assault. She didn't say Keyser remembered that day. She said Keyser was in the house along with several other people.

Keyser didn't corroborate Ford's testimony, but she didn't refute it either. In fact, she said she believed Ford.

It's too bad Kavanaugh didn't get to have his best buddy in high school appear as a character witness. Maybe Mark Judge could have corroborated Kavanaugh's claims about what being a Renate Alumnus means, or the Devil's Triangle, or boofing, or how Kavanaugh always treated women with respect when he was 17 years old and drunk. Or maybe Judge was too much of a drunkard himself to remember anything except the barfing.

How he always treated women with respect unless they were a "Holten housebag", anyway... but hey, didn't he say he didn't hang out with the Holten Arms girls? Hmmm something doesn't add up...
Lasted one minute before being overcome with bullshit, especially that stupid canard that not remembering how she got to the party indicates she's lying. For any of us, there are lots of gatherings or events in our past that we know happened but can't remember ancillary details like that.

If she was lying, she could have easily made up a way she got home. Duh!
Lasted one minute before being overcome with bullshit, especially that stupid canard that not remembering how she got to the party indicates she's lying. For any of us, there are lots of gatherings or events in our past that we know happened but can't remember ancillary details like that.
If she can't remember those details, why are you so sure she accurately remembers the rest? The fact is, Ford's story has zero probative value.

If you had bothered to watch, the woman in the video debunked the story that Ford had a second door installed because of some kind of PTSD fear of one way in/out. Then she talks about the gender bias at the university Ford teaches at.
Ford didn't say Leland Keyser was an eyewitness to the alleged sexual assault.
So what's the probative value of that witness?

Keyser didn't corroborate Ford's testimony, but she didn't refute it either. In fact, she said she believed Ford.
And later she said she was pressured into adding that last bit.

It's too bad Kavanaugh didn't get to have his best buddy in high school appear as a character witness. Maybe Mark Judge could have corroborated Kavanaugh's claims about what being a Renate Alumnus means, or the Devil's Triangle, or boofing, or how Kavanaugh always treated women with respect when he was 17 years old and drunk. Or maybe Judge was too much of a drunkard himself to remember anything except the barfing.

And being a teenager and drinking should preclude somebody from being confirmed to SCOTUS why?
The original claim was attempted rape. Now we are down to drunken behavior while a teenager. If you can't prove arson or murder, you can still get somebody on jaywalking ...
Actually, Franken himself called for an investigation in stark contrast to Kavanaugh's behavior. He apologized to Leeann Tweeden for the picture of him mock-groping her breasts.
Apology means he admitted some sort of guilt. That was his second mistake. His first mistake was to subscribe to the feminist ideology that women must always be believed.

I think that was his biggest mistake. If you are on record saying that women must be believed and can't be called liars then you have a difficult time making any denials when you are yourself accused.

What you got right, Derec, is that Franken's party did throw him under the bus. Senate Democrats called for an investigation, hoping that he could weather it, but he was very damaged goods from their perspective. So he did the graceful thing and bowed out.
The biggest one to stick the knife in was Gillibrand. You know, the woman who never thought a rape accusation might be too flimsy or not very believable.
The Democrats lost one of their most effective senators and one of the strongest male advocates of women's rights.
Should be a lesson to the rest of them. Men and women should have equal rights. There should be no special "women's rights". Same thing with violence. "Violence Against Women Act" is a sexist piece of legislation on its face.

His career was effectively destroyed. Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans love that this happened:
I hope they sent Kristin some flowers or a fruit basket or something for her efforts.

The lesson here is that brazen misconduct gets rewarded sometimes and honest contrition gets you nothing.
Contrition means you admit guilt. Denial means you deny it. Duh!
It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?
All her witnesses Including her best friend failed to verify her testimony. None of them remember anything about it. The most corrupt Court in the world would throw the case out .

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
So what's the probative value of that witness?

Unknown. She wasn't called to testify under oath.

And later she said she was pressured into adding that last bit.

It's too bad Kavanaugh didn't get to have his best buddy in high school appear as a character witness. Maybe Mark Judge could have corroborated Kavanaugh's claims about what being a Renate Alumnus means, or the Devil's Triangle, or boofing, or how Kavanaugh always treated women with respect when he was 17 years old and drunk. Or maybe Judge was too much of a drunkard himself to remember anything except the barfing.

And being a teenager and drinking should preclude somebody from being confirmed to SCOTUS why?

You're shifting the goalposts and failing to address what I actually wrote.

Mark Judge could perhaps corroborate some of the more *ahem* peculiar claims Kavanaugh made. I wonder if his failure to do so will be taken as a sign that he thinks Kavanaugh is full of shit.

The original claim was attempted rape. Now we are down to drunken behavior while a teenager. If you can't prove arson or murder, you can still get somebody on jaywalking ...

We are down to a reported history of aggressive drunken behavior including sexual assault as a teenager and young adult. These reports come from multiple sources and include people who interacted with Kavanaugh every day. They saw him in action first hand.

I don't think getting drunk in high school should preclude somebody from being confirmed to SCOTUS. I don't think being an alcoholic in college should, either (provided he's not one now). But I do think that a person who is unable or unwilling to revisit decisions made long ago and reconsider them given the benefit of greater knowledge and hindsight would be a poor choice for a jurist who will no doubt be called upon to do exactly that. I think an adult in his fifties who wrote all that stupid bragging bullshit in his high school yearbook ought to be able to say "I was immature at 17 and I apologize to anyone I frightened, offended, or made the butt of my stupid jokes". And I think a guy who tells lies, obfuscates, and attempts to deceive in his testimony, under oath, before the Senate, should be disqualified from serving on any court.

I don't understand how anyone could think Kavanaugh's testimony was more credible than Ford's. Even if you found Ford's testimony unconvincing, Kavanaugh's was clearly deceptive. And yet, every minor inconsistency in Ford's testimony is flagged like it disproves everything she said while Kavanaugh's obvious lies, evasions, and obfuscations are ignored.

I suppose if you don't mind that the President is an inveterate liar, you wouldn't much care if his pick for the Supreme Court is one, too.
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It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?
All her witnesses Including her best friend failed to verify her testimony. None of them remember anything about it. The most corrupt Court in the world would throw the case out .

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

What you have written does not speak in any way to the fact that there are material elements of the claim that can be verified.
Regarding to the person tweeting about harm to Kavanaugh, I find that absolutely distasteful. I think we can all be a lot more civil than that and just hope he stumbles drunk out of a bar, walking into the path of an on coming bus. Anyone who would lay a finger to harm any one in government is a threat to democracy. An inebriated justice getting hit by a bus... that's just bad luck for him.
It's a joke, just a bad one to make on twitter.

Oh, and by the way, don't think I didn't notice Derec that you changed the subject from what Kavanaugh did.

Oh, the subject where we were talking about how a woman made an allegation against him involving details describing a place in time where an attack happened, and then the republicans claimed that the claim couldn't be verified, even though they made no attempt to ascertain if the mentioned place existed at the described time?
All her witnesses Including her best friend failed to verify her testimony. None of them remember anything about it. The most corrupt Court in the world would throw the case out .

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Odd, few couldn't recall a small get together... maybe that'd be more meaningful if the allegation was Kavanaugh and Judge tried to sexually assault everyone there, not just Dr. Ford. Dr. Ford remembers it because something more than a boring get together occurred to her.
Maybe so, but maybe not. But the night question still is why bring it up over 3 decades later?

Perhaps Dr Ford craves all the attention she received and the with the encouragement of the Democrats, which she supports by the way, a way to damage Kavanagh, but more importantly, Trump himself.

Perhaps the tables will be turned one day when a Democratic president's nominee is also put through a wringer.
Regarding to the person tweeting about harm to Kavanaugh, I find that absolutely distasteful. I think we can all be a lot more civil than that and just hope he stumbles drunk out of a bar, walking into the path of an on coming bus. Anyone who would lay a finger to harm any one in government is a threat to democracy. An inebriated justice getting hit by a bus... that's just bad luck for him.
All her witnesses Including her best friend failed to verify her testimony. None of them remember anything about it. The most corrupt Court in the world would throw the case out .

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Odd, few couldn't recall a small get together... maybe that'd be more meaningful if the allegation was Kavanaugh and Judge tried to sexually assault everyone there, not just Dr. Ford. Dr. Ford remembers it because something more than a boring get together occurred to her.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Maybe so, but maybe not. But the night question still is why bring it up over 3 decades later?

Perhaps Dr Ford craves all the attention she received and the with the encouragement of the Democrats, which she supports by the way, a way to damage Kavanagh, but more importantly, Trump himself.

Perhaps the tables will be turned one day when a Democratic president's nominee is also put through a wringer.
Regarding to the person tweeting about harm to Kavanaugh, I find that absolutely distasteful. I think we can all be a lot more civil than that and just hope he stumbles drunk out of a bar, walking into the path of an on coming bus. Anyone who would lay a finger to harm any one in government is a threat to democracy. An inebriated justice getting hit by a bus... that's just bad luck for him.
All her witnesses Including her best friend failed to verify her testimony. None of them remember anything about it. The most corrupt Court in the world would throw the case out .

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Odd, few couldn't recall a small get together... maybe that'd be more meaningful if the allegation was Kavanaugh and Judge tried to sexually assault everyone there, not just Dr. Ford. Dr. Ford remembers it because something more than a boring get together occurred to her.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
O'm guessing you've never been raped before, nor likely ever confided to by anyone who has been. It's not something people readily talk about. Whenever I talk about my rape, I'm back in a skeezy apartment in Wisconsin Dells, being given alcohol, and then in a situation where I am confused and drunk (possibly for the second time EVER; timelines get fucky) and I have no way of knowing how to get out of it. I don't like being in that place, and I'm one of the most emotionally resillient people I know. I can absolutely understand why someone would take 30 years to come forward, especially when the person is a fucking federal judge. Before, she could just ignore him for the most part. How often do you here the name of a judge? I don't think I have ever heard anyone talk about our federal judge here where I live. But everyone knows the names Sotomayor, Keegan, Ginsburg,
They are brought up with some frequency. The reason to bring it up is exactly the change in equilibrium.
Perhaps the tables will be turned one day when a Democratic president's nominee is also put through a wringer.

Perhaps. Then again, sometimes they unfairly don't get considered at all.

I hope they would be put through the wringer. Supreme Court appointments are fucking important and if nominees aren't put through the wringer and charges against them thoroughly investigated, then there's a serious fucking issue.
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