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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

You'll have to duck the spewing puke and flapping penis.

Sure; But what kind of beer is being served?

Actually, scrub that. I assume that it's piss-weak American Adjunct Lager, on character grounds.

Adjunct lager is the preferred tipple of casual rapists who are so self-entitled that they don't have a clue that what they do is rape.

Sure, people have been known to drink real beer, and still commit sexual assaults; But none of those people are whiny little rich boys with a massive sense of entitlement, and zero self-awareness, surely.

Now everyone's invited for a kegger at Brett's house. Party!

Looks like a scene from Handmaid's Tale.
I expect him to live up to the oath he is swearing here as much as he did during the Senate hearings.
I expect him to live up to the oath he is swearing here as much as he did during the Senate hearings.

Well, look at the bright side. At least the US people didn’t need to deal with the fallout of Hillary's insecure email server.

Helluva job, Yanks!
I expect him to live up to the oath he is swearing here as much as he did during the Senate hearings.

Well, look at the bright side. At least the US people didn’t need to deal with the fallout of Hillary's insecure email server.

Helluva job, Yanks!

What are you talking about? This is exactly how we dealt with the fallout of Hillary's insecure email server.
When I was a young voter (late teens, early twenties) I couldn't have named a Supreme Court justice to win a bet.

I'll wager today's young voters will remember BK's name for a long time.

(Whether they'll vote or not is another question.)

Michael Avenatti said:
@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible.

@SenatorCollins does not have the judgment to be a US Senator. She never met my client, never had her interviewed, never met the 6 witnesses supporting her declaration or had them interviewed, and never cross examined my client. And yet she made a credibility determination. How?

Also, Collins was more than happy to call for Franken's resignation immediately, and with no evidence or trial, so there's that.
Michael Avenatti said:
@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible.

@SenatorCollins does not have the judgment to be a US Senator. She never met my client, never had her interviewed, never met the 6 witnesses supporting her declaration or had them interviewed, and never cross examined my client. And yet she made a credibility determination. How?

Also, Collins was more than happy to call for Franken's resignation immediately, and with no evidence or trial, so there's that.
And no crime committed, only alleged hands on sexual harassment.
Also, Collins was more than happy to call for Franken's resignation immediately, and with no evidence or trial, so there's that.
And no crime committed, only alleged hands on sexual harassment.

The waters of Ms Collins' intellect run as deep as the vapor film on your bathroom mirror after a tepid shower.
I'm just sad about those two young ladies being thrown to the wolves by their father.

Truly sad.

As for Ms. Collins, thank you. For years, I have been listening to insipid pablum about Collins and how 'balanced' and 'compassionate' Maine Republlicans are....Y'know, Olympia Snowe and all. The veritable exemplars of Reptilian moderation and gentility. So this gives me ample opportunity to mulch that pile of compost and move on to ALL Reptilians being parasites and perverts.

Just out of interest, has anybody here checked out her marital situation? I understand the old girl just got hitched recently. Something similar happened to the senior senator from my state. A hard core community organizer in the senior community, and Jewish, too. He went back east as a bachelor and married into inherited New York money (publishing) and, all the sudden, lost his verve for proper levels of taxation on inherited wealth. Started talking 'death taxes' like a long-time Reptilian.
Also, Collins was more than happy to call for Franken's resignation immediately, and with no evidence or trial, so there's that.
What was different about Franken is that senators from his party, like Gillibrand, stabbed him in the back.
Gillibrand Starts Wave of Democratic Senators Calling on Franken to Resign
He also didn't really deny the accusations.
Al Franken Issues Apology After Accusation of Forcible Kissing and Groping

Actually, Franken himself called for an investigation in stark contrast to Kavanaugh's behavior. He apologized to Leeann Tweeden for the picture of him mock-groping her breasts. He thought she would take it as a joke, but he now realized how it had had the opposite effect. He did not apologize for trying to kiss her in the way she described it. He was supposed to kiss her on stage, and she did actually go through with the skit. What Franken said was that he did not remember the kiss the way she did. Even though three of the six accusations against him were made anonymously, and the women never came forward, he did not dispute them. They could have been plants by Roger Stone, for all we know, but Franken did not try to excuse himself. What he said was accurate--that he took thousands of pictures with constituents and others. I believe that the alleged incidents, other than the backstage rehearsal, all took place before large audiences. So they may have involved him touching women in ways that were inappropriate, but it is possible that he didn't realize he was doing that.

What you got right, Derec, is that Franken's party did throw him under the bus. Senate Democrats called for an investigation, hoping that he could weather it, but he was very damaged goods from their perspective. So he did the graceful thing and bowed out. The Democrats lost one of their most effective senators and one of the strongest male advocates of women's rights. His career was effectively destroyed. Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans love that this happened:

Trump: Franken folded ‘like a wet rag’ under sexual misconduct allegations

The lesson here is that brazen misconduct gets rewarded sometimes and honest contrition gets you nothing.
Getting put on paid leave for a joke must be making alt-right free speech warriors very upset, right?
Getting put on paid leave
Samantha "Eyebrows" Ness resigned her teaching position.
Samantha Ness, Minnesota Teacher Who Sent ‘Kill Kavanaugh’ Tweet, Resigns
So she is no longer on paid vacation.
for a joke must be making alt-right free speech warriors very upset, right?
You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater and you can't solicit murder on Twitter. Duh!

Besides, she should have lost her job for her Ralph Wiggumesque English skills.

I don't like Kavanaugh as a jurist either, but goddamn, have the reactions by the Left been incredibly overblown.

I liked this one too.

I kinda feel for Collins though. She faced a Morton's Fork. Either she votes against and gets primaried in 2020, or she votes for and faces a fired up Dem challenger.

P.S.: Those images are jokes. Saying that somebody should murder a Supreme Court justice is not.
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I agree with Derec ( Yes :melodramatic: I just typed that!)

Do you agree with the implication that he should have lied and denied everything, Cheato-style? (There was video tape...but even that wouldn't suffice if he was a rethuglican.)
I agree with Derec ( Yes :melodramatic: I just typed that!)

I agree that it's not a joke... but I can't say I disagree with her making a not-joke, in this context. Some day there will hopefully be a tribunal for the leaders of this coup and I'm hoping that it does not end well for any of them.
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