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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Kavanaugh is an instrument of Trumpism, an insurance policy that the con man is writing for himself. The rest is misdirection.

Donald Trump’s genius for misdirection is to pile so many obvious ruses upon so many ham-handed sleights that the easily fooled parts of his audience are impressed by the audacity, while the more sophisticated parts of his audience, on left and right both, become so fatigued by the constant motion that they stop paying sufficient attention to the core point of the deception.

Trump’s purpose in appointing Kavanaugh to the Court was clearly to provide himself with a protective vote for whenever one issue or another arising from his misbehavior makes its way there.
Murkowski votes NO!
Wow. Collins and Murkowski split votes. So if Manchin and Collins vote no, he's out. But I don't see Collins changing her vote.

I don't either, but I suspect that Manchin will also vote for confirmation. He has less spine than Heitcamp, and he may think that it is the only way to save his seat. Should he retain it by voting yes, he might as well join the Republican Party, as far as I'm concerned. Collins is voting the way she really wants to. She appears to like Kavanaugh, but she still needs the backing of independents, who are a big factor in Maine politics. She probably considers all the handwringing a necessary posture before she votes the party line.
Collins says Kavanaugh isn’t a threat to Roe v Wade. Yes, that is why he has the full backing of the GOP.
Collins is giving a rambling speech that makes me feel pretty certain she will vote yes. I had to change the station because it was too depressing to listen to her. It looks like this one goes to Trump unless one of the other Republican Senators grows a pair. WWJD? No, not Jesus. I was wondering what John McCain would do if he were still around. He might have been the one that made a difference, but too late now.
Collins says Kavanaugh isn’t a threat to Roe v Wade. Yes, that is why he has the full backing of the GOP.

I cannot believe that she is that naive. IMO, she feels that she needs him not to be a threat in order to justify her vote. When he votes to overturn it, she might express some disappointment and suggest that he was less than forthcoming with her. After all, how was she to know?

Collins does not want to be the goat in her party. They are hell-bent on criminalizing abortion, and she is in a position to fight against it today. However, a Republican president is always going to use the abortion vote as a litmus test for a SCOTUS nominee, and she knows it. So she would face exactly the same battle with the next nominee. Only a Democratic president would relieve her of having to be the focus of anger and resentment, because a Democrat would try to choose someone who would uphold the status quo on reproductive rights. Maine Republicans cannot elect a senator who waves the banner of the GOP, but they can elect a perpetually wavering Republican. So they will put up with her as long as she keeps winning elections.
Collins is giving a rambling speech that makes me feel pretty certain she will vote yes. I had to change the station because it was too depressing to listen to her. It looks like this one goes to Trump unless one of the other Republican Senators grows a pair. WWJD? No, not Jesus. I was wondering what John McCain would do if he were still around. He might have been the one that made a difference, but too late now.

Could be a blessing in disguise if BK gets confirmed. Cheato Inc. will have to find something else to make Republicans upset enough to haul their lard-asses up out of their La-Z-Boys to go vote. Democrats will be even more energized than they already are. This will make a blue wave even more likely this fall. If the trend continues through the 2020 cycle, we will very possibly see Kavanaugh impeached before the 2022 midterms and a Dem nominee fill the seat. That is a better possible long-range outcome than rejecting BK and getting an unimpeachably squeaky-clean Republitard judge installed in his place.
They have the votes. Unless somebody changes his/her mind before tomorrow, Kav will be the next SCOTUS judge. I'm feeling sick.
Manchin says he'll vote yes.

Manchin would have only voted no if it stopped Kavanaugh.

That's a possible explanation. However, Manchin would have voted no on this, if Collins were willing to, because he would not want to face Democrats as the person who installed Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. So it really is Collins who is driving this, and she clearly is leaning to confirm Kavanaugh. I see very little chance that she will block him. When a delegation of Maine women showed up in her office yesterday to confront her on this, she was nowhere to be found. The women had to present their case to staffers. That in itself was a clear signal. Murkowski had met with her constituents in person.
Quick, somebody photoshop him sucking off Mike Pence and send it to the senate.
Manchin says he'll vote yes.

Manchin would have only voted no if it stopped Kavanaugh.

That's a possible explanation. However, Manchin would have voted no on this, if Collins were willing to, because he would not want to face Democrats as the person who installed Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. So it really is Collins who is driving this, and she clearly is leaning to confirm Kavanaugh. I see very little chance that she will block him. When a delegation of Maine women showed up in her office yesterday to confront her on this, she was nowhere to be found. The women had to present their case to staffers. That in itself was a clear signal. Murkowski had met with her constituents in person.

I read somewhere that she would've faced a primary threat had she not voted for BK.
That's a possible explanation. However, Manchin would have voted no on this, if Collins were willing to, because he would not want to face Democrats as the person who installed Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. So it really is Collins who is driving this, and she clearly is leaning to confirm Kavanaugh. I see very little chance that she will block him. When a delegation of Maine women showed up in her office yesterday to confront her on this, she was nowhere to be found. The women had to present their case to staffers. That in itself was a clear signal. Murkowski had met with her constituents in person.

I read somewhere that she would've faced a primary threat had she not voted for BK.

Or maybe she's voting for Kavanaugh for the reasons she stated.


Well, golly.

Friend of Dr. Ford Felt Pressure to Revisit Statement

A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter.

Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.

The statement to the FBI offers a glimpse into how Dr. Ford’s allies were working behind the scenes to lobby old classmates to bolster their versions of the alleged incident, as were Judge Kavanaugh’s.
Michael Avenatti said:
@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible.

@SenatorCollins does not have the judgment to be a US Senator. She never met my client, never had her interviewed, never met the 6 witnesses supporting her declaration or had them interviewed, and never cross examined my client. And yet she made a credibility determination. How?

Michael Avenatti said:
@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible.

@SenatorCollins does not have the judgment to be a US Senator. She never met my client, never had her interviewed, never met the 6 witnesses supporting her declaration or had them interviewed, and never cross examined my client. And yet she made a credibility determination. How?



Now everyone's invited for a kegger at Brett's house. Party!
You'll have to duck the spewing puke and flapping penis.
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