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Should I be Worried?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Just saw a post on Facebook - dude says he and 100 million of his friends are a "well regulated militia" including some of his friends who have tanks and planes. Yes, war planes. Says they're ready to mobilize against any threat to their second amendment rights.
Didn't know whether to put this in political discussions or freethought humor. Figured I'd err on the side of caution, since I don't know the extent of their operations, targeting capabilities etc.
I have to assume that in addition to war planes, they have heavily fortified airfields with plenty of AA ready to take out F-16s and B-2s. I'm afraid that they got voter information from Uncle Vlad and are going to use precision ordnance to target the homes of lib'ruls, or conduct a hundred million home invasions against same. In the interest of maintaining a free country of course.
Should I be worried?
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

That response doesn't lead to unnecessary panic, though, so I'd suggest going to the local gun dealer and have the owner put you in touch with someone who can get you a tactical nuclear warhead in order to defend yourself.
Good thing they are "well regulated", i.e. following all the laws and regulations to the tee and cooperating with regulatory authorities.
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

That response doesn't lead to unnecessary panic, though, so I'd suggest going to the local gun dealer and have the owner put you in touch with someone who can get you a tactical nuclear warhead in order to defend yourself.

That's what i was thinking - a small tactical nuke rigged up to my doorbell would be an effective deterrent.
Seriously though - at what point should we be reporting such posters, and to whom? Overt threats against the US Government are not taken so lightly in some circles.
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

Given that Trump is literally Hitler it seems like that should be worrisome.

Democrats messaging in 2020 should probably be something like: Trump is literally Hitler, but also let's give him all our guns.
Just saw a post on Facebook - dude says he and 100 million of his friends are a "well regulated militia" including some of his friends who have tanks and planes. Yes, war planes.

If they are equipping their tanks and planes with the explosives and automatic weaponry these vehicles had when they were used by the military, then they are already criminals. Well regulated, indeed.
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

Given that Trump is literally Hitler it seems like that should be worrisome.

Democrats messaging in 2020 should probably be something like: Trump is literally Hitler, but also let's give him all our guns.

It really doesn't matter what guns civilians do or don't have. If you want to depose a tyrant who has taken over the US government, the only thing that matters is the military. If they support the tyrant, the people are fucked. If they support the people, the tyrant is fucked.

Whether or not the civilian population are armed is completely irrelevant to the outcome.
Just saw a post on Facebook - dude says he and 100 million of his friends are a "well regulated militia" including some of his friends who have tanks and planes. Yes, war planes.

If they are equipping their tanks and planes with the explosives and automatic weaponry these vehicles had when they were used by the military, then they are already criminals. Well regulated, indeed.

Considering that their "enemy" is likely armed with pellet guns and slingshots, just running them over with their column of tanks should be sufficient. Especially with their air support...
Good thing they are "well regulated", i.e. following all the laws and regulations to the tee and cooperating with regulatory authorities.

Maybe he meant they had a supply of Dulcolax?

Just saw a post on Facebook - dude says he and 100 million of his friends are a "well regulated militia" including some of his friends who have tanks and planes. Yes, war planes.

If they are equipping their tanks and planes with the explosives and automatic weaponry these vehicles had when they were used by the military, then they are already criminals. Well regulated, indeed.

The tanks and planes do not usually sit around loaded up unless they are in a combat zone. We keep tabs on that stuff, barcodes, accounting software and the like. I mean, don't get me wrong, we may misplace a box of grenades from time to time but never any of the big stuff.

Okay, so there was that tank some guy in San Diego stole (got it stuck on a concrete divider on SR163) but that was a one-off. Pretty sure they killed him. Kind of hard to drop your weapon when you're in it.
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

Given that Trump is literally Hitler it seems like that should be worrisome.

Democrats messaging in 2020 should probably be something like: Trump is literally Hitler, but also let's give him all our guns.

Dude, it's like you're in Nancy Pelosi's staff meetings.
No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

Given that Trump is literally Hitler it seems like that should be worrisome.

Democrats messaging in 2020 should probably be something like: Trump is literally Hitler, but also let's give him all our guns.

Dude, it's like you're in Nancy Pelosi's staff meetings.

I know, right? Gotta say that dismal's posts are more entertaining than those of most folks with whom I more often agree.
I know, right? Gotta say that dismal's posts are more entertaining than those of most folks with whom I more often agree.

Look, the one thing that we can be sure of is that the Democrats will find a way to fuck this up and lose. We can take that conclusion as a given and the only real question is what stupid and obvious mistakes they'll make in order to bring that about.
Should I be worried?
Don't worry. PANIK! A well regulated militia is an awesome force. Just look at what you will have to deal with.


But don't despair. Emigrate to Australia. The only things we know how to regulate - and I must say we do that really, really well - are drinking sessions, smoking sessions and complaining about the weather. Oh we are also quite good at spending day after day on beaches.

No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.
If you were speaking those words in the 60's, I would be inclined to agree. However, those days are gone. Much has improved since then in way of technological improvements which could drive one's reasoning and justification that superior military might makes for a significant advantage--and it does.

But, the people of today are not like the people of yesteryear. Sure, more education, more training, more expertise, but that's like pitting Picard up against Kirk. There's much good to say and respect about today's military, but they are not the same.
I'm sure they do have tanks and war planes. Both are perfectly legal for civilian ownership.

What's restricted are the weapons.

There are even some tank guns in civilian hands. They don't have explosive shells for them, though--and the stuff in civilian hands is far too weak to punch through a modern tank and without an explosive warhead they aren't really of much use at killing anything else. (They don't have the accuracy to actually hit the sort of targets that can be killed by what amounts to a big rifle and unless they hit heavy armor it just goes through generally with little damage.)
Should I be worried?
Don't worry. PANIK! A well regulated militia is an awesome force. Just look at what you will have to deal with.

View attachment 14744

But don't despair. Emigrate to Australia. The only things we know how to regulate - and I must say we do that really, really well - are drinking sessions, smoking sessions and complaining about the weather. Oh we are also quite good at spending day after day on beaches.

View attachment 14745

The Australian system of liberty works really well. It took me a while to work it out, when I first arrived from the UK some 24 years ago, because it's highly counterintuitive to a person brought up in a system like that of the UK or US, where freedom forms the theoretical foundation of law. In such a system, the idea (often poorly executed) is that everything is permitted unless there's a really good reason to prohibit it; And nothing is mandatory unless it is vital that everybody does it. So the expectation, constantly reinforced by society, is that when there is a rule, people will obey it.

Australia (and certainly my home state of Queensland) was founded as a jail. So the fundamental theory of law is that everything that is not mandatory should be prohibited. In any other nation, that would describe tyranny; But in Australia, we have a secret solution, unwritten and generally unspoken, that resolves this situation into one of greater personal freedom (and greater personal responsibility to society) than is found in other, theoretically more liberal, nations.

The secret is, if a rule, regulation, or law is stupid, we ignore it. Generally, this disregard for the rules applies across the board - there are loads of things that are illegal (particularly in Queensland) that people habitually do every single day, and that the police simply ignore. A healthy disrespect for the law on the mere basis that 'It's the LAW', is baked into Aussie culture. The question is not 'Is this legal', it is 'is this fair'. Society demands that everyone gets 'a fair go'; and by and large they do. There are failures and injustices, of course; But they are no more common than the failures of other systems that (on paper) are so much freer.

People here generally don't bang on about exercising their rights, because they have none. But as that is usually code for "I am going to be an arsehole, but the law can't stop me so fuck you", it's not a big loss. A person arrested in Queensland doesn't have the right to remain silent; Doesn't have the right to a lawyer; and doesn't have the right to a phone call. But unless they have seriously pissed off the desk sergeant at the watch-house*, most likely they will get those things. And a cup of tea.

Under Queensland law, an arrested person MUST provide their full name and address when asked. Other than to provide those details, you do have the right to silence, but police are not obliged to inform you of this. An arrested person has the right only to be told what offence they are charged with (if they have been charged); And to know the name, rank and station of the officer who arrested them.

In the past three decades, many of the more draconian laws here have been repealed - you can no longer be arrested for walking more than three abreast on a footpath, for example. But at the end of the day, it's not as important as it sounds to repeal the restrictive laws that remain, because most of the time, most of the public and police simply disregard them. The overarching principle is simply 'don't be a cunt'.

*A really effective way to do this is to loudly and persistently claim that you know your rights and are entitled to these things. A lot of people here watch far too much American TV for their own good.
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No, you shouldn't be worried at all. The ability of a civilian militia to do anything other than slightly annoy the US army is zero.

That response doesn't lead to unnecessary panic, though, so I'd suggest going to the local gun dealer and have the owner put you in touch with someone who can get you a tactical nuclear warhead in order to defend yourself.

That's what i was thinking - a small tactical nuke rigged up to my doorbell would be an effective deterrent.
Seriously though - at what point should we be reporting such posters, and to whom? Overt threats against the US Government are not taken so lightly in some circles.

You know, I'm starting to feel a bit insecure about my arsenal of bazookas and grenade launchers. :feeling_inadequate:
Just saw a post on Facebook - dude says he and 100 million of his friends are a "well regulated militia" including some of his friends who have tanks and planes. Yes, war planes. Says they're ready to mobilize against any threat to their second amendment rights.
Didn't know whether to put this in political discussions or freethought humor. Figured I'd err on the side of caution, since I don't know the extent of their operations, targeting capabilities etc.
I have to assume that in addition to war planes, they have heavily fortified airfields with plenty of AA ready to take out F-16s and B-2s. I'm afraid that they got voter information from Uncle Vlad and are going to use precision ordnance to target the homes of lib'ruls, or conduct a hundred million home invasions against same. In the interest of maintaining a free country of course.
Should I be worried?

You should be more worried about your general intelligence then a perceived threat from someone on social media. Your argument is older and more tired then the bloviating of some random person on Facebook.
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