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SOTU - Showdown at the House

So is anyone tuning in? Or boycotting. I think I might have the sound off and watch Ms. Pelosi roll her eyes and make faces behind the orange wonder. :rolleyesa:
So is anyone tuning in? Or boycotting. I think I might have the sound off and watch Ms. Pelosi roll her eyes and make faces behind the orange wonder. :rolleyesa:

...just gonna watch the satellite feed for the irony meter explosions...
I plan to miss the tirade and add one to the viewership of the Dem response.
If/when Stacey gets higher ratings than Shitgibbon, that's going to piss him off no end.
I'll not be watching. You know how Bonespurs loves ratings. I say make it have the lowest viewership in recent times.

I heard MSNBC will not be showing it. Don't know if that's true or not and seems unlikely, especially with their countdown time to "special coverage" in the lower right corner of the screen.
I almost never watch the SOTU but after Trump caved in to Pelosi on the wall I think this could be very consequential. I'll watch as much as I can bear.
this could be very consequential.
THIS won't be consequential, not as much as how he reacts to the reviews he sees during the rest of the night.

He's gonna try to be presidential in front of the big room, but if the conservative talking heads poo-poo his manhood, he's gonna whip it out in tomorrow's tweets to reclaim his self-image.
I almost never watch the SOTU but after Trump caved in to Pelosi on the wall I think this could be very consequential.
He didn't cave, he is getting his wall... believe me! It'll be yuge! And we have to have a wall! All of those furloughed workers would have sacrificed for nothing.

Nothing is consequential to this man. He could resign and he'd still say he was the greatest leader America ever had. This guy walked out to talk to reporters about the wall and getting it, regarding a bill that was to be passed that had no wall funding in it whatsoever.
I'll watch as much as I can bear.
I'm having troubles bearing this thread.
He didn't cave, he is getting his wall... believe me!
Of course I believe you, he's already building it! Many parts have been builded, he's not waiting for Congress. He tweeted this out.

Didn't mention where they got the funding, or why, if he's already started, he needs additional funding, but sure, he's started. It's probably almost finished, it's been two days.
He didn't cave, he is getting his wall... believe me!
Of course I believe you, he's already building it! Many parts have been builded, he's not waiting for Congress. He tweeted this out.

Didn't mention where they got the funding, or why, if he's already started, he needs additional funding, but sure, he's started. It's probably almost finished, it's been two days.

Actually, it's already finished. The big finale of the SOTU will be Trump pointing at some big TV screens in the Congress showing the border and he waves his hand and an entire completed wall appears. Then Mike Pence stands up and rips off his mask to reveal that it's been Chris Angel in the VP office all along.
I read that the Republican online feed will run the names of donors on the screen during the speech. Gotta get those dollars.

It was said last year's speech was eighty minutes. Not sure I can last a tenth of that.
I saw about 10-15 seconds. He sounded quite Presidential, actually. Wrong but not nearly so incoherent or deranged as usual. Just more eloquently as he says things that are fundamentally wrong. He is definitely having some troubles with slight slurring of words. There surely is something physically wrong with him--not snarking here.
I couldn't watch it. Dude just bums me out. So, he acted presidential? Well, congratufuckinglations Mr. President. I also approve. Jesus what a low bar. Think what a feather in your cap not shutting down the government a second time might be.
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