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SOTU - Showdown at the House


Meh. Does that mean he persuaded any number of people by his speech, or did most liberals, moderates, apoliticals, and anyone else who just expected him to lie for an hour and a half not bother to tune in?

The question has never been if he could speech.

The question is if he can follow through on those finely detailed plans he offered in that speech. The ones for renewing infrastructure, resolving immigration, improving borders, and rebuilding our profile with the allies he's pissed on for the last two...
I couldn't watch it. Dude just bums me out. So, he acted presidential? Well, congratufuckinglations Mr. President. I also approve. Jesus what a low bar. Think what a feather in your cap not shutting down the government a second time might be.

Ya, it is weird that the bar for praise of Trump is "He managed to finish a speech".
I didn't watch, but apparently he said things that sounded good.


He didn't fall down and piss his pants, so that's good.

He didn't explicitly call for oligarchy and extermination of Mexicans. Well done.

He didn't yell "fuck" or grab any ass on the way to or from the podium. Another plus.

I give him until Friday morning at the latest to start rage-tweeting things that are wholly contradictory to the contents of the speech. I was going to give him until the end of today, but I wanted to give myself a little wiggle room.

ETA: he did say that investigating him was hurting 'Murica, and that that shit needs to stop. So he can jump on a giant dildo from 50 feet in the air for that one.
Sanctimoniously blaming the Dems for encouraging young girls to be smuggled over the border as prostitutes and saying not building a wall is cruelty when he's single handedly done more to encourage prostitution and kidnapped the children of immigrants without the smallest amount of concern for their ever seeing each other again. And his current chief of staff Mick Mulvaney once called Trump a ‘terrible human being.’ Others close to the president have said much worse. But according to his press secretary he's been sent by God. Looks like he hit a home run last night because he managed to not soil himself in public.
Both Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris seemed to be, at least once each, trying to suppress laughter at some of the ridiculousness which spewed from his mouth.

More lies, nothing surprising there, especially when he mischaracterized my state's (NY) latest reproductive health legislation.

Some pointed out the parallel between this speech and one Nixon gave where each man criticized investigations against them. Also ironic was the call to end obstruction of the confirmation of his appointees. *cough*Merrick Garland*cough*

Towards the end, my wife was asking, "What is the point of this part of the speech? I mean, it's a nice story about these (WWII) vets, but what does it have to do with the SOTU?" It was like he was just trying to have a feel-good moment or two in his speech; something that perhaps the Democrats could not object to. It was just an odd speech, one which could have also been much shorter, as it was typically (for Trump) light on substance.
Why listen to Mr. Trump's speech? His history of contradicting himself or backtracking should be sufficient to make any sane person ignore what he says and concentrate on what he does.
Someone just pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was wearing a blue necklace with two orange balls on it.
Someone just pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was wearing a blue necklace with two orange balls on it.
I liked the description I read: Two reddish/orange balls restrained by a blue chain.

Nothing symbolic about that. Nope. Nosiree. Nothing to see here. ;)

And it's already been memed.

Bernie Sanders' response. Nobody's going to accuse him of small hands.

Someone just pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was wearing a blue necklace with two orange balls on it.
I liked the description I read: Two reddish/orange balls restrained by a blue chain.

Nothing symbolic about that. Nope. Nosiree. Nothing to see here. ;)

I just spit my tea all over the screen! :hysterical:
Someone just pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was wearing a blue necklace with two orange balls on it.
I liked the description I read: Two reddish/orange balls restrained by a blue chain.

Nothing symbolic about that. Nope. Nosiree. Nothing to see here. ;)

Whats a classic :hysterical: ... that necklace should be auctioned off; it might bring in enough to build The Wall.
I boycotted the lying shitgibbon's public masturbation, but later I did enormously enjoy photos & video of Nancy Pelosi's sarcastic clapping:

Pelosi Sarcastic Clap.jpg

Hi, everyone! Remember the guy who was convinced that Obama was a Kenyan Muslim? Remember when he said he had proof and would show it to the world? Apparently he believes investigations into a President are not fair.

Now, some people might call Donald Trump a lying hypocritical cunt. That's not fair. Everyone should call Donald Trump a lying hypocritical cunt.
Someone just pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was wearing a blue necklace with two orange balls on it.
I liked the description I read: Two reddish/orange balls restrained by a blue chain.

Nothing symbolic about that. Nope. Nosiree. Nothing to see here. ;)
It's not Queen Elizabeth's Brooch Fu, but it is pretty good...
Hi, everyone! Remember the guy who was convinced that Obama was a Kenyan Muslim? Remember when he said he had proof and would show it to the world? Apparently he believes investigations into a President are not fair.

Now, some people might call Donald Trump a lying hypocritical cunt. That's not fair. Everyone should call Donald Trump a lying hypocritical cunt.
Because that was before his Presidency, can we try him in court for daring to investigate the acting President? ;)
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