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South Dakota governer executed her puppy because she didn't like it

Its probably not as easy to pass this dog off onto someone else as you might imagine. It makes little sense for someone to adopt a dog with a history of bad, aggressive behavior, and then pay to have a skilled dog trainer to (if you're lucky), make him behave, when you can just get a brand new puppy and train him right from the get-go with your family. Its really a long shot that Cricket's adoption would ever work out, especially in a low density population like South Dakota. This whole event also touches on our inconsistent and hypocritical treatment of animals. Dogs are generally cute, fun and smart, so we get upset if we have to put them down, for any reason. But so are pigs, but because we happen to like the taste of their meat, its off to the slaughterhouse. We could all put in the effort to become vegetarians and spare their lives, but we don't. Because...yummy. And it doesn't make headlines around the world.

With regard to your second part, I largely agree about the sexism angle. Sarah Palin bragged about hunting animals from a helicopter, and her soccer mom versus pitbull joke. And Hillary Clinton seemed a little unnecessarily on the blood thirsty side at times. I suspect a lot of that rhetoric was them trying to act tough, thinking it gets them respect. As president, you do have to be tough and often make decisions regarding the risking and taking of human lives, but shooting animals doesn't really relate much to that, IMHO.
Rescues very often cross state boundaries. And if she is a decent politician then certainly she knows or knows of some non-farm/non-ranch families who might be interested in a nice pet. Or her vet would.
Its probably not as easy to pass this dog off onto someone else as you might imagine. It makes little sense for someone to adopt a dog with a history of bad, aggressive behavior, and then pay to have a skilled dog trainer to (if you're lucky), make him behave, when you can just get a brand new puppy and train him right from the get-go with your family. Its really a long shot that Cricket's adoption would ever work out, especially in a low density population like South Dakota. This whole event also touches on our inconsistent and hypocritical treatment of animals. Dogs are generally cute, fun and smart, so we get upset if we have to put them down, for any reason. But so are pigs, but because we happen to like the taste of their meat, its off to the slaughterhouse. We could all put in the effort to become vegetarians and spare their lives, but we don't. Because...yummy. And it doesn't make headlines around the world.
I like how you immediately decided that Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog when, in fact, it was a poorly trained puppy. The puppy did was it was supposed to do - hunt birds - embarrassed her in front of her neighbors and then nipped at her. The fact is that the governor did not bother to find the dog another home. She took it home, shot it and then decided as long as there were animals to be killed, went and got a goat and then killed it for acting a like a goat.

While it is true, we will never know whether another owner would have been able to rescue Cricket, this woman did not even bother to try because she was embarrassed and angry at the dog.

What the heck? How did you get me "immediately deciding Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog" out of anything I wrote there at all? I was merely responding (in a polite fashion) to Toni's comment regarding passing Cricket off to someone else to turn him from a working dog to a pet? You need to chillax dude, and maybe reread what I actually wrote.
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Its probably not as easy to pass this dog off onto someone else as you might imagine. It makes little sense for someone to adopt a dog with a history of bad, aggressive behavior, and then pay to have a skilled dog trainer to (if you're lucky), make him behave, when you can just get a brand new puppy and train him right from the get-go with your family. Its really a long shot that Cricket's adoption would ever work out, especially in a low density population like South Dakota. This whole event also touches on our inconsistent and hypocritical treatment of animals. Dogs are generally cute, fun and smart, so we get upset if we have to put them down, for any reason. But so are pigs, but because we happen to like the taste of their meat, its off to the slaughterhouse. We could all put in the effort to become vegetarians and spare their lives, but we don't. Because...yummy. And it doesn't make headlines around the world.
I like how you immediately decided that Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog when, in fact, it was a poorly trained puppy. The puppy did was it was supposed to do - hunt birds - embarrassed her in front of her neighbors and then nipped at her. The fact is that the governor did not bother to find the dog another home. She took it home, shot it and then decided as long as there were animals to be killed, went and got a goat and then killed it for acting a like a goat.

While it is true, we will never know whether another owner would have been able to rescue Cricket, this woman did not even bother to try because she was embarrassed and angry at the dog.

What the heck? How did you get me "immediately deciding Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog" out of anything I wrote there at all? I was merely responding (in a polite fashion) to Toni's comment regarding passing Cricket off to someone else to turn him from a working dog to a pet? You need to chillax dude, and maybe reread what I actually wrote.
My reading comprehension is fine. Read your 2nd sentence. I’ve read all your contributions to this thread . I stand by my observation of those posts.

I particularly enjoyed your dumb comparison of executing a poorly trained dog in anger to the killing of animals for food.
Its probably not as easy to pass this dog off onto someone else as you might imagine. It makes little sense for someone to adopt a dog with a history of bad, aggressive behavior, and then pay to have a skilled dog trainer to (if you're lucky), make him behave, when you can just get a brand new puppy and train him right from the get-go with your family. Its really a long shot that Cricket's adoption would ever work out, especially in a low density population like South Dakota. This whole event also touches on our inconsistent and hypocritical treatment of animals. Dogs are generally cute, fun and smart, so we get upset if we have to put them down, for any reason. But so are pigs, but because we happen to like the taste of their meat, its off to the slaughterhouse. We could all put in the effort to become vegetarians and spare their lives, but we don't. Because...yummy. And it doesn't make headlines around the world.
I like how you immediately decided that Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog when, in fact, it was a poorly trained puppy. The puppy did was it was supposed to do - hunt birds - embarrassed her in front of her neighbors and then nipped at her. The fact is that the governor did not bother to find the dog another home. She took it home, shot it and then decided as long as there were animals to be killed, went and got a goat and then killed it for acting a like a goat.

While it is true, we will never know whether another owner would have been able to rescue Cricket, this woman did not even bother to try because she was embarrassed and angry at the dog.

What the heck? How did you get me "immediately deciding Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog" out of anything I wrote there at all? I was merely responding (in a polite fashion) to Toni's comment regarding passing Cricket off to someone else to turn him from a working dog to a pet? You need to chillax dude, and maybe reread what I actually wrote.
My reading comprehension is fine. Read your 2nd sentence. I’ve read all your contributions to this thread . I stand by my observation of those posts.

I particularly enjoyed your dumb comparison of executing a poorly trained dog in anger to the killing of animals for food.
Where I said he had a history of bad, aggressive behavior? That is just a true fact, that makes no claim as to how he ended up that way, nor is it even particularly relevant to my answer to Toni.
Its probably not as easy to pass this dog off onto someone else as you might imagine. It makes little sense for someone to adopt a dog with a history of bad, aggressive behavior, and then pay to have a skilled dog trainer to (if you're lucky), make him behave, when you can just get a brand new puppy and train him right from the get-go with your family. Its really a long shot that Cricket's adoption would ever work out, especially in a low density population like South Dakota. This whole event also touches on our inconsistent and hypocritical treatment of animals. Dogs are generally cute, fun and smart, so we get upset if we have to put them down, for any reason. But so are pigs, but because we happen to like the taste of their meat, its off to the slaughterhouse. We could all put in the effort to become vegetarians and spare their lives, but we don't. Because...yummy. And it doesn't make headlines around the world.
I like how you immediately decided that Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog when, in fact, it was a poorly trained puppy. The puppy did was it was supposed to do - hunt birds - embarrassed her in front of her neighbors and then nipped at her. The fact is that the governor did not bother to find the dog another home. She took it home, shot it and then decided as long as there were animals to be killed, went and got a goat and then killed it for acting a like a goat.

While it is true, we will never know whether another owner would have been able to rescue Cricket, this woman did not even bother to try because she was embarrassed and angry at the dog.

What the heck? How did you get me "immediately deciding Cricket was some sort of irredeemable monster dog" out of anything I wrote there at all? I was merely responding (in a polite fashion) to Toni's comment regarding passing Cricket off to someone else to turn him from a working dog to a pet? You need to chillax dude, and maybe reread what I actually wrote.
My reading comprehension is fine. Read your 2nd sentence. I’ve read all your contributions to this thread . I stand by my observation of those posts.

I particularly enjoyed your dumb comparison of executing a poorly trained dog in anger to the killing of animals for food.
Where I said he had a history of bad, aggressive behavior? That is just a true fact, that makes no claim as to how he ended up that way, nor is it even particularly relevant to my answer to Toni.
Wrong on all counts. Your doubling down simply reinforces the validity of my observations.
Even if this puppy Cricket were a rabid, man-eating beast, apparently he was well behaved enough to be taken to a gravel pit without mauling her before being shot. She never claimed she shot him in self-defense, right? So, ultimately it was her choice to personally shoot the dog rather than dispose of it some other way, including just giving it to someone else to put down. This was her personal choice. And apparently, she was so proud of her choice to shoot this dog that she put it in her book as an example of how good she is at making tough decisions.

There’s just a philosophy at work here that most of us cannot comprehend. Devoid of compassion. And she’s proud of it! She’s politically savvy enough to know that the MAGA base have the same philosophy and despite how horrific it is to the rest of us she’s opting to pander to that base.
She also faced down the NK dictator and met Macron. She's just another right wing idiot who is so full of herself she has trouble living in the real world.
She also faced down the NK dictator and met Macron. She's just another right wing idiot who is so full of herself she has trouble living in the real world.

What do you mean, faced down the NK dictator? Wasn't she afraid that would earn her the ire of Trump, for confronting his #2 bff?

Lots of people have met Macron.
She also faced down the NK dictator and met Macron. She's just another right wing idiot who is so full of herself she has trouble living in the real world.

What do you mean, faced down the NK dictator? Wasn't she afraid that would earn her the ire of Trump, for confronting his #2 bff?

Lots of people have met Macron.
Apparently Ms Noem is unremarkable because Mr Macron denies having met her.
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