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Special Counsel John Durham Exonerates Donald Trump of “Russiagate”

Republicans guided by common sense
I have seen zero evidence that any such animal still exists.
They're mostly in hiding on the national stage. In part because their common sense tells them that's their only shot at survival.

I'm really sorry that they are allowing their own personal interests in maintaining power and control outweigh their moral and ethical concerns.
But is it really common sense, or is it "pander to the least common denominator" and hope that let's them cling to power?

Here in Arizona, our losing candidate in the governor's race (Kari Lake) has been smacked down repeatedly by the courts...which are filled with Republican elected and appointed judges. At the moment they're teetering on the edge of saying "listen...you lost. Get over it. If you keep up with this we're going to sanction your attorneys."

Yet she keeps at it. Because somewhere along the line she and her backers decided that "common sense" wasn't the way to power and control. It was "the election was stolen from us and we won't concede...ever." That's where the money is. She gets to keep raising funds so long as she keeps fighting, and the funds are probably now being channeled into her Senate campaign for 2024. Well...that, and paying for her lavish lifestyle in the interim.

Common sense? If you applied a little bit, you might realize that while crazy wins the primary, it doesn't win the general. As the demographics of the country shifts towards younger and more diverse people, it will only get worse for them. Common sense would tell you "okay, we lost in 2020, we didn't win anywhere near as big as we thought in 2022, and maybe we should adjust our way of thinking to appeal to the new generation of voters."

They're not doing that. It's all "argle bargle we need to stop the woke, the BLM, and teh gays from our children. Boycott Target, Bud Light, and Disney! Everyone but us is a communist! Duck and cover!"

And while it might not give them power by winning elections, it raises a lot of money and helps them "keep fighting" (grifting) for as long as possible. Trump has raised hundreds of millions of dollars since he left office. Will he get back in? Unlikely, but - indictments and judgements notwithstanding - he's walking away with hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions of adoring followers.

If you can garner all that money and power while still losing elections, have you really lost?
Yes, Trumpers are getting most of the press and attention.
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.
Manchurian Candidate perhaps?
It’s been widely speculated that a number of politicians are bought and paid for by Putin, among others. Trump is hardly the only one.
In fact, much of the crazy right wing has embraced Putin so soundly that there must be money involved. And a lot of it.
As usual its got nothing to do with race, color, or even ideology. And it is fair to say that both Russia and China have influenced and bribed our political system with money, no argument. But since Russia's economy is about the size of Italy and China has an economy which is equal or larger than the US.... who do you think really has the power and access to bribe politicians? Who has the power to bribe the NBA? Especially taking into consideration China has expanded its influence into Africa while Russia can't even maintain its pre WW-2 territory? Just using plain common sense tells you China is the larger threat by order of magnitude. So the Republicans are guided by common sense but the Democrats are more guided by their post educations. But the Phd's really aren't relevant because no one is trained how to beat corruption brought on by the money.

So that is why the Republicans guided by common sense think China is the bigger threat. And they are right.

I've been meaning to ask; do you get dizzy with all the pivots you make? Does this mean you are willing to concede that Jan6 was an insurrection and the people involved that day were solely motivated by Trump's lies?
In fact, much of the crazy right wing has embraced Putin so soundly that there must be money involved. And a lot of it.
I am often shocked, when corruption of politicians is unveiled, at how cheaply so many of them sell themselves.

So it might not be as much as you'd expect.

Of course, prior to the sanctions, Russia was pretty flush with cash from their gas sales.
Court transcriptions are freely available to everyone. All you have to do to prove me wrong is to link just one such instance where this happened. Go ahead, I'll wait. Just keep in mind not even the Qanon Shaman, whom you incorrectly think is innocent ever mentioned FBI investigations as a motive during his trial.

Back to my original question, list the "lies" that you believe have been said about Trump.
Freely? My memory is that PACER is only free for light enough use--you can look something up but searching through all their cases is way past the free limit.
Easily I guess is more appropriate. I'm also certain just about every Jan6 trial was reported by one media outlet or another. If what RVonse is saying is true, there would be some indication of that. People like Tucker Carlson would be putting them on a pedestal saying, "Look what Joey Blogs said at his trial. He's a true patriot, he knows the corruption the Deep State had done! Listen to his own words in court!". Instead they were all permutations of "I fell for Donald Trump's lies".
This I will agree with. If good evidence exists why has it not been produced? The more bad evidence you see for a position the more likely there is no good evidence for it.

RVonse - these bring up good questions - what is your thought on this?

*IF* anger about FBI actions is the reason for the insurrection,
THEN why is this not obvious in the defense of the insurrection trials?

If this is their reason, and they are in a position to make it clear with evidence in their own defense, why are they not using that defense?
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.
Manchurian Candidate perhaps?
It’s been widely speculated that a number of politicians are bought and paid for by Putin, among others. Trump is hardly the only one.
In fact, much of the crazy right wing has embraced Putin so soundly that there must be money involved. And a lot of it.
I don't think His Flatulence is under Moscow's thumb--he's too stupid for Putin to dare approach. To learn that somebody very close to him is under Moscow's thumb, though, would be no surprise. No idea beyond that, though--how much of it is actually Moscow control vs simply liking the authoritarian approach?

I also think Moscow is more skilled than that--trying to exercise control could backfire spectacularly if someone had a recorder and a conscience attack. Rather, I think Moscow will manipulate from behind the scenes. We used to see this a lot with the left--they didn't agree with Moscow but an awful lot of leftist positions didn't make sense in terms of what they claimed to be for--but almost always matched what would benefit Russia.
In fact, much of the crazy right wing has embraced Putin so soundly that there must be money involved. And a lot of it.
I am often shocked, when corruption of politicians is unveiled, at how cheaply so many of them sell themselves.

So it might not be as much as you'd expect.

Of course, prior to the sanctions, Russia was pretty flush with cash from their gas sales.
Virtually everyone who gets elected to major office already sold their soul to get there. That they continue to do so after winning is no surprise.
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.
Manchurian Candidate perhaps?
It’s been widely speculated that a number of politicians are bought and paid for by Putin, among others. Trump is hardly the only one.
In fact, much of the crazy right wing has embraced Putin so soundly that there must be money involved. And a lot of it.
I don't think His Flatulence is under Moscow's thumb--he's too stupid for Putin to dare approach. To learn that somebody very close to him is under Moscow's thumb, though, would be no surprise. No idea beyond that, though--how much of it is actually Moscow control vs simply liking the authoritarian approach?

I also think Moscow is more skilled than that--trying to exercise control could backfire spectacularly if someone had a recorder and a conscience attack. Rather, I think Moscow will manipulate from behind the scenes. We used to see this a lot with the left--they didn't agree with Moscow but an awful lot of leftist positions didn't make sense in terms of what they claimed to be for--but almost always matched what would benefit Russia.
I think he's so stupid he gives away info he should not whenever he's among 'friends.' He's a useful idiot.
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Yea, we should be more like right wingers and never drop bombs or invade other countries!!!
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Yea, we should be more like right wingers and never drop bombs or invade other countries!!!
I never said right wingers don't do that. Not sure how you got that from my post. You have a vivid imagination. My cred as anti-war in general is very well established in this forum, to the point where even you might have noticed it. Most have, maybe not you.

I support the "wing" that is anti-war. I know, you think "since he's not a progressive Democrat he must a a hard-right Republican", but that's a fallacy.
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Yea, we should be more like right wingers and never drop bombs or invade other countries!!!
I never said right wingers don't do that. Not sure how you got that from my post. You have a vivid imagination. My cred as anti-war in general is very well established in this forum, to the point where even you might have noticed it. Most have, maybe not you.

I support the "wing" that is anti-war. I know, you think "since he's not a progressive Democrat he must a a hard-right Republican", but that's a fallacy.
I can't thing of a time when you've condemned the right for all the wars and military action that they have started. But you and Tulsi are very similar in one aspect: you claim to be anti war. Fine. Great deal! I'm anti-war also. I think that all nations should come together to discourage war. It's need to stop. But there are other issues out there I care about also! I attended a democratic debate in our state during the clinton election. Tulsi was one of the speakers. She spoke for a few minutes about her anti-war stance. She hammered Clinton. Fine. There were no boos or catcalls. But then the debaters were asked about economic issues. Rather than answer, she dived into her odd anti-war views. Fine. Then a question on abortion rights. Tulsi: "yea but clinton is a war-mongerer". Then a question regarding the environment. Tulsi: "Clinton and Obama are war monsters". You get the idea. By the end of the debate, the crowd turned against her. Then after, she was quoted in the local newspaper stating that the crowd was "pro-war"! Bullshit! Just because someone doesn't constantly drone on about the evils of war doesn't make a person pro-war!
"Durham’s long awaited Justice Department report concludes that the FBI investigation was politically motivated and that the FBI should never have investigated Trump...In other words the FBI’s creation of a false narrative in order to severely influence an election is “devastating to the FBI,” but there is no accountability for the FBI criminals....
Russiagate was an organized plot to destroy the President of the United States who was disapproved by the ruling establishment.

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper, who I regard as among the most corrupt of the presstitutes, said that Durham’s report was “devastating to the FBI” and “does exonerate Donald Trump.” Well, has Tapper apologized for hyping the fake narrative?

No real American believes one word about the failed impeachment charges, the false narrative “insurrection” charges, the Documentgate charges,” the false narrative NY prosecution charges, or the false rape charge
." excerpts from: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/20...durham-exonerates-donald-trump-of-russiagate/

So there are a lot of Trump haters out there and I get that. At this point I would not favor him being a leading candidate myself.

But what I still don't get is how even the most serious Trump hater can see this stuff and still believe our government is clean? Because when it comes to freedom and democracy, the means can not justify the ends. Simply because if the DOJ is profoundly this corrupt, rule of law no longer matters and it is only a matter of time that your own ox will be getting gored.

And while we are talking about our obvious and profound loss of democracy...how does January 6th get to be worse than our own government conspiring to remove a duly elected president? Could it even be possible that the aforementioned was a significant cause for the latter?
When I read a quote from an article like the one RVonse quoted, and it's from a source unknown to me, I like to check it out.

This source also published articles titled:

"Do White Ethnicities Have a Future?"


"Biden’s Chief Accomplishment Is the Normalization of Sexual Perversion"


"US Navy Enlists Drag Queen For ‘Digital Ambassador’ Role To Attract More Recruits"


"Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Says the Covid Vax is Part of a Supranational Operation Intended to Intentionally Kill and Injure"

and so on (there are several way more off the rails than these)

You get the idea. Therefore I have a pretty good idea of the intentions of the "journalist" in question. It doesn't necessarily mean it's not true, but it really damages the credibility of the assertion. I can't help but think that the chance of this being a politically motivated hit piece is extremely high and there is a good probability that the opposite is true.
I can't thing of a time when you've condemned the right for all the wars and military action that they have started.

Wow. It is almost as if I wasn't condemning the war on terror (tm) back when Bush was in office.

But you and Tulsi are very similar in one aspect: you claim to be anti war. Fine. Great deal! I'm anti-war also.

Even when a Democrat is in office? I was so disappointed when the anti-war left disappeared completely off the face of the Earth in January 2009. It is almost as if something significant happened in January 2009. Can you think of anything significant that happened in January 2009? I saw people who agreed with me suddenly disagree with me, even though my position hadn't changed. It was strange. Something important must have happened in January 2009.

Can you name any significant events in January 2009?
I can't thing of a time when you've condemned the right for all the wars and military action that they have started.

Wow. It is almost as if I wasn't condemning the war on terror (tm) back when Bush was in office.

But you and Tulsi are very similar in one aspect: you claim to be anti war. Fine. Great deal! I'm anti-war also.

Even when a Democrat is in office? I was so disappointed when the anti-war left disappeared completely off the face of the Earth in January 2009. It is almost as if something significant happened in January 2009. Can you think of anything significant that happened in January 2009? I saw people who agreed with me suddenly disagree with me, even though my position hadn't changed. It was strange. Something important must have happened in January 2009.

Can you name any significant events in January 2009?
I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Gabbard may claim to be anti-war but she served in the US in the Army National guard and in 2020 left the guard to join the US Army Reserve in a unit based in CA, with the rank of Lt. Col. and has served 2 tours in the mid-East.

She has strong ties to Hindu Nationalists and the Hinduvta Party which seeks to establish a Hindu state making Christians and Muslims second class citizens.
Gabbard may claim to be anti-war but she served in the US in the Army National guard and in 2020 left the guard to join the US Army Reserve in a unit based in CA, with the rank of Lt. Col. and has served 2 tours in the mid-East.

She has strong ties to Hindu Nationalists and the Hinduvta Party which seeks to establish a Hindu state making Christians and Muslims second class citizens.
Yeah, but she criticises Democrats therefore she must be okay. You can be a white supremacist pedophile and all you need to do for libertarians to love you is say, "I'm against getting involved in Ukraine".
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Gabbard may claim to be anti-war but she served in the US in the Army National guard and in 2020 left the guard to join the US Army Reserve in a unit based in CA, with the rank of Lt. Col. and has served 2 tours in the mid-East.

She has strong ties to Hindu Nationalists and the Hinduvta Party which seeks to establish a Hindu state making Christians and Muslims second class citizens.
Agreed. She's an imperialist war monger with a weakness for dictators. She supports Russia and is angy that Ukraine dare to defend itself:

Gabbard: "There’s no greater threat to that democracy than this fight against this war against Russia.”
Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...
She opposed the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party. That is an unforgivable sin. She cannot be a "liberal" or a "Democrat" after doing that.

Now she is (as she always was) anti-war, another unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that the party that claims to advocate for the poor and oppressed loves dropping bombs on poor and oppressed people in other countries.
Gabbard may claim to be anti-war but she served in the US in the Army National guard and in 2020 left the guard to join the US Army Reserve in a unit based in CA, with the rank of Lt. Col. and has served 2 tours in the mid-East.

She has strong ties to Hindu Nationalists and the Hinduvta Party which seeks to establish a Hindu state making Christians and Muslims second class citizens.
Agreed. She's an imperialist war monger with a weakness for dictators. She supports Russia and is angy that Ukraine dare to defend itself:

Gabbard: "There’s no greater threat to that democracy than this fight against this war against Russia.”
Wow. That quote means...what?

I mean, if she was really against war and "warmongering," then one might think she would be opposed to Russia barnstorming in to Ukraine so they can set up a friendly puppet regime.

Apparently, she thinks that Russia is the victim? Russia...the country that annexed Crimea and all but invaded eastern Ukraine 9 years ago. Russia...the nation that has basically insisted that there IS NO "Ukraine," and it's really just historically Western Russia.

And IIRC, peace-monger Tulsi didn't say much about Russia's support of the brutal Assad regime in Syria. Yessir...that Vladimir Putin is a man of peace, and that's why this "war against Russia" is such a threat to...democracy. Because nobody loves democracy like Vlad.
I can't thing of a time when you've condemned the right for all the wars and military action that they have started.

Wow. It is almost as if I wasn't condemning the war on terror (tm) back when Bush was in office.

But you and Tulsi are very similar in one aspect: you claim to be anti war. Fine. Great deal! I'm anti-war also.

Even when a Democrat is in office? I was so disappointed when the anti-war left disappeared completely off the face of the Earth in January 2009. It is almost as if something significant happened in January 2009. Can you think of anything significant that happened in January 2009? I saw people who agreed with me suddenly disagree with me, even though my position hadn't changed. It was strange. Something important must have happened in January 2009.

Can you name any significant events in January 2009?
Wow. It's almost as if you were silent when the MAGA crowd wanted a war with Iran during Trump's presidency and was fine with exporting billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia so long as Jared made a cool buck from it.

Love your consistent anti-war stance. You know, considering those examples I just gave are a little more recent than a decade ago. I'm sure you can provide links that suggest that I am wrong. Posts you've made condemning such actions and all that.
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