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Special Counsel John Durham Exonerates Donald Trump of “Russiagate”

Just list the alleged fucking lies. I'm seriously done clicking on your videos. What have you been lied to about in your opinion?
I just think its hilarious that the video features Gabbard. Nope. Nothing to this whole Russia thing. Just ask Tulsi!
But isn't Gabbard a liberal?

I would not know what more to present or cite if you can not even listen to someone from your own democrat party.
No. Gabbard is not a liberal. She is also no longer a Democrat.
I mean, the other day Russian state TV was singing her praises and calling her their "friend." But nope. Nothing to see here. Move along...

Didn't she do a stint as Tucker Carlson with boobs?

Carlson is very popular amongst American enemies.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."

So now tell us excalty what causes to you believe the opposite? What evidence did you see that caused you to believe that? I am genuinely curious what you saw or read that caused you to conclude, “they were mad about the FBI.”

It didn’t spring our of nowhere. Something caused you to think that. What was it? Tell, us, maybe it will be compelling And we will all change our minds!

I'm not allowed to read this without giving conservative oligarch Rupert Murdoch money.
Sorry for the double post. The opinion piece was written by James Sasso, who was part of the team investigating the insurrectionists of Jan6. I was able to read the NYT article through "magical means", and basically RVonse has a serious comprehension problem. Sasso states that the people involved in the insurrection also believe the FBI can't be trusted. But that wasn't their motivation for their actions on that day. From the article;

I spent 12 months holed up in a windowless cubicle den or locked in my home office investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the United States Capitol and working on a report that my fellow investigators and I thought would blow open the story. When it was released, the press described it as “monumental.” This paper called it “damning.” And it was — for former President Donald Trump, since he bears primary responsibility for the attempted insurrection.

The article basically says that the people most likely to believe Trump's lies (Sasso used that exact phrase several times "Trump's lies") are people who are distrustful of the Government and that Trump exploited that to use them to promote his lies about election fraud and a stolen result. Basically, like I said, RVonse's response is a confession he can be easily manipulated by liars like Trump.

So now tell us excalty what causes to you believe the opposite? What evidence did you see that caused you to believe that? I am genuinely curious what you saw or read that caused you to conclude, “they were mad about the FBI.”

It didn’t spring our of nowhere. Something caused you to think that. What was it? Tell, us, maybe it will be compelling And we will all change our minds!
You realise that's basically a confession that you are easily swayed by other people's opinions?
I'm not allowed to read this without giving conservative oligarch Rupert Murdoch money.
Murdoch owns the New York Times?

No, just the NY Post and WSJ.

So now tell us excalty what causes to you believe the opposite? What evidence did you see that caused you to believe that? I am genuinely curious what you saw or read that caused you to conclude, “they were mad about the FBI.”

It didn’t spring our of nowhere. Something caused you to think that. What was it? Tell, us, maybe it will be compelling And we will all change our minds!
Your article opinion piece talks about how it was a distrust of government that caused them to go. A distrusty that DONALD TRUMP had been broadcasting and fomenting for 6 years.

So I see what made you think that, but I do not finding it convincing, let alone exonerating.

They distrusted the FBI because Trump tiold them, again and again, to distrust the FBI. But of course we all know they did not storm the FBI building. They stormed the capitol.

That doesn’t clarify things at all for you?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

The GOP may despise Commies, but they reckon gangsters are as American as Al Capone (as long as they're white, obviously).

Although it's not the 1920s or '30s anymore; These days we don't say "gangster", we say "oligarch".

Either way, the Russian gangsters oligarchs, just like the GOP, believe in the myth of the self-made man, and if he made himself on the back of the wielding of guns, and the subjugation of those who cringed in the face of violence, threats, and organised crime, then he's basically their ideal.

The major difference between Putin and Capone is that Capone's enemies had a tendency to slip and fall into the harbour after treading in some wet cement; While Putin's enemies have more of a tendency to stumble carelessly towards high windows. In all other respects, they're barely distinguishable.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

And yet, when they need something to rile up the blue hairs in Florida or the retiree's in Arizona, they trot out the old "communism" saw. They're especially leaning into this with China. Next time you see or hear a prominent Republican shill or politician opine on the subject, note that they never just say "China" or "the Chinese government." It is always "The Chinese Communist Party." Never mind that Xi and the rest of the outfit is communist much in the same way that the DPRK is a democratic republic, the GOP has some fear to monger. In a lot of ways, China is even more ruthlessly capitalist than the US. And overwhelmingly authoritarian to boot.

You'd think Republicans would love them as much as Russia, but then...they're not the right color. The right wing intones ominously about Tik Tok and Huawei phones (and some of that is justified) but had no qualms about appearing on RT America before it shuttered.
They're especially leaning into this with China.
The Chinese never renounced communism.

They're not communists, but they still say that they are.

The GOP can't stand anyone who says communism is good, or worse still, says that they themselves are communists.

Even if they obviously aren't.

It's never been about what anyone believes; It's about what they say they believe.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

And yet, when they need something to rile up the blue hairs in Florida or the retiree's in Arizona, they trot out the old "communism" saw. They're especially leaning into this with China. Next time you see or hear a prominent Republican shill or politician opine on the subject, note that they never just say "China" or "the Chinese government." It is always "The Chinese Communist Party." Never mind that Xi and the rest of the outfit is communist much in the same way that the DPRK is a democratic republic, the GOP has some fear to monger. In a lot of ways, China is even more ruthlessly capitalist than the US. And overwhelmingly authoritarian to boot.

You'd think Republicans would love them as much as Russia, but then...they're not the right color. The right wing intones ominously about Tik Tok and Huawei phones (and some of that is justified) but had no qualms about appearing on RT America before it shuttered.
As usual its got nothing to do with race, color, or even ideology. And it is fair to say that both Russia and China have influenced and bribed our political system with money, no argument. But since Russia's economy is about the size of Italy and China has an economy which is equal or larger than the US.... who do you think really has the power and access to bribe politicians? Who has the power to bribe the NBA? Especially taking into consideration China has expanded its influence into Africa while Russia can't even maintain its pre WW-2 territory? Just using plain common sense tells you China is the larger threat by order of magnitude. So the Republicans are guided by common sense but the Democrats are more guided by their post educations. But the Phd's really aren't relevant because no one is trained how to beat corruption brought on by the money.

So that is why the Republicans guided by common sense think China is the bigger threat. And they are right.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

The GOP may despise Commies, but they reckon gangsters are as American as Al Capone (as long as they're white, obviously).

Although it's not the 1920s or '30s anymore; These days we don't say "gangster", we say "oligarch".

Either way, the Russian gangsters oligarchs, just like the GOP, believe in the myth of the self-made man, and if he made himself on the back of the wielding of guns, and the subjugation of those who cringed in the face of violence, threats, and organised crime, then he's basically their ideal.

The major difference between Putin and Capone is that Capone's enemies had a tendency to slip and fall into the harbour after treading in some wet cement; While Putin's enemies have more of a tendency to stumble carelessly towards high windows. In all other respects, they're barely distinguishable.
I'm aware.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

And yet, when they need something to rile up the blue hairs in Florida or the retiree's in Arizona, they trot out the old "communism" saw. They're especially leaning into this with China. Next time you see or hear a prominent Republican shill or politician opine on the subject, note that they never just say "China" or "the Chinese government." It is always "The Chinese Communist Party." Never mind that Xi and the rest of the outfit is communist much in the same way that the DPRK is a democratic republic, the GOP has some fear to monger. In a lot of ways, China is even more ruthlessly capitalist than the US. And overwhelmingly authoritarian to boot.

You'd think Republicans would love them as much as Russia, but then...they're not the right color. The right wing intones ominously about Tik Tok and Huawei phones (and some of that is justified) but had no qualms about appearing on RT America before it shuttered.
It isn't just the racial issue. It's also that China is much more of a global economic power. China is viewed as an equal or even (whispered in silence) superior economic power--or at least a threat.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this thing where the American right wing is suddenly very...amenable?...to Russia.

I remember going to see Rocky IV on opening night in the local theater. The midnight show. Lots of blue collar (and some inebriated) Americans cheering on Rocky as he punched out Drago...proving that good old fashioned grit and determination could beat the evil Soviet science project. There was a guy in the row in front of us standing on his seat and yelling at the screen during the final fight, "yeah!!! Fuck him up Rocky!!!"

But it wasn't just the movies like Rocky IV, Red Dawn, and Firefox (not about a web browser). It was the "whisper campaign" (well, out loud shouting in some cases) that tried to paint Democrats as weak simps for the Russkies.

If you'd told me back then that a Republican candidate for President/then President/then candidate again would be praising Russian leadership, the fucking NRA would be taking Russian money, and the number one right wing TV host would be feted by Russian state media, I'd be like "I'm going down to the bomb shelter and coming out a few decades later when the world makes sense."

I mean, Trump stood on stage in Helsinki and publicly sided with Putin against US defense intelligence agencies, and here we have someone saying "yeah, I don't see the connection here."
I share your sense of disbelief that the right wing seems to be embracing Putin and Russia/Soviet Union. It’s like we’re in the upside down.

The Russians haven't been Soviets or Communists for three decades and counting.

And yet, when they need something to rile up the blue hairs in Florida or the retiree's in Arizona, they trot out the old "communism" saw. They're especially leaning into this with China. Next time you see or hear a prominent Republican shill or politician opine on the subject, note that they never just say "China" or "the Chinese government." It is always "The Chinese Communist Party." Never mind that Xi and the rest of the outfit is communist much in the same way that the DPRK is a democratic republic, the GOP has some fear to monger. In a lot of ways, China is even more ruthlessly capitalist than the US. And overwhelmingly authoritarian to boot.

You'd think Republicans would love them as much as Russia, but then...they're not the right color. The right wing intones ominously about Tik Tok and Huawei phones (and some of that is justified) but had no qualms about appearing on RT America before it shuttered.
As usual its got nothing to do with race, color, or even ideology. And it is fair to say that both Russia and China have influenced and bribed our political system with money, no argument. But since Russia's economy is about the size of Italy and China has an economy which is equal or larger than the US.... who do you think really has the power and access to bribe politicians? Who has the power to bribe the NBA? Especially taking into consideration China has expanded its influence into Africa while Russia can't even maintain its pre WW-2 territory? Just using plain common sense tells you China is the larger threat by order of magnitude. So the Republicans are guided by common sense but the Democrats are more guided by their post educations. But the Phd's really aren't relevant because no one is trained how to beat corruption brought on by the money.

So that is why the Republicans guided by common sense think China is the bigger threat. And they are right.
Where to start? Hmm...let's start at the end of your comment. I see where you're coming from. Republicans are "guided by common sense" while those uppity Democrats with their "college educations" are off base. Typical populism. Appeal to the "common man." Yes, friends, the GOP - led by people like the private-school educated Trump and the Ivy League debater Ted Cruz, are just regular folks like you and me! People you could sit down and have a beer with...like George W. Bush...a 3rd generation multi-millionaire who went to middle-class Yale University!

But we were talking about China for some reason...in a thread you started about Russia. So let's do that. If you think Republicans aren't neck-deep in money from that nation, then I've got you some Trump Ties I'd like to sell you. Did you miss the part where Ivanka used her position at the White House (but Hunter Biden! Nepotism!) to secure millions of dollars in business with Chinese companies? It looks like you did!

Truth is, the US has been importing products "Made in China" for decades, so you pretending the business-friendly party of unabashed capitalism has had nothing to do with that is laughable. Do you also think that companies who do business in China (General Motors, Apple, Wal Mart, to name a few) don't make generous contributions to Republican politicians? As you said, you have "no argument" there. So suggesting that the GOP is standing stalwartly against "the yellow peril" from China is kind of ridiculous.

And sure...Russia's economy is a fraction of the size of China's. Is China's bigger than the US? No, but they are certainly more of a near-peer than Russia. Yet for some weird reason, Trump gave an outsized welcome to Putin. He lobbied for a Trump Tower in Moscow...not Beijing. He stood on a stage in Helsinki and proclaimed his loyalty to Putin over his own US intelligence services. He had his own hand-picked Attorney General hire a hand-picked special prosecutor whose only job was to exonerate him from the "Rusher, Rusher, Rusher" thing.

Which is...kinda odd, don't you think? Why would a US President go so far to discredit any sort of inquiry into his ties to a country with an economy the size of Italy, while at the same time having all of his merchandise manufactured in the country that is - in your words - "the larger thread by order of magnitude?"

'Tis a mystery....
While it's true that the Russian economy (even before the Ukraine war and sanctions) is similar in size to Italy's, and that the Chinese economy is approaching the size of the US economy, I am underconvinced that this gives a useful picture of their power in the world. Certainly it's only one part of the wider economic picture.

Economies must first feed, clothe and house their people, before they look to world domination. And the GDP per capita figures paint a very different picture, with Russia and China roughly equal, at about one third of the per capita GDP of Italy, and about a sixth of that of the USA.
Republicans guided by common sense
I have seen zero evidence that any such animal still exists.
They're mostly in hiding on the national stage. In part because their common sense tells them that's their only shot at survival.

I'm really sorry that they are allowing their own personal interests in maintaining power and control outweigh their moral and ethical concerns.
Republicans guided by common sense
I have seen zero evidence that any such animal still exists.
They're mostly in hiding on the national stage. In part because their common sense tells them that's their only shot at survival.

I'm really sorry that they are allowing their own personal interests in maintaining power and control outweigh their moral and ethical concerns.
But is it really common sense, or is it "pander to the least common denominator" and hope that let's them cling to power?

Here in Arizona, our losing candidate in the governor's race (Kari Lake) has been smacked down repeatedly by the courts...which are filled with Republican elected and appointed judges. At the moment they're teetering on the edge of saying "listen...you lost. Get over it. If you keep up with this we're going to sanction your attorneys."

Yet she keeps at it. Because somewhere along the line she and her backers decided that "common sense" wasn't the way to power and control. It was "the election was stolen from us and we won't concede...ever." That's where the money is. She gets to keep raising funds so long as she keeps fighting, and the funds are probably now being channeled into her Senate campaign for 2024. Well...that, and paying for her lavish lifestyle in the interim.

Common sense? If you applied a little bit, you might realize that while crazy wins the primary, it doesn't win the general. As the demographics of the country shifts towards younger and more diverse people, it will only get worse for them. Common sense would tell you "okay, we lost in 2020, we didn't win anywhere near as big as we thought in 2022, and maybe we should adjust our way of thinking to appeal to the new generation of voters."

They're not doing that. It's all "argle bargle we need to stop the woke, the BLM, and teh gays from our children. Boycott Target, Bud Light, and Disney! Everyone but us is a communist! Duck and cover!"

And while it might not give them power by winning elections, it raises a lot of money and helps them "keep fighting" (grifting) for as long as possible. Trump has raised hundreds of millions of dollars since he left office. Will he get back in? Unlikely, but - indictments and judgements notwithstanding - he's walking away with hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions of adoring followers.

If you can garner all that money and power while still losing elections, have you really lost?
Court transcriptions are freely available to everyone. All you have to do to prove me wrong is to link just one such instance where this happened. Go ahead, I'll wait. Just keep in mind not even the Qanon Shaman, whom you incorrectly think is innocent ever mentioned FBI investigations as a motive during his trial.

Back to my original question, list the "lies" that you believe have been said about Trump.
Freely? My memory is that PACER is only free for light enough use--you can look something up but searching through all their cases is way past the free limit.
Easily I guess is more appropriate. I'm also certain just about every Jan6 trial was reported by one media outlet or another. If what RVonse is saying is true, there would be some indication of that. People like Tucker Carlson would be putting them on a pedestal saying, "Look what Joey Blogs said at his trial. He's a true patriot, he knows the corruption the Deep State had done! Listen to his own words in court!". Instead they were all permutations of "I fell for Donald Trump's lies".
This I will agree with. If good evidence exists why has it not been produced? The more bad evidence you see for a position the more likely there is no good evidence for it.
If I were defending a client in a case that could send them to federal prison for years, it would be prudent to explore ALL avenues to exonerate them. Not get them a reduced sentence, but get them out of legal jeopardy completely.

Proof that the FBI was behind the whole shebang? That would be a helluva defense. Sure, you don't want them to "sound like a conspiracy theorist," but to hear the right wing tell it, there WAS a conspiracy, and the evidence (not only of the FBI frame-up job, but of the alleged election fraud) is right there for everyone to see. I'm willing to bet that at many of these defendants went into the initial meeting with their attorneys believing this was an undeniable fact, and that they could prove it. I'm willing to bet that at least some of the attorneys entertained the notion.
Or the lawyers aren't interested--remember what we just saw in Georgia--the lawyers were being paid by the QOP and failed to pass along offers of immunity deals.
I do agree, though, that anything that the QOP would like certainly wouldn't be ignored.
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