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Teabaggers Fall For Death Panels Story: Dorothy Zborknak Has Been Executed


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs
Politifact has published a "Pants On Fire" response to a story making the rounds in Teabagistan which claims that Obamacare death panels have "executed their first patient." From the story:

According to recent reports, a group of death panels organized under Obamacare ordered their first execution. "Following a hearing by the president’s Patient Resource Efficiency Board (PREB), 86-year-old Dorothy Zborknak has been ordered to death. The reason? According to the administration, she is no longer useful. "Zborknak worked at Fleur de Lis Florist in Chicago for nearly forty years, before she made the decision to retire in 1998. Since that time, she has struggled with a host of health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney failure. Unfortunately, the cost of her care just became too expensive," claims Peter Johnston, a member of the Chicago PREB. "Under the Affordable Care Act, we have the power to make choices about end of life care and I stand by our ruling. I know it will be hard for the family to accept what’s going to happen. But from a financial standpoint, this was a very easy decision."
Pot8o, whenever you post a link from that blog, please delete the "#" and everything after it.

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To comment on the story, it must be really bad when even Politifact admits that a conservative was wrong about something.
Interesting that the teabaggers fear 'death panels', saying they will kill people who are "no longer useful", yet some of these are the same people who want to get rid of Medicaid, welfare, social security, any anything else that helps people who can't work. Maybe it is not a death panel if you don't execute them yourself, and instead just toss them into the wilderness for the wolves to find?
Interesting that the teabaggers fear 'death panels', saying they will kill people who are "no longer useful", yet some of these are the same people who want to get rid of Medicaid, welfare, social security, any anything else that helps people who can't work. Maybe it is not a death panel if you don't execute them yourself, and instead just toss them into the wilderness for the wolves to find?

Providing free or subsidized healthcare for most but not all conditions and situations is a death panel. Providing it for all conditions and situations is communism. Not providing it at all is freedom. Get it right!
So the healthcare system failed. At some point in the dying process, hospice care is really all that is practical for the patient as well as the healthcare provider. So-called "heroic" life extension regimens become ever more painful and ever more hopeless as body degeneration continues. That is why there is such a thing as hospice care. My mother broke her hip at age 85. It was already a hip replacement. She had a 12 year old stent in a coronary artery. She had already been through numerous cancer operations. The hospital sent her home and failed to notify the hospice people. That was the only problem with the care she received. When a visiting nurse noticed her rapid decline, she set up the hospice care and my mother died at home and not in extreme pain two weeks later. This all happened in 2006 under Medicare and MediCal. Obamacare did not even exist. Life itself is always a death panel. It is my guess that this Dorothy had quality care as well. These decision have ALWAYS BEEN MADE...BY PATIENTS, FAMILIES, AND SOMETIMES HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS.

These tea baggers need to grow up and face reality.:rolleyes:
This is an outrage.

Not because they got Dorothy's occupation wrong. Not because they got the photo wrong.

Because everyone knows it should have been Rose Nylund.
Teabagger harping on death panels is a case of projection--that's what they want to do!
Is "Pants on Fire" anywhere close enough to describe this?

This is hysterical willfull ignorance. But just remember, the Democrats are just as bad trying to pass the ACA.
Is "Pants on Fire" anywhere close enough to describe this?

This is hysterical willfull ignorance. But just remember, the Democrats are just as bad trying to pass the ACA.

The ACA is in fact a very poor program, compared with what 70% of Americans wanted. It is however better than no program at all, and Reich thinks it might actually be amendable to single payer when the dinosaur Republican party gets out of the way. I might add; some Democratic party dinosaurs would also have to get out of the way.
Is "Pants on Fire" anywhere close enough to describe this?

This is hysterical willfull ignorance. But just remember, the Democrats are just as bad trying to pass the ACA.

The ACA is in fact a very poor program, compared with what 70% of Americans wanted. It is however better than no program at all, and Reich thinks it might actually be amendable to single payer when the dinosaur Republican party gets out of the way. I might add; some Democratic party dinosaurs would also have to get out of the way.
Yes. We know that despite the pant shitting from the right-wing... if they had proposed a health reform plan, it would have been more RomneyCare like the ACA. The idea that the Republicans want a compromise to the existing plan seems somewhat radical. Might be the reason they are having a problem coming up with an alternative.
Here's the facebook post if you want even more laughs. https://www.facebook.com/ThePatriotReview/posts/336040856586496

No matter how many people post "It's satire," the outrage continues.
I notice a lot of people showing their love of and respect for The LORD in the comments.
I don't notice anyone taking up a collection for Dorothy Zborknak, or asking where to send donations...
Maybe showing Chri$tian love in financial $upport would interfere in their enjoyment of their outrage.
Is "Pants on Fire" anywhere close enough to describe this?

This is hysterical willfull ignorance. But just remember, the Democrats are just as bad trying to pass the ACA.

No, the Democrats are worse for supporting the ACA. That's what turned America into a communist dictatorship and destroyed all our freedoms, don't you know? ;)
Here's the facebook post if you want even more laughs. https://www.facebook.com/ThePatriotReview/posts/336040856586496

No matter how many people post "It's satire," the outrage continues.
I notice a lot of people showing their love of and respect for The LORD in the comments.
I don't notice anyone taking up a collection for Dorothy Zborknak, or asking where to send donations...
Maybe showing Chri$tian love in financial $upport would interfere in their enjoyment of their outrage.

Such is the disease of religion. :(
Interesting that the teabaggers fear 'death panels', saying they will kill people who are "no longer useful", yet some of these are the same people who want to get rid of Medicaid, welfare, social security, any anything else that helps people who can't work. Maybe it is not a death panel if you don't execute them yourself, and instead just toss them into the wilderness for the wolves to find?
crjq ^^^ that
It is disgraceful that some nameless government bureaucrat should be able to choose who does or does not get expensive medical treatment.

That choice should be in the hands of some nameless insurance company bureaucrat, as God intended.
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